Source code for shotgun_fields.file_link_widget

# Copyright (c) 2016 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.

import os

import sgtk
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtCore, QtGui
from .label_base_widget import ElidedLabelBaseWidget
from .shotgun_field_meta import ShotgunFieldMeta

# ensures access to `link_menu.png`
from .ui import resources_rc

[docs]class FileLinkWidget(ElidedLabelBaseWidget, metaclass=ShotgunFieldMeta): """ Display a ``url`` field value as returned by the Shotgun API. The ``FileLinkWidget`` represents both the ``DISPLAY`` and ``EDITOR`` widget type. """ _DISPLAY_TYPE = "url" _EDITOR_TYPE = "url"
[docs] def enable_editing(self, enable): """ Enable or disable editing of the widget. This is provided as required for widgets that are used as both editor and display. :param bool enable: ``True`` to enable, ``False`` to disable """ self._editable = enable self._update_btn_position()
def eventFilter(self, obj, event): """ Filters out mouse enter/leave events in order to show/hide the edit menu when the widget is editable. :param obj: The watched object. :type obj: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QObject` :param event: The filtered event. :type event: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QEvent` :return: True if the event was processed, False otherwise """ if obj == self and self._editable: if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Enter: self._update_btn_position() elif event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.Leave: self._popup_btn.hide() return False
[docs] def setup_widget(self): """ Prepare the widget for display. Called by the metaclass during initialization. """ self._editable = False self._popup_btn = QtGui.QPushButton(self) self._popup_btn.setIcon(QtGui.QIcon(":/qtwidgets-shotgun-fields/link_menu.png")) self._popup_btn.setFixedSize(QtCore.QSize(18, 12)) self._popup_btn.hide() if not self._delegate: # not sure why, but when the widget is being used in a delegate, # this causes editor to close immediately when clicked. self._popup_btn.setFocusPolicy(QtCore.Qt.NoFocus) # make sure there's never a bg color or border self._popup_btn.setStyleSheet("background-color: none; border: none;") # ---- actions # each of the different types use the same callback, but they display # different text depending on the current value # upload self._upload_file_action = QtGui.QAction("Upload File", self) self._upload_file_action.triggered.connect(self._upload_file) self._edit_upload_file_action = QtGui.QAction("Upload New File", self) self._edit_upload_file_action.triggered.connect(self._upload_file) self._replace_with_upload_file_action = QtGui.QAction( "Replace with Uploaded File", self ) self._replace_with_upload_file_action.triggered.connect(self._upload_file) # web self._web_page_link_action = QtGui.QAction("Link to Web Page", self) self._web_page_link_action.triggered.connect(self._edit_link) self._edit_web_page_link_action = QtGui.QAction("Edit Web Page Link", self) self._edit_web_page_link_action.triggered.connect(self._edit_link) self._replace_with_web_page_link_action = QtGui.QAction( "Replace with Web Page Link", self ) self._replace_with_web_page_link_action.triggered.connect(self._edit_link) # local self._local_path_action = QtGui.QAction("Link to Local File or Directory", self) self._local_path_action.triggered.connect(self._browse_local) self._edit_local_path_action = QtGui.QAction( "Edit Local File or Directory", self ) self._edit_local_path_action.triggered.connect(self._browse_local) self._replace_with_local_path_action = QtGui.QAction( "Replace with Local File or Directory", self ) self._replace_with_local_path_action.triggered.connect(self._browse_local) # remove self._remove_link_action = QtGui.QAction("Remove File/Link", self) self._remove_link_action.triggered.connect(self._remove_link) self.installEventFilter(self) self._display_default() self._update_btn_position() # ---- connect signals self._popup_btn.clicked.connect(self._on_popup_btn_click) self.linkActivated.connect(self._on_link_activated)
def _browse_local(self): """ Opens a file browser for choosing a local file for the field. If a file is selected, this method emits the ``value_changed`` signal and upates the stored value. """ # prompt the user for a file. this always returns a tuple, the second # value being the path (or None) file_path = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, caption="Link to Local File or Directory", options=QtGui.QFileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks, )[0] # make sure we have a valid path if not file_path or not os.path.exists(file_path): return self.clear() file_path = str(file_path) # emit the value changed signal. build a fake value for now that # will presumably be updated via calling code self._value = { "name": os.path.split(file_path)[-1], "link_type": "local", "url": None, "local_path": file_path, } self._display_value(self._value) self.value_changed.emit() def _display_default(self): """ Display the default value of the widget. """ self.clear() def _edit_link(self): """ Opens a custom dialog for the user to input a url and display name. """ url = None display = None # get the current url and display if the current link is a web link if self._value and self._value["link_type"] == "web": url = self._value.get("url", None) display = self._value.get("name", None) # prompt the user edit_link_dialog = _EditWebLinkDialog(self, url, display) result = edit_link_dialog.exec_() if result == QtGui.QDialog.Rejected: return self.clear() # emit the value changed signal. build a fake value for now that # will presumably be updated via calling code self._value = { "name": edit_link_dialog.display, "link_type": "web", "url": edit_link_dialog.url, } self._display_value(self._value) self.value_changed.emit() def _on_link_activated(self, url): """ Open the displayed link in an appropriate way. Called when a user clicks the link. :param url: The url for the clicked link. """ if self._value: link_type = self._value["link_type"] else: link_type = None if self._value.get("link_type") == "upload": # the uploaded urls have timeouts built in. query the current # value before continuing sg = self._bundle.shotgun result = sg.find_one( self._entity["type"], [["id", "is", self._entity["id"]]], [self._field_name], ) if not result: return url = result[self._field_name]["url"] # PTR returns an encoded url already. make sure it doesn't get # a second encoding pass (the default translation from python str # to QUrl seems to assume the str is not encoded). url = QtCore.QUrl.fromEncoded(url) # display the url appropriately if url: QtGui.QDesktopServices.openUrl(url) def _on_popup_btn_click(self): """ Display a context menu based on the current field value. """ popup_menu = QtGui.QMenu() if self._value: link_type = self._value["link_type"] else: link_type = None if not link_type: # no link type, display options for each type popup_menu.addAction(self._upload_file_action) popup_menu.addAction(self._web_page_link_action) popup_menu.addAction(self._local_path_action) elif link_type == "upload": popup_menu.addAction(self._edit_upload_file_action) popup_menu.addAction(self._replace_with_web_page_link_action) popup_menu.addAction(self._replace_with_local_path_action) popup_menu.addAction(self._remove_link_action) elif link_type == "web": popup_menu.addAction(self._replace_with_upload_file_action) popup_menu.addAction(self._edit_web_page_link_action) popup_menu.addAction(self._replace_with_local_path_action) popup_menu.addAction(self._remove_link_action) elif link_type == "local": popup_menu.addAction(self._replace_with_upload_file_action) popup_menu.addAction(self._replace_with_web_page_link_action) popup_menu.addAction(self._edit_local_path_action) popup_menu.addAction(self._remove_link_action) # show the menu below the button popup_menu.exec_( self._popup_btn.mapToGlobal(QtCore.QPoint(0, self._popup_btn.height())) ) def _remove_link(self): """ Called when user selects the menu option to clear the value. """ # clear the value of the field, emit the ``value_changed`` signal. self.clear() self._value = {"name": None, "link_type": None, "url": None} self._display_value(self._value) self.value_changed.emit() def _string_value(self, value): """ Convert the Shotgun value for this field into a string :param value: The value to convert into a string :type value: A dictionary as returned by the Shotgun API for a url field """ utils = self._bundle.import_module("utils") if value["link_type"] in ["web", "upload"]: url = value["url"] img_src = ":/qtwidgets-shotgun-fields/link_%s.png" % (value["link_type"],) hyperlink = utils.get_hyperlink_html(url, value.get("name", url)) str_val = "<span><img src='%s'>&nbsp;%s</span>" % (img_src, hyperlink) elif value["link_type"] == "local": local_path = value["local_path"] # for file on OS that differs from the current OS, this will # result in the display of the full path rather than just the # file basename.ext (the PTR behavior). file_name = os.path.split(local_path)[-1] img_src = ":/qtwidgets-shotgun-fields/link_%s.png" % (value["link_type"],) hyperlink = utils.get_hyperlink_html(local_path, file_name) str_val = "<span><img src='%s'>&nbsp;%s</span>" % (img_src, hyperlink) else: str_val = "" return str_val def _update_btn_position(self): """ Ensures the menu button is displayed properly in relation to the label text. """ # `line_width` is the elided width of the line in pixels. use this as a # starting point for where to place the menu button x = self.line_width + 4 # if the label is too wide, move the button inside the visible rectangle visible_width = self.visibleRegion().boundingRect().width() if (x + self._popup_btn.width()) > visible_width: x = self.visibleRegion().boundingRect().width() - self._popup_btn.width() self._popup_btn.move(x, -2) def _upload_file(self): """ Opens a file browser for uploading a file for the field. If a file is selected, this method emits the ``value_changed`` signal and upates the stored value. """ # prompt the user for a file. this always returns a tuple, the second # value being the path (or None) file_path = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, caption="Choose a File to Upload", options=QtGui.QFileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks, )[0] if not file_path or not os.path.exists(file_path): return self.clear() file_path = str(file_path) # emit the value changed signal. build a fake value for now that # will presumably be updated via calling code self._value = { "name": os.path.split(file_path)[-1], "link_type": "upload", "url": file_path, } self._display_value(self._value) self.value_changed.emit()
class _EditWebLinkDialog(QtGui.QDialog): """ Class for prompting the user for link url and aname """ def __init__(self, parent=None, url=None, display=None): """ Initialize the dialog. :param parent: Optional parent widget :param url: Optional url to insert it the input :param display: Optional display name to :return: """ super().__init__(parent) self.setMinimumWidth(350) url = url display = display self.setWindowTitle("Link to Web Page") # url input url_lbl = QtGui.QLabel("<h3>Web page address</h3>") self._url_input = QtGui.QLineEdit() if url: self._url_input.setText(url) self._url_input.selectAll() # display input display_lbl = QtGui.QLabel("Optional display name") self._display_input = QtGui.QLineEdit() if display: self._display_input.setText(display) self._display_input.selectAll() # get the highlight color btn_color = sgtk.platform.current_bundle().style_constants["SG_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR"] btn_palette = self.palette() btn_palette.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.Button, btn_color) # color the button to match the PTR version. self._add_link_btn = QtGui.QPushButton("Add Link") self._add_link_btn.setEnabled(False) self._add_link_btn.setPalette(btn_palette) cancel_btn = QtGui.QPushButton("Cancel") # put the buttons together. Didn't user QDialogButtonBox since can't # control the order btn_box = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() btn_box.addStretch() btn_box.addWidget(cancel_btn) btn_box.addWidget(self._add_link_btn) layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self) layout.addWidget(url_lbl) layout.addWidget(self._url_input) layout.addWidget(display_lbl) layout.addWidget(self._display_input) layout.addLayout(btn_box) # signals self._url_input.textChanged.connect(self._check_url) self._add_link_btn.clicked.connect(self.accept) cancel_btn.clicked.connect(self.reject) def _check_url(self, text): """ Enable add link button if the url is valid, disable otherwise :param text: The typed text """ url = QtCore.QUrl(text) self._add_link_btn.setEnabled(url.isValid()) @property def url(self): """:obj:`str` url entered by the user.""" return self._url_input.text() @property def display(self): """:obj:`str` display name entered by the user.""" return self._display_input.text()