# Copyright (c) 2017 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.
import sgtk
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtCore, QtGui
from .search_completer import SearchCompleter
shotgun_model = sgtk.platform.import_framework(
"tk-framework-shotgunutils", "shotgun_model"
[docs]class HierarchicalSearchCompleter(SearchCompleter):
A standalone :class:`PySide.QtGui.QCompleter` class for matching PTR entities to typed text.
If defaults to searching inside the current context's project and to only show entities.
:signal: ``node_activated(str, int, str, str, list)`` - Fires when someone activates a
node inside the search results. The parameters are ``type``, ``id``, ``name``,
``label_path`` and ``incremental_path``. If the node activated is not an entity,
``type`` and ``id`` will be ``None``.
:modes: ``MODE_LOADING, MODE_NOT_FOUND, MODE_RESULT`` - Used to identify the
mode of an item in the completion list
:model role: ``MODE_ROLE`` - Stores the mode of an item in the completion
list (see modes above)
:model role: ``SG_DATA_ROLE`` - Role for storing shotgun data in the model
# path label, entity type, entity id, name, incremental path
node_activated = QtCore.Signal(str, int, str, str, list)
def __init__(self, parent=None):
:param parent: Parent widget
:type parent: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QWidget`
self.search_root = self._bundle.context.project
self.show_entities_only = True
self.seed_entity_field = "PublishedFile.entity"
def _get_search_root(self):
The entity under which the search will be done. If ``None``, the search will be done
for the whole site.
The entity is a ``dict`` with keys ``id`` and ``type``. Note that only ``Project`` entities
are supported at the moment.
return self._search_root
def _set_search_root(self, entity):
See getter documentation.
self._search_root = entity
search_root = property(_get_search_root, _set_search_root)
def _get_show_entities_only(self):
Indicates if only entities will be shown in the search results.
If set to ``True``, only entities will be shown.
return self._show_entities_only
def _set_show_entities_only(self, is_set):
See getter documentation.
self._show_entities_only = is_set
show_entities_only = property(_get_show_entities_only, _set_show_entities_only)
def _get_seed_entity_field(self):
The seed entity to use when searching for entity.
Can be ``PublishedFile.entity`` or ``Version.entity``.
return self._seed_entity_field
def _set_seed_entity_field(self, seed_entity_field):
See setter documentation.
self._seed_entity_field = seed_entity_field
seed_entity_field = property(_get_seed_entity_field, _set_seed_entity_field)
def _set_item_delegate(self, popup, text):
Sets the item delegate for the popup widget.
:param popup: Qt Popup widget receiving the delegate.
:paarm text: Text from the current search.
# deferred import to help documentation generation.
from .hierarchical_search_result_delegate import (
self._delegate = HierarchicalSearchResultDelegate(popup, text)
def _launch_sg_search(self, text):
Launches a search on the Shotgun server.
:param str text: Text to search for.
:returns: The :class:`~tk-framework-shotgunutils:shotgun_data.ShotgunDataRetriever`'s job id.
# FIXME: Ideally we would use the nav_search_entity endpoint to compute the path to the root.
# Unfortunately there is a bug a the moment that prevents this.
if not self._search_root:
root_path = "/"
root_path = "/Project/%d" % self._search_root.get("id")
return self._sg_data_retriever.execute_nav_search_string(
root_path, text, self._seed_entity_field
def _handle_search_results(self, data):
Populates the model associated with the completer with the data coming back from Shotgun.
:param dict data: Data received back from the job sent to the
:class:`~tk-framework-shotgunutils:shotgun_data.ShotgunDataRetriever` in :method:``_launch_sg_search``.
data_matches = data["sg"]
# When showing only entities, skip entries that aren't.
if self._show_entities_only:
data_matches = list(
lambda x: x["ref"]["type"] is not None
and x["ref"]["id"] is not None,
if len(data_matches) == 0:
item = QtGui.QStandardItem("No matches found!")
item.setData(self.MODE_NOT_FOUND, self.MODE_ROLE)
# Payload looks like:
# [
# {
# "label": "bunny_020",
# "incremental_path": [
# "/Project/65",
# "/Project/65/Shot",
# "/Project/65/Shot/sg_sequence/Sequence/5"
# ],
# "path_label": "Shots",
# "ref": {
# "id": 5,
# "type": "Sequence"
# },
# "project_id": 65
# },
# ...
# ]
# insert new data into model
for data in data_matches:
item = QtGui.QStandardItem(data["label"])
item.setData(self.MODE_RESULT, self.MODE_ROLE)
item.setData(shotgun_model.sanitize_for_qt_model(data), self.SG_DATA_ROLE)
data_type = data["ref"]["type"]
data_id = data["ref"]["id"]
if data_type and data_id and self._sg_data_retriever:
uid = self._sg_data_retriever.request_thumbnail_source(
data_type, data_id, load_image=True
self._thumb_map[uid] = {"item": item}
[docs] def get_result(self, model_index):
Returns an item from the result list.
Here's an example::
"label": "bunny_020",
"incremental_path": [
"path_label": "Shots",
"ref": {
"id": 5,
"type": "Sequence"
"project_id": 65
:param model_index: The index of the model to return the result for.
:type model_index: :class:`~PySide.QtCore.QModelIndex`
:return: The ``dict`` for the supplied model index.
:rtype: ``dict`` or ``None``
mode = shotgun_model.get_sanitized_data(model_index, self.MODE_ROLE)
if mode == self.MODE_RESULT:
# get the payload
data = shotgun_model.get_sanitized_data(model_index, self.SG_DATA_ROLE)
return data
return None
def _on_select(self, model_index):
Called by the base class when something was selected in the pop-up. Emits
the ``node_activated`` event.
:param model_index: :class:`QtModelIndex` of the item that was selected.
data = self.get_result(model_index)
if data:
# Let it be known that something was picked.