# Copyright (c) 2015 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtCore, QtGui
from .ui import resources_rc
[docs]class ShotgunPlaybackLabel(QtGui.QLabel):
Subclassed ``QLabel`` that displays a playback icon
centered above its content.
While it is technically possible to use
this label with text based content, we strongly recommend
using it with a pixmap. Typically this is a Shotgun thumbnail.
By populating an instance with shotgun version data
via the :meth:`set_shotgun_data()` method, the label
will look at the data and determine whether a playback
icon should be displayed or not. In the case an icon is
displayed, a playback_clicked signal may be emitted.
:signal playback_clicked(dict): The playback icon was clicked.
This signal passes the shotgun version data specified in
via the :meth:`set_shotgun_data()` method back
to the caller.
# signal fires when the play button was clicked
playback_clicked = QtCore.Signal(dict)
def __init__(self, parent):
:param parent: QT parent object
QtGui.QLabel.__init__(self, parent)
self._play_icon = QtGui.QPixmap(
self._play_icon_inactive = QtGui.QPixmap(
self._sg_data = None
self._hover = False
self._playable = False
self._interactive = True
[docs] def set_shotgun_data(self, sg_data):
Sets shotgun data associated with this label.
This data will be used to drive the logic which is
used to determine if the label should exhibit the playback icon or not.
If you for example are passing a Shotgun data dictionary reprensenting
a version, make sure to include the various quicktime and frame fields.
:param sg_data: Shotgun data dictionary
self._sg_data = sg_data
# based on the data, figure out if the icon should be active or not
self._playable = False
if sg_data and sg_data.get("type") == "Version":
# versions are supported
if sg_data.get("sg_uploaded_movie"):
self._playable = True
if self.playable and self.interactive:
def playable(self):
Returns True if the label is playable given its current Shotgun data.
return self._playable
def _get_interactive(self):
Whether a playable label is interactive. If it is not, then the play
icon will not be overlayed on the thumbnail image, and the playback
signal will not be emitted on click event.
return self._interactive
def _set_interactive(self, state):
self._interactive = bool(state)
if self.playable and self._interactive:
interactive = QtCore.Property(bool, _get_interactive, _set_interactive)
def enterEvent(self, event):
Fires when the mouse enters the widget space
QtGui.QLabel.enterEvent(self, event)
if self.playable and self.interactive:
self._hover = True
def leaveEvent(self, event):
Fires when the mouse leaves the widget space
QtGui.QLabel.leaveEvent(self, event)
if self.playable and self.interactive:
self._hover = False
def mousePressEvent(self, event):
Fires when the mouse is pressed
QtGui.QLabel.mousePressEvent(self, event)
if self.playable and self._hover and self.interactive:
def paintEvent(self, event):
Render the UI.
# first render the label
QtGui.QLabel.paintEvent(self, event)
if self.playable and self.interactive:
# now render a pixmap on top
painter = QtGui.QPainter()
# set up semi transparent backdrop
# draw image
(painter.device().width() / 2) - (self._play_icon.width() / 2),
(painter.device().height() / 2) - (self._play_icon.height() / 2),
if self._hover:
painter.drawPixmap(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0), self._play_icon)
painter.drawPixmap(QtCore.QPoint(0, 0), self._play_icon_inactive)