# Copyright (c) 2021 Autodesk Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the ShotGrid Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the ShotGrid Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Autodesk Inc.
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import numbers
import sgtk
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtCore
from tank_vendor.shotgun_api3 import sg_timezone
[docs]class FilterItem(object):
Class object to encapsulate all the necessary data to filter model index data.
A FilterItem properties:
filter type:
This determines how the incoming data is processed and filtered, and is most
likely determined based on the filter value data type. See supported filter types
in FilterType enum class.
This determines the operation that is applied on filtering the data. See supported
filter operations in FilterOp enum class.
This is the value that incoming data is compared against, when filtering. For group
filter items, this will be the list of filter items the group uses for filtering.
This is a convenience property to access the filter items for a group filter.
The model item data role that will be used to extract the data from incoming indexes
to be filtered. This is optional, but if not defined, then a `data_func` must be
This is a function that is used to extract the data from incoming indexes to be
filterd. This is option, but if not defined, then a `filter_role` must be defined.
To filter an index by a FilterItem, call the `accepts` method, e.g.:
To filter an index by a group of FilterItems, the `accept` method can be used the same as non-group
filters, or the classmethod FilterItem.do_filter(index, filters, filter_op) may be used. When filtering
using groups of FilterItems, the individual results of the FilterItem accept tests are AND'ed or OR'ed
together based on the group. The filter groups can be nested by including a group filter in the group
filters list.
[docs] class FilterOp(object):
Enum class for filter operations.
AND = "and"
OR = "or"
IS_TRUE = "true"
IS_FALSE = "false"
IN = "in"
NOT_IN = "!in"
EQUAL = "="
NOT_EQUAL = "!="
# The valid filter operations. Any type added above must be added to this tuple.
[docs] class FilterType(object):
Enum class for filter types.
BOOL = "bool"
STR = "str"
NUMBER = "number"
LIST = "list"
DICT = "dict"
DATE = "date"
DATETIME = "date_time"
# Special type used for grouping filter items
GROUP = "group"
# The valid filter types. Any type added above must be added to this tuple.
# A mapping of data types to the basic set of filter types defined here, to keep a small
# consistent set of types. This is mostly for mapping PTR data types.
"text": STR,
"status_list": STR,
"date": DATETIME,
"url": DICT,
"entity": DICT,
"multi_entity": LIST,
# The default operation for a given filter type.
FilterType.LIST: FilterOp.IN,
FilterType.STR: FilterOp.EQUAL,
FilterType.NUMBER: FilterOp.EQUAL,
FilterType.BOOL: FilterOp.EQUAL,
FilterType.DICT: FilterOp.EQUAL,
FilterType.DATETIME: FilterOp.EQUAL,
FilterType.GROUP: FilterOp.AND,
# Datetime objects may be processed into a 'bucket' for filtering.
"Far Future",
"Long Ago",
"Last Few Months",
"Next Few Months",
"Last Few Weeks",
"Last Week",
"This Week",
"Next Week",
"Next Few Weeks",
"No Date",
def __init__(
Validate the data on creating the object.
:param filter_type: The data type for the filter
:type filter_type: FilterType
:param filter_op: The operation the filter will apply.
:type filter_op: FilterOp
:param filter_role: An item data role to extract the index data to filter based on (optional).
:type filter_role: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole`
:param data_func: A function that can be called to extract the index data to filter based on (optional).
NOTE: if a filter_role is defined, this will have no effect.
:param filter_value: The value the item's data will be filtered by (optional). This value may be set
later (dynamically), if not known at time of init.
:type filter_value: The data type for this filter
:param filters: A list of FilterItem objects (optional). This is used for group filters; this list of
filter items are the group of filters to apply to the data.
:type filters: list<FilterItem>
is_group_filter = filter_type is self.FilterType.GROUP
has_group_op = self.is_group_op(filter_op)
if is_group_filter != has_group_op:
raise TypeError(
("Group filter types can only be used with group filter operations"),
("and non-group filters types can not use group filter operations"),
# For non group filter items, there must be a filter role or data function passed so that index data
# can be retrieved on checking if an index is accepted by the filter item.
if not is_group_filter and filter_role is None and data_func is None:
raise ValueError(
"Missing required 'filter_role' or 'data_func' to create FilterItem object"
self._id = filter_id
self.filter_type = filter_type
self.filter_op = filter_op
self.filter_value = filter_value
self.filter_role = filter_role
self.data_func = data_func
# Define a look up for filter function based on the filter type.
self._filter_funcs_by_type = {
self.FilterType.BOOL: self.is_bool_valid,
self.FilterType.STR: self.is_str_valid,
self.FilterType.DATETIME: self.is_datetime_valid,
self.FilterType.NUMBER: self.is_number_valid,
self.FilterType.LIST: self.is_list_valid,
self.FilterType.DICT: self.is_dict_valid,
def __repr__(self):
"""Return a string representation for the FilterItem."""
params = {
"id": self._id,
"value": self.filter_value,
params_str = ", ".join(
["{}={}".format(key, value) for key, value in params.items()]
return "<{class_name} {params}>".format(
class_name=self.__class__.__name__, params=params_str
def id(self):
"""Get the id for this FilterItem."""
return self._id
def filter_type(self):
"""Get or set the filter type."""
return self._filter_type
def filter_type(self, value):
Process the value to be set as the filter's type. This is to ensure the simplist set of
filter types; for example, PTR has its own set of "types" for PTR data, this method will
ensure the PTR data type is mapped to the appropriate filter type.
if value not in (self.FilterType.VALID_TYPES):
value = self.FilterType.MAP_TYPES.get(value)
if not value:
raise TypeError("Invalid filter type '{}'".format(value))
self._filter_type = value
def filter_op(self):
"""Get or set the filter operation."""
return self._filter_op
def filter_op(self, value):
if value not in self.FilterOp.VALID_OPS:
raise TypeError("Invalid filter operation '{}'.".format(value))
self._filter_op = value
def filter_value(self):
Get or set the value for the filter that incoming data will be compared against to
check acceptance.
return self._filter_value
def filter_value(self, value):
self._filter_value = self._sanitize_filter_value(value)
def filters(self):
Get or set the list of filter items for this group filter. This is a convenience property for
group filter items, and hides the internal implementation details of storing the filters in
the filter items `filter_value`.
if self.is_group():
return self.filter_value
# Non-group filter items do not have a list of filter items.
return None
def filters(self, value):
if self.is_group():
self.filter_value = value
def filter_role(self):
Get or set the model item data role used to extract data from incoming indexes to be filtered.
return self._filter_role
def filter_role(self, value):
self._filter_role = value
def data_func(self):
Get or set the function used to extract data from incoming indexes to be filtered.
return self._data_func
def data_func(self, value):
if value and not callable(value):
raise TypeError(
"Invalid data function '{}'. Must be callable.".format(value)
self._data_func = value
[docs] @classmethod
def create(cls, filter_id, data):
Convenience factory classmethod to create a new FilterItem object from the provided data.
:param data: The data to create the FilterItem object from.
:type data: dict
:return: The created FilterItem object
:rtype: FilterItem
return cls(
[docs] @classmethod
def create_group(cls, op, group_filters=None, group_id=None):
Convenience factory method to create a new FilterItem object that is a group.
:param op: The group operation to set for this filter item.
:type op: FilterOp
:param group_filters: The list of FilterItems for this group filter (optional).
:type group_filters: list<FilterItem>
:param group_id: The identifier for the group (optional). If none given,
the filter item will have id "FilterType.FilterOp".
:type group_id: str
:return: The created FilterItem object whose type is FilterType.GROUP
:rtype: FilterItem
filters = group_filters or []
filter_id = group_id or "{type}.{op}".format(type=cls.FilterType.GROUP, op=op)
return FilterItem(filter_id, cls.FilterType.GROUP, op, filter_value=filters)
[docs] @classmethod
def get_data_type(cls, data):
Return the FilterItem type for the given data.
:param data: The data to get the type for.
:type data: any
:return: The FilterItem type of the data. None is returned for invalid data.
:rtype: FilterType
if isinstance(data, bool):
return cls.FilterType.BOOL
if isinstance(data, str):
return cls.FilterType.STR
if isinstance(data, numbers.Number):
return cls.FilterType.NUMBER
if isinstance(data, list):
return cls.FilterType.LIST
if isinstance(data, datetime):
return cls.FilterType.DATETIME
if isinstance(data, dict):
return cls.FilterType.DICT
# Should we have an explicit type for None?
return None
[docs] @classmethod
def default_op_for_type(cls, filter_type):
Return the default operation for the given filter data type.
:param filter_type: One of the defined FilterItem types; e.g. FilterItem.FilterType.{name}.
:type filter_type: str
:return: The default operation to apply to the given filter type.
:rtype: str, one of the FilterItem operations defined in the class; e.g. FilterItem.FilterOp.{name}.
return cls.DEFAULT_OPS.get(filter_type, cls.FilterOp.EQUAL)
[docs] @classmethod
def is_group_op(cls, op):
Return True if the filter item operation is valid.
:param op: The operation to check.
:type op: FilterOp
:return: True if the op is a group operation, else False.
:rtype: bool
return op in (cls.FilterOp.AND, cls.FilterOp.OR)
[docs] @classmethod
def do_filter(cls, index, filter_items, op=FilterOp.AND):
Return True if the index is accepted by the list of filter items.
:param index: The index to check acceptance on.
:type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex`
:param filter_items: The list of filter items used to check acceptance.
:type filter_items: list<FilterItem>
:param op: The filter operation to apply with checking acceptance.
:type op: FilterOp
:return: True if accepted, else False.
:rtype: bool
if not cls.is_group_op(op):
raise ValueError("Invalid filter group operation {}".format(op))
for filter_item in filter_items:
if filter_item.is_group():
if not filter_item.filters:
# Just accept empty groups
accepted = True
accepted = cls.do_filter(
index, filter_item.filters, filter_item.filter_op
accepted = filter_item.accepts(index)
if op == cls.FilterOp.AND and not accepted:
return False
if op == cls.FilterOp.OR and accepted:
return True
if op == cls.FilterOp.AND:
# Accept if the operation is AND since it would have been rejected immediately if
# any filter item did not accept it.
return True
# Do not accept if the operation is OR (or invalid) since the value would have
# been accepted immediately if any filters accepted it.
return False
[docs] @classmethod
def map_from_sg_data_type(cls, sg_data_type):
Map the PTR data type to a valid filter type.
:param sg_data_type: The PTR data type.
:type sg_data_type: str
:return: The corresponding filter type for the PTR data type.
:rtype: str
if sg_data_type in cls.FilterType.VALID_TYPES:
# No mapping required.
return sg_data_type
return cls.FilterType.MAP_TYPES.get(sg_data_type)
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_datetime_bucket(dt):
This attempts to get the datetime bucket for the given datetime passed. Datetime buckets
follow the same logic as the ShotGrid Web UI.
NOTE should we move this to shotgun_globals.date_time module?
:param dt: The datetime value to process
:type dt: str | float | datetime.datetime
:return: The datetime bucket that this datetime value falls into.
:rtype: str
if dt is None:
return "No Date"
if isinstance(dt, str):
if dt in FilterItem.DATETIME_BUCKETS:
return dt
dt = datetime.strptime(dt, "%Y-%m-%d")
if isinstance(dt, float):
dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(dt, tz=sg_timezone.LocalTimezone())
if not isinstance(dt, datetime):
raise TypeError(
"Cannot convert value type '{}' to datetime".format(type(dt))
# Date comparisons - the ordering of the comparisons affect the result
# The return value must be one of the values defined in DATETIME_BUCKETS
now = datetime.now(sg_timezone.LocalTimezone())
today = now.date()
date_value = dt.date()
if date_value == today:
return "Today"
yesterday = now - timedelta(days=1)
if date_value == yesterday.date():
return "Yesterday"
tomorrow = now + timedelta(days=1)
if date_value == tomorrow.date():
return "Tomorrow"
# ShotGrid Web UI calculates Far Future as more than 120 days (30 days times 4, roughly 4 months)
far_future = today + timedelta(days=30 * 4)
if date_value > far_future:
return "Far Future"
# ShotGrid Web UI calculates Long Ago similarly to Far Future
long_ago = today - timedelta(days=30 * 4)
if date_value < long_ago:
return "Long Ago"
# ShotGrid Web UI calculates months ago as at least four weeks passed
four_weeks_ago = today - timedelta(weeks=4)
if date_value < four_weeks_ago:
return "Last Few Months"
# And similarly for next months ahead
four_weeks_ahead = today + timedelta(weeks=4)
if date_value > four_weeks_ahead:
return "Next Few Months"
# ShotGrid Web UI calculates week boundaries from Sunday; e.g. Last week will be any day from today
# until (and including) last Sunday
# Past weeks
days_since_sunday = today.weekday() + 1
last_last_sunday = today - timedelta(days=days_since_sunday, weeks=1)
if date_value < last_last_sunday:
return "Last Few Weeks"
last_sunday = today - timedelta(days=days_since_sunday)
if date_value < last_sunday:
return "Last Week"
next_sunday = today + timedelta(days=-days_since_sunday, weeks=1)
if last_sunday <= date_value < next_sunday:
return "This Week"
next_next_sunday = today + timedelta(days=-days_since_sunday, weeks=2)
if date_value < next_next_sunday:
return "Next Week"
if date_value <= four_weeks_ahead:
return "Next Few Weeks"
assert (
), "Datetime value was not able to be converted to bucket, will default to plain datetime string"
return dt.strftime("%x")
[docs] def is_group(self):
:return: True if this filter item is a group, else False.
:rtype: bool
return self.filter_type == self.FilterType.GROUP and self.is_group_op(
[docs] def get_index_data(self, index):
Return the index's data based on the filter item. The index data will be first
attempted to be retrieved from the index's data method, using the filter role.
If no role is defined, the data_func will be called to extract the data (if such
a function is defined).
A `filter_role` or `data_func` must be defined to reteieve the index data.
:param index: The index to get the data from
:type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex`
:return: The index data
:rtype: any
if self.filter_role is not None:
return index.data(self.filter_role)
if self.data_func:
return self.data_func(index)
assert (
), "FilterItem does not have a filter role or data function to retrieve index data to filter on"
return None
[docs] def accepts(self, index):
Return True if this filter item accepts the given index.
:param index: The index that holds the data to filter on.
:type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex`
:return: True if the filter accepts the index, else False.
:rtype: bool
if self.is_group():
# Filter by the group filters
return self.do_filter(index, self.filters, self.filter_op)
# Filter based on a single filter item
data = self.get_index_data(index)
filter_func = self._filter_funcs_by_type.get(self.filter_type, None)
if filter_func is None:
return False # Invalid filter type
return filter_func(self._sanitize_filter_value(data))
[docs] def is_bool_valid(self, value):
Filter the incoming boolean value.
:param value: The value to filter.
:type value: bool
:return: True if the filter accepts the value, else False.
:rtype: bool
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.IS_TRUE:
return value is True
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.IS_FALSE:
return value is False
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.EQUAL:
return value == self.filter_value
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.NOT_EQUAL:
return value != self.filter_value
assert False, "Unsupported operation '{op}' for filter type '{type}'".format(
op=self.filter_op, type=type(bool)
return False
[docs] def is_str_valid(self, value):
Filter the incoming string value.
:param value: The value to filter.
:type value: str
:return: True if the filter accepts the value, else False.
:rtype: bool
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.EQUAL:
return value == self.filter_value
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.NOT_EQUAL:
return value != self.filter_value
if self.filter_op in (self.FilterOp.IN, self.FilterOp.NOT_IN):
if self.filter_value is None:
self.filter_value = ""
if value is None:
value = ""
regex = QtCore.QRegExp(
self.filter_value, QtCore.Qt.CaseInsensitive, QtCore.QRegExp.FixedString
match = regex.indexIn(value)
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.IN:
return match >= 0
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.NOT_IN:
return match < 0
assert False, "Unsupported operation for filter type 'str'"
return False
[docs] def is_number_valid(self, value):
Filter the incoming number value.
:param value: The value to filter.
:type value: int | float | ...
:return: True if the filter accepts the value, else False.
:rtype: bool
if isinstance(value, dict):
value = value.get("value")
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.EQUAL:
return value == self.filter_value
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.NOT_EQUAL:
return value != self.filter_value
if value is None or self.filter_value is None:
# aAnnot apply greater/less than operations on None values
return False
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.GREATER_THAN:
return value > self.filter_value
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL:
return value >= self.filter_value
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.LESS_THAN:
return value < self.filter_value
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL:
return value <= self.filter_value
assert False, "Unsupported operation for filter type 'number'"
return False
[docs] def is_datetime_valid(self, value):
Filter the incoming datetime value.
TODO support operations like greater/less than and between.
:param value: The value to filter.
:type value: str | datetime.datetime
:return: True if the filter accepts the value, else False.
:rtype: bool
if isinstance(self.filter_value, str):
value = self.get_datetime_bucket(value)
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.EQUAL:
return value == self.filter_value
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.NOT_EQUAL:
return value != self.filter_value
assert False, "Unsupported operation for filter type 'datetime'"
return False
[docs] def is_list_valid(self, values_list):
Filter the incoming list value.
:param value: The values list to filter by.
:type value: list
:return: True if the filter accepts the values list, else False.
:rtype: bool
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.EQUAL:
return values_list == self.filter_value
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.NOT_EQUAL:
return values_list != self.filter_value
# IN/NOT_IN operations will check if there are any common elements within both value lists,
# so convert incoming and filter value to a list.
if not isinstance(values_list, list):
values_list = [values_list]
if not isinstance(self.filter_value, list):
filter_values = [self.filter_value]
filter_values = self.filter_value
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.IN:
# Handle None/empty lists - we consider it to be valid if either the incoming values
# list or the filter value is an empty list, and the other contains the 'None' value.
if not values_list:
return None in filter_values
if not filter_values:
return None in values_list
for value in values_list:
for filter_value in filter_values:
if value == filter_value:
return True
return False
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.NOT_IN:
# Handle None/empty lists - we consider it to be valid if either the incoming values
# list or the filter value is an empty list, and the other does NOT contains the
# 'None' value.
if not values_list:
return None not in filter_values
if not filter_values:
return None not in values_list
for value in values_list:
for filter_value in filter_values:
if value == filter_value:
return False
return True
assert False, "Unsupported operation for filter type 'list'"
return False
[docs] def is_dict_valid(self, value):
Filter the incoming dictionary value.
:param value: The values list to filter by.
:type value: list
:return: True if the filter accepts the values list, else False.
:rtype: bool
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.EQUAL:
return value == self.filter_value
if self.filter_op == self.FilterOp.NOT_EQUAL:
return value != self.filter_value
assert False, "Unsupported operation for filter type `{type}`".format(
return False
[docs] def validate_search(self, search):
Check if the filter item matches the search value.
:param search: The search value.
:type search: any
:return: True if the filter item's value matches the search value, else False.
search = self._sanitize_filter_value(search)
if search == self._filter_value:
return True
return False
[docs] def set_filter_value(self, value):
Set the filter item's filter value.
:param value: The value to set.
:type value: any
:return: True if the filter item's value was updated, else False. If the value is the
same as the current filter value, False will be returned.
:rtype: bool
new_value = self._sanitize_filter_value(value)
if new_value == self._filter_value:
# Nothing has changed, return False.
return False
self._filter_value = value
return True
def _sanitize_filter_value(self, value):
Process the raw value and sanitize it for the filter item to use.
:param value: The raw filter value to sanitize.
:type value: any
:return: The sanitized filter value for the filter item to use.
:rtype: any
if isinstance(value, dict) and self.filter_type not in (
# Try to extract the value from the dictionary object, for filter types that
# are not expected a dictionary value.
value = value.get("value")
if value is None:
# Just leave it as is
elif self.filter_type == self.FilterType.GROUP:
if value is None:
value = []
if not isinstance(value, list):
raise TypeError(
"Attempting to set invalid value '{value}' for '{type}' filter type".format(
value=value, type=self.filter_type
for filter_item in value:
if not isinstance(filter_item, FilterItem):
raise TypeError(
"Attempting to set invalid value group filter '{item}'. Must be a FilterItem".format(
elif self.filter_type == self.FilterType.BOOL:
# Allow 0 and 1 to be coerced to False and True. Do not allow any other non-bool data
# types to go through, this could cause misleading filtering.
if value == 0:
value = False
elif value == 1:
value = True
if not isinstance(value, bool):
raise TypeError(
"Attempting to set invalid value '{value}' for '{type}' filter type".format(
value=value, type=self.filter_type
elif self.filter_type == self.FilterType.STR:
if not isinstance(value, str):
# Just coerce it to string type.
value = str(value)
# make sure to lower the string to make it case insensitive
value = value.lower()
elif self.filter_type == self.FilterType.NUMBER:
if isinstance(value, str):
# For string values, first try to coerce to an int.
value = int(value)
except ValueError:
if isinstance(value, str):
# Still a string value, next try to coerce to a float.
value = float(value)
except ValueError:
if not isinstance(value, numbers.Number):
raise TypeError(
"Attempting to set invalid value '{value}' for '{type}' filter type".format(
value=value, type=self.filter_type
elif self.filter_type == self.FilterType.DICT:
if not isinstance(value, (dict, str)):
raise TypeError(
"Attempting to set invalid value '{value}' for '{type}' filter type".format(
value=value, type=self.filter_type
elif self.filter_type == self.FilterType.DATETIME:
# Allow string values that are a valid "datetime" bucket or datetime objects
valid = False
if isinstance(value, str):
valid = value in self.DATETIME_BUCKETS
if not valid:
if isinstance(value, str):
value = datetime.strptime(value, "%Y-%m-%d")
if isinstance(value, float):
value = datetime.fromtimestamp(
value, tz=sg_timezone.LocalTimezone()
if not isinstance(value, datetime):
raise TypeError(
"Attempting to set invalid value '{value}' for '{type}' filter type".format(
value=value, type=self.filter_type
return value