Source code for delegates.view_item_delegate

# Copyright (c) 2021 Autodesk, Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
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from time import time

import sgtk
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtCore, QtGui
from tank.util import sgre as re

    from tank_vendor import sgutils
except ImportError:
    from tank_vendor import six as sgutils

utils = sgtk.platform.current_bundle().import_module("utils")


[docs]class ViewItemDelegate(QtGui.QStyledItemDelegate): """ A generic delegate to display items in a view. """ # Positions for actions. Non-floating actions will adjust the content to # fit inline (e.g. not floating on top) POSITIONS = [ "float-top-left", "float-top-right", "float-bottom-left", "float-bottom-right", "float-left", "float-right", "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right", "left", "right", "top", "bottom", "center", ] # Enum for the POSITIONS ( FLOAT_TOP_LEFT, FLOAT_TOP_RIGHT, FLOAT_BOTTOM_LEFT, FLOAT_BOTTOM_RIGHT, FLOAT_LEFT, FLOAT_RIGHT, TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM, CENTER, ) = range(len(POSITIONS))
[docs] class Padding(object): """ Convenience class structure to store padding values. """ def __init__(self, top, right, bottom, left): """ Create the Padding object. :param top: The top padding value. :type top: int :param right: The right padding value. :type right: int :param bottom: The bottom padding value. :type bottom: int :param left: The left padding value. :type left: int """ = top self.right = right self.bottom = bottom self.left = left
[docs] @classmethod def new(cls, padding): """ Factory method to create a padding object with equal padding all around. """ return cls(padding, padding, padding, padding)
def __init__(self, view=None): """ ViewItemDelegate constructor. Sets the default values. :param view: The view that this delegate will be used with. :type view: :class:`sgkt.platform.qt.QtGui.QAbstractItemView` """ super(ViewItemDelegate, self).__init__(view) # Store the view widget to fall back on for older versions of Qt, where the QStyleOption does not # have a widget or styleObject property self._view = view # The item data model roles used to retrieve the item's data to display. See ViewItemRolesMixin for # more details about the item data roles. self._thumbnail_role = QtCore.Qt.DecorationRole self._header_role = None self._subtitle_role = None self._text_role = QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole self._short_text_role = None self._icon_role = None self._expand_role = None self._width_role = None self._height_role = None self._loading_role = None self._separator_role = None # The number of visible lines to show (e.g. text will be cut off to this defined number of lines) self._visible_lines = -1 # The default qss to apply to the text document style sheet self._document_style_sheet = "" # Turn on text eliding, if False, text will be wrapped self._elide_text = True self._elide_header = True # Fix the item's width and height. These will be ignored if set to None. When set to -1, these will # expand to the full available space. self._item_width = None self._item_height = None # The minimum width and height for the item rect. These will essentially be ignored if less than 0 self._min_width = -1 self._min_height = -1 # Fix the item's thumbnail size self._thumbnail_size = QtCore.QSize() # Set this value to scale the thumbnail size as the item height changes. self._thumbnail_scale_value = 1.5 # Set to True to scale thumbnails to fill the entire thumbnail rect available. This # will result in thumbnails drawn in uniform manner self._thumbnail_uniform = False # Positioning of the thumbnail withint the available thumbnail rect. Empty tuple will default # to center the the thumbnail. self.thumbnail_position = () # The extent used to convert a QIcon to QPixmap self._pixmap_extent = 512 # The size used for icons self._icon_size = QtCore.QSize(18, 18) # This is the percentage value used to calculate the maximum badge icon height (e.g. badge # icon is rendered over a rect, if that rect height is 100 and the `badge_height_pct` is 0.5, # then the badge icon maximum height will be 50). Note that badge icons will only be scaled # down to fit, not scaled up if the icon size is smaller than the max height. self._badge_height_pct = 1.0 / 3.0 # Button padding and margin values self._action_item_margin = 7 self._button_padding = 4 # Text document margin self._text_document_margin = 0 # Padding around the whole item rect self._item_padding = self._text_padding = self._thumbnail_padding = # Text alignment (TOP | BOTTOM | CENTER). NOTE this aligns the text within the text bounding rect, # meaning that the text block will be aligned within the available text area, but text itself will # remain left-aligned. To implement aligning the text itself, a custom QTextDocumentLayout class # is required. There is another limitation to text horizontal alignment when there is a header # and/or subtitle present; horizontal alignment will have no effect since the header and subtitle # cause the text block to span the full available text bounding rect width. self._text_rect_halign = self.LEFT self._text_rect_valign = self.TOP # Font to set on the QTextDocument. If None, the font from the QStyleOptionViewItem will be used. self._font = None # Radius values for rounding item and thumbnail rects. self._item_x_radius = 4.0 self._item_y_radius = 4.0 self._thumbnail_x_radius = 4.0 self._thumbnail_y_radius = 4.0 # The pen used to draw the thumbnail (add a border around the pixmap rect). self._thumbnail_pen = QtCore.Qt.NoPen # The pen used to paint the background (the background brush is customized through the model data # role BackgroundRole). The pen is responsible for rendering a border around the item rect. self._background_pen = QtCore.Qt.NoPen # The brush and pen used to draw the loading indicator. self._loading_pen = QtCore.Qt.NoPen self._loading_brush = QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 0, 100)) # The brush used to paint the selection. The palette highlight brush will be used if not set. self._selection_brush = None # The brush used to paint the item separator, if there is one. self._separator_brush = QtCore.Qt.NoBrush # Enable painting selection on hover self._show_hover_selection = True # Enable showing tooltips when text is clipped self._show_text_tooltip = True # Override the QStandardItem object toolitp self._override_item_tooltip = True # Values used to draw the animated loading image self._seconds_per_spin = 3 self._spin_arc_len = 300 # The actions for the item self._actions = {} # The cursor shape that will be set when the current cursor is hovering over a "clickable" thing self._action_hover_cursor = QtCore.Qt.PointingHandCursor @property def thumbnail_role(self): """ Get or set the index model data 'thumbnail' role (:class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole`). This role is used to retrieve the view item thumbnail; e.g. thumbnail = index.idata(thumbnail_role). """ return self._thumbnail_role @thumbnail_role.setter def thumbnail_role(self, role): self._thumbnail_role = role @property def header_role(self): """ Get or set the index model data 'title' role (:class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole`). This role is used to retrieve the view item title text; e.g. text = """ return self._header_role @header_role.setter def header_role(self, role): self._header_role = role @property def subtitle_role(self): """ Get or set the index model data 'subtitle' role (:class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole`). This role is used to retrieve the view item subtitle text; e.g. text = """ return self._subtitle_role @subtitle_role.setter def subtitle_role(self, role): self._subtitle_role = role @property def text_role(self): """ Get or set the index model data 'text' role (:class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole`). This role is used to retrieve the view item main text; e.g. text = """ return self._text_role @text_role.setter def text_role(self, role): self._text_role = role @property def short_text_role(self): """ Get or set the index model data role (:class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole`). This role is used to retrieve the view item shortened text; e.g. text = The view item shortened text may be useful for thumbnail items that do not display well with longer text. """ return self._short_text_role @short_text_role.setter def short_text_role(self, role): self._short_text_role = role @property def icon_role(self): """ Get or set the index model data 'icon' role (:class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole`). This role is used to retrieve the view item icons; e.g. icons = Icons are optional images that can be displayed on the item. """ return self._icon_role @icon_role.setter def icon_role(self, role): self._icon_role = role @property def width_role(self): """ Get or set the index model data item 'width' role (:class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole`). """ return self._width_role @width_role.setter def width_role(self, role): self._width_role = role @property def height_role(self): """ Get or set the index model data item 'height' role (:class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole`). """ return self._height_role @height_role.setter def height_role(self, role): self._height_role = role @property def expand_role(self): """ Get or set the index model data item 'expand' role (:class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole`). When this role is set, it will allow item rows to expand and collapse based on the text height. The model does not need to do any additional work to enable this functionality, aside from providing a role for the delegate to use. """ return self._expand_role @expand_role.setter def expand_role(self, role): self._expand_role = role @property def loading_role(self): """ Get or set the index model data 'loading' role (:class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole`). The data for this role will determine if a loading icon will be drawn for the view item. """ return self._loading_role @loading_role.setter def loading_role(self, role): self._loading_role = role @property def separator_role(self): """ Get or set the index model data 'separator' role (:class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole`). The data for this role will determine if a separator will be drawn for the view item. """ return self._separator_role @separator_role.setter def separator_role(self, role): self._separator_role = role @property def visible_lines(self): """ Get or set the number of text lines the view item should display. This will omit any text that is beyond the number of visible lines. """ return self._visible_lines @visible_lines.setter def visible_lines(self, lines): self._visible_lines = lines @property def document_style_sheet(self): """ Get or set the default qss for the text document style sheet. This will affect the text style and layout of the item. """ return self._document_style_sheet @document_style_sheet.setter def document_style_sheet(self, qss): self._document_style_sheet = qss @property def elide_text(self): """ Get or set the flag indicating if the main text should be elided. If False, text will be wrapped. """ return self._elide_text @elide_text.setter def elide_text(self, on): self._elide_text = on @property def elide_header(self): """ Get or set the flag indicating if the header text should be elided. If False, text will be wrapped. """ return self._elide_header @elide_header.setter def elide_header(self, on): self._elide_header = on @property def item_width(self): """ Get or set the view item width. Set to None to ignore this property. """ return self._item_width @item_width.setter def item_width(self, width): self._item_width = width @property def item_height(self): """ Get or set the view item row height. If -1, this property is ignored. """ return self._item_height @item_height.setter def item_height(self, height): self._item_height = height if ( self._thumbnail_scale_value is not None and self._item_height is not None and self._item_height > 0 ): # Scale the thumbnail width as the row height changes. self.thumbnail_width = self._item_height * self._thumbnail_scale_value @property def min_width(self): """ Get or set the minimum width for an item. """ return self._min_width @min_width.setter def min_width(self, width): self._min_width = width @property def min_height(self): """ Get or set the minimum height for an item. """ return self._min_height @min_height.setter def min_height(self, height): self._min_height = height @property def thumbnail_uniform(self): """ Get or set the property that affects how thumbnails are rendered. True will draw all thumbnails in a uniform manner. Thumbnails will fill the avialable space, but may be cropped. """ return self._thumbnail_uniform @thumbnail_uniform.setter def thumbnail_uniform(self, uniform): self._thumbnail_uniform = uniform @property def thumbnail_size(self): """ Get or set the preferred size for the view item thumbnail. The value will be used to render the thumbnail, but the size of the thumbnail is not guaranteed to be the exact `thumbnail_size`. """ return self._thumbnail_size @thumbnail_size.setter def thumbnail_size(self, size): self._thumbnail_size = size @property def thumbnail_width(self): """ Get or set the preferred thumbnail width. Convenience property to set the width of the `thumbnail_size` property. """ return self._thumbnail_size.width() @thumbnail_width.setter def thumbnail_width(self, width): self._thumbnail_size.setWidth(width) @property def thumbnail_height(self): """ Get or set the preferred thumbnail height. Convenience property to set the height of the `thumbnail_size` property. """ return self._thumbnail_size.height() @thumbnail_height.setter def thumbnail_height(self, height): self._thumbnail_size.setHeight(height) @property def pixmap_extent(self): """ Get or set the extent used when converting :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QIcon` to a :class:`sgkt.platformqt.QtGui.QPixmap`. """ return self._pixmap_extent @pixmap_extent.setter def pixmap_extent(self, extent): self._pixmap_extent = extent @property def icon_size(self): """ Get or set the icon size for the view item action icons. """ return self._icon_size @icon_size.setter def icon_size(self, size): self._icon_size = size @property def badge_height_pct(self): """ Get or set the percentage value used to calculate the maximum badge icon height (e.g. badge icon is rendered over a rect, if that rect height is 100 and the `badge_height_pct` is 0.5, then the badge icon maximum height will be 50). Note that badge icons will only be scaled down to fit, not scaled up if the icon size is smaller than the max height. """ return self._badge_height_pct @badge_height_pct.setter def badge_height_pct(self, pct): self._badge_height_pct = pct @property def action_item_margin(self): """ Get or set the margin used for buttons. """ return self._action_item_margin @action_item_margin.setter def action_item_margin(self, margin): self._action_item_margin = margin @property def button_padding(self): """ Get or set the padding used for buttons. """ return self._button_padding @button_padding.setter def button_padding(self, padding): self._button_padding = padding @property def text_document_margin(self): """ Get or set the margin for the view item text. A :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QTextDocument` is used to render the view item text, this value will be used to set the QTextDocument margin property. """ return self._text_document_margin @text_document_margin.setter def text_document_margin(self, margin): self._text_document_margin = margin @property def item_padding(self): """ Get or set the view item padding. This value will add padding to the view item rect. """ return self._item_padding @item_padding.setter def item_padding(self, padding): self._item_padding = None if isinstance(padding, self.Padding): self._item_padding = padding elif isinstance(padding, (int, float)): self._item_padding = else: raise ValueError("Invalid padding value {}".format(padding)) @property def thumbnail_padding(self): """ Get or set the padding for the item thumbnail. """ return self._thumbnail_padding @thumbnail_padding.setter def thumbnail_padding(self, padding): self._thumbnail_padding = None if isinstance(padding, self.Padding): self._thumbnail_padding = padding elif isinstance(padding, (int, float)): self._thumbnail_padding = else: raise ValueError("Invalid padding value {}".format(padding)) @property def text_padding(self): """ Get or set the padding for the item text. """ return self._text_padding @text_padding.setter def text_padding(self, padding): self._text_padding = None if isinstance(padding, self.Padding): self._text_padding = padding elif isinstance(padding, (int, float)): self._text_padding = else: raise ValueError("Invalid padding value {}".format(padding)) @property def text_rect_halign(self): """ Get or set the text block horizontal alignment. This aligns the text block, not the text lines themselves (e.g. the block of text will be aligned within the available space, but the text lines will remain aligned left). Horizontal alignment will have no effect if there is a header and/or subtitle present (this causes the text block to expand to the full available width). """ return self._text_rect_halign @text_rect_halign.setter def text_rect_halign(self, alignment): if alignment not in (self.LEFT, self.RIGHT, self.CENTER): raise ValueError( "Text horizontal alignment '{align}' not supported. Must be one of 'LEFT', 'RIGHT, 'CENTER'".format( align=alignment ) ) self._text_rect_halign = alignment @property def text_rect_valign(self): """ Get or set the text block vertical alignment. """ return self._text_rect_valign @text_rect_valign.setter def text_rect_valign(self, alignment): if alignment not in (self.TOP, self.BOTTOM, self.CENTER): raise ValueError( "Text vertical alignment '{align}' not supported. Must be one of 'TOP', 'BOTTOM, 'CENTER'".format( align=alignment ) ) self._text_rect_valign = alignment @property def font(self): """ Get or set the font used to render the item text. If not specified, the QStyleOptionViewItem font value will be used. """ return self._font @font.setter def font(self, value): self._font = value @property def background_pen(self): """ Get or set the :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QGui.QPen` pen used to draw the view item background. Setting this value will add a border around the view item. """ return self._background_pen @background_pen.setter def background_pen(self, pen): self._background_pen = pen @property def loading_pen(self): """ Get or set the :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QPen` pen used to draw the item loading indicator. """ return self._loading_pen @loading_pen.setter def loading_pen(self, pen): self._loading_pen = pen @property def loading_brush(self): """ Get or set the :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QBrush` brush used to paint the background of the item loading rect. """ return self._loading_brush @loading_brush.setter def loading_brush(self, brush): self._loading_brush = brush @property def selection_brush(self): """ Get or set the :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QGui.QBrush` used to draw the view item selection. """ return self._selection_brush @selection_brush.setter def selection_brush(self, brush): self._selection_brush = brush @property def separator_brush(self): """ Get or set the :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QGui.QBrush` used to draw the view item separator. """ return self._separator_brush @separator_brush.setter def separator_brush(self, brush): self._separator_brush = brush @property def show_hover_selection(self): """ Get or set the flag indicating to draw selection on hover or not. The default is set to True. """ return self._show_hover_selection @show_hover_selection.setter def show_hover_selection(self, show): self._show_hover_selection = show @property def show_text_tooltip(self): """ Get or set the flag indicating to show a tooltip if the item text has been elided. """ return self._show_text_tooltip @property def override_item_tooltip(self): """ Get or set the flag indicating to override the tooltip set on the QStandardItem object. Note that this will only affect indexes that have an associated QStandardItem (e.g. the index model derives from the QStandardItemModel class). """ return self._override_item_tooltip @override_item_tooltip.setter def override_item_tooltip(self, override): self._override_item_tooltip = override @show_text_tooltip.setter def show_text_tooltip(self, show): self._show_text_tooltip = show @property def action_hover_cursor(self): """ Get or set the cursor :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QCursor` for when an action button is hovered over. """ return self._action_hover_cursor @action_hover_cursor.setter def action_hover_cursor(self, cursor): self._action_hover_cursor = cursor
[docs] @staticmethod def get_option_background_brush(option): """ Return the background brush for the QStyleOptionviewItem object. NOTE: This method should be used to retrieve the QStyleOptionViewItem's backgroundBrush property. For different version of Qt, the backgroundBrush property may not exist. :param option: The option to get the background brush from. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :return: The option's background brush object. :rtype: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QBrush` """ try: return option.backgroundBrush except AttributeError: return option.palette.brush(QtGui.QPalette.Background)
[docs] @staticmethod def is_selected(option): """ Return True if the item is selected. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :return: True if the item is selected, else False. :rtype: bool """ return option.state & QtGui.QStyle.State_Selected
[docs] @staticmethod def get_value(index, role, default_value=None): """ Return the for the given role. If the data returned is a function, return the value of the executing the function. :param role: The item data role :type role: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole` :return: The value for the index and role. If the value found is None, the default_value will be returned. """ if role is None: return None data = if callable(data): # If the data itself is a function, execute the function to get the data value. data = data() if data is None: return default_value return data
[docs] @staticmethod def get_display_values_list(index, role, flat=False, join_char=None): """ Return a list of display string values. Each return item in the list represents a text line. :param role: The item data role :type role: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.Qt.ItemDataRole` :param flat: If True, the value returned will be the list of values joined by the 'join_char' (default join char is "") :type flat: bool :param join_char: Used to join the list of values to return a single value, when `flat` is True. :type join_char: str :return: A list of display values. An empty list is returned if no data is found, or was unable to parse the data for the index's role. :rtype: list<str> """ data = ViewItemDelegate.get_value(index, role) values_list = None if data is None: values_list = [] elif isinstance(data, str): values_list = [data] elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): if ( len(data) == 2 and isinstance(data[0], str) and isinstance(data[1], dict) ): # Special PTR string formatting data values_list = [utils.convert_token_string(data[0], data[1])] else: values_list = list(data) elif isinstance(data, dict): values_list = [] for key, value in data.items(): if isinstance(key, str) and isinstance(value, str): values_list.append("<b>%s</b>: %s" % (key, value)) return values_list else: # Ensure items in values_list are strings values_list = [str(data)] if flat: # Return the values listed flattened if join_char is None: join_char = "" return join_char.join(values_list) # Return the values list return values_list
[docs] @staticmethod def split_html_lines(html_text): """ Convenience method to split html text by line break tags. """ return re.split(r"<br\s*/?>", html_text)
###################################################################################################### # Public methods
[docs] def is_hover(self, option): """ Return True if the mouse is over the item. This will always return False if the option does not have a widget or the option's widget does not have mouse tracking enabeld. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :return: True if the mouse is over the item, else False. :rtype: bool """ return self.has_mouse_tracking(option) and ( option.state & QtGui.QStyle.State_MouseOver )
[docs] def has_mouse_tracking(self, option): """ Return True if the item's option widget has mouse tracking enabled. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :return: True if the item has mouse tracking enabled. :rtype: bool """ widget = self.get_option_widget(option) return widget and widget.hasMouseTracking()
[docs] def get_cursor_pos(self, option): """ Return the mouse cursor position relative to the item's widget. This will always return False if the option's widget does not have mouse tracking enabled. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :return: The cursor position relative to the option widget. :rtype: :class:`sgkt.platform.qt.QtCore.QPoint` """ if self.has_mouse_tracking(option): widget = self.get_option_widget(option) return widget.mapFromGlobal(QtGui.QCursor.pos()) return None
[docs] def get_option_widget(self, option): """ Return the widget for the QStyleOptionviewItem object. NOTE: This method should be used to retrieve the QStyleOptionViewItem's widget property. For different version of Qt, the widget is stored in different properties. :param option: The option to get the widget from. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :return: The option's widget object. :rtype: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QWidget` """ try: widget = option.widget except AttributeError: widget = None if widget is None: try: widget = option.styleObject except AttributeError: # Fall back to the delegate's view widget = self._view return widget
[docs] def add_actions(self, actions, position=FLOAT_BOTTOM_RIGHT): """ Add actions that will be made available to show for each item. This method should be used to add actions to the `_actions` field instead of editing it directly. :param actions: The actions to add. :type actions: list<dict>, where each dict represents the action. The dict will be passed to the ViewItemAction constructor to create a ViewItemAction object. :param position: The position to display the actions. :type position: POSITION enum, defaults to float on the bottom right of the item rect. """ for action in actions: item_action = ViewItemAction(action) self._actions.setdefault(position, []).append(item_action)
[docs] def add_action(self, action, position=FLOAT_BOTTOM_RIGHT): """ Convenience method to add an action. See `add_actions`. :param actions: The actions to add. :type actions: list<dict>, where each dict represents the action. The dict will be passed to the ViewItemAction constructor to create a ViewItemAction object. :param position: The position to display the actions. :type position: POSITION enum, defaults to float on the bottom right of the item rect. """ return self.add_actions([action], position)
[docs] def remove_actions(self, positions=None): """ Remove the actions at the specified position. If positions are not specified, remove all actions. :param positions: The list of positions to remove actions from. :type positions: list<POSITION>, where POSITION is one of the POSITIONS enum. """ if not positions: self._actions.clear() else: for position in positions: self._actions[position].clear()
[docs] def scale_thumbnail_to_item_height(self, scale_value): """ If scale_value is not None, the thumbnail width will scale with the row height by a factor of `scale_value` (e.g. thumbnail_width = item_height * scale_value). This is convenient when the item size is adjusted dynmaically (e.g. using a slider) and this will scale up and down the thumbnail with the item size. :param scale_value: The value to scale the thumbnail by. :type scale_value: float """ self._thumbnail_scale_value = scale_value
[docs] def get_displayed_text(self, index): """ Return the text that is displayed for the item. The text will be plain (not rich HTML). This may be useful for filtering items displayed by this delegate, since the model data may be formatted by the delegate before being displayed. :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` """ # Create dummy view options and rect, in order to get the text. dummy_option = QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem() dummy_rect = QtCore.QRect(0, 0, -1, -1) doc, _ = self._get_text_document(dummy_option, index, dummy_rect, clip=False) return doc.toPlainText()
############################################################################################### # Override :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyledItemDelegate` methods
[docs] def initStyleOption(self, option, index): """ Overrides :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyledItemDelegate` method. Initialize the option used for rendering the item. This should be called before using the option (e.g. sizeHint, paint, etc.). :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` """ # Adjust the option rect to account for padding around the view item content. option.rect.adjust( self.item_padding.left,, -self.item_padding.right, -self.item_padding.bottom, ) super(ViewItemDelegate, self).initStyleOption(option, index)
[docs] def createEditor(self, parent, option, index): """ Overrides :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyledItemDelegate` method. This default implementation does not provide an editor. :param parent: The editor's parent widget. :type parent: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QWidget` :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: The editor widget for the item. :rtype: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QWidget` """ return None
[docs] def editorEvent(self, event, model, option, index): """ Overrides :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyledItemDelegate` method. Listens for left mouse button press events to check if a view item action should be triggered. If mouse tracking has been enabled on the option's widget, this method will listens and act on mouse move events, even if there is no editor set up for the item. :param event: The event that triggered the editing. Mouse events are sent to this method even if they do not start editing the item. :type event: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QEvent` :param model: The model of the item. :type model: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QAbstractItemModel` :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: True if the event was handled, else False (it was ignored). :rtype: bool """ # Initialize the view option view_option = QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem(option) self.initStyleOption(view_option, index) if ( event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonPress and event.button() == QtCore.Qt.LeftButton ): action = self._action_at(view_option, index, event.pos()) if action and action.is_clickable(self.parent(), index): if action.callback: # Trigger the action callback function if the action defines one action.callback(self.parent(), index, event.pos()) elif action.type in ViewItemAction.checkable_types(): # The default behaviour for checkable actions is to set the index check state role data; # however, this only works if there is a single checkable action for the index, or else # each checkable action will modify the same data role property. For multiple checkable # actions for an index (item), callbacks for each action need to be defined. check_state_role = action.check_state_role if == QtCore.Qt.Checked: new_check_state = QtCore.Qt.Unchecked else: new_check_state = QtCore.Qt.Checked index.model().setData(index, new_check_state, check_state_role) else: assert False, "Action is clickable but has no callback to execute" # Return True to incate the event has been handled. return True elif event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.MouseMove: widget = self.get_option_widget(view_option) if self.action_hover_cursor and widget: action = self._action_at(view_option, index, event.pos()) if action and action.is_clickable(self.parent(), index): # Set the cursor to indicate the action is clickable widget.setCursor(self.action_hover_cursor) else: widget.unsetCursor() # Fall through to allow the base implementation to perform any other mouse move event handling return super(ViewItemDelegate, self).editorEvent( event, model, view_option, index )
[docs] def sizeHint(self, option, index): """ Overrides :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyledItemDelegate` method. Returns the size hint for the view item. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` """ if not index.isValid(): return QtCore.QSize() # Initialize the view option view_option = QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem(option) self.initStyleOption(view_option, index) # Default width and height to -1, indicating no size hint and that the item width/height # should expand to the full available space. width = -1 height = -1 # Calculate the width of the item. if self.item_width is not None: # The width is fixed for all items. width = self.item_width else: # Set the width to the value defined by the index data. width = self.get_value(index, self.width_role) if width is None: # Default to the option rect width if not set width = option.rect.width() # For valid width values, ensure it is the minumum width and add padding. if width >= 0: width = max(width, self.thumbnail_width, self.min_width) # Calculate the height of the item. First, get the height of the text. Check if the # height should expand to fit the text or not. text_height = -1 index_height = self.get_value(index, self.height_role) if ( self.item_height is None or self.item_height < 0 or index_height is not None or self.get_value(index, self.expand_role) ): if index_height is None or index_height < 0: # The item height expands to the height of the text. NOTE the view that this delegate is # set to must not have uniform items set for this to resize properly. text_rect = self._get_text_rect(view_option, index) text_doc, _ = self._get_text_document( view_option, index, text_rect, clip=False ) doc_height = text_doc.size().height() height_for_visible_lines = self._get_visible_lines_height(option) if index_height is None: # Height should be max of the calculated text height, or the delegate fixed item height item_height = self.item_height or -1 text_height = max(doc_height, height_for_visible_lines, item_height) else: # Do not allow delegate item height to override text height for index, when set. text_height = max(doc_height, height_for_visible_lines) elif index_height is not None: # Set the height the value defined by the index data. text_height = index_height elif self.item_height is not None: # Fix the text height text_height = self.item_height # Add padding to the text height, if there is text if text_height > 0: text_height += + self.text_padding.bottom # Get the height of the item thumbnail if self.thumbnail_height > 0 and self._get_thumbnail(index) is not None: thumbnail_height = ( self.thumbnail_height + + self.thumbnail_padding.bottom ) else: thumbnail_height = -1 # Get the height of the item actions actions_height = self._get_actions_maximum_height(option, index) # The height is determined by the maximum height required for any of the item components height = max(text_height, thumbnail_height, actions_height, self.min_height) if height > 0: height += + self.item_padding.bottom return QtCore.QSize(width, height)
[docs] def paint(self, painter, option, index): """ Overrides :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyledItemDelegate` method. The main paint method that draws each item in the view. Override specific draw methods to customize the rendered item, if needed. :param painter: the object used for painting. :type painter: :class:`sgkt.platform.qt.QtGui.QPainter` :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` """ if not index.isValid(): return # Initialize the view option view_option = QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem(option) self.initStyleOption(view_option, index) # The styleObject propety is cleared by initStyleOption, but for Qt versions < 5.12 the # styleObject is required since that is where the option's widget is stored (instead of # option.widget property as in Qt >= 5.12), so we will just reset the styleObject back # to the incoming options' styleObject value. try: view_option.styleObject = option.styleObject except AttributeError: # Fall back to use the view as the style object for Qt versions where QStyleOption # does not have a widget or styleObject property. view_option.styleObject = self._view # Check if the index should be expanded or collapsed, and update the index # model data to render the correct row height for the index. self._update_index_expand_state(view_option, index) painter.setRenderHints( QtGui.QPainter.Antialiasing | QtGui.QPainter.TextAntialiasing ) self._draw_background(painter, view_option) thumbnail_rect = self._draw_thumbnail(painter, view_option, index) self._draw_text(painter, view_option, index) self._draw_actions(painter, view_option, index) self._draw_separator(painter, view_option, index) if self.is_selected(view_option) or ( self.show_hover_selection and self.is_hover(view_option) ): self._draw_selection(painter, view_option) self._draw_icon_badges(painter, view_option, thumbnail_rect, index) self._draw_loading(painter, view_option, index) painter.restore() if DEBUG_PAINT: painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtCore.Qt.magenta)) painter.drawRect(option.rect) painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtCore.Qt.cyan)) painter.drawRect(view_option.rect) painter.restore()
###################################################################################################### # Draw Methods # Override any of these draw methods to customize how that particular aspect of the item is rendered. def _draw_background(self, painter, option): """ Draw the view item background. This default implementation will fill the option rect using the option background brush. Modify the option background brush by returning a :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QBrush` for role `sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.Qt.BackgroundRole`. :param painter: the object used for painting. :type painter: :class:`sgkt.platform.qt.QtGui.QPainter` :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` """ painter.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(self.get_option_background_brush(option))) painter.setPen(self.background_pen) painter.drawRoundedRect(option.rect, self._item_x_radius, self._item_y_radius) painter.restore() def _draw_loading(self, painter, option, index): """ Draw the animated loading indicator. This default implementation will render an arc rotating in a circle for as long as the item data indicates that the item is in a loading state. The formula used to render the spinning loader is borrowed from the :class:`SpinnerWidget`. :param painter: the object used for painting. :type painter: :class:`sgkt.platform.qt.QtGui.QPainter` :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` """ rect = self._get_loading_rect(option, index) if not rect.isValid(): return if self._loading_brush and self._loading_brush != QtCore.Qt.NoBrush: # Paint the background while loading. painter.setPen(QtCore.Qt.NoPen) painter.setBrush(self._loading_brush) painter.drawRoundedRect( option.rect, self._item_x_radius, self._item_y_radius ) painter.restore() # Calculate spin angle as a function of time so that all spinners appear in sync # This uses the same function as the SpinnerWidget s = time() p = s % self._seconds_per_spin start_angle = int((360 * p) / self._seconds_per_spin) if self.loading_pen: pen = self.loading_pen else: widget = self.get_option_widget(option) color = ( option.palette.color(widget.foregroundRole()) if widget else option.palette.text().color() ) pen = QtGui.QPen(color) pen.setWidth(2) painter.setPen(pen) painter.drawArc(rect, -start_angle * 16, self._spin_arc_len * 16) painter.restore() if DEBUG_PAINT: painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtCore.Qt.magenta)) painter.drawRect(rect) painter.restore() def _draw_separator(self, painter, option, index): """ Draw a line to separate this view item from the next. This default implementation will render a line from the bottom left corner to the bottom right, in the same color used by the option palette foreground, if available, or the option widget text color. :param painter: the object used for painting. :type painter: :class:`sgkt.platform.qt.QtGui.QPainter` :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` """ if not self.separator_role: return separator = self.get_value(index, self.separator_role) if not separator: return # TODO support decorations in the separator (e.g. icon or text with the horizontal line) position = self.POSITIONS[self.BOTTOM] if isinstance(separator, dict): position = separator.get("position", position) if self.separator_brush == QtCore.Qt.NoBrush: widget = self.get_option_widget(option) color = ( option.palette.color(widget.foregroundRole()) if widget else option.palette.text().color() ) pen = QtGui.QPen(color) pen.setWidthF(0.5) else: pen = QtGui.QPen(self.separator_brush.color()) if position == self.POSITIONS[self.TOP]: start = option.rect.topLeft() end = option.rect.topRight() else: # Draw the line from the bottom left corner to bottom right start = option.rect.bottomLeft() end = option.rect.bottomRight() painter.setBrush(self._separator_brush) painter.setPen(pen) painter.drawLine(start, end) painter.restore() def _draw_selection(self, painter, option): """ Draw the view item selection. This default implementation will draw a border around the item rect and a translucent background, in the color the the option palette highlight color. :param painter: the object used for painting. :type painter: :class:`sgkt.platform.qt.QtGui.QPainter` :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` """ if self.selection_brush == QtCore.Qt.NoBrush: brush = QtCore.Qt.NoBrush pen = QtCore.Qt.NoPen elif self.selection_brush: brush = self.selection_brush pen = QtGui.QPen(QtCore.Qt.NoPen) pen.setWidth(2) else: pen = QtGui.QPen(option.palette.highlight().color()) pen.setWidth(2) fill_color = pen.color() fill_color.setAlpha(30) brush = QtGui.QBrush(fill_color) painter.setPen(pen) painter.setBrush(brush) painter.drawRoundedRect(option.rect, self._item_x_radius, self._item_y_radius) painter.restore() def _draw_thumbnail(self, painter, option, index): """ Draw the view item thumbnail. This default implementation will scale the thumbnail width and height down to the thumbnail rect size, if larger, keeping the aspect ratio. The thumbnail will also be centered within the calculated thumbnail rect. :param painter: the object used for painting. :type painter: :class:`sgkt.platform.qt.QtGui.QPainter` :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` """ thumbnail = self._get_thumbnail(index) if not thumbnail: return QtCore.QRect() # Get the available rect to draw the thumbnail available_rect = self._get_thumbnail_rect(option, index, thumbnail) available_size = available_rect.size() thumbnail_rect = QtCore.QRect(available_rect) if self.thumbnail_uniform: # Scale the thumbnail to fill the available space. The thumbnail size may be # bigger than the available space. If it is, the thumbnail will be cropped # later to center the thumbnail within the available rect. thumbnail = thumbnail.scaled( available_size.width(), available_size.height(), QtCore.Qt.KeepAspectRatioByExpanding, QtCore.Qt.SmoothTransformation, ) else: # Scale the thumbnail to fit the available space. if thumbnail.height() > available_size.height(): thumbnail = thumbnail.scaledToHeight(available_size.height()) if thumbnail.width() > available_size.width(): thumbnail = thumbnail.scaledToWidth(available_size.width()) # Set the thumbnail rect to the size of the thumbnail after scaling thumbnail_rect.setSize(thumbnail.size()) # Adjust the thumbnail and the rect used to draw the thumbnail such that the thumbnail # fits and is centered within the draw rect thumbnail_width = thumbnail.size().width() thumbnail_height = thumbnail.size().height() available_width = available_size.width() available_height = available_size.height() x = 0 y = 0 dx = 0 dy = 0 if thumbnail_width < available_width: # Calculate horizontal offset to move the thumbnail rect if self.LEFT in self.thumbnail_position: dx = 0 elif self.RIGHT in self.thumbnail_position: dx = available_width - thumbnail_width else: # Default to center horizontally dx = (available_width - thumbnail_width) / 2 elif thumbnail_width > available_width: # Calculate the horizontal offset to crop the thumbnail x = (thumbnail_width - available_width) / 2 if thumbnail_height < available_height: # Calculate vertical offset to move the thumbnail rect if self.TOP in self.thumbnail_position: dy = 0 elif self.BOTTOM in self.thumbnail_position: dy = available_height - thumbnail_height else: # Default to center vertically dy = (available_height - thumbnail_height) / 2 elif thumbnail_height > available_height: # Calculate the vertical offset to crop the thumbnail y = (thumbnail_height - available_height) / 2 # Adjust the rect to be centered top_left = thumbnail_rect.topLeft() thumbnail_rect.moveTo(top_left.x() + dx, top_left.y() + dy) # Adjust the thumbnail to be centered within the rect if x or y: crop_rect = QtCore.QRect(x, y, available_width, available_height) thumbnail = thumbnail.copy(crop_rect) # Create a brush with the thumbnail as a texture, so that the painter can draw the pixmap # as a rounded rect. pixmap = QtGui.QBrush(thumbnail) # Draw the pixmap painter.setPen(self._thumbnail_pen) painter.setBrush(pixmap) painter.translate(thumbnail_rect.topLeft()) painter.drawRoundedRect( 0, 0, thumbnail_rect.width(), thumbnail_rect.height(), self._thumbnail_x_radius, self._thumbnail_y_radius, ) painter.restore() if DEBUG_PAINT: painter.translate(thumbnail_rect.topLeft()) painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtCore.Qt.yellow)) painter.drawRoundedRect( 0, 0, thumbnail_rect.width(), thumbnail_rect.height(), self._thumbnail_x_radius, self._thumbnail_y_radius, ) painter.restore() return thumbnail_rect def _draw_icon_badges(self, painter, option, bounding_rect, index): """ Draw the badges for this index item. This method supports drawing up to four badges, one is each corner of the given `bounding_rect`. The describes the badges to draw; the data is expected to be a single :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QPixmap` or a dict with possible keys-values: { "[float-]top-left": :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QPixmap`, "[float-]top-right": :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QPixmap`, "[float-]bottom-left": :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QPixmap`, "[float-]bottom-right": :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QPixmap`, } Floating and non-floating position keys accepted; however all icons will be drawn in a "floating" orientation. :param painter: the object used for painting. :type painter: :class:`sgkt.platform.qt.QtGui.QPainter` :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param bounding_rect: The rect that the badge icons will be overlayed. :type bounding_rect: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QRect` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` """ # Default to the option rect if the giving bounding rect is invalid if not bounding_rect.isValid(): bounding_rect = option.rect badge_data = self.get_value(index, self.icon_role) if not badge_data: return if not isinstance(badge_data, dict): # Default to bottom right if only a pixmap given for badge data. badge_data = {"bottom-right": badge_data} for position, pixmap_data in badge_data.items(): if not pixmap_data: continue # The pixmap to display for the icon badge pixmap = None # Inset will display the badge inside the bounding rect, otherwise the badge # will be display centered over the corner corresponding to the badge position. inset = True if isinstance(pixmap_data, dict): pixmap = pixmap_data.get("pixmap", None) inset = pixmap_data.get("inset", True) else: pixmap = pixmap_data if hasattr(pixmap, "pixmap"): pixmap = self._convert_icon_to_pixmap(pixmap) elif isinstance(pixmap, str): pixmap = QtGui.QPixmap(pixmap) if not pixmap: # Skip, invalid pixmap data. continue if ( self.badge_height_pct and pixmap.height() > option.rect.height() * self.badge_height_pct ): # Scale the pixmap to fit neatly into a corner pixmap = pixmap.scaledToHeight( option.rect.height() * self.badge_height_pct ) pixmap_size = pixmap.size() if position in ( self.POSITIONS[self.TOP_LEFT], self.POSITIONS[self.FLOAT_TOP_LEFT], ): if inset: point = QtCore.QPoint( bounding_rect.left() + self.button_padding, + self.button_padding, ) else: point = bounding_rect.topLeft() point += QtCore.QPoint( -pixmap_size.width() / 2.0, -pixmap_size.height() / 2.0, ) elif position in ( self.POSITIONS[self.TOP_RIGHT], self.POSITIONS[self.FLOAT_TOP_RIGHT], ): if inset: point = QtCore.QPoint( bounding_rect.right() - self.button_padding - pixmap_size.width(), + self.button_padding, ) else: point = bounding_rect.topRight() point += QtCore.QPoint( -pixmap_size.width() / 2.0, -pixmap_size.height() / 2.0, ) elif position in ( self.POSITIONS[self.BOTTOM_LEFT], self.POSITIONS[self.FLOAT_BOTTOM_LEFT], ): if inset: point = QtCore.QPoint( bounding_rect.left() + self.button_padding, bounding_rect.bottom() - self.button_padding - pixmap_size.height(), ) else: point = bounding_rect.bottomLeft() point += QtCore.QPoint( -pixmap_size.width() / 2.0, -pixmap_size.height() / 2.0, ) else: # Default to bottom right corner. if inset: point = QtCore.QPoint( bounding_rect.right() - self.button_padding - pixmap_size.height(), bounding_rect.bottom() - self.button_padding - pixmap_size.height(), ) else: point = bounding_rect.bottomRight() point += QtCore.QPoint( -pixmap_size.width() / 2.0, -pixmap_size.height() / 2.0, ) badge_rect = QtCore.QRect(point, pixmap.size()) painter.drawPixmap(badge_rect, pixmap) def _draw_text(self, painter, option, index): """ Draw the view item text. This will get the whole text document and use the QTextDocument method `drawContents` to render the text, in order to handle HTML/rich text. :param painter: the object used for painting. :type painter: :class:`sgkt.platform.qt.QtGui.QPainter` :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` """ rect = self._get_text_rect(option, index) if not rect.isValid(): return doc, elided = self._get_text_document(option, index, rect) # Vertical text alignment text_height = doc.size().height() available_height = rect.height() dy = 0 if text_height < available_height: if self.text_rect_valign == self.CENTER: dy = (available_height - text_height) / 2 elif self.text_rect_valign == self.BOTTOM: dy = available_height - text_height # Horizontal text alignment text_width = doc.idealWidth() available_width = rect.width() dx = 0 if text_width < available_width: if self.text_rect_halign == self.CENTER: dx = (available_width - text_width) / 2 elif self.text_rect_halign == self.RIGHT: dx = available_width - text_width # Get the point to translate the painter, before drawing the text. origin = QtCore.QPoint(rect.left() + dx, + dy) painter.translate(origin) doc.drawContents(painter) painter.restore() if DEBUG_PAINT: painter.setBrush(QtCore.Qt.NoBrush) painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen( painter.drawRect(rect) painter.restore() # Draw the text tooltip. Check if text is elided here, since we've arleady did # some work to check for text eliding. if not elided: # FIXME we need to specifically check the header if it was elided, as this does not # get caught in the main `_get_text_document` method. _, elided = self._get_header_text(index, option, rect, return_elided=True) self._draw_text_tooltip(option, rect, index, elided) def _draw_actions(self, painter, view_option, index): """ Paint the actions for the view item. Actions are rendered using the option widget's QStyle (or defaults to the application QStyle) as passing in QStyleOptionButton options to specifiy how the action button should be displayed. :param painter: the object used for painting. :type painter: :class:`sgkt.platform.qt.QtGui.QPainter` :param view_option: The option used for rendering the item. :type view_option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` """ # Get the list of available actions for this item, and their corresponding boudning rect. actions_and_rects = self._get_action_and_rects(view_option, index) for action, rect in actions_and_rects: if not action or not rect.isValid(): continue painter.setFont(view_option.font) if ( action.type == ViewItemAction.TYPE_PUSH_BUTTON or action.type == ViewItemAction.TYPE_ICON ): self._draw_action_push_button(painter, view_option, index, action, rect) elif action.type == ViewItemAction.TYPE_RADIO_BUTTON: self._draw_action_radio_button( painter, view_option, index, action, rect ) elif action.type == ViewItemAction.TYPE_CHECK_BOX: self._draw_action_check_box(painter, view_option, index, action, rect) elif action.type == ViewItemAction.TYPE_PROGRESS_BAR: self._draw_action_progress_bar( painter, view_option, index, action, rect ) painter.restore() if DEBUG_PAINT: painter.setPen(QtGui.QPen(QtCore.Qt.cyan)) painter.drawRect(rect) painter.restore() def _draw_action_push_button(self, painter, view_option, index, action, rect): """ Draw the action as a push button. :param painter: the object used for painting. :type painter: :class:`sgkt.platform.qt.QtGui.QPainter` :param view_option: The option used for rendering the item. :type view_option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item to render. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :param action: The action to draw the push button for :type action: ViewItemAction :param rect: The action's bounding rect :type rect: QRect """ index_data = action.get_data(self.parent(), index) if not index_data.get("visible", True) or index_data.get("placeholder", False): # Do not draw actions that are not visible or are placeholders return widget = self.get_option_widget(view_option) button_option = self._get_action_button_option( view_option, widget, action, rect, index_data ) self._draw_push_button(painter, button_option, widget) if button_option.state & QtGui.QStyle.State_MouseOver: tooltip = index_data.get("tooltip", action.tooltip) if tooltip: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot( 500, lambda o=view_option, r=rect, t=tooltip: self._draw_tooltip( o, r, t ), ) def _draw_action_radio_button(self, painter, view_option, index, action, rect): """ Draw the action as a radio button. To draw a "checked" radio button, the state must include the flag QtGui.QStyle.State_On. :param painter: the object used for painting. :type painter: :class:`sgkt.platform.qt.QtGui.QPainter` :param view_option: The option used for rendering the item. :type view_option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item to render. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :param action: The action to draw the push button for :type action: ViewItemAction :param rect: The action's bounding rect :type rect: QRect """ index_data = action.get_data(self.parent(), index) if not index_data.get("visible", True) or index_data.get("placeholder", False): # Do not draw actions that are not visible or are placeholders return widget = self.get_option_widget(view_option) button_option = self._get_action_button_option( view_option, widget, action, rect, index_data ) style = if widget else style.proxy().drawControl(QtGui.QStyle.CE_RadioButton, button_option, painter) if button_option.state & QtGui.QStyle.State_MouseOver: tooltip = index_data.get("tooltip", action.tooltip) if tooltip: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot( 500, lambda o=view_option, r=rect, t=tooltip: self._draw_tooltip( o, r, t ), ) def _draw_action_check_box(self, painter, view_option, index, action, rect): """ Draw the action as a check box. :param painter: the object used for painting. :type painter: :class:`sgkt.platform.qt.QtGui.QPainter` :param view_option: The option used for rendering the item. :type view_option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item to render. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :param action: The action to draw the push button for :type action: ViewItemAction :param rect: The action's bounding rect :type rect: QRect """ index_data = action.get_data(self.parent(), index) if not index_data.get("visible", True) or index_data.get("placeholder", False): # Do not draw actions that are not visible or are placeholders return widget = self.get_option_widget(view_option) button_option = self._get_action_button_option( view_option, widget, action, rect, index_data ) if button_option.icon: # Checkbox is displayed using an icon, draw it as a flat button self._draw_push_button(painter, button_option, widget) else: style = if widget else style.proxy().drawControl(QtGui.QStyle.CE_CheckBox, button_option, painter) if button_option.state & QtGui.QStyle.State_MouseOver: tooltip = index_data.get("tooltip", action.tooltip) if tooltip: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot( 500, lambda o=view_option, r=rect, t=tooltip: self._draw_tooltip( o, r, t ), ) def _draw_action_progress_bar(self, painter, view_option, index, action, rect): """ Draw the action as a progress bar. :param painter: the object used for painting. :type painter: :class:`sgkt.platform.qt.QtGui.QPainter` :param view_option: The option used for rendering the item. :type view_option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item to render. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :param action: The action to draw the push button for :type action: ViewItemAction :param rect: The action's bounding rect :type rect: QRect """ index_data = action.get_data(self.parent(), index) if not index_data.get("visible", True) or index_data.get("placeholder", False): # Do not draw actions that are not visible or are placeholders return widget = self.get_option_widget(view_option) progress_bar_option = self._get_action_progress_bar_option( view_option, widget, action, rect, index_data ) style = if widget else style.proxy().drawControl( QtGui.QStyle.CE_ProgressBar, progress_bar_option, painter ) if progress_bar_option.state & QtGui.QStyle.State_MouseOver: tooltip = index_data.get("tooltip", action.tooltip) if tooltip: QtCore.QTimer.singleShot( 500, lambda o=view_option, r=rect, t=tooltip: self._draw_tooltip( o, r, t ), ) def _draw_push_button(self, painter, button_option, widget): """ Draw a push button. Ideally calling QStyle.drawControl method with QStyle.CE_PushButton could render the push button, but there are issues with certain styles, so the QCommonStyle drawControl method is reimplemented with some special handling. """ style = if widget else is_flat = button_option.features & QtGui.QStyleOptionButton.Flat if not is_flat: style.proxy().drawControl( QtGui.QStyle.CE_PushButtonBevel, button_option, painter ) subopt = QtGui.QStyleOptionButton(button_option) subopt.rect = style.subElementRect( QtGui.QStyle.SE_PushButtonContents, button_option, widget ) style.proxy().drawControl(QtGui.QStyle.CE_PushButtonLabel, subopt, painter) if button_option.state & QtGui.QStyle.State_HasFocus: fropt = QtGui.QStyleOptionFocusRect() fropt.backgroundColor = self.get_option_background_brush( button_option ).color() fropt.palette = button_option.palette fropt.state = button_option.state fropt.fontMetrics = button_option.fontMetrics fropt.rect = style.subElementRect( QtGui.QStyle.SE_PushButtonFocusRect, button_option, widget ) style.proxy().drawPrimitive(QtGui.QStyle.PE_FrameFocusRect, fropt, painter) def _init_style_option( self, style_option, view_option, widget, action, rect, index_data ): """ Initialize the style option to render the index action. :param style_option: The style option used for rendering the item. This will be specific to the element to be drawn (e.g. QStyleOptionButton, QStyleOptionProgressBar, etc.). :type style_option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOption` :param view_option: The option used for rendering the item. :type view_option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param widget: Set this widget for the style option to inherit the style from. :type widget: QtGui.QWidget :param action: The action to draw the push button for :type action: ViewItemAction :param rect: The action's bounding rect :type rect: QRect :param index_data: The specifici data for the action and the index being rendered :type index_data: dict """ if widget: style_option.initFrom(widget) style_option.fontMetrics = view_option.fontMetrics style_option.palette = view_option.palette style_option.rect = rect style_option.state = index_data.get( "state", QtGui.QStyle.State_Active | QtGui.QStyle.State_Enabled ) # Add the hover state, if the current cursor position intersects the action rect. is_hover = self._hit_box_test(view_option, rect) if is_hover: style_option.state |= QtGui.QStyle.State_MouseOver # TODO find a better way to specifiy the palette color based on button state. # e.g. is there a way leverage the palette color group and roles? if action.palette_brushes: if is_hover: brushes = action.palette_brushes["hover"] else: brushes = action.palette_brushes["active"] for color_group, color_role, brush in brushes: style_option.palette.setBrush(color_group, color_role, brush) def _get_action_progress_bar_option( self, view_option, widget, action, rect, index_data ): """ Initialize the progress bar style option to render the index action. :param style_option: The style option used for rendering the item. This will be specific to the element to be drawn (e.g. QStyleOptionButton, QStyleOptionProgressBar, etc.). :type style_option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOption` :param view_option: The option used for rendering the item. :type view_option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param widget: Set this widget for the style option to inherit the style from. :type widget: QtGui.QWidget :param action: The action to draw the push button for :type action: ViewItemAction :param rect: The action's bounding rect :type rect: QRect :param index_data: The specifici data for the action and the index being rendered :type index_data: dict """ progress_bar_option = QtGui.QStyleOptionProgressBar() self._init_style_option( progress_bar_option, view_option, widget, action, rect, index_data ) progress_bar_option.minimum = index_data.get("minimum", 0) progress_bar_option.maximum = index_data.get("maximum", 100) progress_bar_option.progress = index_data.get("progress", -1) progress_bar_option.text = index_data.get("text", "") progress_bar_option.textVisible = index_data.get("text_visible", False) progress_bar_option.textAlignment = index_data.get( "text_alignment", QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft ) progress_bar_option.bottomToTop = index_data.get("bottom_to_top", False) progress_bar_option.invertedAppearance = index_data.get( "inverted_appearance", False ) return progress_bar_option def _get_action_button_option(self, view_option, widget, action, rect, index_data): """ Initialize the button style option to render the index action. :param style_option: The style option used for rendering the item. This will be specific to the element to be drawn (e.g. QStyleOptionButton, QStyleOptionProgressBar, etc.). :type style_option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOption` :param view_option: The option used for rendering the item. :type view_option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param widget: Set this widget for the style option to inherit the style from. :type widget: QtGui.QWidget :param action: The action to draw the push button for :type action: ViewItemAction :param rect: The action's bounding rect :type rect: QRect :param index_data: The specifici data for the action and the index being rendered :type index_data: dict """ button_option = QtGui.QStyleOptionButton() self._init_style_option( button_option, view_option, widget, action, rect, index_data ) button_option.text = index_data.get("name", # Set the action icon icon = index_data.get("icon", action.icon) if icon: icon_size = index_data.get("icon_size") or action.icon_size button_option.icon = icon button_option.iconSize = icon_size # Apply any additional features defined by the action. if action.features: button_option.features |= action.features # Icons and checkboxes are rendered as flat buttons if action.type in (ViewItemAction.TYPE_ICON, ViewItemAction.TYPE_CHECK_BOX): button_option.features |= QtGui.QStyleOptionButton.Flat # Override palette to invert text color for flat buttons it have a higher contrast if button_option.features & QtGui.QStyleOptionButton.Flat: is_hover = button_option.state & QtGui.QStyle.State_MouseOver if not is_hover or action.callback is None: brush = button_option.palette.light() else: brush = button_option.palette.buttonText() button_option.palette.setBrush(QtGui.QPalette.ButtonText, brush) button_option.palette.setBrush(QtGui.QPalette.Window, brush) # Override the palette for disabled buttons # This is a work aroudn because the QStyle draw methods do not seem to render the # "disabled" state for the button, even when the palette "Disabled" color group is set if button_option.state & QtGui.QStyle.State_Enabled: # Button enabled - leave the palette as is pass else: # Button disabled - set the button and button text brushes to render a 'greyed out' look disabledButtonText = button_option.palette.buttonText() disabledButtonTextColor = disabledButtonText.color() disabledButtonTextColor.setAlpha(50) disabledButtonText.setColor(disabledButtonTextColor) button_option.palette.setBrush( QtGui.QPalette.ButtonText, disabledButtonText ) return button_option def _draw_tooltip(self, option, rect, text): """ Show a tooltip at the current cursor position, if it is hovering over the given rect. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param rect: The rect to check if the cursor is over. :type rect: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QRect` :param text: The tooltip text to display. :type text: str """ cursor_pos = self.get_cursor_pos(option) widget = self.get_option_widget(option) if cursor_pos and rect.contains(cursor_pos): global_pos = QtGui.QCursor().pos() QtGui.QToolTip.showText(global_pos, text, widget, rect) def _draw_text_tooltip(self, option, rect, index, elided=None): """ Show a tooltip for the item's text if it has been elided or clipped. Text tooltips will only be drawn if: 1. The `show_text_tooltip` property is True 2. The `override_item_tooltip` property is True or the item does not have a tooltip :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param rect: The rect to check if the cursor is over. :type rect: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QRect` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :param elided: True if the text has already been processed and is elided, else False. If set to None, the text has not been processed. """ # Only show tooltips if enabled and the cursor is hovering if not self.show_text_tooltip or not self.is_hover(option): return try: # Try to get the item associated with this index, to check if it has a tooltip set. if isinstance(index.model(), QtGui.QSortFilterProxyModel): source_index = index.model().mapToSource(index) item = source_index.model().itemFromIndex(source_index) else: item = index.model().itemFromIndex(index) item_tooltip = item.toolTip() except AttributeError: # Failed to extract the tooltip from the index . item = None item_tooltip = None if self._override_item_tooltip or not item_tooltip: # Tooltip override was set or the item does not have a tooltip, so show our tooltip # with the full text if it was elided, or clipped and auto-expand is disabled. if elided is None: # Text has not yet been processed for eliding, let's check here. _, elided = self._get_text_document(option, index, rect) if not elided: # FIXME header eliding is not detected in the _get_text_document method _, elided = self._get_header_text( index, option, rect, return_elided=True ) clipped = False if not elided and self.expand_role is None: # Auto-expand disabled, check if text clipped. text = self._get_text(index) clipped = self._is_text_clipped(option, rect, text) if elided or clipped: # Override the item tooltip by clearing it before showing the tooltip we want. if item and item_tooltip: item.setToolTip(None) # Show plain text in the tooltip, remove any trailing white space and ensure single line spacing. full_text = self.get_displayed_text(index).strip().replace("\n\n", "\n") QtCore.QTimer.singleShot( 500, lambda o=option, r=rect, t=full_text: self._draw_tooltip(o, r, t), ) ###################################################################################################### # Getter methods to retrieve the item data to display. Override any of these methods to customize the # data that is rendered for an item. def _get_thumbnail(self, index): """ Get the thumbnail for the item. :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: The item thumbnail data :rtype: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QPixmap` """ thumbnail = self.get_value(index, self.thumbnail_role) if thumbnail is None: return None if not thumbnail: # Default to empty pixmap thumbnail = QtGui.QPixmap( ":/tk-framework-qtwidgets/shotgun_widget/rect_512x400.png" ) if hasattr(thumbnail, "pixmap"): thumbnail = self._convert_icon_to_pixmap(thumbnail) return thumbnail def _get_text(self, index, option=None, rect=None): """ Return the text data to display. The text data will be the concatentation of the data retrieved from the header_role, subtitle_role and text_role. :param index: The item model index. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :param option: The option used for rendering the item. When specified with `rect`, the header text will be elided, if necessary. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param rect: The bounding rect for the text. When specified with `option`, the header text will be elided, if necessary. :type rect: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QRect` :return: A list, where each item represents a text line in the item's whole text. :rtype: list<str> """ return [ self._get_header_text(index, option, rect) ] + self.get_display_values_list(index, self.text_role) def _get_header_text(self, index, option=None, rect=None, return_elided=False): """ Return the header text data to display. This will get the data from the `header_role` and `subtitle_role`, and format them into a single line using an HTML table tag. The table is required to format the subtitle to align right within the same text line as the header text. When the option and rect parameters are provided, the header and subtitle text will be elided, if necessary. Eliding the text must occur here, and not later on in the text processing cycle since the `_elide_text` method cannot handle eliding text inside an HTML table tag very nicely, nor does Qt support eliding text in tables using the HTML/CSS attributes. :param index: The item model index. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :param option: The option used for rendering the item. When specified with `rect`, the header text will be elided, if necessary. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param rect: The bounding rect for the text. When specified with `option`, the header text will be elided, if necessary. :type rect: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QRect` :param return_elided: Flag indicating whether or not to return a tuple including the text with a boolean flag indicating if the text was elided or not. :type return_elideD: bool (defualt is False) :return: The formatted header text, as well as a boolean flag indicating if the header text was elided. :rtype: tuple<str,bool> """ elided = False title = self.get_display_values_list(index, self.header_role, flat=True) or "" subtitle = ( self.get_display_values_list(index, self.subtitle_role, flat=True) or "" ) if not title and not subtitle: # No title or subtitle found, just return an empty string. return ("", elided) if return_elided else "" title_html = "" subtitle_html = "" do_elide = self.elide_header and option and rect and rect.isValid() if do_elide: # FIXME for now we've just picked an arbitrary value to account for the HTML table offset # to the available width for the text target_width = rect.width() - 20 else: target_width = -1 if not subtitle: # There is only a title if do_elide: # Elide the title when the option and rect are provided, and there is text overflow. _, elided_title = self._get_elided_text(option, target_width, title) elided = title != elided_title title = sgutils.ensure_str(elided_title) title_html = '<td align="left width="100%"">{text}</td>'.format(text=title) elif not title: # There is only a subtitle if do_elide: # Elide the title when the option and rect are provided, and there is text overflow. _, elided_subtitle = self._get_elided_text( option, target_width, subtitle ) elided = subtitle != elided_subtitle subtitle = sgutils.ensure_str(elided_subtitle) subtitle_html = '<td align="right" width="100%">{text}</td>'.format( text=subtitle ) else: # There is a title and subttile title_width_str = "" subtitle_width_str = "" if do_elide: # Elide the title and subttile when the option and rect are provided, and there # is text overflow. title_ideal_width = self._html_text_width(option, title) subtitle_ideal_width = self._html_text_width(option, subtitle) if (title_ideal_width + subtitle_ideal_width) > target_width: # There is overflow, title and or subtitle should be elided. title_width_pct = title_ideal_width / target_width subtitle_width_pct = subtitle_ideal_width / target_width if title_width_pct > 0.5 and subtitle_width_pct > 0.5: # Title and subtitle are fighting for space, just split it in half. title_width = 0.5 * target_width subtitle_width = 0.5 * target_width title_width_str = 'width="50%"' subtitle_width_str = 'width="50%"' elif subtitle_width_pct <= 0.5: # The subtitle takes up less than half of the space, extend the title to # the subtitle, and elide it if it still has overflow. title_width_pct = 1.0 - subtitle_width_pct title_width = title_width_pct * target_width subtitle_width = subtitle_width_pct * target_width title_width_str = 'width="{}%"'.format( int(title_width_pct * 100) ) subtitle_width_str = 'width="{}%"'.format( int(subtitle_width_pct * 100) ) else: # The title takes up less than half of the space, extend the subtitle to # the title, and elide it if it still has overflow. title_width = title_width_pct * target_width subtitle_width_pct = 1.0 - title_width_pct subtitle_width = subtitle_width_pct * target_width title_width_str = 'width="{}%"'.format( int(title_width_pct * 100) ) subtitle_width_str = 'width="{}%"'.format( int(subtitle_width_pct * 100) ) _, elided_title = self._get_elided_text(option, title_width, title) _, elided_subtitle = self._get_elided_text( option, subtitle_width, subtitle ) elided = title != elided_title or subtitle != elided_subtitle title = sgutils.ensure_str(elided_title) subtitle = sgutils.ensure_str(elided_subtitle) title_html = '<td align="left" {width}>{text}</td>'.format( width=title_width_str, text=title ) subtitle_html = '<td align="right" {width}>{text}</td>'.format( width=subtitle_width_str, text=subtitle ) # The final formatted text formatted_header = ( '<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="{border}"><tr>{title_cell}{subtitle_cell}</tr></table>' ).format( title_cell=title_html, subtitle_cell=subtitle_html, border="1" if DEBUG_PAINT else "none", ) return (formatted_header, elided) if return_elided else formatted_header def _get_text_document(self, option, index, rect, clip=True): """ Return the QTextDocument that contains the index text data to display. A QTextDocument is used in order to support HTML/rich text, as well as keeping all text inside a single object, so that it is easier to manage the bounding rect and size of the text. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The item model index. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :param rect: The bounding rect for the text. :type rect: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QRect` :return: A tuple containing the text document containing all text for the item and a flag indicating if any of the text was elided during formatting. :rtype: tuple<:class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QTextDocument`, bool> """ text = self._get_text(index, option, rect) html, elided = self._format_html_text(option, index, rect, text, clip) doc = self._create_text_document(option) if rect.isValid() and rect.width() > 0: doc.setTextWidth(rect.width()) doc.setHtml(html) return (doc, elided) def _get_actions(self, option, index, return_all=False, positions=None): """ Retun all of the actions that are valid for this item. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The item model index. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :param return_all: Return all actions no matter what. :type return_all: bool :param positions: A list of positions to retrieve actions from. :type positions: list<POSITION>, where POSITION is one of the positions in `POSITIONS`. :return: All of the valid actions for the item. :rtype: dict, mapping position to list of actions in that position. """ result = {} positions = positions or [] selected = self.is_selected(option) hover = self.is_hover(option) for pos, _ in enumerate(self.POSITIONS): if positions and pos not in positions: continue result[pos] = [] for action in self._actions.get(pos, []): if ( return_all or action.show_always or (selected and action.show_on_selected) or (hover and action.show_on_hover) ) and action.is_visible(self.parent(), index): # Action is valid for this item result[pos].append(action) return result def _get_action_and_rects(self, option, index, return_all=False, positions=None): """ Return a list of tuples of the view item actions and their respective rect. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The item model index. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :param return_all: Return all actions no matter what. :type return_all: bool :param positions: A list of positions to retrieve actions from. :type positions: list<POSITION>, where POSITION is one of the positions in `POSITIONS`. :return: All of the valid actions for the item and their respective bounding rect. :rtype: list<tuple<action, bouding_rect>> """ rects = [] item_action_data = self._get_actions(option, index, return_all, positions) for position, actions in item_action_data.items(): # The offset will indicate where the next action bounding rect should start. offset = self.action_item_margin for action in actions: # Get the bounding rect for this action rect = self._get_action_rect(option, index, position, offset, action) # Increment the offset to get the next action boudning rect. offset += rect.width() + self.action_item_margin rects.append((action, rect)) return rects ###################################################################################################### # Getter methods for bounding rects for item data. Override any of these methods to customize the size # and positioning of the item data; e.g. see the ThumbnailViewItemDelegate that subclasses this base class # to reposition the thumbnail on top and text undernearth (instead of thumbnail left and text to the right. def _get_loading_rect(self, option, index): """ Return the bounding rect for the item's loading icon. An invalid rect will be returned if the item is not in a loading state. The bounding rect will be positioned to the right in the option rect, and centered vertically. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: The bounding rect for the item's loading indicator. The rect will be invalid if there is no loading indicatorto display. :rtype: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QRect` """ if not self.loading_role: return QtCore.QRect() loading = self.get_value(index, self.loading_role) if not loading: return QtCore.QRect() origin = QtCore.QPoint( option.rect.right() - self.action_item_margin - self.icon_size.width(), + (option.rect.height() / 2) - (self.icon_size.height() / 2), ) return QtCore.QRect(origin, self.icon_size) def _get_thumbnail_rect(self, option, index, thumbnail=None): """ Return the boudning rect for the item's thumbnail. The bounding rect will be positioned on the left of the option rect. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: The bounding rect for the item thumbnail. :rtype: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QRect` """ if thumbnail is None: thumbnail = self._get_thumbnail(index) if not thumbnail: return QtCore.QRect() rect = QtCore.QRect(option.rect) # Set the thumbnail rect size to the size of the thumbnail, after it has been scaled # to fit to the option rect height. height = option.rect.height() thumbnail = thumbnail.scaledToHeight(height) if self.thumbnail_width < 0: width = thumbnail.width() else: width = self.thumbnail_width rect.setSize(QtCore.QSize(width, height)) # Bump the thumbnail to the left, if there are non-floating actions on the left. dx = ( self._get_actions_left_offset(option, index, include_margin=True) + self.thumbnail_padding.left ) dx2 = self.thumbnail_padding.right dy = dy2 = self.thumbnail_padding.bottom rect.adjust(dx, dy, -dx2, -dy2) return rect def _get_text_rect(self, option, index): """ Returns the bounding rect for the view item text. The rect will be positioned to the right of the thumbnail rect and span the height of option's rect and span the rest of the option rect width. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: The bounding rect for the item text. :rtype: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QRect` """ rect = QtCore.QRect(option.rect) thumbnail_rect = self._get_thumbnail_rect(option, index) if thumbnail_rect.isValid(): # Just set the rect left edge to the thumbnail rect right edge. rect.setLeft(thumbnail_rect.right()) dx = 0 else: # Get the actions offset from the left to adjust the text rect. dx = self._get_actions_left_offset(option, index, include_margin=False) dx += self.text_padding.left # Get the actions offset from the right to adjust to the text rect. dx2 = self._get_actions_right_offset(option, index, include_margin=False) loading_rect = self._get_loading_rect(option, index) if loading_rect.isValid(): # Adjust the rect to the left, when displaying the loading indicator. dx2 = max(dx2, loading_rect.width() + self.action_item_margin) dx2 += self.text_padding.right dy = dy2 = self.text_padding.bottom rect.adjust(dx, dy, -dx2, -dy2) return rect def _get_action_rect(self, option, index, position, offset, action): """ Returns the bounding rect for the view item action. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :param position: The position of the action :type position: POSITION enum :param offset: The horizontal offset from the action's position starting point; for example, if the position is TOP_RIGHT corner, then the offset is how far to the left of the rect top right corner, that the action should be drawn. :param action: The action to get the bounding rect for. :type action: :class:`ViewItemAction` :return: The bounding rect for the item action. :rtype: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QRect` """ index_data = action.get_data(self.parent(), index) name = index_data.get("name", icon = index_data.get("icon", action.icon) icon_size = index_data.get("icon_size") or action.icon_size if index_data.get("width", None) == "100%": width = option.rect.width() else: # Calculate the width of the action width = index_data.get( "padding_left", action.get_padding_left() ) + index_data.get("padding_right", action.get_padding_right()) # Extend the width for the text if name: width += option.fontMetrics.width(name) + 5 # Extend the width for the icon if icon: width += icon_size.width() # Extend the width for by the width hint width += index_data.get("width", action.width_hint()) # Set the height to the height of a single text line, plus padding. height = index_data.get( "padding_top", action.get_padding_top() ) + index_data.get("padding_bottom", action.get_padding_bottom()) if index_data.get("adjust_height_to_icon", False): height += icon_size.height() else: height += option.fontMetrics.height() # Calculate the top left (origin) point, based on the position and offset, to draw the action rect if position in (self.TOP_LEFT, self.FLOAT_TOP_LEFT): origin = QtCore.QPoint( option.rect.left() + offset, + self.action_item_margin, ) elif position in (self.TOP_RIGHT, self.FLOAT_TOP_RIGHT): origin = QtCore.QPoint( option.rect.right() - offset - width, + self.action_item_margin, ) elif position in (self.BOTTOM_LEFT, self.FLOAT_BOTTOM_LEFT): origin = QtCore.QPoint( option.rect.left() + offset, option.rect.bottom() - height - self.action_item_margin, ) elif position in (self.BOTTOM_RIGHT, self.FLOAT_BOTTOM_RIGHT): origin = QtCore.QPoint( option.rect.right() - offset - width, option.rect.bottom() - height - self.action_item_margin, ) elif position in (self.LEFT, self.FLOAT_LEFT): origin = QtCore.QPoint( option.rect.left() + offset, + (option.rect.height() / 2) - (height / 2), ) elif position in (self.RIGHT, self.FLOAT_RIGHT): origin = QtCore.QPoint( option.rect.right() - offset - width, + (option.rect.height() / 2) - (height / 2), ) elif position == self.CENTER: origin = QtCore.QPoint( option.rect.left() + (option.rect.width() / 2) - (width / 2), + (option.rect.height() / 2) - (height / 2), ) else: assert False, "Unsupported action position '{}'".format(position) return QtCore.QRect(origin, QtCore.QSize(width, height)) def _get_actions_position_width(self, option, index, position): """ Return the width of for all actions combined in the given position. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :param position: The position of the action :type position: POSITION enum :return: The width of the row of actions in the given position. :rtype: int """ width = 0 actions = self._get_action_and_rects(option, index, positions=[position]) for _, action_rect in actions: width += action_rect.width() + self.action_item_margin return width def _get_actions_maximum_height(self, option, index): """ Return the maximum height of all actions. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: The maximum height value of all the actions. :rtype: int """ height = 0 actions = self._get_action_and_rects(option, index, return_all=True) for _, action_rect in actions: height = max(height, action_rect.height()) return height + self.action_item_margin def _get_actions_left_offset(self, option, index, include_margin=False): """ Convenience method to get the offset from the left side actions. This will return the horizontal offset from the left of the option rect, where the actions on the left side span to. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :param include_margin: Add margin to actions offset. :type include_margin: bool :return: The horizontal offset from the left side of the option rect where the left side actions end. :rtype: int """ return self._get_actions_offset( option, index, (self.LEFT, self.TOP_LEFT, self.BOTTOM_LEFT), include_margin ) def _get_actions_right_offset(self, option, index, include_margin=False): """ Convenience method to get the offset from the right side actions. This will return the horizontal offset from the right of the option rect, where the actions on the right side span to. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :param include_margin: Add margin to actions offset. :type include_margin: bool :return: The horizontal offset from the right side of the option rect where the right side actions end. :rtype: int """ return self._get_actions_offset( option, index, (self.RIGHT, self.TOP_RIGHT, self.BOTTOM_RIGHT) ) def _get_actions_offset(self, option, index, positions, include_margin=False): """ Convenience method to get the offset for the actions in the given positions. This will return the offset from the edge of the option rect, to how far the actions span. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :param position: The positions of the actions to calculate the offset for. When more than one position is provided, the positions should be oriented from the same side (e.g. top left, bottom left and left). :type position: tuple<POSITION>, where POSITION is one of the position enums :param include_margin: Add margin to actions offset. :type include_margin: bool :return: The offset from the edge of the option rect to how far the actions span. :rtype: int """ offset = max( [self._get_actions_position_width(option, index, pos) for pos in positions] ) if offset > 0: # Add the margin from the option rect to the first action. if include_margin: # Optionally add margin at the end of the actions. offset += self.action_item_margin return offset ###################################################################################################### # Private methods def _hit_box_test(self, option, rect): """ Return True if the current cursor position intersects the given rect. If mouse tracking is not enabled on the option widget, this will always return False. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param rect: The rect to check if the cursor is over. :type rect: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QRect` :return: True if the current cursor position intersects the given rect, else False. :rtype: bool """ cursor_pos = self.get_cursor_pos(option) return cursor_pos and rect.contains(cursor_pos) def _action_at(self, option, index, pos): """ Return the action at the given point `pos`. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :param pos: The point to check intersection with action bounding rect. :type pos: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QPoint` :return: The aciton found at point `pos`. :rtype: :class:`ViewItemAction` """ actions_and_rects = self._get_action_and_rects(option, index, return_all=True) # Check for actions in reverse order, since the actions added last will appear in the "front" for action, rect in actions_and_rects[::-1]: if rect.contains(pos): return action return None def _convert_icon_to_pixmap(self, icon): """ Return the pixmap converted from the given icon. :param icon: The icon to conver to a pixmap. :type icon: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QIcon` :return: The pixmap converted from the icon. :rtype: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QPixmap` """ return icon.pixmap(self.pixmap_extent) if icon else None def _update_index_expand_state(self, option, index): """ Check if an item expand state should change (expand to show all text or collapse to hide text). If the cursor is hovering over the item or the item is selected, and the item text is clipped, then set the index model data to signal to the delegate to expand the item height to show all text. If the cursor is not hovering over the item and the item was expanded to show all text, now collapse the item. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: True if the item exapnd state was changed (either expanded or collapsed). :rtype: bool """ if self.expand_role is None: return False text = self._get_text(index) text_rect = self._get_text_rect(option, index) clipped = self._is_text_clipped(option, text_rect, text) is_expanded = self.get_value(index, self.expand_role) state_changed = False hover = self.is_hover(option) selected = self.is_selected(option) if (hover or selected) and clipped and not is_expanded: # Cursor is hovering over an item, or item is selected, and its text is vertically # clipped. Set the index data flag to expand the row height. self._toggle_expand_item(index, True) state_changed = True elif not (hover or selected) and not clipped and is_expanded: # This item was expanded on hover or due to selection, but now is deselected or the # cursor has moved off of it. Update the index data to collapse the item height. self._toggle_expand_item(index, False) state_changed = True return state_changed def _toggle_expand_item(self, index, expand_flag=None): """ Expand the item to display all text. To expand the item, the item index data will be set to indicate that the item should expand to display all of its text data, then a `sizeHintChanged` signal is emitted to re-render the item. :param index: The model index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` """ if self.expand_role is None: return if expand_flag is None: expand_flag = not self.get_value(index, self.expand_role) index.model().setData(index, expand_flag, self.expand_role) self.sizeHintChanged.emit(index) def _is_expanded(self, index): """ Returns True if the item is currently expanded to show all text. :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: True if the expand action is currently shown, else False. :rtype: bool """ return self.expand_role and self.get_value(index, self.expand_role) def _create_text_document(self, option): """ Return a new QTextDocument object. Whenever a QTextDocument is required, this method should be used to create the object to ensure all QTextDocuments used for the item text are consistent (e.g. font, document margin, etc.). :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :return: The created QTextDocument object. :rtype: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QTextDocument` """ doc = QtGui.QTextDocument() # Use the font set on the delegate. If not set, default to theoption font is initialized # in the QStyledItemDelegate `initStyleOption` method, the font is set based on the model # index data for the QtCore.Qt.FontRole. doc.setDefaultFont(self.font or option.font) doc.setDefaultStyleSheet(self.document_style_sheet) doc.setDocumentMargin(self.text_document_margin) text_option = QtGui.QTextOption(doc.defaultTextOption()) text_option.setWrapMode(QtGui.QTextOption.WordWrap) doc.setDefaultTextOption(text_option) return doc def _get_visible_lines_height(self, option, line_text="placeholder"): """ Return the height based on the number of visible lines. A placeholder text is used to calculate the height per line. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param line_text: The placehoder text used to calculate the line height. The specific text should not affect the overall height. :type line_text: str :return: The height calculated from the number of visible lines that are displayed. :rtype: int """ if self.visible_lines <= 0: return 0 # A QTextDocument is created to calculate an accurate height to what would be rendered. doc = self._create_text_document(option) # Create an HTML text string that is the number of `visible_lines` html_lines = "<br/>".join([line_text] * self.visible_lines) doc.setHtml(html_lines) return doc.size().height() def _html_text_width(self, option, text): """ Return the width of the rendered HTML text. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param text: The text to check for overflow. :type text: str :return: The width of the text when rendered. :rtype: int """ # To calculate the width of the HTML text, a QTextDocument is reuired to ensure # that any formatting on the text is applied when getting the text width. doc = self._create_text_document(option) doc.setHtml(text) return doc.idealWidth() def _is_text_clipped(self, option, rect, text_lines): """ Returns True if the displayed text was vertically clipped to fit to the view item bounding rect. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param rect: The text bounding rect :type rect: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QRect` :param text_lines: The text to check if it fits inside the given rect, if not, it should be clipped. :type text_line: list<str> :return: True if the text has overflow and should be clipped, else False. :rtype: bool """ line_num = 0 height = 0 text_doc_margins = 2 * self.text_document_margin # The maximum height for the text available_height = rect.height() - text_doc_margins # Go through the text lines one by one, adding up each line height and # returning True immediately if the text goes beyond the rect height. while line_num < len(text_lines): # and height < rect.height(): # while line_num < len(text_lines) and height < rect.height(): line = text_lines[line_num].strip() line_num += 1 if not line or not isinstance(line, str): continue # Split the line if there are any HTML line breaks in the text. html_text_lines = self.split_html_lines(line) for text in html_text_lines: text = text.strip() if not text: continue # No need to elide the text, the text line height will remain the same. text_line_doc = self._create_text_document(option) text_line_doc.setHtml(text) # Append the text line height and substract the text doc margin since when the text # is actually rendered, it will be rendered in one text document, instead of a # text document per line (text document in this case needs to be created per line # to calculate the individual line heights). height += text_line_doc.size().height() - text_doc_margins if height > available_height: # Text exceeds the maximum height, indicate the text should be clipped. return True # Text fits within the available rect height. return False def _format_html_text(self, option, index, rect, text_lines, clip): """ Format the HTML text. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :param rect: The text bounding rect :type rect: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QRect` :param text_lines: The text to check if it fits inside the given rect, if not, it should be clipped. :type text_line: list<str> :param clip: True if the text should be clipped when there is overflow, else False will return all text even if there is overflow. :return: A tuple containging the html formatted text and a flag indicating if the any of the text was elided during formatting. :rtype: tuple<str, bool> """ html_lines = [] line_count = 0 line_num = 0 elided = False if clip: # Keep track of the height when the text will be clipped if exceeds the maximum height. height = 0 margin_offset = 2 * self.text_document_margin # The maximum allowed text height. available_height = rect.height() - margin_offset # Format text line by line # Stop if clipping enabled and the text height exceeds the maximum # Stop if `visible_lines` property is set and the line count exceeds the number of visible lines set and the # item for this index is not expanded (e.g. do not clip if item is set to be expanded to show all text) while ( line_num < len(text_lines) and (not clip or height < rect.height()) and ( self.visible_lines < 0 or self._is_expanded(index) or line_count < self.visible_lines ) ): line = text_lines[line_num].strip() line_num += 1 if not line or not isinstance(line, str): continue # If an individual line has line breaks, split out those lines and process # them individually. html_text_lines = self.split_html_lines(line) for text in html_text_lines: # Strip any leading or trailing whitespace. text = text.strip() if not text: continue if ( not self._is_expanded(index) and self.visible_lines >= 0 and line_count >= self.visible_lines ): # Exceeded the number of visible lines. Stop formatting. break if self.elide_text: # Because the text is allowed to be HTML formatted, in order to elide an # individual line (if necessary), the text must be rendered using a # QTextDocument which then the document can be used to determine if the # formatted text exceeds the maximum width. A side effect of eliding the # text using a QTextDocument is that the resulting elided text will be # a full HTML doc string. doc, elided_text = self._get_elided_text(option, rect.width(), text) else: # Even though the text is not elided, still need to get the text document # to measure the text height for clipping doc = self._create_text_document(option) doc.setHtml(text) elided_text = None if clip: height += doc.size().height() - margin_offset if height > available_height and clip: # Text height exceeded the maximum. Stop formatting. break if elided_text is None or text == elided_text: # Text did not change, just add the text and a line break. html_lines.append(text) html_lines.append("<br/>") else: # Text was elided. Elided text is in the format of a full HTML document, # which includes line breaks before and after, so if there # was a line break added before this line, remove it. Do not explicitly # add a # new line break after the elided text. if html_lines and html_lines[-1] == "<br/>": html_lines[-1] = elided_text else: html_lines.append(elided_text) elided = True line_count += 1 # Remove trailing new line if html_lines and html_lines[-1] == "<br/>": html_lines = html_lines[:-1] # Return a single string, lines are separated by HTML line break tags. html_lines = [sgutils.ensure_str(line) for line in html_lines] formatted_str = "".join(html_lines) return (formatted_str, elided) def _get_elided_text( self, option, target_width, text, elide_mode=QtCore.Qt.ElideRight ): """ Elide the text if the width exceeds the given `target_width`. This slightly tweaks the implementation from :class:`ElidedLabel` method `_elide_text`. :param option: The view option the text is rendered in. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param target_width: The desired width for the text :type target_width: int :param text: The text to elide :type text: str :param elide_mode: The elide mode to use :type elide_mode: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.Qtcore.Qt.TextElideMode` :returns: The QTextDocument used to elide the text and the elided text. If the text is not elided, the original text is returned. Note that if the text is elided, the elided text is the value returned by doc.toHtml(), which will return a string in the form of a full HTML document. :rtype: tuple<:class:`sgkt.platform.qt.QTextDocument`, str> """ # Use a QTextDocument to measure html/rich text width doc = self._create_text_document(option) doc.setHtml(text) if target_width < 0 or text.startswith("<table"): # Just return the doc and text unaltered if the target_width is invalid or the text contains # unsupported HTML tags. # NOTE: Text wrapped in HTML table tag is not supported. See `get_header_text` as an example # to eliding table cell text. return (doc, text) line_width = doc.idealWidth() if line_width <= target_width: # Nothing more to do, the text fits within the target_width return (doc, text) # Depending on the elide mode, insert ellipses in the correct place cursor = QtGui.QTextCursor(doc) ellipses = "" if elide_mode != QtCore.Qt.ElideNone: # Add the ellipses in the correct place ellipses = "..." if elide_mode == QtCore.Qt.ElideLeft: cursor.setPosition(0) elif elide_mode == QtCore.Qt.ElideRight: char_count = doc.characterCount() cursor.setPosition(char_count - 1) cursor.insertText(ellipses) ellipses_len = len(ellipses) # Remove characters until the text fits within the target width while line_width > target_width: start_line_width = line_width # If string is less than the ellipses length then just return an empty string char_count = doc.characterCount() if char_count <= ellipses_len: return "" # Calculate the number of characters to remove - should always remove at least 1 to be sure the text gets shorter line_width = doc.idealWidth() p = target_width / line_width # Play it safe and remove a couple less than the calculated amount chars_to_delete = max(1, char_count - int(float(char_count) * p) - 2) # Remove the characters: if elide_mode == QtCore.Qt.ElideLeft: start = ellipses_len end = chars_to_delete + ellipses_len else: # Default is to elide right start = max(0, char_count - chars_to_delete - ellipses_len - 1) end = max(0, char_count - ellipses_len - 1) cursor.setPosition(start) cursor.setPosition(end, QtGui.QTextCursor.KeepAnchor) cursor.removeSelectedText() line_width = doc.idealWidth() if line_width == start_line_width: break return (doc, doc.toHtml())
class ViewItemAction(object): """ Class object to handle rendering item actions in the :class:`ViewItemDelegate`. """ # Enum to describe the type of view item action. ( TYPE_PUSH_BUTTON, TYPE_RADIO_BUTTON, TYPE_CHECK_BOX, TYPE_PROGRESS_BAR, TYPE_ICON, ) = range(5) # Default widths for action types DEFAULT_WIDTHS = { TYPE_RADIO_BUTTON: 6, TYPE_PROGRESS_BAR: 100, } # The action attributes that will be used to initialize the object. _ATTRIBUTES = [ { # The text/label displayed for the action button "key": "name", "default": "", }, { "key": "type", "default": TYPE_PUSH_BUTTON, }, { # The action button option style features "key": "features", }, { # The icon displayed for the action button "key": "icon", }, { # The size for the action icon "key": "icon_size", "default": QtCore.QSize(18, 18), }, { # Padding applied around the action button "key": "padding", "default": 4, }, { "key": "padding_top", "default": None, }, { "key": "padding_right", "default": None, }, { "key": "padding_bottom", "default": None, }, { "key": "padding_left", "default": None, }, { # Text to display in a tooltip when the cursor is over the action "key": "tooltip", }, { # Specific palette brushes to set for the action button. Palette brushes # dict maps brush type to list of brush items, which should be in the # format of a tuple, e.g.: # (QPalette.ColorGroup, QPalette.ColorRole, QBrush) "key": "palette_brushes", "default": {}, }, { # Flag indicating if this action should always been shown, no matter what the state is "key": "show_always", "default": False, }, { # Flag indicating to show the action when the action's item is selected "key": "show_on_selected", "default": True, }, { # Flag indicating to show the action when the action's item is hovered over "key": "show_on_hover", "default": True, }, { # Callback function used to return data to display the action for the speicifc index. # The parent param is the parent of the delegate requesting the data. "key": "get_data", "default": lambda parent, index: {}, }, { # Callback function used to execute some operations when the action is "clicked" "key": "callback", "default": None, }, { # Set a fixed width for the action "key": "width", "default": None, }, { # Flag indicating to draw the action or not, but maintains space for the action regardless of # if it is drawn or not (e.g. this action acts as a spacer, which may be desirable to keep # actions lined up in each row of the delegate's view) "key": "placeholder", "default": False, }, { # The Qt.ItemDataRole to use set/get the action's check state data. This is usefule if an # item has more than one checkable action "key": "check_state_role", "default": QtCore.Qt.CheckStateRole, }, ] def __init__(self, data): """ Constructor. Use the data passed to initialize the object. :param data: The data to initialize the action with. :type data: dict, see `_ATTRIBUTES` for supported key-values. """ for attribute in self._ATTRIBUTES: required = attribute.get("required", False) attr_name = attribute["key"] if required and attr_name not in data: raise ValueError( "Required data not provided on {} init".format( self.__class__.__name__ ) ) value = ( data[attr_name] if attr_name in data else attribute.get("default", None) ) setattr(self, attr_name, value) @classmethod def checkable_types(cls): """Return a tuple icontaining the types that can be checked.""" return (cls.TYPE_CHECK_BOX, cls.TYPE_RADIO_BUTTON) def set_icon(self, icon): """ Set the action icon. If a string is given, create the icon from the string. The icon will be set to None if an invalid value provided. :param icon: The action icon :type icon: str | :class:`sgkt.platform.qt.QtGui.QIcon` """ if not icon: self.icon = None elif isinstance(icon, str): self.icon = QtGui.QIcon(icon) else: self.icon = icon def is_visible(self, parent, index): """ Convenience method to check if the action is visible for the given index. :param parent: The parent of deleaget who requested the data. :type parent: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QAbstractItemView` :param index: The model item index :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: True if the action is visible for the index. :rtype: bool """ index_data = self.get_data(parent, index) return index_data.get("visible", True) def state(self, parent, index): """ Convenience method to get the state of the action for the given index. :param parent: The parent of delegate who requested the data. :type parent: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QAbstractItemView` :param index: The model item index :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: The action state. :rtype: QState """ index_data = self.get_data(parent, index) return index_data.get( "state", QtGui.QStyle.State_Active | QtGui.QStyle.State_Enabled ) def get_name(self, parent, index): """ Convenience method to get the current action name for the given index. The particular index may want to override the default action name. :param parent: The parent of deleaget who requested the data. :type parent: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QAbstractItemView` :param index: The model item index :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: The name for the action at the given index :rtype: str """ index_data = self.get_data(parent, index) return index_data.get("name", def is_clickable(self, parent, index): """ An action is clickable if: 1. It is visible and not a placeholder 2. It is a checkbox or radio action, or has a callback 3. It is in an enabled state :param parent: The parent of deleaget who requested the data. :type parent: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QAbstractItemView` :param index: The model item index :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: True if the action is clickable, else False. :rtype: bool """ index_data = self.get_data(parent, index) if not index_data.get("visible", True) or index_data.get("placeholder", False): return False if self.callback or self.type in self.checkable_types(): return self.state(parent, index) & QtGui.QStyle.State_Enabled return False def width_hint(self): """ Get the suggested width to display the action. :param parent: The parent of deleaget who requested the data. :type parent: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QAbstractItemView` :param index: The model item index :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: The width hint for action. :rtype: int """ return self.DEFAULT_WIDTHS.get(self.type, 0) def get_padding_top(self): """ Return the padding for above the action. """ return self.padding_top or self.padding def get_padding_right(self): """ Return the padding to the right of the action. """ return self.padding_right or self.padding def get_padding_bottom(self): """ Return the padding for below the action. """ return self.padding_bottom or self.padding def get_padding_left(self): """ Return the padding to the left of the action. """ return self.padding_left or self.padding