Source code for delegates.thumbnail_view_item_delegate

# Copyright (c) 2021 Autodesk, Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
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from sgtk.platform.qt import QtCore, QtGui

from .view_item_delegate import ViewItemDelegate

[docs]class ThumbnailViewItemDelegate(ViewItemDelegate): """ A subclass of the ViewItemDelegate, where the thumbnail is the focus of the display, and is more compact (ideal for items with less text). """ def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Constructor Call the base constructor and set up properties specific to this delegate class. :param parent: The parent widget that will be used with this delegate. :type parent: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QAbstractItemView` """ super().__init__(parent) self._thumbnail_size = QtCore.QSize(164, 128) self.thumbnail_position = (self.TOP,)
[docs] def sizeHint(self, option, index): """ Override the base ViewItemDelegate method. The size hint is based on the thumbnail size. The width is set to the thumbnail width, plus the item padding. If the min_width property is set, the width will be at least the min_width. The height is set to the thumbnail height, plus the height of the text and item padding. Currently, the min_height property is not supported by this delegate. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: The size hint for this index. :rtype: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QSize` """ view_option = QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem(option) self.initStyleOption(view_option, index) # The size hint will mainly be based off of the thumbnail rect. thumbnail_rect = self._get_thumbnail_rect(option, index) # Get the full height of the item text. text_rect = self._get_text_rect(view_option, index) text_doc, _ = self._get_text_document(view_option, index, text_rect, clip=False) text_height = text_doc.size().height() width = max(thumbnail_rect.width(), self.min_width) height = thumbnail_rect.height() + max( text_height, self._get_visible_lines_height(option) ) # Add padding width += self.item_padding.left + self.item_padding.right width += self.thumbnail_padding.left + self.thumbnail_padding.right height += + self.item_padding.bottom height += + self.text_padding.bottom if thumbnail_rect.isValid(): height += + self.thumbnail_padding.bottom return QtCore.QSize(width, height)
def _get_loading_rect(self, option, index): """ Override the base ViewItemDelegate method. Return the bounding rect for the item's loading icon. An invalid rect will be returned if the item is not in a loading state. The bounding rect will be positioned to the right in the option rect, and centered vertically. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: The bounding rect for the item's loading indicator. The rect will be invalid if there is no loading indicatorto display. :rtype: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QRect` """ if not self.loading_role: return QtCore.QRect() loading = self.get_value(index, self.loading_role) if not loading: return QtCore.QRect() center = QtCore.QPoint( option.rect.left() + option.rect.width() / 2 - self.icon_size.width() / 2, + option.rect.height() / 2 - self.icon_size.height() / 2, ) return QtCore.QRect(center, self.icon_size) def _get_text(self, index, option=None, rect=None): """ Override the base ViewItemDelegate method. Return the text data to display. The text data will be the data retrieved from the short_text_role. If the short_text_role is not defined, the base implementaiton will be called. :param index: The item model index. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: A list, where each item represents a text line in the item's whole text. :rtype: list<str> """ if self.short_text_role: return [ self._get_header_text(index, option, rect) ] + self.get_display_values_list(index, self.short_text_role) return super()._get_text(index, option, rect) def _get_thumbnail_rect(self, option, index, thumbnail=None): """ Override the base ViewItemDelegate method. Return the bounding rect for the item's thumbnail. The bounding rect will be positioned at the top of the option rect, span the full width and height will be set to the `thumbnail_size` property height. NOTE that the `min_height` property is ignored here. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: The bounding rect for the item thumbnail. :rtype: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QRect` """ if thumbnail is None: thumbnail = self._get_thumbnail(index) if not thumbnail: return QtCore.QRect() rect = QtCore.QRect(option.rect) width = max(self.thumbnail_size.width(), self.min_width) # Account for extra text padding width += max(0, self.text_padding.left - self.thumbnail_padding.left) width += max(0, self.text_padding.right - self.thumbnail_padding.right) rect.setSize(QtCore.QSize(width, self.thumbnail_size.height())) rect.adjust( self.thumbnail_padding.left,, -self.thumbnail_padding.right, -self.thumbnail_padding.bottom, ) return rect def _get_text_rect(self, option, index): """ Override the base ViewItemDelegate method. Return the bounding rect for the item's text. The bounding rect will be positioned directly under the bounding rect of the thumbnail, span the full width and take up the remaining height of the option rect. :param option: The option used for rendering the item. :type option: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtGui.QStyleOptionViewItem` :param index: The index of the item. :type index: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QModelIndex` :return: The bounding rect for the item text. :rtype: :class:`sgtk.platform.qt.QtCore.QRect` """ if not self._get_thumbnail(index): return super()._get_text_rect(option, index) rect = QtCore.QRect(option.rect) top_left = rect.topLeft() top_left.setY(top_left.y() + self.thumbnail_height) rect.setSize(QtCore.QSize(rect.width(), rect.height() - self.thumbnail_height)) rect.moveTo(top_left) rect.adjust( self.text_padding.left,, -self.text_padding.right, -self.text_padding.bottom, ) return rect