# Copyright (c) 2015 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.
import os
import sgtk
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtCore, QtGui
from .ui.context_editor_widget import Ui_ContextWidget
# framework imports
shotgun_globals = sgtk.platform.import_framework(
"tk-framework-shotgunutils", "shotgun_globals"
settings = sgtk.platform.import_framework("tk-framework-shotgunutils", "settings")
# internal imports
shotgun_fields = sgtk.platform.current_bundle().import_module("shotgun_fields")
shotgun_menus = sgtk.platform.current_bundle().import_module("shotgun_menus")
logger = sgtk.platform.get_logger(__name__)
# fields required to create a context from a task entity without falling back to
# a PTR query
TASK_QUERY_FIELDS = ["type", "id", "content", "project", "entity", "step"]
[docs]class ContextWidget(QtGui.QWidget):
Widget which represents the current context and allows the user to search
for a different context via search completer. A menu is also provided for
recent contexts as well as tasks assigned to the user.
:signal context_changed(context_obj): Fires when when the user
selects a context.
# emitted when a settings button is clicked on a node
context_changed = QtCore.Signal(object)
def __init__(self, parent):
:param parent: The model parent.
:type parent: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QObject`
self._bundle = sgtk.platform.current_bundle()
project = self._bundle.context.project
# get instance of user settings to save/restore values across sessions
self._settings = settings.UserSettings(self._bundle)
# the key we'll use to store/retrieve recent contexts via user settings
self._settings_recent_contexts_key = "%s_recent_contexts_%s" % (
# we will do a bg query that requires an id to catch results
self._schema_query_id = None
# another query to get all tasks assigned to the current user
self._my_tasks_query_id = None
# and a query for related tasks for a given context
self._related_tasks_query_id = None
# keep an in-memory cache of tasks for a given entity to prevent
# unnecessary lookups
self._related_tasks_cache = {}
# keep a handle on the current context
self._context = None
# also keep a handle on the task manager used by completer and for
# querying shotgun in the bg
self._task_manager = None
# menu for recent and user contexts
self._task_menu = shotgun_menus.ShotgunMenu(self)
# keep a handle on all actions created. the my tasks menu will be
# constant, but the recents menu will be dynamic. so we build the menu
# just before it is shown. these lists hold the QActions for each
# group of contexts to show in the menu
self._menu_actions = {"Related": [], "My Tasks": [], "Recent": []}
# set up the UI
self.ui = Ui_ContextWidget()
# Loads the style sheet for the widget
qss_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), "style.qss")
with open(qss_file, "rt") as f:
# apply to widget (and all its children)
def eventFilter(self, widget, event):
Filter out and handle some key/click events on the search widgets.
key_event = QtCore.QEvent.KeyPress
click_event = QtCore.QEvent.MouseButtonRelease
if widget == self.ui.task_display:
if event.type() == click_event:
# user clicked on the task display, show the search widget
return True
elif widget == self.ui.task_search:
if event.type() == key_event:
if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape:
# user escaped in the task search, show the display
return True
elif event.key() in [
# user hit tab/enter/return in search. go with the currently
# highlighted item or the first one
result = (
or self.ui.task_search.completer().get_first_result()
if result:
result["type"], result["id"], result["name"]
elif widget == self.ui.link_display:
if event.type() == click_event:
# user clicked on the link display, show the search widget
return True
elif widget == self.ui.link_search:
if event.type() == key_event:
if event.key() == QtCore.Qt.Key_Escape:
# user escaped in the task search, show the display
return True
elif event.key() in [
# user hit tab/enter/return in search. go with the currently
# highlighted item or the first one
result = (
or self.ui.link_search.completer().get_first_result()
if result:
result["type"], result["id"], result["name"]
return False
[docs] def save_recent_contexts(self):
Should be called by the parent widget, typically when the dialog closes,
to ensure the recent contexts are saved to disk when closing.
# build a list of serialized recent contexts. we grab all the QActions
# from the recents list and serialize them.
serialized_contexts = []
for recent_action in self._menu_actions["Recent"]:
recent_context = recent_action.data()
# don't include the user credentials in the serialized context as
# it may cause issues with authentication when deserializing
serialized_context = recent_context.serialize(with_user_credentials=False)
logger.debug("Storing serialized 'Recent' contexts.")
# store the recent contexts on disk. the scope is per-project
[docs] def set_context(
self, context, task_display_override=None, link_display_override=None
Set the context to display in the widget.
The initial display values can be overridden via the task and link
override args.
:param context: Toolkit Context that the widget should be set to.
:param str task_display_override: Override text to be displayed for the task.
:param str link_display_override: Override text to be displayed for the link.
logger.debug("Setting context to: %s" % (context,))
# clear any related tasks from the previous context
self._menu_actions["Related"] = []
self._context = context
# ensure the new context is added to the list of recents.
if context:
[docs] def set_up(self, task_manager):
Handles initial set up of the widget. Includes setting up menu, running
any background set up tasks, etc.
:param task_manager: Background task manager to use
:type task_manager: :class:`~tk-framework-shotgunutils:task_manager.BackgroundTaskManager`
logger.debug("Setting up the UI...")
self._task_manager = task_manager
# attach the context menu
# setup the search toggle
# setup the search toggle
# set up the task manager to the task search widget
self.ui.task_search.set_placeholder_text("Search for Tasks...")
# save as above but for the link search widget
self.ui.link_search.set_placeholder_text("Search for entity link...")
# limit the task autocompleter to tasks only.
# TODO: limit to tasks linked to the entity types given
task_types_dict = {"Task": []}
# set up event filters for the task/link display labels so that when
# clicked, they go directly to an edit state
# setup event filters for the task/link search inputs so that when
# certain keys are pressed, the widget can react to it properly
# we need to limit the search completer to entity types that are valid
# for ``PublishedFile.entity`` field links. To do this, query the
# shotgun schema to get a list of these entity types. We use the current
# project schema if we're in a project. We do this as a background query
# via the supplied task manager.
# connect to the task manager signals so that we can get the results
# query all my assigned tasks in a bg task
self._my_tasks_query_id = task_manager.add_task(_query_my_tasks)
# get recent contexts from user settings
[docs] def restrict_entity_types_by_link(self, entity_type, field_name):
Specify what entries should show up in the list of links when
using the auto completer.
For the simple case where you just want to show a given set of
entity types, use :meth:`restrict_entity_types`. This method is
a more complex restriction suitable for workflows around publishing
and review.
This method will look at the given link field (e.g. ``PublishedFile.entity``)
and inspect the shotgun schema to see which entity types are valid connections
to this field (e.g. in this example which entity types can you can associate
a publish with) and those types will appear in the list of items shown by the
auto completer.
This is useful when you want to use the context widget in conjunction with
workflows related to for example publishes, versions or notes and you want to
restrict the entities displayed by the auto completer to the ones that have been
configured in the shotgun site schema to be able to associate with the given type.
:param str entity_type: Entity type to restrict based on
:param str field_name: Shotgun field to restrict based on
if self._task_manager is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"You must run set_up() before this method can be executed."
# Query Shotgun for valid entity types for PublishedFile.entity field
self._schema_query_id = self._task_manager.add_task(
_query_entity_schema, task_args=[entity_type, field_name]
[docs] def restrict_entity_types(self, entity_types):
Restrict which entity types should show up in the list of matches.
:param list entity_types: List of entity types
"Restricting auto completer to show the following types: %s" % entity_types
# construct a dictionary that the search widget expects for
# filtering. This is a dictionary with the entity types as keys and
# values a list of search filters. We don't have any filters, so we
# just use empty list.
entity_types_dict = dict((k, []) for k in entity_types)
# update the types for the link completer
def context_label(self):
The label for the context widget.
return self.ui.label
[docs] def set_task_tooltip(self, tooltip):
Specify a string (can be html) which should be shown
as the tooltip for the task selection widget
:param str tooltip: Tooltip plaintext or html
[docs] def set_link_tooltip(self, tooltip):
Specify a string (can be html) which should be shown
as the tooltip for the link selection widget
:param str tooltip: Tooltip plaintext or html
[docs] def enable_editing(self, enabled, message=None):
Show/hide the input widgets and display a message in the context label.
:param bool enabled: Indicates if task/link selectors should be shown
:param str message: Message to display on :meth:`context_label`
if enabled:
self.context_label.setText(message or "")
def _add_to_recents(self, context):
Adds the supplied context as an action in the list of recents context
# don't add a "project" context to recents. we shouldn't encourage it
if context.project and not context.entity and not context.task:
logger.debug("Adding context to 'Recents': %s" % (context,))
recent_actions = self._menu_actions["Recent"]
matching_indexes = []
for i, recent_action in enumerate(recent_actions):
recent_context = recent_action.data()
if recent_context == context:
# contexts support __eq__ so this should be enough for comparing
if matching_indexes:
# context exists in recent list in one or more places. remove the
# QAction(s) and put one of them at the front of the list
recent_action = None
for match_index in matching_indexes:
recent_action = recent_actions.pop(match_index)
# the context does not exist in the recents. add it
recent_action = self._get_qaction_for_context(context)
if recent_action:
recent_actions.insert(0, recent_action)
# only keep the 5 most recent
self._menu_actions["Recent"] = recent_actions[:5]
def _build_actions(
self, tasks, group_name, sort=False, exclude_current_context=False
Build a list of actions from the supplied tasks. The actions are stored
in the instance's _menu_actions dictionary and used to build the menu.
The actions will be sorted by name if ``sort`` is set to True. If the
``exclude_current_context`` is supplied, the widget's current context
will not be included in the list of actions.
bundle = sgtk.platform.current_bundle()
if not tasks:
logger.debug("No tasks supplied for group: %s" % (group_name,))
logger.debug("Building actions for group: %s" % (group_name,))
task_actions = []
for task in tasks:
task_context = bundle.sgtk.context_from_entity_dictionary(task)
# the context from dict method clears all unnecessary fields
# from the task upon creation. now that we have the context,
# update the fields with the queried task fields
# don't include the current context in this list of actions
if (
and exclude_current_context
and task_context == self._context
# build the action and add it to the list
task_action = self._get_qaction_for_context(task_context)
# sort on the action text if requested
if sort:
task_actions.sort(key=lambda a: a.text())
# store the actions list for use when building the menu
self._menu_actions[group_name] = task_actions
def _get_qaction_for_context(self, context):
Helper method to build a QAction for the supplied context.
# get the display string and icon path for the context
context_display = _get_context_display(context, plain_text=True)
icon_path = _get_context_icon_path(context)
# construct the action
action = QtGui.QAction(self)
action.triggered.connect(lambda: self._on_context_activated(context))
return action
def _get_recent_contexts(self):
Pull the stored, serialized contexts from user settings and populate the
Recent actions list for use when building the contexts menu.
logger.debug("Retrieving stored 'Recent' actions from disk...")
# get the serialized contexts from disk
serialized_recent_contexts = self._settings.retrieve(
# turn these into QActions to add to the list of recents in the menu
for serialized_context in serialized_recent_contexts:
context = sgtk.Context.deserialize(serialized_context)
except Exception as e:
logger.debug("Unable to deserialize stored context.")
recent_action = self._get_qaction_for_context(context)
def _manual_task_search_toggle(self, checked):
Small wrapper to manual toggle the task searching on/off
def _manual_link_search_toggle(self, checked):
Small wrapper to manual toggle the link searching on/off
def _on_about_to_show_contexts_menu(self):
Slot called just before the contexts menu is shown. It handles
organizing the actions into menus.
# clear and rebuild the menu since the recents/related sections are
# dynamic.
bundle = sgtk.platform.current_bundle()
project = bundle.context.project
# ---- build the "Related" menu
related_actions = self._menu_actions["Related"]
if related_actions:
self._task_menu.add_group(related_actions, "Related")
# ---- build the "My Tasks" menu
# TODO: here we're organizing the tasks by status. since these contexts
# are status for a publish session, we could (perhaps should) organize
# them once (elsewhere) and simply construct the menus here. For now,
# this simplifies the logic since `self._menu_actions` is just a
# dictionary of flat lists of QActions.
my_tasks_actions = self._menu_actions["My Tasks"]
if my_tasks_actions:
status_groups = {}
# organize the tasks by status
for task_action in my_tasks_actions:
context = task_action.data()
task = context.task
status_code = task.get("sg_status_list", "ip")
status_groups.setdefault(status_code, [])
# special case the "ip" tasks and show them at the top level
ip_tasks = status_groups.get("ip", [])
top_level_my_tasks_actions = ip_tasks
# create submenus for everything else
for status_code in status_groups.keys():
if status_code == "ip":
# skipping special cased "in progress" tasks
# get the display name for the status code
status_display = shotgun_globals.get_status_display_name(
status_code, project.get("id")
# get the actions for this code
status_actions = status_groups[status_code]
# build the submenu for this status
status_menu = shotgun_menus.ShotgunMenu(self)
status_menu.add_group(status_actions, status_display)
# add the submenu to the top level my tasks menu
self._task_menu.add_group(top_level_my_tasks_actions, "My Tasks")
# ---- build the "Recent" menu
recent_actions = self._menu_actions["Recent"]
if recent_actions:
self._task_menu.add_group(recent_actions, "Recent")
# if there are no menu items, show a message
if not self._task_menu.actions():
self._task_menu.addAction("No Tasks to show")
def _on_context_activated(self, context):
Called when a new context is set via the menu or one of the completers.
logger.debug("Context changed to: %s" % (context,))
# update the widget to display the new context and alert listeners that
# a new context was selected
def _on_entity_activated(self, entity_type, entity_id, entity_name):
Slot called when an entity is selected via one of the search completers.
bundle = sgtk.platform.current_bundle()
context = bundle.sgtk.context_from_entity(entity_type, entity_id)
# Ensure the entity name is set within in the context. In some cases, e.g. for custom
# entities, the context retrieved does not have the entity name. We have the entity
# name here, so just set it.
if "name" not in context.entity and entity_name:
context.entity["name"] = entity_name
def _on_task_search_toggled(self, checked):
Slot called when the user clicks the task display or the task search
If checked, hides the task display label and shows the search completer.
Also populates the completer with context info to help the user.
If not checked, hides the search info and shows the task display widget.
if checked:
# hide the display, show the search
# populate and show the completer
if self._context:
search_str = ""
if self._context.entity:
search_str = self._context.entity["name"]
if self._context.task:
search_str = "%s %s " % (search_str, self._context.task["name"])
# hide the search, show the display
def _on_link_search_toggled(self, checked):
Slot called when the user clicks the link display or the link search
If checked, hides the link display label and shows the search completer.
Also populates the completer with context info to help the user.
If not checked, hides the search info and shows the link display widget.
if checked:
# hide the display, show the search
# populate and show the completer
if self._context:
search_str = ""
if self._context.entity:
search_str = self._context.entity["name"]
if search_str:
# hide the search, show the display
def _on_task_completed(self, task_id, group, result):
Slot called when a background task completes. Displatches methods to
handle the results depending on which task was completed.
# queried valid entity types for PublishedFile.entity field
if task_id == self._schema_query_id:
logger.debug("Completed query of PublishedFile.entity schema")
# queried the current user's tasks
elif task_id == self._my_tasks_query_id:
logger.debug("Completed query for current user tasks.")
self._build_actions(result, "My Tasks")
# queried tasks related to the currently selected link
elif task_id == self._related_tasks_query_id:
logger.debug("Completed query for the current user's Tasks.")
result, "Related", sort=True, exclude_current_context=True
def _on_task_failed(self, task_id, group, message, traceback_str):
If the schema query fails, add a log warning. It's not catastrophic, but
it shouldn't fail, so we need to make a record of it.
# failed to query valid entity types for PublishedFile.entity field
if task_id == self._schema_query_id:
"Unable to query valid entity types for PublishedFile.entity."
"Error Message: %s.\n%s" % (message, traceback_str)
# failed to query the current user's tasks
elif task_id == self._my_tasks_query_id:
"Unable to query tasks for the current ShotGrid user."
"Error Message: %s.\n%s" % (message, traceback_str)
# failed to query tasks related to the currently selected link
elif task_id == self._related_tasks_query_id:
"Unable to related tasks for the selected entity link."
"Error Message: %s.\n%s" % (message, traceback_str)
def _query_related_tasks(self, context):
Method called via background task to query tasks related to the current
context's entity.
if not context.entity:
return []
logger.debug("Querying related tasks for context: %s" % (context,))
# unique id for entity to use as local cache lookup
entity_id = "%s_%s" % (context.entity["type"], context.entity["id"])
# if we've queried tasks for this entity before, just return those
if entity_id in self._related_tasks_cache:
return self._related_tasks_cache[entity_id]
bundle = sgtk.platform.current_bundle()
# query the tasks for the entity
tasks = bundle.shotgun.find(
[["entity", "is", context.entity]],
# query all fields required to create a context from a task entity
# dictionary. see sgtk api `context_from_entity_dictionary`
# cache the tasks
self._related_tasks_cache[entity_id] = tasks
return tasks
def _restrict_searchable_entity_types(self, published_file_entity_schema):
Called after successful lookup of valid PublishedFile.entity types.
The supplied field schema contains the valid entity names. Use these to
restrict the search completers.
# drill down into the schema to retrieve the valid types for the
# field. this is ugly, but will ensure we get a list no matter what
entity_types = (
published_file_entity_schema.get("entity", {})
.get("properties", {})
.get("valid_types", {})
.get("value", [])
# always include Project and Tasks
"Limiting context link completer to these entities: %s" % (entity_types,)
# construct a dictionary that the search widget expects for
# filtering. This is a dictionary with the entity types as keys and
# values a list of search filters. We don't have any filters, so we
# just use empty list.
entity_types_dict = dict((k, []) for k in entity_types)
logger.debug("Setting searchable entity types to: %s" % (entity_types_dict,))
# update the types for the link completer
# limit the task search to tasks only.
# TODO: limit to tasks linked to entities of the types queried above
task_types_dict = {"Task": []}
# now update the types for the task completer
def _show_context(
self, context, task_display_override=None, link_display_override=None
Show the supplied context in the UI.
if task_display_override:
task_display = task_display_override
task_display = _get_task_display(context)
if link_display_override:
link_display = link_display_override
link_display = _get_link_display(context)
# update the task display/state
# update the link display/state
if context:
# given the context, populate any related tasks for the menu
self._related_tasks_query_id = self._task_manager.add_task(
self._query_related_tasks, task_args=[context]
def _get_task_display(context, plain_text=False):
Build a display string for the task of the supplied context.
By default, return rich text with an entity icon. If ``plain_text`` is True,
simply return the name of the task.
if not context or not context.task:
return ""
task_name = context.task["name"]
if plain_text:
# just the name
display_name = task_name
# return the name with the appropriate icon in front
task_type = context.task["type"]
task_icon = "<img src='%s'>" % (
display_name = "%s %s" % (task_icon, task_name)
return display_name
def _get_link_display(context, plain_text=False):
Build a display string for the link of the supplied context.
By default, return rich text with an entity icon. If ``plain_text`` is True,
simply return the name of the link.
if not context:
return ""
entity = context.entity or context.project or None
if not entity:
return ""
entity_name = entity["name"]
if plain_text:
# just the name
display_name = entity_name
# return the name with the appropriate icon in front
entity_type = entity["type"]
entity_icon = "<img src='%s'>" % (
display_name = "%s %s" % (entity_icon, entity_name)
return display_name
def _get_context_display(context, plain_text=False):
Return the full display string for the supplied context.
By default, return rich text with entity icons. If ``plain_text`` is True,
simply return the display text for link > task.
# individual display of task/link
task_display = _get_task_display(context, plain_text=plain_text)
link_display = _get_link_display(context, plain_text=plain_text)
# always show link (entity)
display_name = link_display
# include task if there is one
if task_display:
if plain_text:
display_name = "%s > %s" % (display_name, task_display)
display_name = """
%s <b><code>></code></b> %s
""" % (
return display_name
def _get_context_icon_path(context):
Get the most appropriate icon for a given context.
# We use the context's entity icon primarily since the task icon is a
# checkmark and looks wonky in menus (where this is primarily called from).
if context.entity:
entity_type = context.entity["type"]
return shotgun_globals.get_entity_type_icon_url(entity_type)
elif context.task:
return shotgun_globals.get_entity_type_icon_url("Task")
elif context.project:
return shotgun_globals.get_entity_type_icon_url("Project")
return ""
def _query_my_tasks():
Called via bg task to query PTR for tasks assigned to the current user.
bundle = sgtk.platform.current_bundle()
project = bundle.context.project
current_user = bundle.context.user
logger.debug("Querying tasks for the current user: %s" % (current_user,))
filters = [
["project", "is", project],
"filter_operator": "any",
"filters": [
["task_assignees", "is", current_user],
["task_assignees.Group.users", "is", current_user],
order = [
{"field_name": "entity", "direction": "asc"},
{"field_name": "content", "direction": "asc"},
# query all fields required to create a context from a task entity
# dictionary. see sgtk api `context_from_entity_dictionary`
task_fields = TASK_QUERY_FIELDS
return bundle.shotgun.find("Task", filters, fields=task_fields, order=order)
def _query_entity_schema(entity_type, field_name):
Called as bg task to query PTR for the field schema
for the given type and field.
:param str entity_type: Entity type to query schema for
:param str field_name: Shotgun field name to query schema for
logger.debug("Querying %s.%s schema..." % (entity_type, field_name))
bundle = sgtk.platform.current_bundle()
project = bundle.context.project
return bundle.shotgun.schema_field_read(
entity_type, field_name=field_name, project_entity=project