如何通过 API 创建发布?

我们的 sgtk API 提供了一种在 ShotGrid 中注册 PublishedFiles 实体的便捷方法

此外,我们还提供 Publish 应用(附带自己的 API)。 发布 API 最终使用核心 sgtk API 方法来注册 PublishedFile,但它还会围绕集合、验证和发布提供一个可自定义的框架。除了发布 API 文档外,我们还在工作流教程中举例说明了如何编写自己的发布插件。

使用 register_publish() API 方法

虽然可以使用原始 ShotGrid API 调用在 ShotGrid 中创建发布记录,但是我们强烈建议使用 Toolkit 的便捷方法。 创建发布的所有 Toolkit 应用都使用称为 sgtk.util.register_publish() 的 API 实用程序方法。

基本上来说,此方法会在 ShotGrid 中创建一个新的 PublishedFile 实体,并尝试使用 Toolkit 概念简化操作过程。您的代码应该与下面类似:

# Get access to the Toolkit API
import sgtk

# this is the file we want to publish.
file_to_publish = "/mnt/projects/proj/seq_abc/shot_123/comp/foreground.v034.nk"

# alternatively, for file sequences, we can just use
# a standard sequence token
# file_to_publish = "/mnt/projects/proj/seq_abc/shot_123/comp/renders/v034/foreground.%04d.exr"

# The name for the publish should be the filename
# without any version number or extension
name = "foreground"

# initialize an API object. If you have used the Toolkit folder creation
# to create the folders where the published file resides, you can use this path
# to construct the API object. Alternatively you can create it from any ShotGrid
# entity using the sgtk_from_entity() method.
tk = sgtk.sgtk_from_path(file_to_publish)

# use the file to extract the context. The context denotes the current work area in Toolkit
# and will control which entity and task the publish will be linked up to. If you have used the Toolkit
# folder creation to create the folders where the published file resides, you can use this path
# to construct the context.
ctx = tk.context_from_path(file_to_publish)

# alternatively, if the file you are trying to publish is not in a location that is
# recognized by toolkit, you could create a context directly from a ShotGrid entity instead:
ctx = tk.context_from_entity("Shot", 123)
ctx = tk.context_from_entity("Task", 123)

# Finally, run the publish command.
# the third parameter (file.nk) is typically the file name, without a version number.
# this makes grouping inside of ShotGrid easy. The last parameter is the version number.
  published_file_type="Nuke Script",

除了如上所示的基本选项外,还有几个其他选项可以填充。 有关参数的完整列表及其功能,请参见核心 API 文档

提示 : 如果您的代码从 Toolkit 应用内运行,您可以通过 self.sgtk 获取 sgtk 实例,通过 self.context 获取上下文。 如果它不在应用中,但将在存在 Toolkit 集成的软件内运行,您可以使用以下代码访问当前上下文和 sgtk 实例:

import sgtk
currentEngine = sgtk.platform.current_engine()
tk = currentEngine.sgtk
ctx = currentEngine.context

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