使用 ShotGrid Toolkit 时,为什么启动时 3ds Max 发生崩溃?

从 ShotGrid Desktop 或 ShotGrid 网站启动 3ds Max 时,3ds Max 可能会冻结,同时出现一个冻结的白色对话框或者显示以下消息:

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library (Not Responding) Runtime Error! Program: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2016\3dsmax.exe R6034 An Application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.Please contact the application's support team for more information. 这通常是由于路径中的 `msvcr90.dll` 版本与 3ds Max 捆绑的 Python 版本发生冲突。


首先,转到工作流配置的 config/hooks 文件夹并创建文件 before_app_launch.py。在该文件中,粘贴以下内容:

Before App Launch Hook
This hook is executed prior to application launch and is useful if you need
to set environment variables or run scripts as part of the app initialization.
import os
import tank

class BeforeAppLaunch(tank.get_hook_baseclass()):
    Hook to set up the system prior to app launch.
    def execute(self, **kwargs):
        The execute functon of the hook will be called to start the required application
        env_path = os.environ["PATH"]
        paths = env_path.split(os.path.pathsep)
        # Remove folders which have msvcr90.dll from the PATH
        paths = [path for path in paths if "msvcr90.dll" not in map(
            str.lower, os.listdir(path))
        env_path = os.path.pathsep.join(paths)
        os.environ["PATH"] = env_path


然后,打开工作流配置中的 config/env/includes/app_launchers.yml 并查找 launch_3dsmax 条目。您应该将 hook_before_app_launch: default 替换为 hook_before_app_launch: '{config}/before_app_launch.py'

您现在应该能够正常从 ShotGrid 和 ShotGrid Desktop 启动 3ds Max。如果您仍有任何问题,请访问我们的支持站点以获取帮助。

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