Source code for tk_multi_data_validation.api.manager

# Copyright (c) 2022 Autodesk, Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the ShotGrid Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the ShotGrid Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Autodesk, Inc.

from collections import deque

import sgtk

from import ValidationRule
from import ValidationRuleType

[docs]class ValidationManager(object): """ Manager class for data validation. This class is responsible for retrieving the data validation rules from the current bundle's settings, and creating the set of ValidationRule objects that define how the data should be validated. This class object may be passed to the :class:`tk_multi_data_validation.widgets.ValidationWidget` to help manager validation rules, and executing their actions. It also coordinates the execution of validation rule check and fix functions. """ def __init__( self, bundle=None, rule_settings=None, include_rules=None, exclude_rules=None, logger=None, notifier=None, has_ui=False, ): """ Initialize the validation manager from the settings data. The hook "hook_data_validation" will be used to get the validation data for the manager by calling the hook's method "get_validation_data". NOTE the data returned by this hook method will be modified. :param bundle: The bundle instance for the app. :type bundle: TankBundle :param rule_settings: The rule settings to use for this manager. Default is to use the current bunlde's settings. :type rule_settings: dict :param include_rules: List of rule ids to include from the app's default rules list. :type include_rules: list<str> :param exclude_rules: List of rule ids to exclude from the app's default rules list. :type exclude_rules: list<str> :param logger: This is a standard python logger to use during validation. A default logger will be provided if not supplied. :type logger: A standard python logger. :param notifier: A notifier object to emit Qt signals. :type notifier: ValidationNotifer :param has_ui: Set to True if the manager is being used with a UI, else False. :type has_ui: bool :signal ValidationNotifier.validate_rule_begin(ValidationRule): Emits before a validation rule check function is executed. The returned parameter is the validation rule. :signal ValidationNotifier.validate_rule_finished(ValidationRule): Emits after a validation rule check function is executed. The returned parameter is the validation rule. """ self._bundle = bundle or sgtk.platform.current_bundle() self._logger = logger or self._bundle.logger self._notifier = notifier self._has_ui = has_ui self._rule_settings = rule_settings self._include_rules = include_rules self._exclude_rules = exclude_rules # Set the default rule types (in order). This can be set using the rule_types property. # TODO allow this to be config-based self._rule_types = [ ValidationRuleType(ValidationRuleType.RULE_TYPE_NONE), ValidationRuleType(ValidationRuleType.RULE_TYPE_ACTIVE), ValidationRuleType(ValidationRuleType.RULE_TYPE_REQUIRED), ValidationRuleType(ValidationRuleType.RULE_TYPE_OPTIONAL), ] # Default accept function is not set, which will accept all rules self._accept_rule_fn = None self.__errors = {} self.__rules_by_id = {} self.load_rules() ######################################################################################################### # Properties @property def notifier(self): """Get the notifier for the validation manager.""" return self._notifier @property def rules(self): """Get the list of validtaion rules obtained from the validation data.""" return self.__rules_by_id.values() @property def rule_types(self): """Get or set the rule types.""" return self._rule_types @rule_types.setter def rule_types(self, type_data): self._rule_types = type_data @property def errors(self): """Get the list of rules which did not pass the last time their respective validate function was executed.""" return self.__errors @property def accept_rule_fn(self): """ Get or set the function called to check if the validation should be applied to the given rule. This property must be a function that takes a single param (ValidationRule) and returns a bool to indicate if the rule should be validated or not. """ return self._accept_rule_fn @accept_rule_fn.setter def accept_rule_fn(self, fn): self._accept_rule_fn = fn @property def has_ui(self): """Get the flag indicating if this manager is running with a User Interface.""" return self._has_ui ######################################################################################################### # Public functions def load_rules(self): """""" self.__rules_by_id.clear() # Retrieve the validation data from the hook method. NOTE the data returned by this # hook method will be modified data = self._bundle.execute_hook_method( "hook_data_validation", "get_validation_data" ) # Create the set of ValidationRules from the validation data and the rules defined in # the settings rule_settings = self._rule_settings or self._bundle.get_setting("rules", []) rule_settings_ids = [r["id"] for r in rule_settings] for rule_item in rule_settings: rule_id = rule_item["id"] if self._include_rules and rule_id not in self._include_rules: continue if self._exclude_rules and rule_id in self._exclude_rules: continue rule_data = data.get(rule_id) if not rule_data: self._logger.error( "Data was not found for validation rule id '{}'".format(rule_id) ) continue # Collect dependencies first, if any for dependency_id in rule_data.get("dependency_ids", []): if dependency_id not in rule_settings_ids: # Do not include dependencies that are not specified in the settings. continue dependency_data = data.get(dependency_id) if not dependency_data: # Cannot include a dependency if there is not data for it. continue rule_data.setdefault("dependencies", {})[ dependency_id ] = dependency_data.get("name") rule_data.update(rule_item) rule = ValidationRule(rule_data, bundle=self._bundle) self.__rules_by_id[] = rule
[docs] def get_rule(self, rule_id): """ Return the validation rule object for the id. :param rule_id: The validation rule unique identifier. :type rule_id: str :return: The validation rule. :rtype: ValidationRule """ return self.__rules_by_id.get(rule_id)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Reset the manager state. Clear the errors. """ self.__errors = {}
[docs] def validate(self): """ Validate the data by executing all validation rule check functions. This method will reset the current validation manager state before validating any rules. This means that any errors found on a previous validation operation will be removed. :return: True if all validation rule checks passed (data is valid), else False. :rtype: bool """ success = True if self.notifier: self.notifier.validate_all_begin.emit(list(self.rules)) try: # Reset the manager state before performing validation self.reset() self.validate_rules(self.rules, emit_signals=False) success = not self.__errors except Exception as validate_error: if self.notifier: self.notifier.validation_error.emit(validate_error) success = False else: raise validate_error finally: if self.notifier: self.notifier.validate_all_finished.emit() return success
[docs] @sgtk.LogManager.log_timing def validate_rules(self, rules, fetch_dependencies=True, emit_signals=True): """ Validate the given list of rules. This method will not reset the current validation manager state. This means that if a rule was found to have errors and it is not processed in this validation operation, than the error will remain. :param rules: The list of rules to validate. This method will also accept a single validation object. :type rules: list<ValidationRule> | ValidationRule :param fetch_dependencies: Set to True to ensure all dependencies for a rule are validated before the rule itself is validated. Set to False will not fetch any missing dependencies to validate first. Set to None to prompt user to fetch or not. Defaults to True. :type fetch_dependencies: bool :param emit_signals: True will emit notifier signals when validation begins and ends. :param emit_signals: bool """ if isinstance(rules, ValidationRule): rules = [rules] if emit_signals and self.notifier: self.notifier.validate_all_begin.emit(rules) try: self._process_rules( rules, fetch_dependencies, emit_signals, self.validate_rule ) except Exception as validate_error: if emit_signals and self.notifier: self.notifier.validation_error.emit(validate_error) else: raise validate_error finally: if emit_signals and self.notifier: self.notifier.validate_all_finished.emit()
[docs] def validate_rule(self, rule, emit_signals=True): """ Validate the data with the given rule. The check function executed to validate the DCC data is implemented by the ValidationRule (e.g. the manager does nothing to validate the data, it is just responsible for executing the validate functions). :param rule: The rule to validate data by :type rule: ValidationRule :return: True if the validation rule check passed (data is valid for this rule), else False. :rtype: bool """ if not rule: return if emit_signals and self.notifier: # Emit a signal to notify that a specifc rule has started validation self.notifier.validate_rule_begin.emit(rule) try: # Run the validation rule check function self._logger.debug("Validating Rule: {}".format( rule.exec_check() if rule.valid: if in self.__errors: # Remove the rule from the error set del self.__errors[] else: # Add the rule to the error set self.__errors[] = rule finally: if emit_signals and self.notifier: # Emit a signal to notify that a specifc rule has finished validation self.notifier.validate_rule_finished.emit(rule) return rule.valid
[docs] @sgtk.LogManager.log_timing def resolve(self, pre_validate=True, post_validate=False, retry_until_success=True): """ Resolve the current data violations found by the validate method. The fix function executed to resolve the DCC data violations is implemented by the ValidationRule (e.g. the manager does nothing to validate the data, it is just responsible for executing the fix functions). :param pre_validate: True will run each rule's validation before its fix, to ensure the error data passed to the fix accurately reflects the most current data. :type pre_validate: bool :param post_validate: True will run the validation step after the resolve step, to check that the scene data is valid after resolution steps applied. Default False. :type post_validate: bool :param retry_until_success: Set to True will try to fun the resolution operation until all rules have been resolved. The maximum number of tries to resolve will be equal to the number of rules in the manager. This will perform post validate step, evne if post validate has been set to False. Default True. :type retry_until_success: bool :return: True if the resolve operation was successful, else False. Note that if the post_validate param is False, this will always be True, since the return status is based on the status returned by post validating the data. :rtype: bool """ if self.notifier: self.notifier.resolve_all_begin.emit(list(self.rules)) try: success = True # Resolve the data violations. Explicitly say do not fetch dependencies because all # rules are being passed (nothing will need to be fetched). Pre validate will happen # before each rule is about to be resolved to ensure each rule is validated in order # of dependencies. self.resolve_rules( self.rules, pre_validate=pre_validate, fetch_dependencies=False, emit_signals=False, ) if post_validate or retry_until_success: # Run validation step once all resolution actions compelted to ensure everything was fixed. success = self.validate() # Brute force try to resolve all errors - keep running the resolution on any errors found # from validate until there are none, or the max number of tries reached. # # New errors may occur if executing a rule's fix has side effects which cause another rule to # have errors. For example, rule A has no dependencies, rule B depends on rule A, and rule A # has errors, then only rule A's fix will be executed but it causes rule B to now have errors. # Rule B's fix will not be executed though, so even though resolve all was executed, we have # new errors. # # NOTE if this brute force method becomes slow, the resolve_rules method should be modified to # look up the reverse dependencies to add to the list of rules whose fix operatoins will be # executed. max_retry = len(self.rules) if retry_until_success else 0 count = 0 prev_errors = set() while not success and count < max_retry: if prev_errors == set(self.errors): # Nothing changed from the last attempt to resolve, stop retrying count = max_retry else: self._logger.debug("Resolve retry attempt {}".format(count)) # Update the previous errors to the current set prev_errors = set(self.errors) # Attempt to resolve again. This time we need to fetch dependencies since # we are only passing the errors and not all dependencies may be present # in the errors list. self.resolve_rules( self.errors.values(), fetch_dependencies=True, emit_signals=False, ) # Check for errors success = self.validate() # Update retry count count += 1 if retry_until_success and not success: self._logger.debug( "Failed to resolve after max retry attempts. There may be a rule dependecy cycle." ) except Exception as resolve_error: if self.notifier: self.notifier.validation_error.emit(resolve_error) success = False else: raise resolve_error finally: if self.notifier: self.notifier.resolve_all_finished.emit() return success
[docs] @sgtk.LogManager.log_timing def resolve_rules( self, rules, pre_validate=True, fetch_dependencies=None, emit_signals=True ): """ Resolve the given list of rules. :param rules: The list of rules to resolve. This method will also accept a single validation object. :type rules: list<ValidationRule> | ValidationRule :param pre_validate: True will run each rule's validation before its fix, to ensure the error data passed to the fix accurately reflects the most current data. :type pre_validate: bool :param fetch_dependencies: Set to True to ensure all dependencies for a rule are resolved before the rule itself is resolved. Set to False will not fetch any missing dependencies to resolve first. Set to None to prompt user to fetch or not. Defaults to None. :type fetch_dependencies: bool """ if emit_signals and self.notifier: self.notifier.resolve_all_begin.emit(rules) try: return self._process_rules( rules, fetch_dependencies, emit_signals, lambda rule: self.resolve_rule(rule, pre_validate=pre_validate), ) except Exception as resolve_error: if emit_signals and self.notifier: self.notifier.validation_error.emit(resolve_error) else: raise resolve_error finally: if emit_signals and self.notifier: self.notifier.resolve_all_finished.emit()
[docs] def resolve_rule(self, rule, pre_validate=True, emit_signals=True): """ Resolve the validation rule. :param rule: The validation rule to resolve :type rule: ValidationRule """ self._logger.debug( "\nResolving Rule: {}\nDependencies: {}".format(, ", ".join([d for d in rule.get_dependency_names()]) ) ) if emit_signals and self.notifier: self.notifier.resolve_rule_begin.emit(rule) try: result = rule.exec_fix(pre_validate=pre_validate) if result is None or result is True: success = True else: success = False finally: if emit_signals and self.notifier: self.notifier.resolve_rule_finished.emit(rule) return success
def _process_rules( self, rules, fetch_dependencies, emit_signals, process_rule_callback ): """ Process the given list of rules. Steps to process rules: 1. Iterate over all rules *If the `accept_rule_fn` function is defined, only rules that are accepted by the function will be processed. If the `accept_rule_fn` is not defiend, then all given rules will be processed. a. If the rule has no dependencies - process it immediately b. If the rule has dependencies - add it to the queue to process later 2. If `fetch_dependencies` is not explicitly set as False, check if all dependencies are provided: a. If missing dependencies and `fetch_dependencies` not explicitly set to True then prompt user to fetch and resolve dependencies b. If `fetch_dependencies` is explicitly set to True or user answered YES to (a), then try to find any missing dependencies in the manager, and process them as done with the other rules 3. Process the queue of rules (that have dependencies) a. If the rule's dependencies have been resolved or ignored - now resolve it and mark it as resolved b. If the rule's dependencies have not been resolved - add it back to the end of the queue The process_rule_callback is a function that is called for each rule that is processed. It must take a `ValidationRule` object as its first argument. For example, pass the `validate_rule` to process all rules and by validating each one. Time complexity (n = number of rules) 1. O(n) 2. O(n^2) - worst case NOTE: Time complexity is not the best with O(n^2) but is probably good enough since the list of validation rules is not expected to be so large. If the number of rules does grow to be a large list, then this fix operation may need to be optimized (e.g. build a dependency tree that defines the order of fixing the rules). :param rules: The list of rules to resolve. :type rules: list<ValidationRule> :param fetch_dependencies: Set to True to ensure all dependencies for a rule are processed before the rule itself is processed. Set to False will not fetch any missing dependencies to process first. Set to None to prompt user to fetch or not. :param emit_signals: Set to True to emit notifier signals for resolve operation. :type emit_signals: bool :param process_rule_callback: The function called to each rule that is processed. This is a function that takes a `ValidationRule` object as its first argument. :type process_rule_callback: function(rule: ValidationRule) -> bool :return: True if rules were processed else False :rtype: bool """ if not rules: return False # The set of rule ids passed to resolve - this set gets populated the first the rules are iterated # through to check then check if the necessary dependencies are available to resolve first. Any # dependency rules will be added in the step wheere dependencies are checked. rule_ids = set() # Add rules to the set once they have been processed. processed = {} # Add rules to the set if they were processed, but failed. failed = set() # The set of all dependencies to required by the list of rules passed to resolve. all_dependencies = set() # Dependencies mapping - update this mapping as dependencies are processed. dependencies = {} # Add rules to the queue if they have dependencies that have not been processed yet. queue = deque() queue_count = 0 def __process_rule(rule): """ Process the rule by executing the process callback. Add the rule to the failed set if it the process callback failed. Add the rule to the processed set regardless of the process callback result. :param rule: The rule to execute the callback for. :type rule: ValidationRule """ success = process_rule_callback(rule) if not success: failed.add( processed[] = rule def __process(rule): """ Helper function to process a rule. A rule is processed immediately if it has no dependencies, otherwise its dependency info is retrieved and the rule is queued to be processed once all of its dependencies have been processed. 1. Add the rule to the set of rule ids. 2a. If the rule does not have dependencies, resolve it immediately and add it to the processed set. 2b. If the rule has dependencies, update the dependencies map and list, and add it to the queue to process later once all of its dependencies are processed. :param rule: The rule to process :type rule: ValidationRule :return: True if the rule was processed, else False if it was not processed and added to the queue. :rtype: bool """ if not rule or rule in rule_ids: # Trivially return True for rule that does not exist, and skip rules that have # already been added to the list to process return True rule_ids.add( dependencies_ids = rule.get_dependency_ids() if dependencies_ids: # Copy the list of dependencies so that the original dependency list is not modified, and # using a set instead for faster lookup and removal rule_dependencies_set = set(dependencies_ids) dependencies[] = rule_dependencies_set # Only add dependencies to the set if they have not been processed yet. all_dependencies.update(rule_dependencies_set.difference(rule_ids)) queue.append(rule) return False # No dependencies, resolve it immediately __process_rule(rule) return True # First, process any rules without dependencies. Rules with dependencies will be added to # the queue to be processed once all its dependencies are processed. for rule in rules: if not self.accept_rule_fn or self.accept_rule_fn(rule): if not __process(rule): queue_count += 1 # Second, fetch dependencies, if specified if fetch_dependencies or fetch_dependencies is None: # Keep processing dependencies until the set is empty - dependencies may be added during # while iterating if a dependency and another dependency while all_dependencies: dependency_rule_id = all_dependencies.pop() if dependency_rule_id in rule_ids: # Dependency is already found continue dependency_rule = self.get_rule(dependency_rule_id) if not dependency_rule: # Skip dependenceis that the manager does not have continue # If not yet specified, prompt user to fetch missing dependencies if fetch_dependencies is None: if self.notifier: self.notifier.about_to_open_msg_box.emit() # NOTE for now this is simplified by asking to fetch all or not - if requested this could ask # to only individual dependencies if self.has_ui: from sgtk.platform.qt import QtGui answer = QtGui.QMessageBox.question( None, "Dependencies", "Dependencies must be resolved first. Click OK to continue, or Cancel to abort.", QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel, ) fetch_dependencies = bool(answer == QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok) else: # TODO allow headless mode to specify whether or not to fetch. Default to fetch fetch_dependencies = True if self.notifier: self.notifier.msg_box_closed.emit() if fetch_dependencies: if not __process(dependency_rule): queue_count += 1 else: # The user canceled the operation if emit_signals and self.notifier: self.notifier.resolve_all_finished.emit() return False # Third, now process the queue of rules, which have dependencies. For each rule, if all # dependencies are # processed or ignored, then resolve it and add it to the processed # list, else add it back to the end of the queue to try again after all rules in the # queue have been processed. # # Detect cycles by calculating the max number of iterations it would take to empty the # queue, if this count is exceeded, then there is a cycle. In the worst case, the each # item depends on the item that comes after it, which means it'll take # n + (n-1) + (n-2) + ... + 2 + 1 max_iters = queue_count + (queue_count * (queue_count - 1) / 2) iter_count = 0 while queue: if iter_count > max_iters: raise RecursionError("Detected cycle in Validation Rule dependencies.") iter_count += 1 # Get the next rule to process from the queue rule = queue.popleft() # Determine if dependencies have been processed has_dependencies = False dependency_failed = None rule_dependencies = dependencies.get(, []) while ( rule_dependencies and not has_dependencies and dependency_failed is None ): dependency_rule_id = rule_dependencies.pop() if dependency_rule_id not in rule_ids: # Dependency is ignored - log a warning and continue if fetch_dependencies: self._logger.warning( "Dependency not resolved '{}'".format(dependency_rule_id) ) continue if dependency_rule_id in failed: # Dependency processed, but failed dependency_failed = processed[dependency_rule_id] continue if dependency_rule_id in processed: # Dependency has already been processed continue # This dependency is not processed yet, add it back to the set has_dependencies = True rule_dependencies.add(dependency_rule_id) if has_dependencies and dependency_failed is None: # Still has dependencies to be processed (and none of its dependenceis have # failed), add it back to the end of the queue. queue.append(rule) else: # Set the failed dependency for this rule before processing it. If no # dependency has failed, it will be reset to None. rule.set_failed_dependency(dependency_failed) __process_rule(rule) return True