App Config Settings

The Data Validation App settings are defined in the Toolkit App Config settings file tk-multi-data-validation.yml. The app supports the following settings:


The display name of the app as seen in the UI. Defaults to “Data Validation”.


Set to True to display the app in a panel, or False to display it in a dialog. Defaults to True.


The hook to define the Validation Rule Set and sanitize check function return values.


The list of Validation Rules that the Data Validation App will display. Each item in the list must include an id, which must correspond to a rule in the Validation Rule Set. If there are rules in the validation rule set that are not included in this config setting, then those rules will not be displayed in the app. Optionally, items may define a data_type, which categorizes the rule so it can be displayed in a grouped view.

An example of the settings file that is set up for Alias and VRED:

Example: tk-multi-data-validation.yml settings set up for the Alias and VRED Engines
  location: ""
  hook_data_validation: "{engine}/tk-multi-data-validation/basic/"
    - id: delete_null_nodes
    - id: zero_transforms
    - id: remove_empty_layers
  location: ""
  hook_data_validation: "{engine}/tk-multi-data-validation/basic/"
    - id: delete_hidden_nodes
      data_type: Scene Graph
    - id: delete_unused_materials
      data_type: Materials
    - id: unload_references
      data_type: References

Notice that the Alias set up does not define the data_type field for its rules, while VRED does; this means that in the Data Validation App for VRED, the rules can be grouped by the data type. Also remember that the config settings may only activate the listed rules, but the Engine’s may have more validation rules available (which are hidden until listed here in the config settings).