# Copyright (c) 2013 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.
import sgtk
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtGui, QtCore
from .shotgun_model import ShotgunModel
from .util import get_sg_data, get_sanitized_data
[docs]class ShotgunEntityModel(ShotgunModel):
A model that contains a hierarchy of Shotgun entity data and sets the icon for each item
to the icon for the entity type if available.
For Step entities, the icon will be a colour swatch based on the Step color field
# global cache of step colours - avoids querying from Shotgun multiple times!
def __init__(
:param entity_type: The type of the entities that should be loaded into this model.
:param filters: A list of filters to be applied to entities in the model - these
will be passed to the Shotgun API find() call when populating the
:param hierarchy: List of Shotgun fields that will be used to define the structure
of the items in the model.
:param fields: List of Shotgun fields to populate the items in the model with.
These will be passed to the Shotgun API find() call when populating
the model.
:param parent: Parent QObject.
:type parent: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QWidget`
:param download_thumbs: Boolean to indicate if this model should attempt
to download and process thumbnails for the downloaded data.
:param schema_generation: Schema generation index. If you are changing the format
of the data you are retrieving from Shotgun, and therefore
want to invalidate any cache files that may already exist
in the system, you can increment this integer.
:param bg_load_thumbs: If set to True, thumbnails will be loaded in the background.
:param bg_task_manager: Background task manager to use for any asynchronous work. If
this is None then a task manager will be created as needed.
:type bg_task_manager: :class:`~task_manager.BackgroundTaskManager`
self._step_swatch_icons = {}
# make sure fields is valid:
fields = fields or []
# default icon
self._default_icon = QtGui.QIcon(
# load the data from the cache:
self._load_data(entity_type, filters, hierarchy, fields)
def destroy(self):
Call to clean-up the model when it is finished with
self._step_swatch_icons = {}
self._default_icon = None
[docs] def get_entity_icon(self, entity_type):
Convenience method. Retrieve the icon for the specified entity type if available.
:param entity_type: The entity type to retrieve the icon for
:returns: A QIcon if an icon was found for the specified entity
type, otherwise None.
shotgun_globals = self._bundle.import_module("shotgun_globals")
return shotgun_globals.get_entity_type_icon(entity_type)
[docs] def get_entities(self, item):
Get entities for the current item by traversing up the tree and pulling entity information
from each item if possible
:param item: The item to find entities for.
:type item: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QStandardItem`
:returns: A list of Shotgun entity dictionaries in the order they were found starting from
the specified item. Each dictionary will contain all the entity information stored
by the model which is usually determined by the list of fields passed during
construction plus name/code, type and id.
For non-leaf items that represent Shotgun entities, the dictionary will typically
just contain name, type and id.
current_item = item
entities = []
while current_item:
item_entity = self.get_entity(current_item)
if item_entity:
current_item = current_item.parent()
return entities
[docs] def get_entity(self, item):
Get the Shotgun entity details for the specified model item.
:param item: The item to retrieve the entity details for.
:type item: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QStandardItem`
:returns: A Shotgun entity dictionary for the item if it represents an entity, otherwise
None. The dictionary will contain all the entity information stored by the model
which is usually determined by the list of fields passed during construction plus
name/code, type and id.
# first, if this is a leaf item then it will represent an entity:
sg_data = item.get_sg_data()
if sg_data:
return sg_data
# item doesn't represent an entity directly so look for an entity in the field data instead:
field_data = get_sanitized_data(item, self.SG_ASSOCIATED_FIELD_ROLE)
field_value = field_data.get("value")
if (
and isinstance(field_value, dict)
and "id" in field_value
and "type" in field_value
return field_value
return None
[docs] def async_refresh(self):
Trigger an asynchronous refresh of the model
def _populate_default_thumbnail(self, item):
Whenever an item is constructed, this methods is called. It allows subclasses to intercept
the construction of a QStandardItem and add additional metadata or make other changes
that may be useful. Nothing needs to be returned.
:param item: QStandardItem that is about to be added to the model. This has been primed
with the standard settings that the ShotgunModel handles.
:param sg_data: Shotgun data dictionary that was received from Shotgun given the fields
and other settings specified in load_data()
found_icon = False
# get the associated field data with this node
field_data = get_sanitized_data(item, self.SG_ASSOCIATED_FIELD_ROLE)
# get the full sg data for this node (leafs only)
sg_data = get_sg_data(item)
# {'name': 'sg_sequence', 'value': {'type': 'Sequence', 'id': 11, 'name': 'bunny_080'}}
field_value = field_data["value"]
entity_icon = None
if (
isinstance(field_value, dict)
and "name" in field_value
and "type" in field_value
# this is an intermediate node which is an entity type link
entity_icon = self._get_default_thumbnail(field_value)
elif sg_data:
# this is a leaf node!
entity_icon = self._get_default_thumbnail(sg_data)
# update item icon
item.setIcon(entity_icon or self._default_icon)
def _get_default_thumbnail(self, sg_entity):
Get the default icon for the specified entity.
:param sg_entity: A Shotgun entity dictionary for the entity to get the
icon for.
:returns: A QIcon for the entity if available. For Step entities, a swatch
representing the step colour is returned. If no icon is available
for the entity type then the default icon is returned
if sg_entity.get("type") == "Step":
# special case handling for steps to return a colour swatch:
step_id = sg_entity.get("id")
if step_id != None:
# get the colour from the cache:
if step_id not in ShotgunEntityModel._SG_STEP_COLOURS:
ShotgunEntityModel._SG_STEP_COLOURS[step_id] = None
# refresh cache:
bundle = sgtk.platform.current_bundle()
sg_steps = bundle.shotgun.find("Step", [], ["color"])
for sg_step in sg_steps:
colour = None
colour = tuple(
[int(c) for c in sg_step.get("color").split(",")]
ShotgunEntityModel._SG_STEP_COLOURS[sg_step["id"]] = colour
colour = ShotgunEntityModel._SG_STEP_COLOURS[step_id]
if colour and isinstance(colour, tuple) and len(colour) == 3:
# get the icon for this colour from the cache:
if colour not in self._step_swatch_icons:
# Build icon and add to cache:
# Add a bit of transparency otherwise the step color is
# too bright.
colour = colour + (200,)
pm = QtGui.QPixmap(16, 16)
painter = QtGui.QPainter(pm)
painter.fillRect(2, 2, 12, 12, QtGui.QColor(*colour))
self._step_swatch_icons[colour] = QtGui.QIcon(pm)
# return the icon:
return self._step_swatch_icons[colour]
# just return the entity icon or the default icon if there is no entity icon:
return self.get_entity_icon(sg_entity.get("type")) or self._default_icon