# Copyright (c) 2015 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.
import os
import urllib
import glob
import hashlib
import sgtk
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtCore, QtGui
from sgtk import TankError
from tank_vendor import sgutils
except ImportError:
from tank_vendor import six as sgutils
def _indicate_resource_accessed(file_path):
Helper to indicate a resource was accessed and shouldn't be considered
old when cleaning up old cached data.
os.utime(file_path, None)
[docs]class ShotgunDataRetriever(QtCore.QObject):
Asynchronous data retriever class which can be used to retrieve data and
thumbnails from Shotgun and from disk thumbnail cache. Uses the
:class:`~task_manager.BackgroundTaskManager` to run tasks in background
threads and emits signals when each query has either completed or failed.
Requests are queued up using for example the :meth:`execute_find()` and
:meth:`request_thumbnail()` methods.
Requests are executed in the following priority order:
- First any thumbnails that are already cached on disk are handled.
- Next, shotgun find() queries are handled.
- Lastly thumbnail downloads are handled.
The thread will emit work_completed and work_failure signals when
tasks are completed (or fail). The :meth:`clear()` method will
clear the current queue. The currently processing item will finish
processing and may send out signals even after a clear. Make sure you
call the :meth:`stop()` method prior to destruction in order for the
system to gracefully shut down.
:signal work_completed(uid, request_type, data_dict): Emitted every time
a requested task has completed. ``uid`` is a unique id which matches
the unique id returned by the corresponding request call.
``request_type`` is a string denoting the type of request this
event is associated with. ``data_dict`` is a dictionary containing
the payload of the request. It will be different depending on what
type of request it is.
:signal work_failure(uid, error_message): Emitted every time a requested
task has failed. ``uid`` is a unique id which matches the unique
id returned by the corresponding request call.
# syntax: work_completed(uid, request_type, data_dict)
# - uid is a unique id which matches the unique id
# returned by the corresponding request call.
# - request_type is a string denoting the type of request
# this event is associated with. It can be either "find"
# "find_one", "update", "create", "delete", "schema", "expand_nav"
# or "thumbnail"
# - data_dict is a dictionary containing the payload
# of the request. It will be different depending on
# what type of request it is.
# For find() requests, the data_dict will be on the form
# {"sg": data }, where data is the data returned by the sg API
# For thumbnail requests, the data dict will be on the form
# {"thumb_path": path}, where path is a path to a location
# on disk where the thumbnail can be accessed.
work_completed = QtCore.Signal(str, str, dict)
# syntax: work_failure(uid, error_message)
# - uid is a unique id which matches the unique id
# returned by the corresponding request call.
# - error message is an error message string.
work_failure = QtCore.Signal(str, str)
# Individual task priorities used when adding tasks to the task manager
# Note: a higher value means more important and will get run before lower
# priority tasks
# Attachment checks and downloads are more important than thumbnails,
# as having access to that data will often be required instead of as
# a nice-to-have. As a result, this gets a bit more priority.
# thumbnail checks are local disk checks and very fast. These
# are always carried out before any shotgun calls
# the shotgun schema is often useful to have as early on as possible,
# sometimes other shotgun operations also need the shotgun schema
# (and it's typically also cached) so this call has a higher priority
# than the rest of the shotgun calls
# next the priority for any other Shotgun calls (e.g. find, create,
# update, delete, etc.)
# Attachment downloads are not necessarily fast (but might be), but unlike
# thumbnails they will be required for functionality in the calling code.
# As such, we'll give these downloads a bit more priority.
# thumbnails are downloaded last as they are considered low-priority
# and can take a relatively significant amount of time
def __init__(self, parent=None, sg=None, bg_task_manager=None):
:param parent: Parent object
:type parent: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QWidget`
:param sg: Optional Shotgun API Instance
:param bg_task_manager: Optional Task manager
:class bg_task_manager: :class:`~task_manager.BackgroundTaskManager`
QtCore.QObject.__init__(self, parent)
self._bundle = sgtk.platform.current_bundle()
# set up the background task manager:
task_manager = self._bundle.import_module("task_manager")
self._task_manager = bg_task_manager or task_manager.BackgroundTaskManager(
parent=self, max_threads=1
self._owns_task_manager = bg_task_manager is None
self._bg_tasks_group = self._task_manager.next_group_id()
self._thumb_task_id_map = {}
self._attachment_task_id_map = {}
# Public methods
[docs] @staticmethod
def download_thumbnail(url, bundle):
Convenience and compatibility method for quick and easy synchrnous thumbnail download.
This will retrieve a shotgun thumbnail given a url - if it already exists in the cache,
a path to it will be returned instantly. If not, it will be downloaded from Shotgun,
placed in the standard cache location on disk and its path will be returned.
This method returns the transcoded version of the thumbnail originally uploaded to
Shotgun. The image returned will always be a fixed-sized jpeg. To retrieve the thumbnail
file in its original format and resolution, use :meth:`ShotgunDataRetriever.download_thumbnail_source`
This is a helper method meant to make it easy to port over synchronous legacy
code - for a better solution, we recommend using the thumbnail retrieval
that runs in a background thread.
Because Shotgun thumbnail urls have an expiry time, make sure to only
pass urls to this method that have been very recently retrieved via a Shotgun find call.
:param url: The thumbnail url string that is associated with this thumbnail. This is
the field value as returned by a Shotgun query.
:param bundle: App, Framework or Engine object requesting the download.
:returns: A path to the thumbnail on disk.
path_to_cached_thumb, thumb_exists = ShotgunDataRetriever._get_thumbnail_path(
url, bundle
if not thumb_exists:
# create folders on disk
# download using standard core method. This will ensure that
# proxy and connection settings as set in the PTR API are used
# Ask sgtk.util.download_url() to append the file type extension
# to the input path_to_cached_thumb to get the full path to the
# cache file.
full_path = sgtk.util.download_url(
bundle.shotgun, url, path_to_cached_thumb, True
path_to_cached_thumb = full_path
except TypeError:
# This may be raised if an older version of core is in use
# that doesn't have the final `use_url_extension` arg implemented
# in sgtk.util.download_url() (set to True above). Since the url
# is not being checked for an extension, also revert to the
# previous behavior of _get_thumbnail_path() which hard-coded a
# ".jpeg" extension to the thumbnail file path.
path_to_cached_thumb = "%s.jpeg" % path_to_cached_thumb
sgtk.util.download_url(bundle.shotgun, url, path_to_cached_thumb)
# modify the permissions of the file so it's writeable by others
old_umask = os.umask(0)
os.chmod(path_to_cached_thumb, 0o666)
# Update access and modified time to "now" so the file will be kept
# around when culling old files in the cache.
# `_get_thumbnail_path` returns a full path with the extension if
# the thumb exists.
return path_to_cached_thumb
[docs] @staticmethod
def download_thumbnail_source(entity_type, entity_id, bundle):
Convenience and compatibility method for quick and easy synchronous thumbnail download.
This will retrieve the source file for a thumbnail given a shotgun entity type and id.
If the resolved thumbnail source file has already been cached, a path to it will be
returned instantly. Otherwise, it will be downloaded from Shotgun and placed in the
standard cache location on disk. The full path to cached thumbnail is returned.
This method returns the thumbnail file in the original format and resolution it was
uploaded to Shotgun as, which should be considered arbitrary. To retrieve a transcoded
fixed-size jpeg version of the thumbnail, use :meth:`ShotgunDataRetriever.download_thumbnail`
This is a helper method meant to make it easy to port over synchronous legacy
code - for a better solution, we recommend using the thumbnail retrieval
that runs in a background thread.
:param str entity_type: Shotgun entity type with which the thumb is associated.
:param int entity_id: Shotgun entity id with which the thumb is associated.
:param bundle: App, Framework or Engine object requesting the download.
:returns: A path to the thumbnail on disk.
thumb_source_url = urllib.parse.urlunparse(
% (
path_to_cached_thumb, thumb_exists = ShotgunDataRetriever._get_thumbnail_path(
thumb_source_url, bundle
if not thumb_exists:
# create folders on disk
# download using standard core method. This will ensure that
# proxy and connection settings as set in the PTR API are used.
# Allow the core method to determine the file type extension
# for the url about to be downloaded. Capture the full path to the
# thumbnail file as returned by sgtk.util.download_url().
full_path = sgtk.util.download_url(
bundle.shotgun, thumb_source_url, path_to_cached_thumb, True
path_to_cached_thumb = full_path
except TypeError as e:
# This may be raised if an older version of core is in use
# that doesn't have the final `use_url_extension` arg implemented
# in sgtk.util.download_url() (set to True above). Since the source
# thumbnail url spec does not contain the file type extension, there
# is no way to determine the proper file name to download to.
# Raise a TankError indicating that a newer version of core must be
# used in conjunction with this method.
raise TankError(
"Caught error: \n%s\n"
"Unable to download source thumbnail URL '%s' because the "
"file type extension cannot be determined. Must update to a "
"newer version of core to use ShotgunDataRetriever."
"download_thumbnail_source()." % (e, thumb_source_url)
# modify the permissions of the file so it's writeable by others
old_umask = os.umask(0)
os.chmod(path_to_cached_thumb, 0o666)
# Update access and modified time to "now" so the file will be kept
# around when culling old files in the cache.
# `_get_thumbnail_path` returns a full path with the extension if
# the thumb exists.
return path_to_cached_thumb
[docs] def start(self):
Start the retriever thread.
:raises: TankError if there is no :class:`~task_manager.BackgroundTaskManager` associated with this instance
if not self._task_manager:
raise TankError(
"Unable to start the ShotgunDataRetriever as it has no BackgroundTaskManager!"
[docs] def stop(self):
Gracefully stop the receiver.
Once stop() has been called, the object needs to be discarded.
This is a blocking call. It will synchronously wait
until any potential currently processing item has completed.
Note that once stopped the data retriever can't be restarted as the handle to the
:class:`~task_manager.BackgroundTaskManager` instance is released.
if not self._task_manager:
if self._owns_task_manager:
# we own the task manager so we'll need to completely shut it down before
# returning
self._task_manager = None
# we don't own the task manager so just stop any tasks we might be running
# and disconnect from it:
# make sure we don't get exceptions trying to disconnect if the
# signals were never connected or somehow disconnected externally.
except (TypeError, RuntimeError) as e: # was never connected
"Could not disconnect '_on_task_completed' slot from the "
"task manager's 'task_completed' signal: %s" % (e,)
except (TypeError, RuntimeError) as e: # was never connected
"Could not disconnect '_on_task_failed' slot from the "
"task manager's 'task_failed' signal: %s" % (e,)
self._task_manager = None
[docs] def clear(self):
Clears the queue.
Any currently processing item will complete without interruption, and signals will be
sent out for these items.
if not self._task_manager:
# stop any tasks running in the task group:
[docs] def stop_work(self, task_id):
Stop the specified task
:param task_id: The task to stop
if not self._task_manager:
# stop the task:
[docs] def get_schema(self, project_id=None):
Execute the schema_read and schema_entity_read methods asynchronously
:param project_id: If specified, the schema listing returned will
be constrained by the schema settings for
the given project.
:returns: A unique identifier representing this request. This
identifier is also part of the payload sent via the
work_completed and work_failure signals, making it
possible to match them up.
return self._add_task(
task_kwargs={"project_id": project_id},
[docs] def execute_find(self, *args, **kwargs):
Executes a Shotgun find query asynchronously.
This method takes the same parameters as the Shotgun find() call.
The query will be queued up and once processed, either a
work_completed or work_failure signal will be emitted.
:param ``*args``: args to be passed to the Shotgun find() call
:param ``**kwargs``: Named parameters to be passed to the Shotgun find() call
:returns: A unique identifier representing this request. This
identifier is also part of the payload sent via the
work_completed and work_failure signals, making it
possible to match them up.
return self._add_task(
[docs] def execute_find_one(self, *args, **kwargs):
Executes a Shotgun find_one query asynchronously.
This method takes the same parameters as the Shotgun find_one() call.
The query will be queued up and once processed, either a
work_completed or work_failure signal will be emitted.
:param ``*args``: args to be passed to the Shotgun find_one() call
:param ``**kwargs``: Named parameters to be passed to the Shotgun find_one() call
:returns: A unique identifier representing this request. This
identifier is also part of the payload sent via the
work_completed and work_failure signals, making it
possible to match them up.
return self._add_task(
[docs] def execute_update(self, *args, **kwargs):
Execute a Shotgun update call asynchronously
This method takes the same parameters as the Shotgun update() call.
The query will be queued up and once processed, either a
work_completed or work_failure signal will be emitted.
:param ``*args``: args to be passed to the Shotgun update() call
:param ``**kwargs``: Named parameters to be passed to the Shotgun update() call
:returns: A unique identifier representing this request. This
identifier is also part of the payload sent via the
work_completed and work_failure signals, making it
possible to match them up.
return self._add_task(
[docs] def execute_create(self, *args, **kwargs):
Execute a Shotgun create call asynchronously
The query will be queued up and once processed, either a
work_completed or work_failure signal will be emitted.
This method takes the same parameters as the Shotgun create() call.
:param ``*args``: args to be passed to the Shotgun create() call
:param ``**kwargs``: Named parameters to be passed to the Shotgun create() call
:returns: A unique identifier representing this request. This
identifier is also part of the payload sent via the
work_completed and work_failure signals, making it
possible to match them up.
return self._add_task(
[docs] def execute_delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
Execute a Shotgun delete call asynchronously
This method takes the same parameters as the Shotgun delete() call.
The query will be queued up and once processed, either a
work_completed or work_failure signal will be emitted.
:param ``*args``: args to be passed to the Shotgun delete() call
:param ``**kwargs``: Named parameters to be passed to the Shotgun delete() call
:returns: A unique identifier representing this request. This
identifier is also part of the payload sent via the
work_completed and work_failure signals, making it
possible to match them up.
return self._add_task(
[docs] def execute_method(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
Executes a generic execution of a method asynchronously. This is pretty much a
wrapper for executing a task through the :class:`~task_manager.BackgroundTaskManager`.
The specified method will be called on the following form::
method(sg, data)
Where sg is a shotgun API instance. Data is typically
a dictionary with specific data that the method needs.
The query will be queued up and once processed, either a
work_completed or work_failure signal will be emitted.
:param method: The method that should be executed.
:param ``*args``: args to be passed to the method
:param ``**kwargs``: Named parameters to be passed to the method
:returns: A unique identifier representing this request. This
identifier is also part of the payload sent via the
work_completed and work_failure signals, making it
possible to match them up.
# note that as the 'task' is actually going to call through to another method, we
# encode the method name, args and kwargs in the task's kwargs dictionary as this
# keeps them nicely encapsulated.
task_kwargs = {"method": method, "method_args": args, "method_kwargs": kwargs}
return self._add_task(
[docs] def execute_text_search(self, *args, **kwargs):
Executes a Shotgun ``text_search`` query asynchronously.
See the python api documentation here:
This method takes the same parameters as the Shotgun ``text_search()`` call.
The query will be queued up and once processed, either a
work_completed or work_failure signal will be emitted.
:param ``*args``: args to be passed to the Shotgun ``text_search()`` call
:param ``**kwargs``: Named parameters to be passed to the Shotgun ``text_search()`` call
:returns: A unique identifier representing this request. This
identifier is also part of the payload sent via the
work_completed and work_failure signals, making it
possible to match them up.
return self._add_task(
[docs] def execute_nav_expand(self, *args, **kwargs):
Executes a Shotgun ``nav_expand`` query asynchronously.
See the python api documentation here:
This method takes the same parameters as the Shotgun ``nav_expand()`` call.
The query will be queued up and once processed, either a
work_completed or work_failure signal will be emitted.
:param ``*args``: args to be passed to the Shotgun ``nav_expand()`` call
:param ``**kwargs``: Named parameters to be passed to the Shotgun ``nav_expand()`` call
:returns: A unique identifier representing this request. This
identifier is also part of the payload sent via the
work_completed and work_failure signals, making it
possible to match them up.
return self._add_task(
[docs] def execute_nav_search_string(self, *args, **kwargs):
Executes a Shotgun ``nav_search_string`` query asynchronously.
See the python api documentation here:
This method takes the same parameters as the Shotgun ``nav_search_string()`` call.
The query will be queued up and once processed, either a
work_completed or work_failure signal will be emitted.
:param ``*args``: args to be passed to the Shotgun ``nav_search_string()`` call
:param ``**kwargs``: Named parameters to be passed to the Shotgun ``nav_search_string()`` call
:returns: A unique identifier representing this request. This
identifier is also part of the payload sent via the
work_completed and work_failure signals, making it
possible to match them up.
return self._add_task(
[docs] def execute_nav_search_entity(self, *args, **kwargs):
Executes a Shotgun ``nav_search_entity`` query asynchronously.
See the python api documentation here:
This method takes the same parameters as the Shotgun ``nav_search_entity()`` call.
The query will be queued up and once processed, either a
work_completed or work_failure signal will be emitted.
:param ``*args``: args to be passed to the Shotgun ``nav_search_entity()`` call
:param ``**kwargs``: Named parameters to be passed to the Shotgun ``nav_search_entity()`` call
:returns: A unique identifier representing this request. This
identifier is also part of the payload sent via the
work_completed and work_failure signals, making it
possible to match them up.
return self._add_task(
def _add_task(self, task_cb, priority, task_args=None, task_kwargs=None):
Simplified wrapper to add a task to the task manager. All tasks get added into
the same group (self._bg_tasks_group) and the returned task_id is cast to a string
to retain backwards compatibility (it used to return a uuid string).
:param task_cb: The function to execute for the task
:param priority: The priority the task should be run with
:param task_args: Arguments that should be passed to the task callback
:param task_kwargs: Named arguments that should be passed to the task callback
:returns: String representation of the task id
:raises: TankError if there is no task manager available to add the task to!
if not self._task_manager:
raise TankError(
"Data retriever does not have a task manager to add the task to!"
task_id = self._task_manager.add_task(
return str(task_id)
[docs] def request_attachment(self, attachment_entity):
Downloads an attachment from Shotgun asynchronously or returns a cached
file path if found.
.. note:: The provided Attachment entity definition must contain, at a
minimum, the "this_file" substructure.
.. code-block:: python
"id": 597,
"this_file": {
"content_type": "image/png",
"id": 597,
"link_type": "upload",
"name": "test.png",
"type": "Attachment",
"url": "https://abc.shotgunstudio.com/file_serve/attachment/597"
"type": "Attachment"
:param dict attachment_entity: The Attachment entity to download data from.
:returns: A unique identifier representing this request.
if not self._task_manager:
"No task manager has been associated with this data retriever. "
"Unable to request attachment."
# always add check for attachments already downloaded:
check_task_id = self._task_manager.add_task(
# Add download thumbnail task. This is dependent on the check task above and will be passed
# the returned results from that task in addition to the kwargs specified below. This allows
# a task dependency chain to be created with different priorities for the separate tasks.
dl_task_id = self._task_manager.add_task(
# all results for requesting a thumbnail should be returned with the same id so use
# a mapping to track the 'primary' task id:
self._attachment_task_id_map[dl_task_id] = check_task_id
return str(check_task_id)
[docs] def request_thumbnail(self, url, entity_type, entity_id, field, load_image=False):
Downloads a thumbnail from Shotgun asynchronously or returns a cached thumbnail
if found. Optionally loads the thumbnail into a QImage.
:param url: The thumbnail url string that is associated with this thumbnail. This is
the field value as returned by a Shotgun query.
:param entity_type: Shotgun entity type with which the thumb is associated.
:param entity_id: Shotgun entity id with which the thumb is associated.
:param field: Thumbnail field. Normally 'image' but could also for example be a deep
link field such as ``sg_sequence.Sequence.image``
:param load_image: If set to True, the return data structure will contain a QImage object
with the image data loaded.
:returns: A unique identifier representing this request. This
identifier is also part of the payload sent via the
work_completed and work_failure signals, making it
possible to match them up.
if not self._task_manager:
"No task manager has been associated with this data retriever. "
"Unable to request thumbnail."
# always add check for thumbnail already downloaded:
check_task_id = self._task_manager.add_task(
task_kwargs={"url": url, "load_image": load_image},
# Add download thumbnail task. This is dependent on the check task above and will be passed
# the returned results from that task in addition to the kwargs specified below. This allows
# a task dependency chain to be created with different priorities for the separate tasks.
dl_task_id = self._task_manager.add_task(
"url": url,
"entity_type": entity_type,
"entity_id": entity_id,
"field": field,
"load_image": load_image
# "thumb_path":<passed from check task>
# "image":<passed from check task>
# all results for requesting a thumbnail should be returned with the same id so use
# a mapping to track the 'primary' task id:
self._thumb_task_id_map[dl_task_id] = check_task_id
return str(check_task_id)
[docs] def request_thumbnail_source(self, entity_type, entity_id, load_image=False):
Downloads a thumbnail from Shotgun asynchronously or returns a cached thumbnail
if found. Optionally loads the thumbnail into a QImage.
:param entity_type: Shotgun entity type with which the thumb is associated.
:param entity_id: Shotgun entity id with which the thumb is associated.
:param load_image: If set to True, the return data structure will contain a
QImage object with the image data loaded.
:returns: A unique identifier representing this request. This
identifier is also part of the payload sent via the
work_completed and work_failure signals, making it
possible to match them up.
# construct the url that refers to the thumbnail's source image
thumb_source_url = urllib.parse.urlunparse(
% (
return self.request_thumbnail(
thumb_source_url, entity_type, entity_id, None, load_image
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Background task management and methods
def _download_url(self, file_path, url, entity_type, entity_id, field):
Downloads a file located at the given url to the provided file path.
:param str file_path: The target path.
:param str url: The url location of the file to download.
:param str entity_type: The Shotgun entity type that the url is
associated with. In the event that the
provided url has expired, the entity
type and id provided will be used to query
a fresh url.
:param int entity_id: The Shotgun entity id that the url is
associated with. In the event that the
provided url has expired, the entity type and
id provided will be used to query a fresh url.
:param str field: The name of the field that contains the url. If
the url needs to be requeried, this field will be
where the fresh url is pulled from.
:returns: Full path the downloaded file. This value may be different
than the input `file_path` if the resolved url's extension
differed from what was specified.
# download using standard core method. This will ensure that
# proxy and connection settings as set in the PTR API are used
# Ask sgtk.util.download_url() to append the file type extension
# to the input file_path to get the full path to the cache file.
download_path = sgtk.util.download_url(
self._bundle.shotgun, url, file_path, True
file_path = download_path
except TypeError:
# This may be raised if an older version of core is in use
# that doesn't have the final `use_url_extension` arg implemented
# in sgtk.util.download_url() (set to True above). Since the url
# is not being checked for an extension, also revert to the
# previous behavior of _get_thumbnail_path() which hard-coded a
# ".jpeg" extension to the thumbnail file path.
file_path = "%s.jpeg" % file_path
sgtk.util.download_url(self._bundle.shotgun, url, file_path)
except TankError as e:
if field is not None:
sg_data = self._bundle.shotgun.find_one(
entity_type, [["id", "is", entity_id]], [field]
if sg_data is None or sg_data.get(field) is None:
# This means there's nothing in Shotgun for this field, which
# means we can't download anything.
raise IOError(
"Field %s does not contain data for %s (id=%s)."
% (field, entity_type, entity_id)
# Again, download using standard core method. This will ensure that
# proxy and connection settings as set in the PTR API are used.
url = sg_data[field]
# Ask sgtk.util.download_url() to append the file type extension
# to the input file_path to get the full path to the cache file.
download_path = sgtk.util.download_url(
self._bundle.shotgun, url, file_path, True
file_path = download_path
except TypeError:
# This may be raised if an older version of core is in use
# that doesn't have the final `use_url_extension` arg implemented
# in sgtk.util.download_url() (set to True above). Since the url
# is not being checked for an extension, also revert to the
# previous behavior of _get_thumbnail_path() which hard-coded a
# ".jpeg" extension to the thumbnail file path.
file_path = "%s.jpeg" % file_path
sgtk.util.download_url(self._bundle.shotgun, url, file_path)
# now we have a thumbnail on disk, either via the direct download, or via the
# url-fresh-then-download approach. Because the file is downloaded with user-only
# permissions we have to modify the permissions so that it's writeable by others
old_umask = os.umask(0)
os.chmod(file_path, 0o666)
return file_path
def _get_attachment_path(attachment_entity, bundle):
Returns the location on disk suitable for an attachment file.
:param dict attachment_entity: The Attachment entity definition.
:param bundle: App, Engine or Framework instance
:returns: Path as a string.
url = attachment_entity["this_file"]["url"]
file_name = attachment_entity["this_file"]["name"]
directory_path, path_exists = ShotgunDataRetriever._get_thumbnail_path(
url, bundle, directory_only=True
return os.path.join(directory_path, file_name)
def _get_thumbnail_path(url, bundle, directory_only=False):
Returns the location on disk suitable for a thumbnail given its url and
whether a cached file for the specified ``url`` already exists. Two cases
are handled:
Case A: ``directory_only`` is set to False and the ``url`` cache file does not exist:
>>> (path, cache_exists) = _get_thumbnail_path("https://foo/bar/baz.jpg")
Where return data ``(path, cache_exists) = ('/tmp/xx/yy/1245/6678', False)``
This will always return a file path without an extension. Since the cache
file does not exist, download it using sgtk.util.download_url(), setting
the ``use_url_extension`` arg to True, which will return the full path to the
cached file:
>>> full_path = sgtk.util.download_url(sg, "https://foo/bar/baz.jpg", path, True)
Where ``full_path`` now contains a file extension: /tmp/xx/yy/1245/6678.jpg
Case B: ``directory_only`` is set to False and the ``url`` cache file does exist:
>>> (path, cache_exists) = _get_thumbnail_path("https://foo/bar/baz.jpg")
Where return data ``(path, cache_exists) = ('/tmp/xx/yy/1245/6678.jpg', True)``
This will always return the full path to the cached file, so no need to
do any addtional work.
:param str url: Path to a thumbnail
:param bundle: App, Engine or Framework instance
:param bool directory_only: Whether to return a directory path or a
full file path. Default is False, which
indicates a full file path, including
file name, will be returned.
:returns: Tuple (str, bool) Path or path with basename as a string,
cached thumbnail exists on disk
# If we don't have a URL, then we know we don't
# have a thumbnail to worry about.
if not url:
return (None, None)
# hash the path portion of the thumbnail url
url_obj = urllib.parse.urlparse(url)
url_hash = hashlib.md5()
hash_str = url_hash.hexdigest()
# Now turn this hash into a tree structure. For a discussion about sensible
# sharding methodology, see
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13841931/using-guids-as-folder-names-splitting-up
# From the hash, generate paths on the form C1C2/C3C4/rest_of_hash
# (where C1 is the first character of the hash). For a million evenly distributed
# items, this means ~15 items per folder.
first_folder = hash_str[0:2]
second_folder = hash_str[2:4]
# Establish the cache path directory
# If possible we share thumbnails at the site cache level.
# Site cache location was introduced in tk-core > v0.18.118, to not
# introduce a dependency on a tk-core release, we simply check if the method
# is available or not.
if hasattr(bundle, "site_cache_location"):
cache_path_items = [
# Fallback to caching per project/pipeline config/plugin id.
cache_path_items = [
cached_thumb_exists = False
# If we were only asked to give back a directory path then we can
# skip building and appending a file name.
if not directory_only:
# Look for an existing cache file. Use the glob module since
# we do not know what the file type of the cache file is.
path_base = hash_str[4:]
cache_base = os.path.join(*(cache_path_items + [path_base]))
# Attempt to match something that looks like:
# /bundle_cache_location/thumbs/C1C2/C3C4/rest_of_hash.*
cache_matches = glob.glob("%s.*" % cache_base)
if len(cache_matches):
if len(cache_matches) > 1:
# If somehow more than one cache file exists, the wrong icon may be displayed.
# Log some information about how to resolve this problem.
"More than one cached file found for url '%s':" % url
bundle.log_debug(" %s" % cache_match)
for cache_match in cache_matches
"Using '%s'. "
"If this is incorrect, manually remove the undesired cache file."
% cache_matches[0]
# Cache file exists, so append the full file name (e.g. rest_of_hash.png)
cached_thumb_exists = True
# Cache file does not exist, so only append the basename of the cached
# thumbnail that does NOT include the file type extension (e.g. rest_of_hash).
# The extension will be appended later by a call to sgtk.util.download_url()
# Join up the path cache items which result in either a directory like
# '/bundle_cache_location/thumbs/C1C2/C3C4' or a file path like
# '/bundle_cache_location/thumbs/C1C2/C3C4/rest_of_hash' if the cache file
# does not exist or '/bundle_cache_location/thumbs/C1C2/C3C4/rest_of_hash.ext'
# if it does.
path_to_cached_thumb = os.path.join(*cache_path_items)
return (path_to_cached_thumb, cached_thumb_exists)
def _task_get_schema(self, project_id):
Method that gets executed in a background task/thread to retrieve the fields
and types schema from Shotgun
:param project_id: The id of the project to query the schema for or None to
retrieve for all projects
:returns: Dictionary containing the 'action' together with the schema
fields and types
if project_id is not None:
project = {"type": "Project", "id": project_id}
project = None
# read in details about all fields
sg_field_schema = self._bundle.shotgun.schema_read(project)
# and read in details about all entity types
sg_type_schema = self._bundle.shotgun.schema_entity_read(project)
# need to wrap it in a dict not to confuse pyqt's signals and type system
return {"action": "schema", "fields": sg_field_schema, "types": sg_type_schema}
def _task_execute_find(self, *args, **kwargs):
Method that gets executed in a background task/thread to perform a Shotgun
find query
:param ``*args``: Unnamed arguments to be passed to the find() call
:param ``**kwargs``: Named arguments to be passed to the find() call
:returns: Dictionary containing the 'action' together with result
returned by the find() call
sg_res = self._bundle.shotgun.find(*args, **kwargs)
return {"action": "find", "sg_result": sg_res}
def _task_execute_find_one(self, *args, **kwargs):
Method that gets executed in a background task/thread to perform a Shotgun
find_one query
:param ``*args``: Unnamed arguments to be passed to the find_one() call
:param ``**kwargs``: Named arguments to be passed to the find_one() call
:returns: Dictionary containing the 'action' together with result
returned by the find_one() call
sg_res = self._bundle.shotgun.find_one(*args, **kwargs)
return {"action": "find_one", "sg_result": sg_res}
def _task_execute_update(self, *args, **kwargs):
Method that gets executed in a background task/thread to perform a Shotgun
update call
:param ``*args``: Unnamed arguments to be passed to the update() call
:param ``**kwargs``: Named arguments to be passed to the update() call
:returns: Dictionary containing the 'action' together with result
returned by the update() call
sg_res = self._bundle.shotgun.update(*args, **kwargs)
return {"action": "update", "sg_result": sg_res}
def _task_execute_create(self, *args, **kwargs):
Method that gets executed in a background task/thread to perform a Shotgun
create call
:param ``*args``: Unnamed arguments to be passed to the create() call
:param ``**kwargs``: Named arguments to be passed to the create() call
:returns: Dictionary containing the 'action' together with result
returned by the create() call
sg_res = self._bundle.shotgun.create(*args, **kwargs)
return {"action": "create", "sg_result": sg_res}
def _task_execute_delete(self, *args, **kwargs):
Method that gets executed in a background task/thread to perform a Shotgun
delete call
:param ``*args``: Unnamed arguments to be passed to the delete() call
:param ``**kwargs``: Named arguments to be passed to the delete() call
:returns: Dictionary containing the 'action' together with result
returned by the delete() call
sg_res = self._bundle.shotgun.delete(*args, **kwargs)
return {"action": "delete", "sg_result": sg_res}
def _task_execute_method(self, method, method_args, method_kwargs):
Method that gets executed in a background task/thread to execute a method
with a thread-specific shotgun connection.
:param method: The method to be run asynchronously
:param method_args: Arguments to be passed to the method
:param method_kwargs: Named arguments to be passed to the method
:returns: Dictionary containing the 'action' together with the result
returned by the method
res = method(self._bundle.shotgun, *method_args, **method_kwargs)
return {"action": "method", "result": res}
def _task_execute_text_search(self, *args, **kwargs):
Method that gets executed in a background task/thread to perform a Shotgun
``text_search`` query
:param ``*args``: Unnamed arguments to be passed to the ``text_search()`` call
:param ``**kwargs``: Named arguments to be passed to the ``text_search()`` call
:returns: Dictionary containing the 'action' together with result
returned by the find() call
sg_res = self._bundle.shotgun.text_search(*args, **kwargs)
return {"action": "text_search", "sg_result": sg_res}
def _task_execute_nav_expand(self, *args, **kwargs):
Method that gets executed in a background task/thread to perform a Shotgun
``nav_expand`` query
:param ``*args``: Unnamed arguments to be passed to the ``nav_expand()`` call
:param ``**kwargs``: Named arguments to be passed to the ``nav_expand()`` call
:returns: Dictionary containing the 'action' together with result
returned by the find() call
sg_res = self._bundle.shotgun.nav_expand(*args, **kwargs)
return {"action": "nav_expand", "sg_result": sg_res}
def _task_execute_nav_search_string(self, *args, **kwargs):
Method that gets executed in a background task/thread to perform a Shotgun
``nav_search_string`` query
:param ``*args``: Unnamed arguments to be passed to the ``nav_search_string()`` call
:param ``**kwargs``: Named arguments to be passed to the ``nav_search_string()`` call
:returns: Dictionary containing the 'action' together with result
returned by the find() call
sg_res = self._bundle.shotgun.nav_search_string(*args, **kwargs)
except AttributeError:
# running an older core which doesn't come with a
# sg API which has a nav_search_string() method
sg_res = []
return {"action": "nav_search_string", "sg_result": sg_res}
def _task_execute_nav_search_entity(self, *args, **kwargs):
Method that gets executed in a background task/thread to perform a Shotgun
``nav_search_entity`` query
:param ``*args``: Unnamed arguments to be passed to the ``nav_search_entity()`` call
:param ``**kwargs``: Named arguments to be passed to the ``nav_search_entity()`` call
:returns: Dictionary containing the 'action' together with result
returned by the find() call
# FIXME: Project can't be resolved with the API right now due to a bug on the Shotgun-side.
# Mock the call instead.
if args[1]["type"] == "Project":
project_id = args[1]["id"]
sg_data = self._bundle.shotgun.find_one(
"Project", [["id", "is", project_id]], ["name"]
sg_res = [
"incremental_path": ["/Project/%d" % project_id],
"label": sg_data["name"],
"path_label": "",
"project_id": project_id,
"ref": sg_data,
sg_res = self._bundle.shotgun.nav_search_entity(*args, **kwargs)
except AttributeError:
# running an older core which doesn't come with a
# sg API which has a nav_search_string() method
sg_res = []
return {"action": "nav_search_entity", "sg_result": sg_res}
def _task_check_attachment(self, attachment_entity):
Check to see if an attachment file exists for the specified Attachment
:param dict attachment_entity: The Attachment entity definition.
:returns: A dictionary containing the cached path for the specified
Attachment entity.
url = attachment_entity["this_file"]["url"]
file_name = attachment_entity["this_file"]["name"]
data = dict(action="check_attachment", file_path=None)
if not url or not file_name:
return data
file_path = self._get_attachment_path(attachment_entity, self._bundle)
if file_path and os.path.exists(file_path):
# Update access and modified time to "now" so the file will be kept
# around when culling old files in the cache.
data["file_path"] = file_path
return data
def _task_check_thumbnail(self, url, load_image):
Check to see if a thumbnail exists for the specified url. If it does then it is returned.
:param url: The url to return the cached path for
:param load_image: If True then if the thumbnail is found in the cache then the file will
be loaded into a QImage
:returns: A dictionary containing the cached path for the specified url and a QImage
if load_image is True and the thumbnail exists in the cache.
# If there's no URL then we definitely won't be finding
# a thumbnail.
if not url:
return {"action": "check_thumbnail", "thumb_path": None, "image": None}
# first look up the path in the cache:
thumb_path, thumb_exists = ShotgunDataRetriever._get_thumbnail_path(
url, self._bundle
thumb_image = None
if thumb_exists:
# Update access and modified time to "now" so the file will be kept
# around when culling old files in the cache.
if load_image:
# load the thumbnail into a QImage:
thumb_image = QtGui.QImage()
thumb_path = None
return {
"action": "check_thumbnail",
"thumb_path": thumb_path,
"image": thumb_image,
def _task_download_attachment(self, file_path, attachment_entity, **kwargs):
Download the specified attachment. This downloads the file associated with
the provided Attachment entity into the framework's cache directory structure
and returns the cached path.
:param str file_path: The target file path to download to.
:param dict attachment_entity: The Attachment entity definition.
:returns: A dictionary containing the cached path for the specified
Attachment entity, as well as an action identifier that
marks the data as having come from a "download_attachment"
if file_path:
return {}
file_path = self._get_attachment_path(attachment_entity, self._bundle)
if not file_path:
return {}
# Even if `_task_check_attachment` didn't see the target file, we check
# again if it exists as the attachment might have been downloaded in the
# mean time. We don't update the modification time on the file to prevent
# it to be culled in cache cleanup, as it has been freshly downloaded.
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
attachment=attachment_entity, file_path=file_path
return dict(action="download_attachment", file_path=file_path)
def _task_download_thumbnail(
self, thumb_path, url, entity_type, entity_id, field, load_image, **kwargs
Download the thumbnail for the specified entity type, id and field. This downloads the
thumbnail into the thumbnail cache directory and returns the cached path.
If thumb_path already contains a path then this method does nothing and just returns the path
without further checking/work.
:param thumb_path: Path to an existing thumbnail or None.
:param url: The url for the thumbnail which may or may not still be valid!
:param entity_type: Type of the entity to retrieve the thumbnail for
:param entity_id: Id of the entity to retrieve the thumbnail for
:param field: The field on the entity that holds the url for the thumbnail to retrieve
:param load_image: If True then if the thumbnail is downloaded from Shotgun then the file will
be loaded into a QImage
:returns: A dictionary containing the cached path for the specified url and a QImage
if load_image is True and the thumbnail exists in the cache.
if thumb_path:
# no need to do anything as the thumbnail was previously
# found when we ran the check!
return {}
# download the actual thumbnail. Because of S3, the url
# may have expired - in that case fall back, get a fresh url
# from shotgun and try again
thumb_path, thumb_exists = self._get_thumbnail_path(url, self._bundle)
# If we have no path, then there's no thumbnail that exists.
if not thumb_path:
return {}
# There may be a case where another process has alrady downloaded the thumbnail for us, so
# make sure that we aren't doing any extra work :)
# If it is the case, we don't have to update the file modification time
# to prevent it to be culled in cache clean up: it has been freshly
# downloaded as our `_task_check_thumbnail` task didn't see it.
if not thumb_exists:
# try to download based on the path we have
thumb_path = self._download_url(
thumb_path, url, entity_type, entity_id, field
except IOError:
thumb_path = None
# finally, see if we should also load in the image
thumb_image = None
if thumb_path:
if load_image:
# load the thumbnail into a QImage:
thumb_image = QtGui.QImage()
thumb_path = None
return dict(
action="download_thumbnail", thumb_path=thumb_path, image=thumb_image
def _on_task_completed(self, task_id, group, result):
Slot triggered when a task is completed.
:param task_id: The id of the task that has completed
:param group: The group the task belongs to
:param result: The task result
if group != self._bg_tasks_group:
# ignore - it isn't our task! - this slot will recieve signals for tasks started
# by other objects/instances so we need to make sure we filter them out here
action = result.get("action")
if action in [
self.work_completed.emit(str(task_id), action, {"sg": result["sg_result"]})
elif action == "schema":
{"fields": result["fields"], "types": result["types"]},
elif action == "method":
str(task_id), "method", {"return_value": result["result"]}
elif action == "check_thumbnail":
path = result.get("thumb_path", "")
if path:
# check found a thumbnail!
{"thumb_path": path, "image": result["image"]},
elif action == "download_thumbnail":
# look up the primary thumbnail task id in the map:
thumb_task_id = self._thumb_task_id_map.get(task_id)
if thumb_task_id is not None:
del self._thumb_task_id_map[task_id]
{"thumb_path": result["thumb_path"], "image": result["image"]},
elif action == "check_attachment":
path = result.get("file_path", "")
if path:
str(task_id), "check_attachment", {"file_path": path}
elif action == "download_attachment":
attachment_task_id = self._attachment_task_id_map.get(task_id)
if attachment_task_id is not None:
del self._attachment_task_id_map[task_id]
{"file_path": result["file_path"]},
def _on_task_failed(self, task_id, group, msg, tb):
Slot triggered when a task fails for some reason
:param task_id: The id of the task that failed
:param msg: The error/exception message for the failed task
:param tb: The stack trace of the exception raised by the failed task
if group != self._bg_tasks_group:
# ignore - it isn't our task - this slot will recieve signals for tasks started
# by other objects/instances so we need to make sure we filter them out here
# remap task ids for thumbnails:
if task_id in self._thumb_task_id_map:
orig_task_id = task_id
task_id = self._thumb_task_id_map[task_id]
del self._thumb_task_id_map[orig_task_id]
# remap task ids for attachments:
if task_id in self._attachment_task_id_map:
orig_task_id = task_id
task_id = self._attachment_task_id_map[task_id]
del self._attachment_task_id_map[orig_task_id]
# emit failure signal:
self.work_failure.emit(str(task_id), msg)