# Copyright (c) 2018 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.
import os
import sys
import sgtk
from . import external_command_utils
logger = sgtk.platform.get_logger(__name__)
[docs]class ExternalCommand(object):
Represents an external Toolkit command (e.g. menu option).
These objects are emitted by :class:`ExternalConfiguration`
and are independent, decoupled, light weight objects that
can be serialized and brought back easily.
A command is executed via its :meth:`execute` method, which
will launch it in the given engine.
[docs] @classmethod
def is_compatible(cls, data):
Determines if the given data is compatible.
:param dict data: Serialized data
:returns: True if the given data can be loaded, False if not.
return data.get("generation") == external_command_utils.FORMAT_GENERATION
except AttributeError:
return False
[docs] @classmethod
def is_valid_data(cls, data):
Tests whether key components of the data contained in the cache are still
valid. This helps protect against file paths that might have been cached
that no longer exist.
:param dict data: Serialized data
:returns: True if the given data passes validation, False if not.
# We're only testing icon paths here just because that's the problem we
# have right now in Create, but it's entirely possible (and maybe
# advisable) to check other things that are file/directory paths on
# disk that might no longer exist.
icon_passes = True
for command in data.get("commands", []):
icon = command.get("icon")
if icon and not os.path.exists(icon):
logger.debug("Icon path in cached data is invalid: %s", icon)
logger.debug("External commands will be recached.")
icon_passes = False
return icon_passes
def create(cls, external_configuration, data, entity_id):
Creates a new :class:`ExternalCommand` instance based on the
data in data. This data is generated by :meth:`external_command_utils.serialize_command`.
:param external_configuration: associated :class:`ExternalConfiguration` instance.
:param dict data: Serialized data to be turned into an instance
:param int entity_id: The data is cached in a general form, suitable for
all entities. This means that the entity_id cached as part of the
``data`` parameter reflects the entity for which the caching process
was executed and not necessarily the one we are after. This parameter
indicates the actual entity id for which we want the commands to be
:returns: :class:`ExternalCommand` instance.
return ExternalCommand(
def __init__(
.. note:: This class is constructed by :class:`ExternalConfigurationLoader`.
Do not construct objects by hand.
:param str callback_name: Name of the associated Toolkit command callback
:param str display_name: Display name for command
:param str tooltip: Tooltip
:param str group: Group that this command belongs to
:param bool is_group_default: Indicates that this is a group default
:param str plugin_id: Plugin id
:param str interpreter: Associated Python interpreter
:param str engine_name: Engine name to execute command in
:param str descriptor_uri: Associated descriptor URI
:param int pipeline_config_id: Associated pipeline configuration id
:param str entity_type: Associated entity type
:param int entity_id: Associated entity id
:param str pipeline_config_name: Associated pipeline configuration name
:param list sg_deny_permissions: (Shotgun specific) List of permission
groups to exclude this action from.
:param bool sg_supports_multiple_selection: (Shotgun specific) Action
supports multiple selection.
:param str icon: The path to a square png icon file representing this item
# keep a handle to the current app/engine/fw bundle for convenience
self._bundle = sgtk.platform.current_bundle()
self._callback_name = callback_name
self._display_name = display_name
self._tooltip = tooltip
self._group = group
self._is_group_default = is_group_default
self._plugin_id = plugin_id
self._interpreter = interpreter
self._descriptor_uri = descriptor_uri
self._pipeline_config_id = pipeline_config_id
self._engine_name = engine_name
self._entity_type = entity_type
self._entity_id = entity_id
self._pipeline_config_name = pipeline_config_name
self._sg_deny_permissions = sg_deny_permissions
self._sg_supports_multiple_selection = sg_supports_multiple_selection
# We need to check the validity of the icon path provided and
# not keep it if it doesn't exist. This will prevent an infinite
# re-cache loop when commands are requested from an external config
# object. That object's routine is to validate the contents of
# cached data before using it, and if an icon referenced in the
# cache doesn't exist (but is not None) then the cache is dumped.
if icon and os.path.exists(icon):
# Good icon path provided.
self._icon = icon
elif icon:
# Non-existent icon provided, which we will not record.
"Icon provided does not exist and will not be used: %s", icon
self._icon = None
# No icon provided.
self._icon = None
def __repr__(self):
String representation
return "<ExternalCommand %s @ %s %s %s>" % (
[docs] @classmethod
def deserialize(cls, data):
Creates a :class:`ExternalCommand` instance given some serialized data.
:param str data: Data created by :meth:`serialize`
:returns: External Command instance.
:rtype: :class:`ExternalCommand`
:raises: :class:`RuntimeError` if data is not valid
data = sgtk.util.pickle.loads(data)
return ExternalCommand(
[docs] def serialize(self):
Serializes the current object into a string.
For use with :meth:`deserialize`.
:returns: String representing the current instance.
:rtype: str
data = {
"callback_name": self._callback_name,
"display_name": self._display_name,
"group": self._group,
"is_group_default": self._is_group_default,
"tooltip": self._tooltip,
"plugin_id": self._plugin_id,
"engine_name": self._engine_name,
"interpreter": self._interpreter,
"descriptor_uri": self._descriptor_uri,
"pipeline_config_id": self._pipeline_config_id,
"entity_type": self._entity_type,
"entity_id": self._entity_id,
"pipeline_config_name": self._pipeline_config_name,
"sg_deny_permissions": self._sg_deny_permissions,
"sg_supports_multiple_selection": self._sg_supports_multiple_selection,
"icon": self._icon,
return sgtk.util.pickle.dumps(data)
def pipeline_configuration_name(self):
The name of the Shotgun pipeline configuration this command is associated with,
or ``None`` if no association exists.
return self._pipeline_config_name
def system_name(self):
The system name for the command
return self._callback_name
def engine_name(self):
The name of the engine associated with the command
return self._engine_name
def display_name(self):
Display name, suitable for display in a menu.
return self._display_name
def icon(self):
The path to a square png icon file representing this item
return self._icon
def group(self):
Group command belongs to or None if not defined.
This is used in conjunction with the :meth:`group` property
and is a hint to engines how commands should be grouped together.
Engines which implement support for grouping will group commands which
share the same :meth:`group` name into a group of associated items
(typically as a submenu). The :meth:`group_default` boolean property
is used to indicate which item in the group should be considered the
default one to represent the group as a whole.
return self._group
def is_group_default(self):
True if this command is a default action for a group.
This is used in conjunction with the :meth:`group` property
and is a hint to engines how commands should be grouped together.
Engines which implement support for grouping will group commands which
share the same :meth:`group` name into a group of associated items
(typically as a submenu). The :meth:`group_default` boolean property
is used to indicate which item in the group should be considered the
default one to represent the group as a whole.
return self._is_group_default
def excluded_permission_groups_hint(self):
Legacy option used by some older Shotgun toolkit apps.
Apps may hint a list of permission groups for which
the app command should not be displayed.
Returns a list of Shotgun permission groups (as strings)
where this command is not appropriate.
return self._sg_deny_permissions or []
def support_shotgun_multiple_selection(self):
Legacy flag indicated by some older Toolkit apps,
indicating that the app can accept a list of
entity ids to operate on rather than a single item.
return self._sg_supports_multiple_selection
def tooltip(self):
Associated help text tooltip.
return self._tooltip
def interpreter(self):
The Python interpreter path to use when executing the command.
return self._interpreter
def interpreter(self, interpreter):
Set the command's Python interpreter path.
:param str interpreter: The new interpreter path to use when executing the
self._interpreter = interpreter
[docs] def execute(self, pre_cache=False):
Executes the external command in a separate process.
.. note:: The process will be launched in an synchronous way.
It is recommended that this command is executed in a worker thread::
# execute external command in a thread to not block
# main thread execution
worker = threading.Thread(target=action.execute)
# if the python environment shuts down, no need
# to wait for this thread
worker.daemon = True
# launch external process
:param bool pre_cache: If set to True, starting up the command
will also include a full caching of all necessary
dependencies for all contexts and engines. If set to False,
caching will only be carried as needed in order to run
the given command. This is an advanced setting that can be
useful to set to true when launching older engines which don't
launch via a bootstrap process. In that case, the engine simply
assumes that all necessary app dependencies already exists in
the bundle cache search path and without a pre-cache, apps
may not initialize correctly.
:raises: :class:`RuntimeError` on execution failure.
:returns: Output from execution session.
return self._execute(pre_cache)
[docs] def execute_on_multiple_entities(self, pre_cache=False, entity_ids=None):
Executes the external command in a separate process. This method
provides support for executing commands that support being run on
multiple entities as part of a single execution.
:param bool pre_cache: If set to True, starting up the command
will also include a full caching of all necessary
dependencies for all contexts and engines. If set to False,
caching will only be carried as needed in order to run
the given command. This is an advanced setting that can be
useful to set to true when launching older engines which don't
launch via a bootstrap process. In that case, the engine simply
assumes that all necessary app dependencies already exists in
the bundle cache search path and without a pre-cache, apps
may not initialize correctly.
:param list entity_ids: A list of entity ids to use when executing
the command. This is only required when running legacy commands
that support being run on multiple entities at the same time. If
not given, a list will be built on the fly containing only the
entity id associated with this command.
:raises: :class:`RuntimeError` on execution failure.
:returns: Output from execution session.
return self._execute(pre_cache, entity_ids)
def _execute(self, pre_cache=False, entity_ids=None):
Executes the external command in a separate process.
:param bool pre_cache: If set to True, starting up the command
will also include a full caching of all necessary
dependencies for all contexts and engines. If set to False,
caching will only be carried as needed in order to run
the given command. This is an advanced setting that can be
useful to set to true when launching older engines which don't
launch via a bootstrap process. In that case, the engine simply
assumes that all necessary app dependencies already exists in
the bundle cache search path and without a pre-cache, apps
may not initialize correctly.
:param list entity_ids: A list of entity ids to use when executing
the command. This is only required when running legacy commands
that support being run on multiple entities at the same time. If
not given, a list will be built on the fly containing only the
entity id associated with this command.
:raises: :class:`RuntimeError` on execution failure.
:returns: Output from execution session.
# local imports because this is executed from runner scripts
from .util import create_parameter_file
logger.debug("%s: Execute command" % self)
# prepare execution of the command in an external process
# this will bootstrap Toolkit and execute the command.
script = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "scripts", "external_runner.py")
serialized_user = None
if sgtk.get_authenticated_user():
serialized_user = sgtk.authentication.serialize_user(
sgtk.get_authenticated_user(), use_json=True
# pass arguments via a pickled temp file.
args_file = create_parameter_file(
entity_ids=entity_ids or [self._entity_id],
# the engine icon becomes the process icon
# compose the command we want to run
args = [
subprocess_cwd = sgtk.util.LocalFileStorageManager.get_global_root(
logger.debug("Command arguments: %s", args)
logger.debug("Command cwd: %s", subprocess_cwd)
# Note: passing a copy of the environment in resolves some odd behavior with
# the environment of processes spawned from the external_runner. This caused
# some very bad behavior where it looked like PYTHONPATH was inherited from
# this top-level environment rather than what is being set in external_runner
# prior to launch. Also, the cwd is set a path we own so we avoid a situation
# where the pwd contains conflicting DLLs, like Create's Qt DLLs that might
# be loaded before another software's Qt DLLs because of the way DLLs are loaded...
# (shorturl.at/nzDJW)
output = sgtk.util.process.subprocess_check_output(args, cwd=subprocess_cwd)
logger.debug("External execution complete. Output: %s" % output)
except sgtk.util.process.SubprocessCalledProcessError as e:
# caching failed!
raise RuntimeError(
"Error executing remote command %s: %s" % (self, e.output)
# clean up temp file
return output