# Copyright (c) 2018 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.
import os
import sys
import sgtk
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtCore, QtGui
from sgtk.util.process import subprocess_check_output, SubprocessCalledProcessError
from ..external_command import ExternalCommand
from ..util import create_parameter_file
from .. import file_cache
logger = sgtk.platform.get_logger(__name__)
[docs]class ExternalConfiguration(QtCore.QObject):
Object wrapping an external pipeline configuration.
:signal commands_loaded(project_id, config, commands): Gets emitted after :meth:`request_commands` has
been called and once commands have been loaded for the configuration. The
commands parameter contains a list of :class:`ExternalCommand` instances.
:signal commands_load_failed(project_id, config, reason): Gets emitted after
:meth:`request_commands` has been called if command loading fails for some reason.
The reason string parameter contains a message signfiying why the load failed.
# grouping used by the background task manager
TASK_GROUP = "tk-framework-shotgunutils.external_config.ExternalConfiguration"
# Status enums:
commands_loaded = QtCore.Signal(int, str, int, str, object, list)
# Signal parameters:
# 1. project_id
# 2. entity_type
# 3. entity_id
# 4. link_entity_type
# 5. configuration instance
# 6. configuration object, list of :class:`ExternalCommand` instances
commands_load_failed = QtCore.Signal(int, str, int, str, object, str)
# signal parameters:
# 1. project_id
# 2. entity_type
# 3. entity_id
# 4. link_entity_type
# 5. configuration instance
# 6. reason for the failure
def __init__(
.. note:: This class is constructed by :class:`ExternalConfigurationLoader`.
Do not construct objects by hand.
Constructor parameters:
:param parent: QT parent object.
:type parent: :class:`~PySide.QtGui.QObject`
:param bg_task_manager: Background task manager to use for any asynchronous work.
:type bg_task_manager: :class:`~task_manager.BackgroundTaskManager`
:param str plugin_id: Associated bootstrap plugin id
:param str engine_name: Associated engine name
:param str interpreter: Associated Python interpreter
:param str software_hash: Hash representing the state of the Shotgun software entity
:param str pipeline_config_uri: Descriptor URI string for the config
:param int status: The status of the configuration. This is defined as a enum value
provided by :class:`ExternalConfiguration`.
self._pipeline_config_uri = pipeline_config_uri
self._plugin_id = plugin_id
self._engine_name = engine_name
self._interpreter = interpreter
self._software_hash = software_hash
self._status = status
# boolean to track if commands have been requested for this instance
# this is related to how configs tracking remote latest versions
# have their list of commands memoized for performance reasons.
self._commands_evaluated_once = False
self._task_ids = {}
# keep a handle to the current app/engine/fw bundle for convenience
self._bundle = sgtk.platform.current_bundle()
self._bg_task_manager = bg_task_manager
def plugin_id(self):
The plugin id associated with the configuration.
return self._plugin_id
def engine_name(self):
The engine name associated with the configuration.
return self._engine_name
def interpreter(self):
The Python interpreter to use when accessing this configuration
return self._interpreter
def interpreter(self, interpreter):
Sets the configuration's Python interpreter.
:param str interpreter: The Python interpreter path.
self._interpreter = interpreter
def software_hash(self):
A hash of the state of the software entity associated with this configuration.
return self._software_hash
def is_primary(self):
Returns ``True`` if this is the primary configuration, ``False`` if not.
if (
self.pipeline_configuration_name is None
or self.pipeline_configuration_name == "Primary"
# all fallback configs are primary
return True
return False
def is_valid(self):
Returns ``True`` if this configuration contains valid data that can be
used in the current environment, and ``False`` if the configuration is
inaccessible for some reason.
return True
def status(self):
The current status of the configuration. This will be returned as an
enum value provided by :class:`ExternalConfiguration`.
return self._status
def pipeline_configuration_id(self):
The associated pipeline configuration id or ``None`` if not defined.
# note: subclassed implementations will override this return value
return None
def pipeline_configuration_name(self):
The name of the associated pipeline configuration or ``None`` if not defined.
# note: subclassed implementations will override this return value
return None
def descriptor_uri(self):
The descriptor URI associated with this pipeline configuration.
return self._pipeline_config_uri
def tracking_latest(self):
Returns True if this configuration is tracking an external 'latest version'.
This means that we cannot rely on any caches - because a remote process
may release a new "latest" version, we cannot know simply by computing a
cache key or looking at a local state on disk whether a cached configuration
is up to date or not. The only way to determine this is by actually fully resolve
the configuration.
.. note:: External configurations with this property returning True will have their
commands memoized; The first call to :meth:`request_commands` will resolve
the associated commands and subsequent requests will simply return that
result. In order do perform a new evaluation of the list of associated
commands, instantiate a new External Configuration instance.
# note: subclassed implementations will override this return value
return False
[docs] def request_commands(
self, project_id, entity_type, entity_id, link_entity_type, engine_fallback=None
Request commands for the given shotgun entity.
A ``commands_loaded`` signal will be emitted once the commands are available.
:param int project_id: Associated project id
:param str entity_type: Associated entity type
:param int entity_id: Associated entity id. If this is set to None,
a best guess for a generic listing will be carried out.
:param str link_entity_type: Entity type that the item is linked to.
This is typically provided for things such as task, versions or notes,
where having different values it per linked type can be beneficial.
:param str engine_fallback: If the main engine isn't available for the given
entity id and project, request generate commands for the fallback engine
specified. This can be useful in backwards compatibility scenarios.
:raises: RuntimeError if this configuration's status does not allow for
commands requests.
"Requested commands for %s: %s %s %s"
% (self, entity_type, entity_id, link_entity_type)
# run entire command check and generation in worker
task_id = self._bg_task_manager.add_task(
"project_id": project_id,
"entity_type": entity_type,
"entity_id": entity_id,
"link_entity_type": link_entity_type,
"engine_fallback": engine_fallback,
self._task_ids[task_id] = (project_id, entity_type, entity_id, link_entity_type)
def _compute_config_hash_keys(self, entity_type, entity_id, link_entity_type):
Generates a hash to uniquely identify the configuration.
:param str entity_type: Associated entity type
:param int entity_id: Associated entity id
:param str link_entity_type: Entity type that the item is linked to.
This is typically provided for things such as task, versions or notes,
where caching it per linked type can be beneficial.
:returns: dictionary of values to use for hash computation
# This needs to be implemented by subclasses.
raise NotImplementedError("_compute_config_hash_keys is not implemented.")
def _request_commands(
self, project_id, entity_type, entity_id, link_entity_type, engine_fallback
Execution, runs in a separate thread and launches an external
process to cache commands.
:param int project_id: Associated project id
:param str entity_type: Associated entity type
:param int entity_id: Associated entity id
:param str link_entity_type: Entity type that the item is linked to.
This is typically provided for things such as task, versions or notes,
where caching it per linked type can be beneficial.
:param str engine_fallback: If the main engine isn't available for the given
entity id and project, request generate commands for the fallback engine
specified. This can be useful in backwards compatibility scenarios.
self._commands_evaluated_once = True
# figure out if we have a suitable config for this on disk already
cache_hash = self._compute_config_hash_keys(
entity_type, entity_id, link_entity_type
cache_path = file_cache.get_cache_path(cache_hash)
if self.tracking_latest and not self._commands_evaluated_once:
# this configuration is tracking an external latest version
# so it's by definition never up to date. For performance
# reasons, we memoize it, and only evaluate the list of
# commands once per external config instance, tracked
# via the _commands_evaluated_once boolean.
cached_data = None
cached_data = file_cache.load_cache(cache_hash)
if (
cached_data is None
or not ExternalCommand.is_compatible(cached_data)
or not ExternalCommand.is_valid_data(cached_data)
logger.debug("Begin caching commands")
# if entity_id is None, we need to figure out an actual entity id
# go get items for. This is done by choosing the most recently
# updated item for the project
if entity_id is None:
"No entity id specified. Resolving most most recent %s "
"id for project." % entity_type
most_recent_id = self._bundle.shotgun.find_one(
[["project", "is", {"type": "Project", "id": project_id}]],
order=[{"field_name": "id", "direction": "desc"}],
if most_recent_id is None:
raise RuntimeError(
"There are no %s objects for project %s."
% (entity_type, project_id)
entity_id = most_recent_id["id"]
logger.debug("Will cache using %s %s" % (entity_type, entity_id))
# run the external process. It will write a cache file to disk or fail.
# We're pre-caching here, which triggers a CACHE_FULL caching policy
# for the ToolkitManager used for bootstrapping when getting commands.
# This is required because tk-multi-launchapp requires access to all
# of the engines in the config when operating via Software entities. If
# we don't have all of the engines cached on disk yet, this will cause
# them to be cached prior to us getting a list of commands.
cache_path, entity_type, entity_id, self.engine_name, pre_cache=True
except SubprocessCalledProcessError as e:
# caching failed!
if e.returncode == 2 and engine_fallback:
# An indication that the engine could not be started.
# If a fallback engine is defined, try to launch this
# Note: the reason we are doing this as two separate
# process invocation is because older cores don't
# have the ability to bootstrap and then bootstrap again.
except SubprocessCalledProcessError as e:
raise RuntimeError("Error retrieving actions: %s" % e.output)
raise RuntimeError("Error retrieving actions: %s" % e.output)
# now try again
cached_data = file_cache.load_cache(cache_hash)
if cached_data is None:
raise RuntimeError("Could not locate cached commands for %s" % self)
return cached_data
def _run_external_process(
self, cache_path, entity_type, entity_id, engine_name, pre_cache=False
Helper method. Executes the external caching process.
:param int cache_path: Path to cache file to write
:param str entity_type: Associated entity type
:param int entity_id: Associated entity id
:param str engine_name: Engine to start
:param bool pre_cache: Whether to pre-cache all bundles during bootstrap
:raises: SubprocessCalledProcessError
# launch external process to carry out caching.
script = os.path.abspath(
os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "scripts", "external_runner.py"
serialized_user = None
if sgtk.get_authenticated_user():
serialized_user = sgtk.authentication.serialize_user(
sgtk.get_authenticated_user(), use_json=True
args_file = create_parameter_file(
# the engine icon becomes the process icon
args = [
logger.debug("Launching external script: %s", args)
# Ensure the credentials are still valid before launching the command in
# a separate process. We need do to this in advance because the process
# that will be launched might not have PySide and as such won't be able
# to prompt the user to re-authenticate.
# Note: passing a copy of the environment in resolves some odd behavior with
# the environment of processes spawned from the external_runner. This caused
# some very bad behavior where it looked like PYTHONPATH was inherited from
# this top-level environment rather than what is being set in external_runner
# prior to launch. This is less critical here when caching configs, because
# we're unlikely to spawn additional processes from the external_runner, but
# just to cover our backsides, this is safest.
output = subprocess_check_output(args)
logger.debug("External caching complete. Output: %s" % output)
# clean up temp file
def _task_completed(self, unique_id, group, result):
Called after command caching completes.
:param str unique_id: unique task id
:param str group: task group
:param str result: return data from worker
if unique_id not in self._task_ids:
# this was not for us
(project_id, entity_type, entity_id, link_entity_type) = self._task_ids[
del self._task_ids[unique_id]
# result contains our cached data
# this is a dictionary with the following structure:
# cache_data = {
# "version": external_command_utils.FORMAT_GENERATION,
# "commands": [<serialized1>, <serialized2>]
# }
cached_data = result
# got some cached data that we can emit
ExternalCommand.create(self, d, entity_id)
for d in cached_data["commands"]
def _task_failed(self, unique_id, group, message, traceback_str):
Called if command caching fails.
:param str unique_id: unique task id
:param str group: task group
:param message: error message
:param traceback_str: callstack
if unique_id not in self._task_ids:
# this was not for us
(project_id, entity_type, entity_id, link_entity_type) = self._task_ids[
del self._task_ids[unique_id]
# emit error signal
project_id, entity_type, entity_id, link_entity_type, self, message