The PTR-Jira-Bridge uses standard Python logging. The logging configuration is
stored in a LOGGING
dict in the
file and uses the
standard logging.config
By default the Flow Production Tracking Jira Bridge logs INFO
messages and above which provide
a good amount of detail to audit what is happening with each request.
If you are troubleshooting or doing development, setting the logging level
can be useful. However, this log level is extremely verbose.
Under normal operation, it is recommended to use INFO
# Define logging
"version": 1,
"disable_existing_loggers": False,
# Settings for the parent of all loggers
"root": {
# Set default logging level for all loggers and add the console and
# file handlers
"level": "DEBUG",
"handlers": [
"console", "file"
"loggers": {
# Set web server level to WARNING so we don't hear about every request
# If you want to see the requests in the logs, set this to INFO.
"webapp": {
"level": "WARNING"
# Some formatters, mainly as examples
"formatters": {
"verbose": {
"format": "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s [%(module)s %(process)d %(thread)d] %(message)s"
"standard": {
"format": "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s [%(module)s] %(message)s"
"simple": {
"format": "%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s"
# Define the logging handlers
"handlers": {
# Print out any message to stdout
"console": {
"level": "INFO",
"class": "logging.StreamHandler",
"formatter": "standard"
"file": {
"level": "INFO",
"class": "logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler",
"formatter": "standard",
# this location should be updated to where you store logs
"filename": "/tmp/sg_jira.log",
"maxBytes": 1024 * 1024,
"backupCount": 5
Testing on a Machine Not Accessible to Jira
Installing ngrok
If you are testing locally, it’s likely your machine isn’t accessible from the
Jira server (especially if you’re using a Jira cloud server). However, you can
use ngrok to allow it to securely access your local machine
for testing and development: ngrok http 9090
To get ngrok running, sign up for a free account at Download and install ngrok. If you use a package manager like Homebrew, you may be able to install from there as well.
Setup authentication by running ngrok authtoken <your auth token>
<your auth token>
is the auth token assigned to your ngrok account. You can
get the token from
Starting ngrok
$ ngrok http 9090
Each time you start ngrok, it assigns a random hostname to your connection. This means you’ll need to update the Jira Webhook you setup to point to the correct hostname each time. ngrok does have a paid plan that allows you to specify the hostname you wish to use.
Common Issues
RuntimeError: maximum recursion depth exceeded
If you are seeing this error in your logs when trying to start the web service, you may be using an old version the Flow Production Tracking Jira Bridge and need to update.
Atlassian deprecated cookie-based authentication on Jira Cloud which causes the Jira client library to generate this error. Updating to the latest version of Flow Production Tracking Jira Bridge transitions the authentication to use Basic Auth.
You will need to generate an API token and use this as your user secret (password). User passwords are no longer supported by Jira Cloud. See for information on how to generate a token.
Jira Server should be unaffected by this error as it still works with user passwords and does not support API tokens.
For more information, see:
Not Seeing Changes Sync
When you make a change in Flow Production Tracking or Jira, the bridge evaluates whether the change should be synced to to the target site, tries to convert the value to an acceptable value in the target site, and then submits the change.
If you’re not seeing your changes sync across, there are a few things you can check.
Flow Production Tracking Jira Bridge Webapp Isn’t Responding
You can check to see if the Bridge is running by issuing a GET request for the sync URL in your browser. Copy the URL you have entered in the Jira Sync URL field in your Flow Production Tracking Project and enter it in your browser. You should see a message that says something like:
Flow Production Tracking to Jira
Syncing with default settings.
If there is no connection:
Make sure you’ve started the Sg Jira Bridge
Verify the URL you entered is in the correct format.
Ensure you’re connecting to the correct port number.
If you see an Error Response, the server is running but your URL may not be correct. The URL should look like:
http://<hostname>:<port>/<sg2jira | jira2sg>/<settings_name>
For example: http://localhost:9090/sg2jira/my_settings
Flow Production Tracking changes aren’t syncing to Jira
The first place to check is in the shotgunEvents log files to see if the trigger was run and issued a successful call to the Flow Production Tracking Jira Bridge.
Next, check the logs for the Flow Production Tracking Jira Bridge and see if the request was received and processed successfully. The logs should make this very apparent.
If you don’t see any errors, make sure your Syncer and SyncHandler are accepting the event for processing.
Other things to check:
Is your Flow Production Tracking Project configured to sync to Jira?
Is the Entity type configured to sync to Jira?
Does the Entity that generated the event enabled for syncing (the Sync In Jira checkbox field is checked)?
Jira changes aren’t syncing to Flow Production Tracking
Check the logs for the Flow Production Tracking Jira Bridge and see if the request from Jira was received and processed successfully. The logs should make this very apparent.
If Flow Production Tracking Jira Bridge is not receiving the request:
Check that your Jira Webhook is setup and configured correctly. If you’re using a local Jira instance, you can also check the logs to see if the webhook fired.
Make sure your Flow Production Tracking Jira Bridge is accessible from your Jira server. If you are using a Jira Cloud instance and Flow Production Tracking Jira Bridge is running inside a firewalled environment, you’ll need to open up access to the application or move Flow Production Tracking Jira Bridge into some sort of DMZ setup.
Value can’t be translated to a Flow Production Tracking/Jira value
If you change a status in Flow Production Tracking or Jira and there’s no matching status value defined by the mapping in your handlers for the change, then you will see something like this in the logs:
2019-03-11 15:59:09,517 WARNING [entity_issue_handler] Unable to find a matching Jira status for Flow Production Tracking status 'na'
In this case, there is no Jira status defined in the handlers to match with
the na
status in Flow Production Tracking. Your handler defines a
property that returns the status mapping.
You can see there’s no na
status here:
return {
"ip": "In Progress",
"fin": "Done",
"res": "Done",
"rdy": "Selected for Development", # Used to be "To Do" ?
"wtg": "Selected for Development",
"hld": "Backlog",
Time Tracking: Original Estimate is Required
If you encounter the following error:
JIRAError: JiraError HTTP 400 url:
text: Time Tracking: Original Estimate is required.
This means you have Time Tracking enabled on your Jira site and set as a required field. However, Time Tracking is not on your default Issue creation screen.
Add Time Tracking to the default Issue creation screen for this project and this error should be resolved.