Source code for sg_jira.utils

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import six

[docs]def utf8_to_unicode(value): """ Convert any string in the given input to unicode. Strings are expected to be in utf-8 encoding. Treat containers by recursively iterating over all the values they contain. :param value: A string, a list, a tuple, or a dictionary. :returns: The value with all strings converted to unicode. :raises ValueError: if a converted UTF-8 decoded key is already present in the original value of a dictionary. """ if six.PY3: # we only have unicode values in Python 3 so no need to loop over everything. return value if isinstance(value, list): # Convert all values return [utf8_to_unicode(x) for x in value] if isinstance(value, tuple): # Convert all values return tuple([utf8_to_unicode(x) for x in value]) if isinstance(value, dict): # Convert the keys and the values decoded = {} for k, v in value.items(): # We need to check if there is a potential conflict between the # decoded key and an existing unicode key, so we can't blindly call # our self here. if isinstance(k, str): decoded_key = six.ensure_text(k) if decoded_key in [ x for x in value.keys() if isinstance(x, six.text_type) ]: raise ValueError( "UTF-8 decoded key %s is already present in dictionary " "being decoded" % (decoded_key,) ) else: decoded_key = k decoded[decoded_key] = utf8_to_unicode(v) return decoded if isinstance(value, str): return six.ensure_text(value) # Nothing to do, return the value unchanged. return value
[docs]def unicode_to_utf8(value): """ Convert any unicode in the given input to an utf8 encoded string value. Treat containers by recursively iterating over all the values they contain. :param value: A string, a list, a tuple, or a dictionary. :returns: The value with all unicode values converted to strings. :raises ValueError: if a converted UTF-8 encoded key is already present in the original value of a dictionary. """ if six.PY3: # In python 3 strings are unicode, so just return the value. return value if isinstance(value, list): # Convert all values return [unicode_to_utf8(x) for x in value] if isinstance(value, tuple): # Convert all values. return tuple([unicode_to_utf8(x) for x in value]) if isinstance(value, dict): # Convert the keys and the values. encoded = {} for k, v in value.items(): # We need to check if there is a potential conflict between the # encoded key and an existing str key, so we can't blindly call # our self here. if isinstance(k, six.text_type): encoded_key = six.ensure_str(k) if encoded_key in [x for x in value.keys() if isinstance(x, str)]: # Note: we issue the error with the unicode value to be # consistent with our convention where everything is unicode # and don't get potential problems with an utf-8 encoded string # being used with unicode values, which would potentially lead # to UnicodeDecode errors. raise ValueError( "UTF-8 encoded key for %s is already present " "in dictionary being encoded" % (k,) ) else: encoded_key = k encoded[encoded_key] = unicode_to_utf8(v) return encoded if isinstance(value, six.text_type): return six.ensure_str(value) # Nothing to do, return the value unchanged. return value