# Copyright 2018 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
# provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
# this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
import logging
[docs]class Syncer(object):
A class handling syncing between Flow Production Tracking and Jira.
All Syncers should define a list of :class:`~handlers.SyncHandler` which should reject
or accept and process events.
[docs] def __init__(self, name, bridge, **kwargs):
Instatiate a new syncer for the given bridge.
:param str name: A unique name for the syncer.
:param bridge: A :class:`~sg_jira.Bridge` instance.
super(Syncer, self).__init__()
self._name = name
self._bridge = bridge
# Set a logger per instance: this allows to filter logs with the
# syncer name, or even have log file handlers per syncer
self._logger = logging.getLogger(__name__).getChild(self._name)
def bridge(self):
Returns the :class:`~sg_jira.Bridge` instance used by this syncer.
return self._bridge
def shotgun(self):
Return a connected :class:`~shotgun_session.ShotgunSession` instance.
return self._bridge.shotgun
def jira(self):
Return a connected Jira handle.
return self._bridge.jira
def handlers(self):
Needs to be re-implemented in deriving classes and return a list of
:class:`~handlers.SyncHandler` instances.
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def setup(self):
Check the Jira and Flow Production Tracking site, ensure that the sync can safely happen
and cache any value which is slow to retrieve.
"Checking if the Shotgun and Jira sites are correctly configured."
for handler in self.handlers:
[docs] def get_jira_project(self, project_key):
Retrieve the Jira Project with the given key, if any.
:returns: A :class:`jira.resources.Project` instance or None.
for jira_project in self.jira.projects():
if jira_project.key == project_key:
return jira_project
return None
[docs] def accept_shotgun_event(self, entity_type, entity_id, event):
Accept or reject the given event for the given Flow Production Tracking Entity.
:returns: A :class:`~handlers.SyncHandler` instance if the event is accepted for
processing, `None` otherwise.
# Sanity check the event before checking with handlers
# We require a non empty event.
if not event:
return None
# Check we have a Project
if not event.get("project"):
self._logger.debug("Rejecting event %s with no project." % event)
return None
# Check the event meta data
meta = event.get("meta")
if not meta:
self._logger.debug("Rejecting event %s with no meta data." % event)
return None
if meta.get("type") != "attribute_change":
"Rejecting event %s with wrong or missing event type." % event
return None
field = meta.get("attribute_name")
if not field:
"Rejecting event %s with missing attribute name." % (event)
return None
# Check we didn't trigger the event to avoid infinite loops.
user = event.get("user")
current_user = self._bridge.current_shotgun_user
if user and current_user:
if (
user["type"] == current_user["type"]
and user["id"] == current_user["id"]
self._logger.debug("Rejecting event %s created by us." % event)
return None
# Loop over all handlers and return the first one which accepts the
# event for the given entity.
# Note: it seems safer to return a single handler than a list of all
# handlers which could process a given event. Otherwise, one handler
# could undo what is set by another one without the first one being
# aware of it. The assumption is that complicated logic can always be
# implemented in a single handler.
for handler in self.handlers:
if handler.accept_shotgun_event(entity_type, entity_id, event):
self._logger.debug("Dispatching event to %s" % handler)
return handler
"Event %s was rejected by all handlers %s"
% (
return None
[docs] def accept_jira_event(self, resource_type, resource_id, event):
Accept or reject the given event for the given Jira resource.
:param str resource_type: The type of Jira resource sync, e.g. Issue.
:param str resource_id: The id of the Jira resource to sync.
:param event: A dictionary with the event meta data for the change.
:returns: A :class:`~handlers.SyncHandler` instance if the event is accepted for
processing, `None` otherwise.
# Check we didn't trigger the event to avoid infinite loops.
user = event.get("user")
if user:
if (
and user["accountId"] == self.bridge.jira.myself()["accountId"]
"Rejecting event %s triggered by us (%s)"
% (
return None
# TODO: It's hard to tell if these next to ifs are actually needed anymore.
# From testing it seems that accountId is always set, so testing for name
# and emailAddress is probably not needed anymore. We've left these tests
# for now as we don't have access to a JIRA local instance to test on, which
# may (but unlikely) behave differently.
# On GDPR compliant versions of JIRA, the name field is not returned.
if (
"name" in user
and user["name"].lower() == self.bridge.current_jira_username.lower()
"Rejecting event %s triggered by us (%s)"
% (
return None
# The email field is always present, even on GDPR versions of JIRA, but set to "?".
# Protect ourselves here by testing for it's presence since it wouldn't be surprising
# if it was completely removed at some point.
if (
"emailAddress" in user
and user["emailAddress"].lower()
== self.bridge.current_jira_username.lower()
"Rejecting event %s triggered by us (%s)"
% (
return None
# Loop over all handlers and return the first one which accepts the
# event for the given entity
# Note: it seems safer to return a single handler than a list of all
# handlers which could process a given event. Otherwise, one handler
# could undo what is set by another one without the first one being
# aware of it. The assumption is that complicated logic can always be
# implemented in a single handler.
for handler in self.handlers:
if handler.accept_jira_event(resource_type, resource_id, event):
self._logger.debug("Dispatching event to %s" % handler)
return handler
"Event %s was rejected by all handlers %s"
% (
return None