# Copyright 2018 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
# provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
# this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
import logging
import shotgun_api3
from .constants import SG_ENTITY_SPECIAL_NAME_FIELDS
from .constants import SHOTGUN_JIRA_ID_FIELD
from .utils import utf8_to_unicode, unicode_to_utf8
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class ShotgunSession(object):
Wraps a :class:`shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun` instance and provide some helpers and
session caches.
Ensures all the values we get from Flow Production Tracking are unicode and not utf-8 encoded
strings. Utf-8 encodes unicode values before sending them to Flow Production Tracking.
# The list of Shotgun methods we need to wrap.
def __init__(self, base_url, script_name=None, *args, **kwargs):
Instantiate a :class:`shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun` with the sanitized parameters.
# Note: we use composition rather than inheritance to wrap the Shotgun
# instance. Otherwise we would have to redefine all the methods we need
# to wrap with some very similar code which would encode all params,
# blindly call the original method, decode and return the result.
safe_args = unicode_to_utf8(args)
safe_kwargs = unicode_to_utf8(kwargs)
self._shotgun = shotgun_api3.Shotgun(
self._shotgun_schemas = {}
# Retrieve our current login, this does not seem to be available from
# the connection?
self._shotgun_user = self.find_one(
"ApiUser", [["firstname", "is", script_name]], ["firstname"]
logger.info("Connected to %s." % base_url)
def current_user(self):
Return the Flow Production Tracking user used for the connection.
:returns: A Flow Production Tracking record dictionary with an `id` key and a `type` key.
return self._shotgun_user
[docs] def setup(self):
Check the Flow Production Tracking site and cache site level values.
:raises RuntimeError: if the Flow Production Tracking site was not correctly configured to
be used with this bridge.
self.assert_field("Project", SHOTGUN_JIRA_ID_FIELD, "text", check_unique=True)
[docs] def assert_field(self, entity_type, field_name, field_type, check_unique=False):
Check if the given field with the given type exists for the given Flow Production Tracking
Entity type.
:param str entity_type: A Flow Production Tracking Entity type.
:param str field_name: A Flow Production Tracking field name, e.g. 'sg_my_precious'.
:param str field_type: A Flow Production Tracking field type, e.g. 'text'.
:param bool check_unique: When ``True``, check the specified field
is configured to only accept unique values. Default is ``False``.
:raises RuntimeError: if the field does not exist or does not have the
expected type.
field = self.get_field_schema(entity_type, field_name)
if not field:
raise RuntimeError(
"Missing required custom Shotgun %s field %s"
% (
if field["data_type"]["value"] != field_type:
raise RuntimeError(
"Invalid type '%s' for Shotgun field %s.%s, it must be '%s'"
% (field["data_type"]["value"], entity_type, field_name, field_type)
if check_unique is True:
if field["unique"]["value"] is not True:
raise RuntimeError(
"Invalid 'unique' property '%s' for Shotgun field %s.%s, "
"it must be 'True'"
% (field["unique"]["value"], entity_type, field_name)
[docs] def get_field_schema(self, entity_type, field_name):
Return the Flow Production Tracking schema for the given Entity field.
.. note:: Flow Production Tracking schemas are cached and the bridge needs to be restarted
if schemas are changed in Flow Production Tracking.
:param str entity_type: A Flow Production Tracking Entity type.
:param str field_name: A Flow Production Tracking field name, e.g. 'sg_my_precious'.
:returns: The Flow Production Tracking schema for the given field as a dictionary or `None`.
if entity_type not in self._shotgun_schemas:
self._shotgun_schemas[entity_type] = self._shotgun.schema_field_read(
field = self._shotgun_schemas[entity_type].get(field_name)
return field
[docs] def clear_cached_field_schema(self, entity_type=None):
Clear all cached Flow Production Tracking schema or just the cached schema for the given
Flow Production Tracking Entity type.
:param str entity_type: A Flow Production Tracking Entity type or None.
if entity_type:
logger.debug("Clearing cached Shotgun schema for %s" % entity_type)
if entity_type in self._shotgun_schemas:
del self._shotgun_schemas[entity_type]
logger.debug("Clearing all cached Shotgun schemas")
self._shotgun_schemas = {}
[docs] @staticmethod
def get_entity_name_field(entity_type):
Return the Flow Production Tracking name field to use for the specified entity type.
:param str entity_type: The entity type to get the name field for.
:returns: The name field for the specified entity type.
# Deal with some known special cases and assume "code" for anything else.
return SG_ENTITY_SPECIAL_NAME_FIELDS.get(entity_type, "code")
[docs] def is_project_entity(self, entity_type):
Return `True` if the given Flow Production Tracking Entity type is a project Entity,
that is an Entity linked to a Project, `False` if it is a non-project
:param str entity_type: A Flow Production Tracking Entity type.
if entity_type not in self._shotgun_schemas:
self._shotgun_schemas[entity_type] = self._shotgun.schema_field_read(
# We only check for standard Shotgun project field
field_schema = self._shotgun_schemas[entity_type].get("project")
if not field_schema:
return False
# We don't need to check the field data type: it is not possible to
# to create a custom "project" field (it would be sg_project) and it
# is very unlikely that anyone would even try to tweak this critical
# standard field.
return True
[docs] def consolidate_entity(self, shotgun_entity, fields=None, retired_only=False):
Consolidate the given Flow Production Tracking Entity: collect additional field values,
ensure the Entity name is available under a "name" key.
:param shotgun_entity: A Flow Production Tracking Entity dictionary with at least its id
and its type.
:param fields: An optional list of fields to add to the query.
:param retired_only: An optional boolean indicating if the entity we're consolidating has been retired.
:returns: The consolidated Flow Production Tracking Entity or `None` if it can't be retrieved.
# Define the fields we need to handle the Entity type.
needed_fields = []
entity_type = shotgun_entity["type"]
name_field = self.get_entity_name_field(entity_type)
if entity_type == "HumanUser":
needed_fields = [name_field, "email"]
elif entity_type == "Task":
needed_fields = [name_field, "task_assignees"]
needed_fields = [name_field]
if self.is_project_entity(shotgun_entity["type"]):
if fields:
# Do a Shotgun query if any field is missing
missing = [needed for needed in needed_fields if needed not in shotgun_entity]
if missing:
consolidated = self.find_one(
[["id", "is", shotgun_entity["id"]]],
missing + list(shotgun_entity.keys()),
if not consolidated:
"Unable to find %s (%d) in Shotgun"
% (
return None
shotgun_entity = consolidated
# Ensure a consistent way to retrieve the Entity name
if name_field != "name":
shotgun_entity["name"] = shotgun_entity[name_field]
return shotgun_entity
[docs] def match_entity_by_name(self, name, entity_types, shotgun_project):
Retrieve a Flow Production Tracking Entity with the given name from the given list of
Entity types.
Project Flow Production Tracking Entities are restricted to the given Flow Production Tracking Project.
:param str name: A name to match.
:param entity_types: A list of Flow Production Tracking Entity types to consider.
:param shotgun_project: A Flow Production Tracking Project dictionary.
:return: A Flow Production Tracking Entity dictionary or `None`.
for entity_type in entity_types:
name_field = self.get_entity_name_field(entity_type)
filters = [[name_field, "is", name]]
fields = [name_field]
if self.is_project_entity(entity_type):
filters.append(["project", "is", shotgun_project])
sg_value = self.find_one(
if sg_value:
return self.consolidate_entity(sg_value)
return None
[docs] def get_entity_page_url(self, shotgun_entity):
Return the Flow Production Tracking page url for the given Entity.
:param shotgun_entity: A Flow Production Tracking Entity dictionary with at least a 'type'
key and an 'id' key.
return "%s/detail/%s/%d" % (
def _get_wrapped_shotgun_method(self, method_name):
Return a wrapped Flow Production Tracking method which encodes all parameters and decodes
the result before returning it.
:param str method_name: A :class:`~shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun` method name.
method_to_wrap = getattr(self._shotgun, method_name)
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
safe_args = unicode_to_utf8(args)
safe_kwargs = unicode_to_utf8(kwargs)
result = method_to_wrap(*safe_args, **safe_kwargs)
return utf8_to_unicode(result)
return wrapped
def __getattr__(self, attribute_name):
Called when an attribute can't be found on this class instance.
Check if the name is one of the Flow Production Tracking method names we need to wrap,
return a wrapped method if it is the case.
Return the :class:`shotgun_api3.shotgun.Shotgun` attribute otherwise.
:param str attribute_name: The attribute name to retrieve.
if attribute_name in self._WRAP_SHOTGUN_METHODS:
return self._get_wrapped_shotgun_method(attribute_name)
return getattr(self._shotgun, attribute_name)