Source code for sg_jira.errors

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[docs]class InvalidSyncValue(ValueError): """ Base class for exceptions raised when a value can't be translated to a valid value for a given field. """ def __init__(self, field, value, *args, **kwargs): """ :param str field: The Jira or PTR field for which the exception was raised. :param value: The Jira or PTR value for which the exception was raised. """ super(InvalidSyncValue, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._field = field self._value = value @property def field(self): """ Return the field for which the exception was raised. """ return self._field @property def value(self): """ Return the value for which the exception was raised. """ return self._value
[docs]class InvalidShotgunValue(InvalidSyncValue): """ An exception raised when a Flow Production Tracking value can't be translated to a valid Jira value for a given field. """ pass
[docs]class InvalidJiraValue(InvalidSyncValue): """ An exception raised when a Jira value can't be translated to a valid Flow Production Tracking value for a given field. """ pass