Details About Working With Files

The Flow Production Tracking web application stores Files as Attachment entities. You can see these on a Files page, or a Files tab on a detail page, for example. You can access Attachments via the API to create and modify uploaded files, url links, and local files, and link them to other entities (Shots, Versions, etc). This entity works a lot like other entity types within Flow Production Tracking with a few exceptions which are detailed below.


If you are simply looking for information about how to upload and link things in Flow Production Tracking, this doc is not for you. Instead look at the upload() and upload_thumbnail() methods.

This doc describes the detailed structure of the Attachment entities that represent files in Flow Production Tracking and how to interact with them. If that sounds cool too, then read on!

New in version 3.0.3.

Default structure

The following is a list of the default fields that Flow Production Tracking creates for Attachments. Your server instance may look slightly different depending on your own customizations. Many of these fields are optional and some are automatically filled in. These exceptions are listed below in the descriptions of each field.

  • description (str):

    Optional field to provide descriptive text about the file.

  • this_file (dict):

    The actual file reference. Within the dictionary is a link_type key which designates the Attachment as an uploaded file, a url link, or a local file. There are additional keys returned for Working With Local File Types. You cannot modify this field after you have created an Attachment. See below for examples of this field.

  • filename (str):

    For uploaded files only. This is automatically assigned when the file is uploaded and stores the filename of the file.

  • file_size (int):

    For uploaded files only. This is automatically assigned when the file is uploaded and stores the size of the file in bytes.

  • id (int):

    The internal Flow Production Tracking id for this Attachment entity.

  • attachment_links (list):

    A list of entity dictionaries used for linking Attachments to multiple entities.

  • open_notes (list):

    A List of Note entities linked to the current Attachment that have a status that does not equal ‘clsd’. Read-only

  • open_notes_count (int):

    An integer count of the list of Note entities linked to the current Attachment that have a status that does not equal ‘clsd’. (Read-only)

  • project (dict):

    (Required) The Project entity that this Attachment belongs to. This must be assigned when creating an Attachment.

  • attachment_reference_links (list):

    Similar to attachment_links but used specifically for linking files to multiple entities as reference.

  • sg_status_list (str):

    Status value returned as the short code.

  • tag_list (list):

    List of tags (as strings) that are currently assigned to the Attachment.

  • image (str):

    The url location of the thumbnail image assigned to this Attachment. For uploads, Flow Production Tracking automatically tries to create a thumbnail from the file. See Interpreting Image Field Strings. Alternatively, you can assign your own thumbnail to an Attachment using the upload_thumbnail() method.

  • sg_type (str):

    An optional field for designating different types of Attachments

  • processing_status (str):

    Reflects the status of the attachment (File entity). When processing the thumbnail, this field is set to ‘Thumbnail Pending’.

File type structures (this_file)

Depending on the type of file the Attachment entity is representing, the value of this_file will vary.

  • Uploads

    Designated by link_type: 'upload', this represents a file that was uploaded to Flow Production Tracking. Uploading files to Flow Production Tracking can be done using the upload() method. You cannot create an Attachment with an uploaded file directly.

    {'content_type': 'image/jpeg',
     'link_type': 'upload',
     'name': 'western1FULL.jpg',
     'url': ''}
  • Web links

    Designated by link_type: 'web', this is represents a url link. Examples include an http:// link to another server or a custom protocol used to launch a local application like rvlink:// or cinesync://

    {'content_type': None,
     'link_type': 'web',
     'name': 'Join GUN12158',
     'url': 'cinesync://session/GUN12158'}
  • Local Files

    Designated by link_type: 'local', this is represents a local file link. Additional keys are provided in order to give access to the relative path information on other platforms.

    { 'content_type': 'video/quicktime',
      'link_type': 'local',
      'name': '',
      'local_path': '/Users/kp/Movies/testing/'
      'local_path_linux': '/home/users/macusers/kp/Movies/testing/'
      'local_path_mac': '/Users/kp/Movies/testing/'
      'local_path_windows': 'M:\\macusers\kp\Movies\testing\'
      'local_storage': {'id': 1,
                        'name': 'Dailies Directories',
                        'type': 'LocalStorage'},
      'url': 'file:///Users/kp/Movies/testing/'}

Creating Attachments


Uploads cannot be created directly on Attachments. Instead, you need to use the upload() method.

Make sure to have retries for file uploads. Failures when uploading will occasionally happen. When it does, immediately retrying to upload usually works.

Local Files

See Creating & Updating Local file Fields.

Updating Attachments

You cannot modify the this_file field after you create an Attachment. If you need to provide a different file, you will have to create a new Attachment entity. Otherwise, the process for updating Attachments is exactly like updating other entity types in Flow Production Tracking and is the same for all Attachment types. See update() for more info.

Deleting Attachments

The process of deleting an Attachment is just like other entities in Flow Production Tracking. See delete() for more info.

Working With Local File Types

We added support for linking to local files in the UI in Flow Production Tracking Server v2.1. This doc covers how to work with these local file links using the API.


  • Python API v3.0.3+

  • Flow Production Tracking Server v2.1.10+

Structure of Local File Values

There is a key in the dictionary that represents file/link fields called link_type which can be one of local, upload, web. This is used to determine what type of link the field value contains. For local files this value is always local and there are additional keys that are available:

  • content_type (str):

    The mime-type of the associated local file. This is assigned automatically using a best-guess based on the file extension. You can override this by setting this explicitly.

  • link_type (str) read-only:

    Always ‘local’ for local files.

  • name (str):

    the display name of the local file. This is set to the filename by default but can be overridden by setting this explicitly.

  • local_path (str):

    The full path to the file on the current platform. The Python API tries to determine the platform it is currently running on and then copies the value from the corresponding key above to this field for convenience.

  • local_path_linux (str) read-only:

    Full path to file on Linux as defined by the LocalStorage (or None if no Linux path is set)

  • local_path_mac (str) read-only:

    Full path to file on Mac OS X as defined by the LocalStorage (or None if no Mac path is set)

  • local_path_windows (str) read-only:

    Full path to file on Windows as defined by the LocalStorage (or None if no Windows path is set)

  • local_storage (dict) read-only:

    A dictionary representing which LocalStorage entity is applied for this local file link.

  • url (str) read-only:

    A file:// link provided for convenience pointing to the value in the local_path

Reading Local File Fields

fields = ['sg_uploaded_movie']
result = sg.find('Version', [['id', 'is', 123]], fields)


 'sg_uploaded_movie': { 'content_type': None,
                        'link_type': 'local',
                        'name': '',
                        'local_path': '/Users/kp/Movies/testing/'
                        'local_path_linux': '/home/users/macusers/kp/Movies/testing/'
                        'local_path_mac': '/Users/kp/Movies/testing/'
                        'local_path_windows': 'M:\\macusers\kp\Movies\testing\'
                        'local_storage': {'id': 1,
                                          'name': 'Dailies Directories',
                                          'type': 'LocalStorage'},
                        'url': 'file:///Users/kp/Movies/testing/'},
 'type': 'Version'}


When viewing results that include file/link fields with local file link values, all of the keys will be returned regardless of whether there are values in them. So in the above example, if there was no Windows path set for the local storage, local_path_windows would be None.

Creating & Updating Local file Fields

When setting a file/link field value to a local file, only the local_path is mandatory. Flow Production Tracking will automatically select the appropriate matching local storage for your file based on the path. You can optionally specify the name and content_type fields if you wish to override their defaults. Any other keys that are provided will be ignored.

  • content_type str:

    Optionally set the mime-type of the associated local file. This is assigned automatically using a best-guess based on the file extension.

  • name str:

    Optional display name of the local file. This is set to the filename by default.

  • local_path str:

    The full local path to the file. Flow Production Tracking will find the LocalStorage that has the most specific match to this path and automatically assign that LocalStorage to the file.

data = {'sg_uploaded_movie': {'local_path': '/Users/kp/Movies/testing/',
                              'name': 'Better Movie'}
result = sg.update('Version', 123, data)


 'sg_uploaded_movie': { 'content_type': 'video/quicktime',
                        'link_type': 'local',
                        'name': '',
                        'local_path': '/Users/kp/Movies/testing/'
                        'local_path_linux': '/home/users/macusers/kp/Movies/testing/'
                        'local_path_mac': '/Users/kp/Movies/testing/'
                        'local_path_windows': 'M:\\macusers\kp\Movies\testing\'
                        'local_storage': {'id': 1,
                                          'name': 'Dailies Directories',
                                          'type': 'LocalStorage'},
                        'url': 'file:///Users/kp/Movies/testing/'},
 'type': 'Version'}]

The content_type was assigned a best-guess value based on the file extension. Flow Production Tracking selected the most appropriate specific LocalStorage match and assigned it to local_storage automatically.

Un-setting local file field values

Removing a a local file field value is simple. Just set the value to None:

data = {'sg_uploaded_movie': None}
result = sg.update('Version', 123, data)


 'sg_uploaded_movie': None,
 'type': 'Version'}]