Set Python 2 as the default Python version in ShotGrid Desktop

Warning : This topic is only valid when using ShotGrid Desktop version 1.7.3—these steps are no longer needed when using newer versions of ShotGrid Desktop. Python 2 was removed January 26, 2023 with the release of ShotGrid Desktop 1.8.0 due to security reasons. Learn more here.


Manually Set the SHOTGUN_PYTHON_VERSION environment to 2 on Windows

  • On the Windows taskbar, right-click the Windows icon and select System, navigate through the Control Panel/System and Security/System.

  • Once there, select Advanced system settings.

  • Next, select Environment Variables in System Properties.

  • In the Environment Variables window, you can add/edit your paths by selecting New….

  • For the Variable name, add SHOTGUN_PYTHON_VERSION, and set the Variable value to 2.

  • Restart the ShotGrid Desktop application. Now, you should see that the Python version has been updated to run Python 2.


Set the SHOTGUN_PYTHON_VERSION environment to 2 on MacOS

  • Create a properties file under ~/Library/LaunchAgents/ named my.startup.plist
$ vi my.startup.plist
  • Add the following to my.startup.plist and save:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> 
<plist version="1.0"> 
    <string>launchctl setenv SHOTGUN_PYTHON_VERSION 2</string> 
  • After rebooting your Mac, the new environment variable will remain active.

  • Restart the ShotGrid Desktop application. Now, you should see that the Python version has been updated to run Python 2.

CentOS 7

Set the SHOTGUN_PYTHON_VERSION environment to 2 on CentOS 7

  • Add the following to your ~/.bashrc file:
  • Reboot your OS by running:
$ sudo reboot 
  • Restart the ShotGrid Desktop application. Now, you should see that the Python version has been updated to run Python 2.

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