# Copyright (c) 2017 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.
import os
import sgtk
from tank.util import sgre as re
logger = sgtk.platform.get_logger(__name__)
[docs]class MultiPublish2(sgtk.platform.Application):
This is the :class:`sgtk.platform.Application` subclass that defines the
top-level publish2 interface.
def init_app(self):
Called as the application is being initialized
tk_multi_publish2 = self.import_module("tk_multi_publish2")
# the manager class provides the interface for publishing. We store a
# reference to it to enable the create_publish_manager method exposed on
# the application itself
self._manager_class = tk_multi_publish2.PublishManager
# make the util methods available via the app instance
self._util = tk_multi_publish2.util
# make the base plugins available via the app
self._base_hooks = tk_multi_publish2.base_hooks
display_name = self.get_setting("display_name")
# "Publish Render" ---> publish_render
command_name = display_name.lower()
# replace all non alphanumeric characters by '_'
command_name = re.sub(r"[^0-9a-zA-Z]+", "_", command_name)
self.modal = self.get_setting("modal")
pre_publish_hook_path = self.get_setting(self.CONFIG_PRE_PUBLISH_HOOK_PATH)
self.pre_publish_hook = self.create_hook_instance(pre_publish_hook_path)
# register command
cb = lambda: tk_multi_publish2.show_dialog(self)
menu_caption = "%s..." % display_name
menu_options = {
"short_name": command_name,
"description": "Publishing of data to Flow Production Tracking",
# dark themed icon for engines that recognize this format
"icons": {
"dark": {"png": os.path.join(self.disk_location, "icon_256_dark.png")}
self.engine.register_command(menu_caption, cb, menu_options)
def base_hooks(self):
Exposes the publish2 ``base_hooks`` module.
This module provides base class implementations of collector and publish
plugin hooks:
- :class:`~.base_hooks.CollectorPlugin`
- :class:`~.base_hooks.PublishPlugin`
Access to these classes won't typically be needed when writing hooks as
they are are injected into the class hierarchy automatically for any
collector or publish plugins configured.
:return: A handle on the app's ``base_hooks`` module.
return self._base_hooks
def util(self):
Exposes the publish2 ``util`` module.
This module provides methods that are useful to collector and publish
plugin hooks. Example code running in a hook:
.. code-block:: python
# get a handle on the publish2 app
app = self.parent
# call a util method
path_components = app.util.get_file_path_components(path)
Some of the methods available via ``util`` are the ``path_info`` hook
methods. Exposing them via this property allows them to be called
:return: A handle on the app's ``util`` module.
return self._util
def context_change_allowed(self):
Specifies that context changes are allowed.
return True
[docs] def create_publish_manager(self, publish_logger=None):
Create and return a :class:`tk_multi_publish2.PublishManager` instance.
See the :class:`tk_multi_publish2.PublishManager` docs for details on
how it can be used to automate your publishing workflows.
:param publish_logger: This is a standard python logger to use during
publishing. A default logger will be provided if not supplied. This
can be useful when implementing a custom UI, for example, with a
specialized log handler (as is the case with the Publisher)
:returns: A :class:`tk_multi_publish2.PublishManager` instance
return self._manager_class(publish_logger=publish_logger)
def destroy_app(self):
Tear down the app
self.log_debug("Destroying tk-multi-publish2")