Source code for tk_multi_breakdown2.api.manager

# Copyright (c) 2021 Autodesk, Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Autodesk, Inc.

import sgtk
from tank.errors import TankHookMethodDoesNotExistError

from .item import FileItem
from .. import constants

[docs]class BreakdownManager(object): """This class is used for managing and executing file updates.""" def __init__(self, bundle): """Initialize the manager.""" self._bundle = bundle
[docs] @sgtk.LogManager.log_timing def get_scene_objects(self, execute_in_main_thread=True): """ Get the current scene objects by executing the scan_scene hook method. A list of dictionaries representing the scene references will be returned. The return dict value has the following key-values: node (str) The name of the node which holds the reference. type (str) The node type. path (str) The reference file path. extra_data (dict) Extra data for the reference (optional). :param execute_in_main_thread: True will ensure the hook method is executed in the main thread, else False will execute in the current thread. Default is True, since the scan_scene function will need to execute DCC functionality that likely needs to execute in the main thread (e.g. GUI events). :type execute_in_main_thread: bool :return: A list of scene references. :rtype: List[dict] """ if execute_in_main_thread: # Ensure that the scan scene operation is executed in the main UI thread. Many # apps are sensitive to these types of operations happening in other threads. return self._bundle.engine.execute_in_main_thread( self._bundle.execute_hook_method, "hook_scene_operations", "scan_scene" ) # Execute in the current thread return self._bundle.execute_hook_method("hook_scene_operations", "scan_scene")
[docs] @sgtk.LogManager.log_timing def scan_scene(self, extra_fields=None, execute_in_main_thread=True): """ Scan the current scene to return a list of scene references. A list of FileItem objects representing the scene references will be returned. :param execute_in_main_thread: True will ensure the hook method is executed in the main thread, else False will execute in the current thread. Default is True, since the scan_scene function will need to execute DCC functionality that likely needs to execute in the main thread (e.g. GUI events). :type execute_in_main_thread: bool :return: A list of scene references. :rtype: List[FileItem] """ scene_objects = self.get_scene_objects( execute_in_main_thread=execute_in_main_thread ) file_paths = [o["path"] for o in scene_objects] published_files = self.get_published_files_from_file_paths( file_paths, extra_fields=extra_fields ) return self.get_file_items(scene_objects, published_files)
[docs] @sgtk.LogManager.log_timing def get_published_files_from_file_paths( self, file_paths, extra_fields=None, bg_task_manager=None ): """ Query the Flow Production Tracking API to get the published files for the given file paths. :param file_paths: A list of file paths to get the published files from. :type file_paths: List[str] :param extra_fields: A list of Flow Production Tracking fields to append to the Flow Production Tracking query when retreiving the published files. :type extra_fields: List[str] :param bg_task_manager: (optional) A background task manager to execute the request async. If not provided, the request will be executed synchronously. :type: BackgroundTaskManager :return: The task id for the request is returned if executed async, else the published files data is returned if executed synchronosly. :rtype: int | dict """ if not file_paths: return None if bg_task_manager else {} # Get the published file fields to pass to the query fields = self.get_published_file_fields() if extra_fields is not None: fields += extra_fields # Get the published file filters defined in the config to pass to the query filters = self.get_published_file_filters() # Option to run this in a background task since this can take some time to execute. if bg_task_manager: # Execute the request async and return the task id for the operation. return bg_task_manager.add_task( sgtk.util.find_publish, task_args=[self._bundle.sgtk, file_paths], task_kwargs={ "filters": filters, "fields": fields, "only_current_project": False, }, ) # No background task manager provided, execute the request synchronously and return # the published files data immediately. return sgtk.util.find_publish( self._bundle.sgtk, file_paths, filters=filters, fields=fields, only_current_project=False, )
[docs] def get_file_items(self, scene_objects, published_files): """ Get the file item objects for the given scene objects. Scene objects that do not have a corresponding Flow Production Tracking Published File will be omitted from the result (a FileItem will not be created for it). The `scene_objects` dict param expects the key-values: node (str) The name of the node which holds the reference. type (str) The node type. path (str) The reference file path. extra_data (dict) Extra data for the reference (optional). :param scene_objects: Objects from the DCC. This value can be the result returned by the `scan_scene` method. :type scene_objects: dict :param published_files: The list of published files corresponding to the `scene_objects`. Any scene objects that do not have a matching published will be omitted from the result (there will not be a FileItem object created for it). This can be the result returned by the `sgtk.util.find_publish` method. :type publishehd_files: List[dict] :return: A list of FileItem objects representing the scene objects. :rtype: List[FileItem] """ file_items = [] for obj in scene_objects: if obj["path"] in published_files: file_items.append( FileItem( obj["node_name"], obj["node_type"], obj["path"], sg_data=published_files[obj["path"]], extra_data=obj.get("extra_data"), locked=obj.get("locked", False), loaded=obj.get("loaded", True), ) ) return file_items
[docs] def get_published_file_fields(self): """ Get the fields to pass to the query to retrieve the published files when scanning the scene. :return: The published file fields. :rtype: list<str> """ return constants.PUBLISHED_FILES_FIELDS + self._bundle.get_setting( "published_file_fields", [] )
[docs] def get_published_file_filters(self): """ Get additional filters to pass to the query to retrieve the published files when scanning the scene. :return: The published file filters. :rtype: List[List[dict]] """ return self._bundle.get_setting("published_file_filters", [])
[docs] def get_history_published_file_filters(self): """ Get additional filters to pass to the query to retrieve the history published files for a given file item. :param item: The file item to get the history published file filters for. :type item: FileItem :return: The history published file filters. :rtype: List[List[dict]] """ return self._bundle.get_setting("history_published_file_filters", [])
[docs] def get_latest_published_file(self, item, data_retriever=None, extra_fields=None): """ Get the latest available published file according to the current item context. :param item: :class`FileItem` object we want to get the latest published file :type item: FileItem :param data_retreiver: If provided, the api request will be async. The default value will execute the api request synchronously. :type data_retriever: ShotgunDataRetriever :return: The latest published file as a Flow Production Tracking entity dictionary if the request was synchronous, else the request background task id if the request was async. """ if not item or not item.sg_data: return None if data_retriever else {} fields = self.get_published_file_fields() if extra_fields: fields += extra_fields filters = self.get_history_published_file_filters() result = self._bundle.execute_hook_method( "hook_get_published_files", "get_latest_published_file", item=item, data_retriever=data_retriever, extra_fields=fields, published_file_filters=filters, ) # Only set the latest published file data if the result was immediately returned. if data_retriever is None: item.latest_published_file = result return result
[docs] def get_published_files_for_items( self, items, data_retriever=None, extra_fields=None ): """ Get all published files (history) for the given items. :param items: the list of :class`FileItem` we want to get published files for. :type items: List[FileItem] :param data_retreiver: If provided, the api request will be async. The default value will execute the api request synchronously. :type data_retriever: ShotgunDataRetriever :return: If the request is async, then the request task id is returned, else the published file data result from the api request. :rtype: str | dict """ if not items: return None if data_retriever else {} fields = self.get_published_file_fields() if extra_fields: fields += extra_fields filters = self.get_history_published_file_filters() return self._bundle.execute_hook_method( "hook_get_published_files", "get_published_files_for_items", items=items, data_retriever=data_retriever, extra_fields=fields, published_file_filters=filters, )
[docs] def get_published_file_history(self, item, extra_fields=None, data_retriever=None): """ Get the published history for the selected item. It will gather all the published files with the same context than the current item (project, name, task, ...) :param item: :class`FileItem` object we want to get the published file history :type item: FileItem :param extra_fields: A list of Flow Production Tracking fields to append to the Flow Production Tracking query fields. :type extra_fields: List[str] :param data_retreiver: If provided, the api request will be async. The default value will execute the api request synchronously. :type data_retriever: ShotgunDataRetriever :return: If the request is async, then the request task id is returned, else the published file history. :rtype: str | dict """ if not item or not item.sg_data: return [] result = self.get_published_files_for_items( [item], data_retriever=data_retriever, extra_fields=extra_fields ) if result and isinstance(result, list): item.latest_published_file = result[0] return result
[docs] def update_to_latest_version(self, items): """ Update the item to its latest version. :param items: The item or items to update. :type items: FileItem | List[FileItem] :return: The list of file item objects that were updated to the latest version. :rtype: List[FileItem] """ if not isinstance(items, list): items = [items] # First try to execute the hook method to update items in batch for performance. try: return self.update_items_to_latest_version(items) except TankHookMethodDoesNotExistError: # Fallback to updating items one by one. updated_items = [] for item in items: do_update = self.update_to_specific_version( item, item.latest_published_file ) if do_update: updated_items.append(item) return updated_items
[docs] def update_items_to_latest_version(self, items): """ Update the list of items to their respective latest version. :param items: The item or items to update. :type items: FileItem | List[FileItem] :return: The list of file item objectggs that were updated to the latest version. :rtype: List[FileItem] """ hook_path = self._bundle.get_setting("hook_scene_operations") scene_operation_hook = self._bundle.create_hook_instance(hook_path) if not hasattr(scene_operation_hook, "update_items"): raise TankHookMethodDoesNotExistError # Prepare the items to update items_by_dict = {} for item in items: sg_data = item.latest_published_file if not sg_data or not sg_data.get("path", {}).get("local_path", None): continue item_dict = item.to_dict() item_dict["path"] = sg_data["path"]["local_path"] if item_dict["extra_data"] is None: item_dict["extra_data"] = {"old_path": item.path} else: item_dict["extra_data"]["old_path"] = item.path items_by_dict[item] = item_dict # No items to update, return empty list to indicate no further action. if not items_by_dict: return [] # Execute the hook to perform the update operation. items_to_update = self._bundle.execute_hook_method( "hook_scene_operations", "update_items", items=items_by_dict.values(), ) # Update the FileItem objects model data directly, if specified. if items_to_update is None: # Default to updating all items items_to_update = items # The returned items are the FileItem dict representations. We will need to map these # back to their FileItem object. updated_items = [] if items_to_update: # Only update the file item if specified. Updating the item will affect the data # model directly for item, item_dict in items_by_dict.items(): if item not in items_to_update: continue item.sg_data = item.latest_published_file item.path = item_dict["path"] item.extra_data = item_dict["extra_data"] updated_items.append(item) return updated_items
[docs] def update_to_specific_version(self, item, sg_data): """ Update the item to a specific version. :param item: Item to update :type item: FileItem :param sg_data: Dictionary of Flow Production Tracking data representing the published file we want to update the item to :type sg_data: dict :return: True if the item requires the data model to update, else False will not trigger a model update. :rtype: bool """ if not sg_data or not sg_data.get("path", {}).get("local_path", None): return False item_dict = item.to_dict() item_dict["path"] = sg_data["path"]["local_path"] if item_dict["extra_data"] is None: item_dict["extra_data"] = {"old_path": item.path} else: item_dict["extra_data"]["old_path"] = item.path do_update = self._bundle.execute_hook_method( "hook_scene_operations", "update", item=item_dict, ) if do_update is None: # Default to True if the hook return value was not explictly set do_update = True if do_update: # Only update the file item if specified. Updating the item will affect the data # model directly item.sg_data = sg_data item.path = item_dict["path"] item.extra_data = item_dict["extra_data"] return do_update