# Copyright 2016 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
# provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise accompanies
# this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
from .timecode import Timecode
from . import logger
from .errors import BadBLError, BadFCMError
import os
import re
# A list of keywords we will be looking for in comments
# Build a regular expression to match the keywords above, matching lines beginning
# with :
# The regexp is build with : "((?:" + keyword1 + ")|(?:" + keyword2 + ... + "))"
# ")|(?:" being used to join the different keywords together
_COMMENT_REGEXP = re.compile(
"\*?\s*(?P<type>(?:%s))\s*:\s+(?P<value>.*)" % ")|(?:".join(_COMMENTS_KEYWORDS)
[docs]class EditProcessor(object):
An example of keeping previous parsed edit event around, while using the process
edit function.
def __init__(self, shot_regexp=None):
self._previous_edit = None
self._shot_regexp = shot_regexp
[docs] def process(self, edit, logger):
Example : process the current edit and display previous and current one
process_edit(edit, logger, self._shot_regexp)
logger.info("Treated edit %s previous was %s" % (edit, self._previous_edit))
self._previous_edit = edit
[docs]def process_edit(edit, logger, shot_regexp=None):
Extract standard meta data from comments for an Edit:
- name from ``* LOC: 01:00:00:12 YELLOW MR0200``
- clip name from ``* FROM CLIP NAME: 246AA-6``
- tape from ``* SOURCE FILE: LR9907610``
- asc_sop and asc_sat from::
ASC_SOP (1.0854 1.0451 0.9943)(0.0009 0.0022 -0.0292)(1.0163 1.0105 0.9424)
ASC_SAT 1.0000
If a regular expression is given, it will be used to extract extra information
from the edit name.
- a shot name
- a type
- a format
Typical values for the regular expression would be as simple as a single group
to extract the shot name, e.g. ``^(\w+)_.+$``
or more advanced regular expression with named groups to extract additional
information, e.g. ``(?P<shot_name>\w+)_(?P<type>\w\w\d\d)_(?P<version>[V,v]\d+)$``
:param edit: An Edit instance.
:param logger: A standard logger.
:param shot_regexp: A regular expression to extract extra information from the
edit name.
# Add our runtime attributes
edit._name = None
edit._tape = None
edit._shot_name = None
edit._clip_name = None
edit._asc_sop = None
edit._asc_sat = None
edit._type = None
edit._format = None
# edit._version = None
# Treat all comments
for comment in edit.comments:
m = _COMMENT_REGEXP.match(comment)
if m:
comment_type = m.group("type")
value = m.group("value")
logger.debug("Found in comments [%s]: %s" % (comment_type, value))
if comment_type == "LOC":
tokens = value.split()
if len(tokens) > 2:
edit._name = tokens[2]
elif comment_type == "SOURCE FILE":
edit._tape = value.split()[-1]
# The clip name can either be explicitly called out with CLIP NAME or if we only
# have FROM CLIP NAME, then we use that. For transitions, we'll have FROM CLIP NAME
# and TO CLIP NAME in which case we want to use TO CLIP NAME.
elif comment_type == "CLIP NAME":
edit._clip_name = value
elif comment_type == "TO CLIP NAME":
edit._clip_name = value
elif comment_type == "FROM CLIP NAME":
edit._clip_name = value
elif comment_type == "ASC_SOP":
edit._asc_sop = value
elif comment_type == "ASC_SAT":
edit._asc_sat = value
# Extract a shot name
# Default assignment
edit._shot_name = edit._name
if edit._name and shot_regexp:
# Support pre-compiled regexp or strings
if isinstance(shot_regexp, str):
regexp = re.compile(shot_regexp)
regexp = shot_regexp
logger.debug("Parsing %s with %s" % (edit._name, str(regexp)))
m = regexp.search(edit._name)
if m:
logger.debug("Matched groups: %s" % str(m.groups()))
if regexp.groups == 1: # Only one capturing group, use it for the shot name
edit._shot_name = m.group(1)
grid = regexp.groupindex
if "shot_name" not in grid:
raise ValueError(
'No "shot_name" named group in regular expression %s'
% regexp.pattern
edit._shot_name = m.group("shot_name")
if "type" in grid:
edit._type = m.group("type")
if "format" in grid:
edit._format = m.group("format")
if "version" in grid:
edit._version = m.group("version")
[docs]class EditEvent(object):
An entry, or event, or edit from an edit list
New attributes can be added at runtime, provided that they don't
clash with :class:`EditEvent` regular attributes, by just setting their value, e.g.
``edit.my_own_attribute = "awesome"``
They then are accessible like other regular attributes, e.g.
``print edit.my_own_attribute``
This implementation assume timecodes out are exclusive, meaning that a one
frame long record would be ``00:00:00:01 00:00:00:02`` ( not ``00:00:00:01`` )
# Our known attributes
# Every other attributes will go into the _meta_data dictionary
__mine = [
# Protect accessors clashes by building a list of them
# from internal attributes
__protected = [x[1:] for x in __mine]
def __init__(
Instantiate a new EditEvent
:param id: The edit id in a Edit Decision list, as an int.
:param reel: The reel for this edit as a str.
:param channels: Channels for this edit, video, audio, etc. as a str.
:param source_in: Timecode in for the source, as a string formatted as
hh:mm:ss:ff for non-drop frame or hh:mm:ss;ff for drop frame.
:param source_out: Timecode out for the source, as a string formatted as
hh:mm:ss:ff for non-drop frame or hh:mm:ss;ff for drop frame.
:param record_in: Timecode in for the recorder, as a string formatted as
hh:mm:ss:ff for non-drop frame or hh:mm:ss;ff for drop frame.
:param record_out: Timecode out for the recorder, as a string formatted as
hh:mm:ss:ff for non-drop frame or hh:mm:ss;ff for drop frame.
:param fps: Number of frames per second for this edit, as an int or float.
:param drop_frame: Boolean indicating whether this edit uses drop frame or not or None
if it's not specified. Default is None.
# If new attributes are added here, their name should be added to the
# __mine list as well, otherwise will end up in the meta data dictionary
self._effects = []
self._comments = []
self._meta_data = {} # A place holder where additional meta data can be stored
self._retime = None
self._fps = fps
self._drop_frame = drop_frame
self._id = int(id)
self._reel = reel
self._channels = channels
self._source_in = Timecode(source_in, fps=fps, drop_frame=drop_frame)
self._source_out = Timecode(source_out, fps=fps, drop_frame=drop_frame)
self._record_in = Timecode(record_in, fps=fps, drop_frame=drop_frame)
self._record_out = Timecode(record_out, fps=fps, drop_frame=drop_frame)
def fps(self):
Return the fps for this edit.
:returns: Frame rate setting used by this EditEvent as an int or float.
return self._fps
def drop_frame(self):
Return the drop frame value for this edit.
:returns: Boolean indicating if this EditEvent is drop frame or not.
return self._drop_frame
def channels(self):
Return the channels for this edit.
:returns: String representing the channels in this EditEvent (eg. "AV", "V", etc.)
return self._channels
def id(self):
Return the id for this edit.
:returns: Id of this EditEvent as an int.
return self._id
def reel(self):
Return the reel for this edit.
:returns: Reel for this EditEvent as a str.
return self._reel
def comments(self):
Return the comments for this edit, as a list.
:returns: List of comment strings for this EditEvent.
return self._comments
def pure_comments(self):
An iterator over "pure" comments, that is comments which
do not contain known keywords.
:yields: Iterator for looping over pure (non-keyword) comments.
for comment in self._comments:
if not _COMMENT_REGEXP.match(comment):
yield comment
def timecodes(self):
Return the source in, source out, record in, record out timecodes for this
edit as a tuple.
:returns: Tuple of timecodes for this EditEvent as
``(source_in, source_out, record_in, record_out)``.
return (self._source_in, self._source_out, self._record_in, self._record_out)
def source_in(self):
Return the source in timecode for this edit.
:returns: Timecode string representing the source in for this EditEvent.
return self._source_in
def source_out(self):
Return the source out timecode for this edit.
:returns: Timecode string representing the source out for this EditEvent.
return self._source_out
def source_duration(self):
Return the source duration, in frames.
:returns: Int representing the source duration in frames.
# Timecode out are exclusive, e.g.
# 00:00:00:01 -> 00:00:00:02 is only one frame long
return self._source_out.to_frame() - self._source_in.to_frame()
def record_in(self):
Return the record in timecode for this edit.
:returns: Timecode string representing the record in for this EditEvent.
return self._record_in
def record_out(self):
Return the record out timecode for this edit.
:returns: Timecode string representing the record out for this EditEvent.
return self._record_out
def record_duration(self):
Return the record duration, in frames.
:returns: Int representing the record duration in frames.
# Timecode out are exclusive, e.g.
# 00:00:00:01 -> 00:00:00:02 is only one frame long
return self._record_out.to_frame() - self._record_in.to_frame()
def has_effects(self):
Return ``True`` if this :class:`EditEvent` has some effect(s).
:returns: Boolean indicating whether this EditEvent has effects.
return bool(self._effects)
[docs] def add_effect(self, tokens):
For now, just register the effect line as a string and append it to the
list of effects for this EditEvent.
Later we might want to parse the tokens, and store some actual
effects value on this edit.
:param tokens: List of tokens for the effect.
self._effects.append(" ".join(tokens))
def has_retime(self):
Return ``True`` if this edit has some retime.
:returns: Boolean indicating whether this EditEvent has a retime.
return bool(self._retime)
[docs] def add_retime(self, tokens):
For now, just register the retime line as a string and append it to the
list of retimes for this EditEvent.
Later we might want to parse the tokens, and store some actual
retime values.
:param tokens: List of tokens for the retime.
self._retime = " ".join(tokens)
def __str__(self):
String representation for this :class:`EditEvent`
return "%03d %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (
def __setattr__(self, attr_name, value):
Allow new attributes to be added on the fly, e.g. when parsing a file
with a visitor.
:param attr_name: Name of the attribute that needs setting.
:param value: The value the attribute should take.
if attr_name in self.__protected:
raise AttributeError(
"EditEvent %s attribute can't be redefined" % attr_name
if attr_name in self.__mine:
object.__setattr__(self, attr_name, value)
self._meta_data[attr_name] = value
def __getattr__(self, attr_name):
Retrieve runtime attributes from meta_data dictionary.
:param attr_name: An attribute name.
:return: The value for the given attribute name.
:raise: ``AttributeError`` if the attribute can't be found.
if attr_name in self._meta_data:
return self._meta_data[attr_name]
raise AttributeError("EditEvent has no attribute %s" % attr_name)
[docs]class EditList(object):
An Edit Decision List.
Typical use of EditList could look like this::
# Define a visitor to extract some extra information from comments or locators.
def edit_parser(edit):
# New attributes can be added on the fly.
if edit.id % 2:
edit.is_even = False
edit.is_even = True
edl = EditList(file_path="/tmp/my_edl.edl", visitor=edit_parser)
for edit in edl.edits:
print str(edit)
# Added attributes are reachable like regular ones.
print edit.is_even
__logger = logger.get_logger()
def __init__(self, fps=24, file_path=None, visitor=None):
Instantiate a new Edit Decision List.
:param fps: Number of frames per second for this EditList as an int or float.
:param file_path: Full path to a file to read.
:param visitor: A callable which will be called on every edit and should
accept as input an :class:`EditEvent` and a logger.
self._title = None
self._edits = []
self._fps = fps
self._has_transitions = False
self._drop_frame = None
if file_path:
_, ext = os.path.splitext(file_path)
if ext.lower() != ".edl":
raise NotImplementedError(
"Can't read %s: don't know how to read files with %s extension",
self.read_cmx_edl(file_path, fps=self._fps, visitor=visitor)
[docs] @classmethod
def set_logger(cls, logger):
Allow to use another logger than the default one provided in this
cls.__logger = logger
def has_transitions(self):
Return ``True`` if this EditList contains events with transitions.
:returns: Boolean indicating if this EditList contains events with transitions.
return self._has_transitions
def drop_frame(self):
Return ``True`` if this EditList is drop frame.
:returns: Boolean indicating if this EditList uses drop frame or not.
return self._drop_frame
def edits(self):
Return a list of all edit events in this :class:`EditList`.
:returns: List of edit event objects in this edit list.
return self._edits
def title(self):
Return this :class:`EditList`'s title
:returns: Title of this edit list as a str.
return self._title
def fps(self):
Return the number of frame per seconds used by this :class:`EditList`.
:returns: Frame rate setting used by this edit list as an int or float.
return self._fps
[docs] def read_cmx_edl(self, path, fps=24, visitor=None):
Parse the given edl file, extract a list of versions that need to be
.. seealso::
- http://xmil.biz/EDL-X/CMX3600.pdf
- http://www.scottsimmons.tv/blog/2006/10/12/how-to-read-an-edl/
- http://www.edlmax.com/maxguide.html
:param path: Full path to a cmx compatible file to read.
:param fps: Number of frames per-second for this :class:`EditList` as an int or float.
:param visitor: A callable which will be called on every edit and should
accept as input an :class:`EditEvent` and a logger.
# Reset default values
self._title = None
self._edits = []
# And read the file
self.__logger.info("Parsing EDL %s" % path)
with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as handle:
edit = None
id_offset = 0
for line in handle:
# Not sure why we have to do that ...
# Some crappy Windows thing ?
line = line.replace("\x1a", "").strip(" \n")
if not line:
self.__logger.debug("Treating: [%s]" % line)
line_tokens = line.split()
if line.startswith("TITLE:"):
if len(line_tokens) > 1:
self._title = " ".join(line_tokens[1:])
elif line.startswith("FCM:"):
# Frame Code Mode: Can be DROP FRAME or NON DROP FRAME. If it's
# something else, raise an error.
if line_tokens[1] == "DROP" and line_tokens[2] == "FRAME":
drop_frame = True
elif line_tokens[1] == "NON-DROP" and line_tokens[2] == "FRAME":
drop_frame = False
raise BadFCMError(os.path.basename(path))
# Only set the EDL drop frame value once.
# Some EDLS contain additional FCM notes for transitions. It's
# unclear if these can conflict with the EDL setting or not but for
# now we will ignore it if that happens and issue a warning.
if self._drop_frame is None:
self._drop_frame = drop_frame
if self._drop_frame != drop_frame:
'Found an FCM note "%s" that conflicts with the EDL\'s '
"drop frame setting. Only one FCM note is supported for "
"setting the drop frame mode for the entire EDL. Any "
"additional FCM notes will be ignored." % line
elif len(line_tokens) > 1 and line_tokens[1] == "BL":
raise BadBLError(os.path.basename(path))
elif line_tokens[0] == "M2": # Retime
if not edit:
raise RuntimeError("Found unexpected line")
elif line_tokens[0].isdigit():
media_type = line_tokens[2]
event_type = line_tokens[3]
# If we have an audio track, ignore it and adjust the
# event id numbering to reflect that.
if media_type == "AA":
id_offset += 1
id = int(line_tokens[0]) - id_offset
# New edit
# Time to call the visitor (if any) with the previous
# edit (if any)
if edit:
if edit.id == id:
# Duplicated id, it is an effect
if visitor:
self.__logger.debug("Visiting: [%s]" % edit)
visitor(edit, self.__logger)
# Include our event if it's a Cut type (C) and not
# an audio track (AA).
if event_type == "C" and media_type != "AA": # cut
# Number of tokens can vary in the middle
# so tokens at the end of the line are indexed with
# negative indexes
edit = EditEvent(
if not edit:
raise RuntimeError("Found unexpected effect")
# A comment
if edit:
# Call the visitor (if any) with the last edit (if any)
if edit and visitor:
self.__logger.debug("Visiting: [%s]" % edit)
visitor(edit, self.__logger)
except Exception as e: # Catch the exception so we can add the current line contents
args = [
"%s.\n\nError reported while parsing %s at line:\n\n%s"
% (e.args[0], path, line)
] + list(e.args[1:])
e.args = args
# Once we have our edits list, we can loop through it and adjust any
# timecode we like to account for effects (like transitions).
for count_edits, edit in enumerate(self._edits):
prev = count_edits - 1
for effect in edit._effects:
effect_tokens = effect.split()
# Modify some timecode if we have a cross-dissolve.
if effect_tokens[3] == "D":
self._has_transitions = True
# We don't want to go negative here, else we'll grab edits
# from the end of the list.
if prev > -1:
# Add the transition duration to the previous edit's source out.
trans_duration = Timecode(
effect_tokens[4], fps=edit.fps, drop_frame=self._drop_frame
self._edits[prev]._source_out = Timecode(
+ trans_duration
self._edits[prev]._record_out = Timecode(
+ trans_duration
# Take the values from the Dissolve effect for the current edit.
edit._source_in = Timecode(
effect_tokens[5], fps=edit.fps, drop_frame=self._drop_frame
edit._source_out = Timecode(
effect_tokens[6], fps=edit.fps, drop_frame=self._drop_frame
edit._record_in = Timecode(
effect_tokens[7], fps=edit.fps, drop_frame=self._drop_frame
edit._record_out = Timecode(
effect_tokens[8], fps=edit.fps, drop_frame=self._drop_frame