Python bindings to Alias C++ API
Install a message handler in the Alias Universe. |
Adjust the specified child window such that it is centered over the Alias main window. |
Return True if the two Alias Objects are equal, else False. |
Return True if the Alias Object is valid, else False. |
Applies the iterator to all AlDagNodes. |
Apply the iterator to each AlShader. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Clean up the geometry of the model. |
Remove all objects from the pick list. |
Clear the currently queued events. |
Convert a AlFaceNode to AlSurfaceNode (a trimmed surface). |
This function works on a AlSurfaceNode only, and only on a surface that is a closed/periodic and untrimmed surface (e.g. |
This function performs the copy of the dag node based on the copy options that have been set with the setCopyOptionFlags() routine. |
Call this method after performing a number of dag node copy object operations to clean up the scene. |
Create an AlReferenceFileSet in the Alias Universe. |
Create a dag node that is a construction plane at the position denoted by 'tm'. |
Create a group node for the specified layer. |
Create a new AlLayer in the Alias Universe. |
Create a new AlLayer folder in the Alias Universe. |
Create a new AlLayeredShader in the Alias Universe. |
Create and return an AlOrthographicCamera object. |
Create and return a AlPerspectiveCamera object. |
Create an AlReferenceFile with the given path, in the Alias Universe. |
Create an AlReferenceFileSet with the given name. |
Create a new AlShader in the Alias Universe. |
Create a new stage in Alias. |
Create a new AlSwitchShader in the Alias Universe. |
Overloaded function. |
Returns the currently active window. |
Delete all the Alias Objects in the list. |
Delete all AlConstructionPlane objects found in the Alias Universe. |
Delete the construction histor for all the given curve on surface objects. |
Delete all locators. |
Delete the construction histor for the curve on surface. |
Delete the dag nodes with the given names. |
Overloaded function. |
Delete the layers with the given names. |
Delete all null nodes in the Alias scene. |
Delete sets by name. |
The do_updates flag is used to notify the system that you are finished performing. |
Convert all instsances below the given node (top node of tree) to uninstanced geometry. |
Export each layer to a new file. |
Export each layer to a new file. |
Find and return the DagNode that matches the given name. |
Find and return the DagNode that matches the given name. |
Return the first AlConstructionPlane object found in the Alias Universe. |
Return the first AlDagNode in the list of Alias AlDagNode objects (the DAG). |
Returns the first Environment in the list of Alias Environment objects. |
Return the first layer which refers to the default layer. |
Return the first AlLayeredShader in the list of Alias AlLayeredShader objects. |
Return the first AlLocator in the list of Alias AlLocator objects. |
Set the pick list to reference the first object in the list. |
Return the first set in the Alias Universe. |
Return the first AlShader in the list of Alias AlShader objects. |
Return the first AlSwitchShader in the list of Alias AlSwitchShader objects. |
Overloaded function. |
Return the AlReferenceFileSet matching the given name. |
Return a list of all the alternatives for the current AlReferenceFileSet. |
Return the string value for all annotation locators in the Alias Universe. |
Return all annotation locators in the Alias Universe. |
Return the bounding box computed from the bounding box hanger for the dag node. |
Return a list of all the children in the group node. |
Return the AlConstructionPlane matching the given unique name. |
Return the current file path. |
Return the object that the pick list is currently referencing. |
Return the current stage. |
Returns a list of the dag nodes matching the given names. |
Return all empty layers. |
Return a list of all empty sets in the Alias Universe. |
Return a layer given its name in the Alias Universe. |
Return a layer given its number in the Alias Universe. |
Return the AlLayeredShader found by the given name. |
Return the AlLayeredShader assigned to the node corresponding to the given name. |
Return a list of all the AlLayeredShader objects in the Alias universe. |
Overloaded function. |
Return the AlLayer objects found from the given list of names. |
Return layers whose geometry do not all use the one same shader. |
Return the AlLocator object with the given name. |
Return a list of all AlLocator objects in the Alias Universe. |
Return a list of AlLocator objects with the given names. |
Return the window handle to the Alias main window. |
Return the list of top-level group nodes that contain at least one group. |
Find and return the AlPerspectiveCamera that matches the unique identifier name. |
Find and return all AlPerspectiveCameras in the Alias Universe. |
Return a list of all dag nodes that are in the pick list. |
Return a list of all objects that are in the pick list. |
Return the Alias product information. |
Return the AlReferenceFile matching the given name. |
Return the AlReferenceFile matching the given file path. |
Return the AlReferenceFile matching the given uuid. |
Return all the AlReferenceFiles imported into the current file. |
Return the AlReferenceFile objects matching the given list of names. |
Get sets by name. |
Return the Shader found by the given name. |
Return a list of all the shaders in the Alias universe. |
Return the Shader objects found by the given list of names. |
Return a list of all the shaders assigned to the node corresponding to the given name. |
Return all the existing stages of the current Alias session. |
Return the SwitchShader found by the given name. |
Return the switch shader assigned to the node corresponding to the given name. |
Return a list of all the switch shaders in the Alias universe. |
Returns a list of the top level dag nodes in the Alias Universe. |
Return all the variants of the current file. |
Return True if there are any annotation locators in the Alias Universe. |
Return 1 if the curve on surface has construction history, 0 if no construction history, and -1 if the curve on surface is invalid. |
Return True if the dag node has history, else False. |
Check if there are Alias event callbacks queued and waiting to execute. |
Return True if any AlReferenceFiles found in the current Alias Universe. |
Check if the current file contains variants. |
Import a file into the current file. |
Import the file and create an AlReferenceFile object from it. |
Imports a subdiv data from OBJ, TSM, F3D or SF3D file. |
Deprecated - use 'import_subdiv' instead. |
Initialize the Alias Universe. |
Determine if the layer is a construction layer. |
Returns True if the shader was created from a VRED shader. |
Deprecated - use 'is_stage_empty' instead. |
Check if the Alias event callbacks are currently being queued. |
Check if the current file is empty or not. |
Return the linear scale factor for the current units. |
Return the linear units for the current units. |
A function which logs a message to the given output. |
A function which logs a message to the Alias error log. |
A function which logs a message to the Alias prompt. |
A function which logs a message to the Alias prompt without history. |
A function which logs a message to the standard error stream. |
A function which logs a message to the standard output stream. |
Return the next AlConstructionPlane object found, after the given entity, in the Alias Universe. |
Return the leaf layer following cur_layer in the graph of Alias AlLayer objects in a pre-order traversal. |
Return the AlLocator following cur_locator in the list of Alias AlLocator objects. |
Set the pick list to reference the next object in the list. |
Overloaded function. |
Return the AlSwitchShader following cur_shader in the list of Alias AlSwitchShader objects. |
Return the first shader used by the given dag node. |
Return the switch shader used by the given dag node. |
Open a file in Alias. |
Pick all the given objects. |
Pick all layers in the Alias Universe. |
Pick all locators. |
Add all objects that match the given string pattern to the pick list. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Pops the pushed pick list. |
Set the pick list to reference the previous object in the list. |
Push a new pick list onto the stack. |
Manage queuing Python callbcacks triggered by Alias message events. |
Redraw the Alias screen. |
Remove the specific message handler for the message type and callback. |
Remove all message handlers for the message type. |
Remove the AlReferenceFile from the Alias Universe. |
Remove all the AlReferenceFile from the Alias Universe. |
Deprecated - use 'reset_stages' instaed. |
Overloaded function. |
Reset the current session by deleting all the stages. |
Retrieves an Alias Wire file and adds the objects stored in the file to the list of Alias AlDagNode objects. |
Get the options used by retrieve(). |
Save the current file. |
Save the current file to the given path. |
Retrieve the file and export each of its layers to a new file. |
Search the entire DAG validating each node with the provided input data. |
Search the entire DAG for nodes with construction history. |
Search the entire DAG for nodes with scale or rotate pivots not positioned at the origin. |
Search the entire DAG for nodes that do not have a zero transform. |
Search the entire DAG for nodes that are instances. |
Search the entire DAG for nodes that are templates. |
Search the entire DAG for nodes that do not have the same layer assigned as their parent node. |
Search the DAG for nodes that have unused curves on surface. |
Search the DAG for nodes that have unused curves on surface. |
Overloaded function. |
Set the parent window of the specified child window to the main Alias window. |
Set the options used by retrieve(). |
Set the options used by store(). |
Overloaded function. |
This method allows the user to store only those objects which are on the pick list. |
Save the current Alias window to a file. |
Get the options used by store(). |
This method causes geometry below the AlDagNode to be subdivided into polygons depending on the curvature of the surface. |
This method tessellates a dag using a chord height deviation tolerance. The chord height deviation |
This method tessellates a dag node using a chord height deviation tolerance and the accurate tessellator. |
This method tessellates a dag using a chord height deviation tolerance. |
This method repeatedly tessellates the surfaces with different adaptive subdivision parameters until settings are found that produce a total polygon count close to the requested number. |
This method causes the geometry below the AlDagNode to be subdivided into polygons in according to |
This method causes the geometry below the AlDagNode to be subdivided into polygons in a uniform manner. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Unpick all the given objects. |
Unpick all layers in the Alias Universe. |
Unpick all locators. |
Update an AlReferenceFile path with the new path provided. |
Overloaded function. |
Apply zero transform to all top-level dag nodes in the universe. |
Basic interface to Alias actions |
Pre- and Post- extrapolation (infinite) types for actions |
Displays the included angle between three locators. |
Basic Interface to Alias objects which support animation. |
Displays a text string for existing locators |
Interface to Alias arc curve attributes. |
Interface to Alias curve and surface attributes. |
A base class that encapsulates behavior of perspective and orthographic cameras. |
Dag node class for cameras. |
Basic interface to Alias channels |
The type of channel. |
Interface to Alias clouds. |
Encapsulates creation, deletion and manipulation of clusters. |
Basic Interface to the object representing the relationship between an item and a cluster that it belongs to. |
The dag node class for clusters. |
Encapsulates methods common to Alias objects which can belong to clusters. |
Interface to Alias conic curve attributes. |
The type of conic curve. |
Base class for Alias construction entities. |
Interface to Alias construction planes. |
The coordinate system. |
Copy options for AlDagNode. |
Interface to Alias nurbs curves geometry. |
Interface to Alias curve attributes. |
Encapsulates methods common to curve CVs. |
Curve form types. |
A dag node that refers to a nurbs curve's geometry. |
Curve node join errors. |
Interface to curves on surfaces geometry. |
Interface to Alias curve on surface points |
Interface to Alias curve points. |
// py::class_<AlDagNode, AlObject, AlPickable, std::unique_ptr<AlDagNode>>( m, "AlDagNode", R"doc( |
Interface to Alias deviation locator. |
Display mode types. |
Displays the distance between two locators. |
Base object for representing shader environment data |
Interface to Alias face curves. |
Interface to the dag node that gives access to faces. |
File types |
A dag node which can contain a list of dag nodes. |
Base class for objects which can be inserted into an AlDictionary. |
Interface to Inverse Kinematics Handles. |
Interface to dag nodes of IK handles. |
A base class used to derive iterators for performing tasks on elements of a list. |
Basic interface to Alias keyframes on parameter curve actions. |
Interface to Alias layer objects. |
Base object for representing shader data |
Encapsulates methods common to all lights. |
The dag node class for lights. |
Interface to Alias line attributes. |
Base class for objects contained in an AlList. |
Simple List class for AlLinkItem objects. |
Contains functionality common to all the Alias locators |
Interface to Alias meshes. |
A dag node that refers to a mesh's geometry. |
The type of message |
Interface to Alias Min Max locators. |
Base class for all Alias Data types. |
Alias object types. |
Orthographic modeling cameras. |
Basic interface to derived class of actions for parameter curve actions. |
Encapsulates creation, deletion and manipulation of perspective cameras |
Basic Interface to Alias objects which can be picked. |
Interface to Alias plane surface attributes. |
Contains functionality common to all Alias construction entity points. |
The type of point. |
Interface to Alias Radial locators |
A base class that encapsulates access to Reference File. |
A base class that encapsulates access to Reference File Sets. |
A base class that encapsulates access to Reference Layers. |
A structure used to transfer options that control the retrieve() method. |
Interface to Alias revolved surface attributes. |
Basic Interface to Alias set structures. |
Basic Interface to the members of Alias set structures. |
Encapsulates methods common to Alias objects which can belong to sets. |
Base object for representing shader data |
Types for shader methods. |
Interface to Alias nurbs surface geometry. |
Dag node class for shells. |
Interface to Alias space points. |
Resulting operation status codes |
A structure used to transfer options that control the store() method. |
Interface to Alias nurbs surface geometry. |
Dag node class for nurbs surfaces. |
Interface to Alias Surface points. |
Base object for representing shader data |
Basic Interface to Alias transformation matrix. |
The type of tangent. |
The tessellation types. |
Base object for representing texture data |
Dag node class for solid textures. |
The component of an action that should be extracted when evaluating a channel. |
Interface to the Alias modeling windows. |
Linear measurement units. |
Add menus to the Alias menu bar using this object. |
Menu items for the Menu object. |
The result returned by a message event. |
The reference file status. |
Class object to represetn a stage in Alias. |
The symmetry state. |
Input data for traversing teh dag. |
Output data from traversing the dag. |
The type of measurment unit. |
Options for ungrouping |
Class object to represent a variant in Alias. |
Class object to represent a 3D vector. |
A list containing object of type AlTangentType |