Source code for tank.util.user_settings

# Copyright (c) 2016 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
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User settings management.

import os
from tank_vendor.six.moves import configparser
from tank_vendor import six

from .local_file_storage import LocalFileStorageManager
from .errors import EnvironmentVariableFileLookupError, TankError
from .. import LogManager
from .singleton import Singleton
from .system_settings import SystemSettings

logger = LogManager.get_logger(__name__)

[docs]class UserSettings(Singleton): """ Handles finding and loading the user settings for Toolkit. The settings are cached in memory so the user settings object can be instantiated multiple times without any issue. All the settings are returned as strings. If a setting is missing from the file, ``None`` will be returned. If the setting is present but has no value, an empty string will be returned. As of this writing, settings can only be updated by editing the ``ini`` file manually. """ _LOGIN = "Login" def _init_singleton(self): """ Singleton initialization. """ self._path = self._compute_config_location() logger.debug("Reading user settings from %s", self._path) self._user_config = self._load_config(self._path) # Log the default settings logger.debug("Default site: %s", self._to_display_value(self.default_site)) logger.debug("Default login: %s", self._to_display_value(self.default_login)) proxy = self._get_filtered_proxy(self.shotgun_proxy) logger.debug("PTR proxy: %s", self._to_display_value(proxy)) proxy = self._get_filtered_proxy(self.app_store_proxy) logger.debug("App Store proxy: %s", self._to_display_value(proxy)) # A small hack here, but we also want to log the system http # proxy. We don't use the SystemSettings in this module, but # it is a convenient and safe place to log the proxy given that # we know it will only happen once, and we have access to the # sanitization logic here. system_proxy = self._get_filtered_proxy(SystemSettings().http_proxy) logger.debug("System proxy: %s", self._to_display_value(system_proxy)) @property def shotgun_proxy(self): """ Retrieves the value from the ``http_proxy`` setting. """ # Return the configuration settings http proxy string when it is specified; # otherwise, return the operating system http proxy string. return self.get_setting(self._LOGIN, "http_proxy") @property def app_store_proxy(self): """ Retrieves the value from the ``app_store_http_proxy`` setting. """ return self.get_setting(self._LOGIN, "app_store_http_proxy") @property def default_site(self): """ Retrieves the value from the ``default_site`` setting. """ return self.get_setting(self._LOGIN, "default_site") @property def default_login(self): """ Retrieves the value from the ``default_login`` setting. """ return self.get_setting(self._LOGIN, "default_login")
[docs] def get_section_settings(self, section): """ Retrieves the name of the settings in a given section. :param str section: Name of the section of the settings to retrieve. :returns: A list of setting's name. If the section is missing, returns ``None``. """ if not self._user_config.has_section(section): return None return self._user_config.options(section)
[docs] def get_setting(self, section, name): """ Provides access to any setting, including ones in user defined sections. :param str section: Name of the section to retrieve the setting from. Do not include the brackets. :param str name: Name of the setting under the provided section. :returns: The setting's value if found, ``None`` if the setting is missing from the file or an empty string if the setting is present but has no value associated. :rtype: str """ if not self._user_config.has_section( section ) or not self._user_config.has_option(section, name): return None value = os.path.expanduser( os.path.expandvars(self._user_config.get(section, name)) ) return value.strip()
# Unfortunately here for get_boolean_setting and get_integer_setting we're replicating some of the # logic from the ConfigParser class. We have to do this because ConfigParser doesn't expand environment # variables which is a requirement here, so get_setting does the job of using expandvars so everything # gets expanded and then the get_*_setting methods so the necessary casting. # This is taken from RawConfigParser. Values are copied in case future Python implementation # rename this. (like Python 3, not that this is going to be an issue in the foreseable future. :p) _boolean_states = { "1": True, "yes": True, "true": True, "on": True, "0": False, "no": False, "false": False, "off": False, }
[docs] def get_boolean_setting(self, section, name): """ Provides access to any setting, including ones in user defined sections, and casts it into a boolean. Values ``1``, ``yes``, ``true`` and ``on`` are converted to ``True`` while ``0``, ``no``, ``false``and ``off`` are converted to false. Case is insensitive. :param str section: Name of the section to retrieve the setting from. Do not include the brackets. :param str name: Name of the setting under the provided section. :returns: Boolean if the value is valid, None if not set. :rtype: bool :raises TankError: Raised if the value is not one of the accepted values. """ value = self.get_setting(section, name) if value is None: return None if value.lower() in self._boolean_states: return self._boolean_states[value.lower()] else: raise TankError( "Invalid value '%s' in '%s' for setting '%s' in section '%s': expecting one of '%s'." % ( value, self._path, name, section, "', '".join(self._boolean_states.keys()), ) )
[docs] def get_integer_setting(self, section, name): """ Provides access to any setting, including ones in user defined sections, and casts it into an integer. :param str section: Name of the section to retrieve the setting from. Do not include the brackets. :param str name: Name of the setting under the provided section. :returns: Boolean if the value is valid, None if not set. :rtype: bool :raises TankError: Raised if the value is not one of the accepted values. """ value = self.get_setting(section, name) if value is None: return None try: return int(value) except ValueError: raise TankError( "Invalid value '%s' in '%s' for setting '%s' in section '%s': expecting integer." % (value, self._path, name, section) )
def _evaluate_env_var(self, var_name): """ Evaluates an environment variable. :param var_name: Variable to evaluate. :returns: Value if set, None otherwise. :raises EnvironmentVariableFileLookupError: Raised if the variable is set, but the file doesn't exist. """ if var_name not in os.environ: return None # If the path doesn't exist, raise an error. raw_path = os.environ[var_name] path = os.path.expanduser(raw_path) path = os.path.expandvars(path) if not os.path.exists(path): raise EnvironmentVariableFileLookupError(var_name, raw_path) # Path is set and exist, we've found it! return path def _compute_config_location(self): """ Retrieves the location of the ``config.ini`` file. It will look in multiple locations: - The ``SGTK_PREFERENCES_LOCATION`` environment variable. - The ``SGTK_DESKTOP_CONFIG_LOCATION`` environment variable. - The Shotgun folder. - The PTR desktop app folder. :returns: The location where to read the configuration file from. """ # This is the default location. default_location = os.path.join( LocalFileStorageManager.get_global_root( LocalFileStorageManager.PREFERENCES ), "toolkit.ini", ) # This is the complete list of paths we need to test. file_locations = [ self._evaluate_env_var("SGTK_PREFERENCES_LOCATION"), self._evaluate_env_var("SGTK_DESKTOP_CONFIG_LOCATION"), # Default location first default_location, # This is the location set by users of the PTR desktop app in the past. os.path.join( LocalFileStorageManager.get_global_root( LocalFileStorageManager.CACHE, LocalFileStorageManager.CORE_V17 ), "desktop", "config", "config.ini", ), ] # Search for the first path that exists and then use it. for loc in file_locations: if loc and os.path.exists(loc): return loc # Nothing was found, just use the default location even tough it's empty. return default_location def _load_config(self, path): """ Loads the configuration at a given location and returns it. :param path: Path to the configuration to load. :returns: A ConfigParser instance with the contents from the configuration file. """ # In Python 3.2, SafeConfigParser has been renamed to ConfigParser and using the # old class name generates a warning. if six.PY2: config = configparser.SafeConfigParser() else: # Technically this only appeared in Python 3.2, but we don't support # less than 3.7, so we don't have to be very precise about which # version of Python 3 we are running. config = configparser.ConfigParser() if os.path.exists(path): return config def _get_filtered_proxy(self, proxy): """ :param proxy: Proxy server address for which we required credentials filtering. :returns: Returns the proxy settings with credentials masked. """ # If there is an address available # If there is a username and password in the proxy string. Proxy is None when not set # so test that first. if proxy and "@" in proxy: # Filter out the username and password # Given xzy:123@localhost or xyz:12@3@locahost, this will return localhost in both cases return ( "<your credentials have been removed for security reasons>@%s" % proxy.rsplit("@", 1)[-1] ) else: return proxy def _to_display_value(self, value): """ Converts the value into a meaningful value for the user if the setting is missing or empty. :returns: If None, returns ``<missing>``. If an empty string, returns ``<empty>`. Otherwise returns the value as is. """ if value is None: return "<missing>" elif value == "": return "<empty>" else: return value