# Copyright (c) 2017 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.
Methods for resolving publish data into local representations
from __future__ import with_statement
import os
from tank_vendor.shotgun_api3.lib import sgsix
from tank_vendor.six.moves import urllib
import pprint
from .publish_util import get_cached_local_storages
from ...log import LogManager
from ..shotgun_path import ShotgunPath
from ..errors import PublishPathNotDefinedError, PublishPathNotSupported
from tank.util import sgre as re
log = LogManager.get_logger(__name__)
[docs]def resolve_publish_path(tk, sg_publish_data):
Returns a local path on disk given a dictionary of Shotgun publish data.
This acts as the inverse of :meth:`register_publish` and
resolves a local path on disk given some Shotgun publish data,
typically obtained by a Shotgun API ``find()`` call.
Complex logic is applied in order to turn a publish into a
valid local path. Several exception types are raised to indicate
the reason why a path could not be resolved, allowing for workflows
where the logic can be overridden.
.. note:: This method is also called by :meth:`sgtk.Hook.get_publish_path`
which is a common method Toolkit apps use to resolve publishes
into paths.
**Published File Path Resolution**
For more information on the published file path resolution, see our `Admin Guide <https://help.autodesk.com/view/SGDEV/ENU/?guid=SGD_pg_integrations_admin_guides_integrations_admin_guide_html#configuring-published-file-path-resolution>`_.
:param tk: :class:`~sgtk.Sgtk` instance
:param sg_publish_data: Dictionary containing Shotgun publish data.
Needs to at least contain a code, type, id and a path key.
:returns: A local path to file or file sequence.
:raises: :class:`~sgtk.util.PublishPathNotDefinedError` if the path isn't defined.
:raises: :class:`~sgtk.util.PublishPathNotSupported` if the path cannot be resolved.
path_field = sg_publish_data.get("path")
"Publish id %s: Attempting to resolve publish path "
"to local file on disk: '%s'"
% (sg_publish_data["id"], pprint.pformat(path_field))
# first offer the resolve to the core hook
# note that we run this before the built-in logic because we want to be able to add support
# for handling uploaded files (or something else) in the future, yet at the same time,
# by doing that we don't want to break any client integration. By putting the hook first,
# this is possible. If we put the hook last, we could affect the conditions under which
# the hook is being executed by introducing new features.
custom_path = tk.execute_core_hook_method(
"resolve_publish", "resolve_path", sg_publish_data=sg_publish_data
if custom_path:
log.debug("Publish resolve core hook returned path '%s'" % custom_path)
return custom_path
# core hook did not pick it up - apply default logic
if path_field is None:
# no path defined for publish
raise PublishPathNotDefinedError(
"Publish %s (id %s) does not have a path set"
% (sg_publish_data["code"], sg_publish_data["id"])
elif path_field["link_type"] == "local":
# local file link
path = __resolve_local_file_link(tk, path_field)
if path is None:
raise PublishPathNotDefinedError(
"Publish %s (id %s) has a local file link that could not be resolved "
"on this os platform."
% (sg_publish_data["code"], sg_publish_data["id"])
return path
elif path_field["link_type"] == "web":
# url link
return __resolve_url_link(tk, path_field)
# unknown attachment type
raise PublishPathNotSupported(
"Publish %s (id %s): Local file link type '%s' "
"not supported."
% (sg_publish_data["code"], sg_publish_data["id"], path_field["link_type"])
def __resolve_local_file_link(tk, attachment_data):
Resolves the given local path attachment into a local path.
For details, see :meth:`resolve_publish_path`.
:param tk: :class:`~sgtk.Sgtk` instance
:param attachment_data: Shotgun Attachment dictionary.
:returns: A local path to file or file sequence or None if it cannot be resolved.
# local file link data looks like this:
# {'content_type': 'image/png',
# 'id': 25826,
# 'link_type': 'local',
# 'local_path': '/Users/foo.png',
# 'local_path_linux': None,
# 'local_path_mac': '/Users/foo.png',
# 'local_path_windows': None,
# 'local_storage': {'id': 39,
# 'name': 'home',
# 'type': 'LocalStorage'},
# 'name': 'foo.png',
# 'type': 'Attachment',
# 'url': 'file:///Users/foo.png'}
"Attempting to resolve local file link attachment data "
"into a local path: %s" % pprint.pformat(attachment_data)
# see if we have a path for this storage
local_path = attachment_data.get("local_path")
# Check override env vars:
# For local storages, it is possible to amend an existing
# storage using environment variables. For example, if a
# primary storage exists, but only has paths defined on
# windows and linux, a mac storage path defined by setting
# Similarly, if a SHOTGUN_PATH_WINDOWS_PRIMARY path is defined
# for this storage, it will be ignored and a warning is logged.
# look for override env var for our local os
storage_name = attachment_data["local_storage"]["name"].upper()
storage_id = attachment_data["local_storage"]["id"]
os_name = {"win32": "WINDOWS", "linux2": "LINUX", "darwin": "MAC"}[sgsix.platform]
env_var_name = "SHOTGUN_PATH_%s_%s" % (os_name, storage_name)
log.debug("Looking for override env var '%s'" % env_var_name)
if env_var_name in os.environ:
"Detected override %s='%s'" % (env_var_name, os.environ[env_var_name])
# if we already have this set in the local storage,
# issue a warning
if local_path:
"Discovered environment variable %s, however the operating system root is "
"already defined in PTR and the environment variable will "
"be ignored." % env_var_name
# we have an override
override_root = os.environ[env_var_name]
# normalize path
override_root = ShotgunPath.normalize(override_root)
"Applying override '%s' to path '%s' "
"(storage %s)" % (override_root, local_path, storage_name)
# get the local storage that we are augmenting
storage = [
s for s in get_cached_local_storages(tk) if s["id"] == storage_id
# find a storage where the path is defined
# we know that it must be defined for at least one os :)
storage_field_map = {
"windows_path": "local_path_windows",
"linux_path": "local_path_linux",
"mac_path": "local_path_mac",
for (storage_field, path_field) in storage_field_map.items():
this_os_storage_root = storage[storage_field]
this_os_full_path = attachment_data[path_field]
if this_os_storage_root:
# the path is defined on this os. Normalize it by
# chopping off the root
# chop off the root from the path and append override root
local_path = (
+ os.path.sep
+ this_os_full_path[len(this_os_storage_root) :]
"Transforming '%s' and root '%s' via env var '%s' into '%s'"
% (
# normalize
local_path = ShotgunPath.normalize(local_path)
log.debug("Resolved local file link: '%s'" % local_path)
return local_path
def __resolve_url_link(tk, attachment_data):
Resolves the given url attachment into a local path.
For details, see :meth:`resolve_publish_path`.
:param tk: :class:`~sgtk.Sgtk` instance
:param attachment_data: Dictionary containing Shotgun publish data.
Needs to at least contain a code, type, id and a path key.
:returns: A local path to file or file sequence.
:raises: :class:`~sgtk.util.PublishPathNotSupported` if the path cannot be resolved.
"Attempting to resolve url attachment data "
"into a local path: %s" % pprint.pformat(attachment_data)
# url data looks like this:
# {'content_type': None,
# 'id': 25828,
# 'link_type': 'web',
# 'name': 'toolkitty.jpg',
# 'type': 'Attachment',
# 'url': 'file:///C:/Users/Manne%20Ohrstrom/Downloads/toolkitty.jpg'},
parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(attachment_data["url"])
# url = "file:///path/to/some/file.txt"
# ParseResult(
# scheme='file',
# netloc='',
# path='/path/to/some/file.txt',
# params='',
# query='',
# fragment=''
# )
if parsed_url.scheme != "file":
# we currently only support file:// style urls
raise PublishPathNotSupported(
"Cannot resolve unsupported url '%s' into a local path."
% attachment_data["url"]
# file urls can be on the following standard form:
# Std unix path
# /path/to/some/file.txt -> file:///path/to/some/file.txt
# >>> urlparse.urlparse("file:///path/to/some/file.txt")
# ParseResult(scheme='file', netloc='', path='/path/to/some/file.txt', params='', query='', fragment='')
# Windows UNC path
# \\laptop\My Documents\FileSchemeURIs.doc -> file://laptop/My%20Documents/FileSchemeURIs.doc
# >>> urlparse.urlparse("file://laptop/My%20Documents/FileSchemeURIs.doc")
# ParseResult(scheme='file', netloc='laptop', path='/My%20Documents/FileSchemeURIs.doc', params='', query='', fragment='')
# Windows path with drive letter
# C:\Documents and Settings\davris\FileSchemeURIs.doc -> file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/davris/FileSchemeURIs.doc
# >>> urlparse.urlparse("file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/davris/FileSchemeURIs.doc")
# ParseResult(scheme='file', netloc='', path='/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/davris/FileSchemeURIs.doc', params='', query='', fragment='')
# for information about Windows, see
# https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/ie/2006/12/06/file-uris-in-windows/
if parsed_url.netloc:
# unc path
resolved_path = urllib.parse.unquote(
"//%s%s" % (parsed_url.netloc, parsed_url.path)
resolved_path = urllib.parse.unquote(parsed_url.path)
# python returns drive letter paths incorrectly and need adjusting.
if re.match("^/[A-Za-z]:/", resolved_path):
resolved_path = resolved_path[1:]
# we now have one of the following three forms (with slashes):
# /path/to/file.ext
# d:/path/to/file.ext
# //share/path/to/file.ext
log.debug("Path extracted from url: '%s'" % resolved_path)
# create a lookup table of shotgun paths,
# keyed by upper case storage name
log.debug("Building cross-platform path resolution lookup table:")
storage_lookup = {}
for storage in get_cached_local_storages(tk):
storage_key = storage["code"].upper()
storage_lookup[storage_key] = ShotgunPath.from_shotgun_dict(storage)
"Added PTR Storage %s: %s" % (storage_key, storage_lookup[storage_key])
# get default environment variable set
# note that this may generate a None/None/None entry
storage_lookup["_DEFAULT_ENV_VAR_OVERRIDE"] = ShotgunPath(
"Added default env override: %s" % storage_lookup["_DEFAULT_ENV_VAR_OVERRIDE"]
# look for storage overrides
for env_var in os.environ.keys():
expr = re.match("^SHOTGUN_PATH_(WINDOWS|MAC|LINUX)_(.*)$", env_var)
if expr:
platform = expr.group(1)
storage_name = expr.group(2).upper()
"Added %s environment override for %s: %s"
% (platform, storage_name, os.environ[env_var])
if storage_name not in storage_lookup:
# not in the lookup yet. Add it
storage_lookup[storage_name] = ShotgunPath()
if platform == "WINDOWS":
if storage_lookup[storage_name].windows:
# this path was already defined by a sg local storage
"Discovered env var %s, however a PTR local storage already "
"defines '%s' to be '%s'. Your environment override "
"will be ignored."
% (env_var, storage_name, storage_lookup[storage_name].windows)
storage_lookup[storage_name].windows = os.environ[env_var]
elif platform == "MAC":
if storage_lookup[storage_name].macosx:
# this path was already defined by a sg local storage
"Discovered env var %s, however a PTR local storage already "
"defines '%s' to be '%s'. Your environment override "
"will be ignored."
% (env_var, storage_name, storage_lookup[storage_name].macosx)
storage_lookup[storage_name].macosx = os.environ[env_var]
if storage_lookup[storage_name].linux:
# this path was already defined by a sg local storage
"Discovered env var %s, however a PTR local storage already "
"defines '%s' to be '%s'. Your environment override "
"will be ignored."
% (env_var, storage_name, storage_lookup[storage_name].linux)
storage_lookup[storage_name].linux = os.environ[env_var]
# now see if the given url starts with any storage def in our setup
for storage, sg_path in storage_lookup.items():
# go through each storage, see if any of the os
# path defs for the storage matches the beginning of the
# url path. Compare lower case (most file systems are case preserving).
adjusted_path = None
if sg_path.windows and resolved_path.lower().startswith(
sg_path.windows.replace("\\", "/").lower()
adjusted_path = sg_path.join(
resolved_path[len(sg_path.windows) :]
elif sg_path.linux and resolved_path.lower().startswith(sg_path.linux.lower()):
adjusted_path = sg_path.join(resolved_path[len(sg_path.linux) :]).current_os
elif sg_path.macosx and resolved_path.lower().startswith(
adjusted_path = sg_path.join(
resolved_path[len(sg_path.macosx) :]
if adjusted_path:
"Adjusted path '%s' -> '%s' based on override '%s' (%s)"
% (resolved_path, adjusted_path, storage, sg_path)
resolved_path = adjusted_path
# adjust native platform slashes
resolved_path = resolved_path.replace("/", os.path.sep)
log.debug("Converted %s -> %s" % (attachment_data["url"], resolved_path))
return resolved_path