Source code for tank.authentication.user

# Copyright (c) 2015 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.

import os
import threading
import time

from . import sso_saml2
from . import interactive_authentication
from . import user_impl
from .. import LogManager
from .errors import AuthenticationCancelled

logger = LogManager.get_logger(__name__)

# Ensure that the SSO-related logging will be merged in our loggin.

[docs]class ShotgunUser(object): """ Represents a Shotgun user, either a script or a person and provides an entry point into the authentication system. User objects are created via the :class:`ShotgunAuthenticator` object, which will handle caching user objects on disk, prompting the user for their credentials etc. Once you have retrieved one of the user objects below, this can be used to access Shotgun in a seamless way. The :meth:`create_sg_connection()` will return a Shotgun API handle which is associated with the current user. This API handle is also monitored for authentication timeouts, so if the user's session times out (typically due to periods of inactivity), the user may be prompted (via a QT UI or stdin/stdout if only console is accessible) to refresh their Shotgun session by typing in their password. If you need to persist the user object, this is possible via the serialization methods. This is particularly useful if you need to pass a user object from one process to another, for example when launching a DCC such as Maya or Nuke. """ def __init__(self, impl): """ :param impl: Internal user implementation class this class proxies. """ self._impl = impl @property def host(self): """ Returns the host for this user. :returns: The host string. """ return self._impl.get_host() @property def http_proxy(self): """ Returns the HTTP proxy for this user. :returns: The HTTP proxy string. """ return self._impl.get_http_proxy() @property def login(self): """ The login for this current user. For Shotgun user types that don't have a concept of a login (like API scripts), None is returned. :returns: The login string or None. """ return self._impl.get_login()
[docs] def resolve_entity(self): """ Resolves the Shotgun entity associated with this user. :returns: A dictionary with ``type`` and ``id`` values. :rtype: dict """ return self._impl.resolve_entity()
[docs] def create_sg_connection(self): """ Creates a Shotgun connection using the credentials for this user. :returns: A Shotgun connection. """ return self._impl.create_sg_connection()
[docs] def are_credentials_expired(self): """ Checks if the credentials for the user are expired. :returns: True if the credentials are expired, False otherwise. """ return self._impl.are_credentials_expired()
[docs] def refresh_credentials(self): """ Refreshes the credentials of this user so that they don't expire. If they are expired, you will be prompted for the user's password. """ self._impl.refresh_credentials()
def __str__(self): """ Returns the name of the user. :returns: The user's name string. """ return str(self.impl) def __repr__(self): """ Returns a string representation of the user. :returns: A string representation of the user. """ return repr(self.impl) @property def impl(self): """ Returns the user implementation object. Note: Retrieving the implementation object is unsupported and should not be attempted. It is there to expose functionality to the internals of the authentication module. We reserve the right to alter the interface of the implementation object as it needs to. :returns: The ShotgunUserImpl derived object. """ return self._impl
class ShotgunWebUser(ShotgunUser): """ This specialized shotgun user is needed when the Unified Login Flow is used for authentication. User objects are created via the :class:`ShotgunAuthenticator` object, which will handle caching user objects on disk, prompting the user for their credentials etc. """ def __init__(self, impl): """ :param impl: Internal user implementation class this class proxies. """ super(ShotgunWebUser, self).__init__(impl) class ShotgunSamlUser(ShotgunWebUser): """ This specialized shotgun user is needed when SSO is used, as it provides mechanisms for automatic claims renewal. User objects are created via the :class:`ShotgunAuthenticator` object, which will handle caching user objects on disk, prompting the user for their credentials etc. This specialized class allows the user to query the claims expiration and see if `interactive_authentication.renew_session(user)` needs to be called. It is also possible to start/stop/query the state of the automatic claims renewal: user = ... if isinstance(user, ShotgunSamlUser): user.start_claims_renewal() ... if user.is_claims_renewal_active(): user.stop_claims_renewal() """ def __init__(self, impl): """ :param impl: Internal user implementation class this class proxies. """ super(ShotgunSamlUser, self).__init__(impl) self._timer = None self._claims_renewal_cancelled = False # Calling stop_claims_renewal only guarantees that the claims renewal will stop at some point, # not that it will stop right away unfortunately. What this means is that it is possible, # however unlikely, that someone can stop and restart the claims renewal fast enough to # confuse the _timer and _claims_renewal_cancelled flag. # # This lock will ensure the thread-safety of restarting the timer. Since the timer's # thread is impacted by the update to the _claims_renewal_cancelled flag, any update # to these two will be done under a lock. # # see _do_automatic_claims_renewal to see what the race condition is exactly. self._timer_lock = threading.RLock() def get_claims_expiration(self): """ Obtains the claims expiration time for the user. :returns: The claims expiration time, expressed as the number of seconds since epoch. """ return sso_saml2.get_saml_claims_expiration(self._impl.get_session_metadata()) def _do_automatic_claims_renewal(self, preemtive_renewal_threshold=0.9): """ Handles automatic renewal of the SAML2 claims for the user. :param preemtive_renewal_threshold: How far into the claims duration we will attempt renewal. Defaults to 90%, usually 4 minutes 30 seconds (90% of 5 mins). """ if self._claims_renewal_cancelled: return logger.debug("Attempting automatic claims renewal") try: previous_expiration = self.get_claims_expiration() # A call to renew_session when SSO is used will not prompt the user for # their credentials if it is not necessary. interactive_authentication.renew_session(self._impl) new_expiration = self.get_claims_expiration() if new_expiration > previous_expiration: logger.debug("Automatic claims renewal succeeded.") delta = (new_expiration - time.time()) * preemtive_renewal_threshold # If we are debugging, we will use a shorter expiration time. # SHOTGUN_SSO_RENEWAL_INTERVAL should be a value in seconds. if "SHOTGUN_SSO_RENEWAL_INTERVAL" in os.environ: delta = int(os.environ["SHOTGUN_SSO_RENEWAL_INTERVAL"]) logger.debug("Next claims renewal attempt: %f" % delta) with self._timer_lock: # Let's pretend "stop_claims_renewal" has already been called, so # "_claims_renewal_cancelled" is currently True. Thread A is the # main thread and B is the thread that runs "_do_automatic_claims_renewal". # # 1. This IF is evaluated by thread B, so the next instruction will be "return" # 2. From thread A, "start_claims_renewal" is called. # 3. Thread A sets the flag to False and checks if the timer is active. It is, # because _do_automatic_claims_renewal is still executing, so the method # thinks it doesn't have to restart the timer and returns. # 4. Thread B now resumes and returns. # 5. At some point in the future, claim renewal won't happen and the session # is going to go out of date. # # With the lock, this isn't an issue anymore, because the act of setting the flag # and setting the timer, or reading the flag and setting the timer, is done in # an atomic fashion, so there are no more race conditions. if self._claims_renewal_cancelled: return self._timer = threading.Timer( delta, self._do_automatic_claims_renewal, [preemtive_renewal_threshold], ) self._timer.start() else: logger.warning( "No further attempts to auto-renew in the background will be attempted." ) except AuthenticationCancelled: logger.debug("Automatic SSO claim renewal was cancelled while processing.") raise def start_claims_renewal(self, preemtive_renewal_threshold=0.9): """ Start claims renewal mechanism. :param preemtive_renewal_threshold: Value between 0 and 1 indicating how far into the claims duration we will attempt a renewal. The claims duration is usually 5 minutes. For example, a value of 0.9, which is also the default value, will indicate that the renewal should happen after 4 minutes and 30 seconds. """ # Ensure thread-safe access of _claims_renewal_cancelled and _timer. See __init__ # for details. with self._timer_lock: self._claims_renewal_cancelled = False if self._timer is None or not self.is_claims_renewal_active(): self._do_automatic_claims_renewal(preemtive_renewal_threshold) else: logger.debug( "Attempting to start claims renewal when it was already active." ) def stop_claims_renewal(self): """ Stops claims renewal mechanism. """ # Ensure thread-safe access of _claims_renewal_cancelled and _timer. See __init__ # for details. with self._timer_lock: self._claims_renewal_cancelled = True if self._timer: self._timer.cancel() else: logger.debug( "Attempting to stop claims renewal when it was not active." ) def is_claims_renewal_active(self): """ Query the current state of the claims renewal mechanism. :returns: A bool value on the current active state of the renewal loop. """ if self._timer: return self._timer.is_alive() else: return False
[docs]def serialize_user(user, use_json=False): """ Serializes a user. Meant to be consumed by deserialize. :param user: User object that needs to be serialized. :param use_json: If ``True``, a ``json`` representation will be generated. A pickled representation will be generated otherwise. :returns: The payload representing the user. """ return user_impl.serialize_user(user.impl, use_json=use_json)
[docs]def deserialize_user(payload): """ Converts a payload produced by serialize into any of the ShotgunUser derived instance. :param payload: Pickled dictionary of values :returns: A ShotgunUser derived instance. """ impl = user_impl.deserialize_user(payload) # We use the presence of session_metadata as an indicator that we are using SSO. if ( isinstance(impl, user_impl.SessionUser) and impl.get_session_metadata() is not None ): # if sso_saml2.get_saml_claims_expiration(impl.get_session_metadata()): if sso_saml2.has_sso_info_in_cookies(impl.get_session_metadata()): return ShotgunSamlUser(impl) if sso_saml2.has_unified_login_flow_info_in_cookies( impl.get_session_metadata() ): return ShotgunWebUser(impl) # If there are no cookies or invalid/unknown cookies, we return a ShotgunUser. return ShotgunUser(impl)