Source code for context_change

# Copyright (c) 2018 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
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This hook gets executed before and after the context changes in Toolkit.

from tank import get_hook_baseclass

[docs]class ContextChange(get_hook_baseclass()): """ - If an engine **starts up**, the ``current_context`` passed to the hook methods will be ``None`` and the ``next_context`` parameter will be set to the context that the engine is starting in. - If an engine is being **reloaded**, in the context of an engine restart for example, the ``current_context`` and ``next_context`` will usually be the same. - If a **context switch** is requested, for example when a user switches from project to shot mode in Nuke Studio, ``current_context`` and ``next_context`` will contain two different context. .. note:: These hooks are called whenever the context is being set in Toolkit. It is possible that the new context will be the same as the old context. If you want to trigger some behavior only when the new one is different from the old one, you'll need to compare the two arguments using the ``!=`` operator. """
[docs] def pre_context_change(self, current_context, next_context): """ Executed before the context has changed. The default implementation does nothing. :param current_context: The context of the engine. :type current_context: :class:`~sgtk.Context` :param next_context: The context the engine is switching to. :type next_context: :class:`~sgtk.Context` """ pass
[docs] def post_context_change(self, previous_context, current_context): """ Executed after the context has changed. The default implementation does nothing. :param previous_context: The previous context of the engine. :type previous_context: :class:`~sgtk.Context` :param current_context: The current context of the engine. :type current_context: :class:`~sgtk.Context` """ pass