The AliasEngine
is the main class which constructs and initializes the Toolkit engine.
# Copyright (c) 2023 Autodesk Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the ShotGrid Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the ShotGrid Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Autodesk Inc.
import os
import sys
import pprint
import sgtk
from sgtk.util import LocalFileStorageManager
class AliasEngine(sgtk.platform.Engine):
"""Alias engine for Flow Production Tracking Toolkit."""
# The name of the hidden window, used to parent SG widgets to the Alias main window.
__PROXY_WINDOW_TITLE = "sgtk dialog owner proxy"
def __init__(self, tk, context, engine_instance_name, env):
"""Initialize the engine."""
# Get all environment variables that the engine cares about
self.alias_execpath = os.getenv("TK_ALIAS_EXECPATH", None)
self.alias_bindir = os.path.dirname(self.alias_execpath)
self.alias_codename = os.getenv("TK_ALIAS_CODENAME", "autostudio")
self.alias_version = os.getenv("TK_ALIAS_VERSION", None)
self.__hostname = os.getenv("SHOTGRID_ALIAS_HOST", None)
self.__namespace = os.getenv("SHOTGRID_ALIAS_NAMESPACE", None)
self.__port = os.getenv("SHOTGRID_ALIAS_PORT", None)
if self.__port is not None:
self.__port = int(self.__port)
# The tk-alias python module
self._tk_alias = None
# Keep track of the Flow Production Tracking context by stage name and path to allow context switching.
self._contexts_by_stage_name = {}
self._contexts_by_path = {}
# The menu generator is responsible for adding the Flow Production Tracking menu to the Alias window.
self.__menu_generator = None
# The event watcher manages handling Alias event callbacks.
self.__event_watcher = None
# The data validator provides the functionality for validating Alias data. This is
# set up to be used by the Data Validation App.
self.__data_validator = None
# A socketio client used to communicate with Alias in OpenModel
self.__sio = None
# Information about the server that the socketio client is connected to.
self.__server_info = {}
# Information about the plugin that bootstrapped the engine
self.__plugin_info = {}
# This module will be initialized with the Alias Python API and utility functions on
# calling '__init_api'
self.__alias_py = None
# Create a QWidget to parent all Flow Production Tracking windows to. This widget will set its parent
# as the Alias main window.
self.__proxy_window = None
# When running in the same process as Alias (for Alias versions <2024.0), the engine
# will create the qt app instance.
self.__qt_app = None
if not hasattr(sys, "argv"):
sys.argv = [""]
# Flag inidicating if Flow Production Tracking is running in the same process as Alias. This will
# determine how Flow Production Tracking will communicate with Alias.
self.__in_alias_process = os.path.basename(sys.executable) == "Alias.exe"
open_model = os.getenv("TK_ALIAS_OPEN_MODEL")
if open_model is None:
# For backward compatibility, OpenModel mode is when not executing in the same process
# as Alias
self.__is_open_model = not self.__in_alias_process
self.__is_open_model = open_model in ("1", "true", "True")
# Determine if the engine is running with a GUI or not
if "TK_ALIAS_HAS_UI" in os.environ:
# Found the environment variable to explicitly turn on/off GUI mode.
self.__has_ui = os.environ.get("TK_ALIAS_HAS_UI", False) in (
# Not explicitly defined to have a UI, we will say there is a UI if running in the
# same process as Alias (for backward compatibility)
self.__has_ui = self.__in_alias_process
# Call the base engine init method
super(AliasEngine, self).__init__(tk, context, engine_instance_name, env)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Plugin version < 4.0.0 methods
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def get_current_engine():
Return the engine that Toolkit is currently running. This is used by the Alias
C++ Plugin to ensure that its reference to the engine is not stale (e.g. the
plugin's reference will become stale after the engine has been reloaded).
return sgtk.platform.current_engine()
def on_plugin_init(self, plugin, alias, python):
Called on plugin initialization for shotgrid.plugin (plugin version <= 3) and for
Alias version < 2024.0.
f"Plugin initialized: v{plugin} Alias v{alias} Python v{python}"
self.__plugin_info = {
"plugin_version": plugin,
"alias_version": alias,
"python_version": python,
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Properties
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Base Engine properties
def host_info(self):
Returns information about the application hosting this engine.
:returns: A {"name": application name, "version": application version}
dictionary. eg: {"name": "AfterFX", "version": "2017.1.1"}
return dict(name="Alias", version=self.plugin_info.get("alias_version"))
def has_ui(self):
"""Return True if Alias is running in interactive mode (OpenAlias), otherwise False (for OpenModel)."""
return self.__has_ui
def context_change_allowed(self):
"""Specifies that context changes are allowed by the engine."""
return True
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Alias Engine properties
def plugin_info(self):
"""Get the information about the plugin the engine is running with."""
return self.__plugin_info
def in_alias_process(self):
"""Get whether or not the engine is running in the same process as Alias or not."""
return self.__in_alias_process
def alias_py(self):
Get the AliasPy object that can be used to communicate with Alias.
Use the AliasPy.api property to access the Alias API and make requests. Use the other
AliasPy properties for api helper methods.
return self.__alias_py
def event_watcher(self):
"""Get the AliasEventWatcher object to help manager Alias message events and Python callbacks."""
return self.__event_watcher
def data_validator(self):
"""Get the AliasDataValidator object to help validate the Alias data."""
return self.__data_validator
def executable_path(self):
"""Get the path to the currently running Alias executable."""
return self.alias_execpath
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Override base Engine class methods
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def pre_app_init(self):
Sets up the engine into an operational state. Executed by the system and typically
implemented by deriving classes. This method called before any apps are loaded.
self.logger.debug("%s: Initializing..." % (self,))
# Ensure that the framework has been initialiazed. This must be called
# before import 'tk-alias' module, since this module will attempt to
# import the framework.
# Import python/tk_alias module
self._tk_alias = self.import_module("tk_alias")
# Initialize the Alias Python API module (requires tk_alias module)
self.__init_api(self.__hostname, self.__port, self.__namespace)
if self.__sio:
self.__server_info = self.__sio.call_threadsafe("server_info")
self.__plugin_info = self.__server_info.get("client") or {}
f"Alias server info: {pprint.pformat(self.__server_info)}"
# No server, we're in OpenModel mode.
self.__server_info = {}
def post_app_init(self):
"""This method called after all apps have been loaded."""
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtGui
# If qt is already running (e.g. on engine restart) do the post qt init now, otherwise
# post_qt_init will be called in startup/bootstrap.py after engine created.
instance = QtGui.QApplication.instance()
if instance:
def post_context_change(self, old_context, new_context):
Runs after a context change has occurred.
:param old_context: The previous context.
:param new_context: The current context.
self.logger.debug("%s: Post context change...", self)
# Rebuild the menu only if we change of context and if we're running Alias in interactive mode
if self.has_ui and self.__menu_generator:
def destroy_engine(self):
"""Called when the engine should tear down itself and all its apps."""
self.logger.debug("%s: Destroying...", self)
if self.__event_watcher:
self.__event_watcher = None
if self.__menu_generator:
if self.__sio and not self.__sio.connected:
"No connection to Alias server. Can't remove ShotGrid menu."
self.__menu_generator = None
# Close all Shotgun app dialogs that are still opened since some apps do threads
# cleanup in their onClose event handler
# Note that this function is called when the engine is restarted (through "Reload
# Engine and Apps")
# Important: Copy the list of dialogs still opened since the call to close() will modify created_qt_dialogs
dialogs_still_opened = self.created_qt_dialogs[:]
for dialog in dialogs_still_opened:
if self.__sio:
if self.__sio.connected:
self.__sio = None
if self.__qt_app:
def show_panel(self, panel_id, title, bundle, widget_class, *args, **kwargs):
Show a dialog as panel in Alias as they are not properly supported. In case the widget has already been opened,
do not create a second widget but use the existing one instead.
:param panel_id: Unique identifier for the panel, as obtained by register_panel().
:param title: The title of the panel
:param bundle: The app, engine or framework object that is associated with this window
:param widget_class: The class of the UI to be constructed. This must derive from QWidget.
Additional parameters specified will be passed through to the widget_class constructor.
:returns: the created widget_class instance
self.logger.debug("Begin showing panel {}".format(panel_id))
if not self.has_ui:
"Sorry, this environment does not support UI display! Cannot show "
"the requested window '{}'.".format(title)
return None
# try to find existing window in order to avoid having many instances of the same app opened at the same time
for qt_dialog in self.created_qt_dialogs:
if not hasattr(qt_dialog, "_widget"):
if qt_dialog._widget.objectName() == panel_id:
widget_instance = qt_dialog
# in case we can't find an existing widget, create a new one
# Widgets application
widget_instance = self.show_dialog(
title, bundle, widget_class, *args, **kwargs
return widget_instance
def _get_dialog_parent(self):
"""Get Alias dialog parent window."""
# No parent dialog if the engine is not running in GUI mode.
if not self.has_ui:
return None
window = self.__get_or_create_proxy_window()
if window:
return window
return super(AliasEngine, self)._get_dialog_parent()
def _emit_log_message(self, handler, record):
Called by the engine to log messages in Alias Terminal.
All log messages from the toolkit logging namespace will be passed to this method.
:param handler: Log handler that this message was dispatched from.
Its default format is "[levelname basename] message".
:type handler: :class:`~python.logging.LogHandler`
:param record: Standard python logging record.
:type record: :class:`~python.logging.LogRecord`
# TODO: improve Alias API to redirect the logs to the Alias Promptline
def _initialize_dark_look_and_feel(self):
Override the base engine method.
Apply specific styling for Alias.
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtGui
# Initialize the SG Toolkit style to the application.
# Apply Alias specific styling
app = QtGui.QApplication.instance()
app_palette = app.palette()
# The default placeholder text for Alias is black, let's set it back to
# the text color (as it was in Qt5), but with the current placeholder
# text alpha value.
new_placeholder_text_color = app_palette.text().color()
placeholder_text_color = app_palette.placeholderText().color()
app_palette.setColor(QtGui.QPalette.PlaceholderText, new_placeholder_text_color)
# Set the palette back with the Alias specific styling
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Public methods
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def restart_process(self):
Restart the process that the engine is running in.
This is only applicable when the engine has a socketio client set up to communicate
with Alias (e.g. OpenAlias mode).
self.logger.info("Restarting the Alias Engine...")
if not self.__sio:
raise NotImplementedError()
if self.__menu_generator:
status = self.__menu_generator.remove_menu()
if status == self.alias_py.AlStatusCode.Success.value:
"Removed Flow Production Tracking menu from Alias successfully."
elif status == self.alias_py.AlStatusCode.Failure.value:
"Failed to remove Flow Production Tracking menu from Alias"
f"Alias Python API menu.remove() returned non-success status code {status}"
self.__menu_generator = None
def shutdown(self):
Shutdown the application running the engine.
This method attempts to exit the Qt application runnign the engine, which will be
responsible for ensuring that the engine is destroyed properly (e.g. calling destroy
on the engine itself).
self.logger.info("Shutting down the Alias Engine...")
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtGui
qt_app = QtGui.QApplication.instance() or self.__qt_app
if qt_app:
# Destroy the engine if there is no qt app
def __init_qt_app(self):
Initialize the Qt Application.
This should only be called when Flow Production Tracking is running in the same process as Alias, and
Alias does not create a Qt Application (for Alias < 2024.0).
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtCore, QtGui
pyside_folder = os.path.dirname(QtCore.__file__)
site_packages_folder = os.path.dirname(pyside_folder)
lib_folder = os.path.dirname(site_packages_folder)
python_folder = os.path.dirname(lib_folder)
shotgun_create_folder = os.path.dirname(python_folder)
qt_folder = os.path.join(shotgun_create_folder, "Qt")
# PySide plugins
plugins_dir = os.path.join(pyside_folder, "plugins")
if os.path.exists(plugins_dir):
# QT plugins
plugins_dir = os.path.join(qt_folder, "plugins")
if os.path.exists(plugins_dir):
self.__qt_app = QtGui.QApplication.instance()
if not self.__qt_app:
self.__qt_app = QtGui.QApplication(
["Flow Production Tracking Alias Engine"]
def _app_quit():
def post_qt_init(self):
Initialize the engine after Qt has been initialized and an app has been created.
This is used by the startup/bootstrap.py to finish setting up the engine after the
Qt app instance has been created, but before the event loop has started.
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtCore, QtGui
instance = QtGui.QApplication.instance()
if not instance:
# Nothing to do if there is no QApplication running.
"Attempted to initialize for Qt but Qt application instance not found."
self.__has_ui = False
# Ensure that the has ui flag has been set, though it should have been set on engine
# creation to ensure it was initialized properly.
self.__has_ui = True
# Initialie the SG Toolkit style to the application.
# unicode characters returned by the shotgun api need to be converted
# to display correctly in all of the app windows
# tell QT to interpret C strings as utf-8
utf8 = QtCore.QTextCodec.codecForName("utf-8")
self.logger.debug("set utf-8 codec for widget text")
# Create the parent dialog for Flow Production Tracking widgets
# Check that the Alias version is supported. Pop up a warning dialog if not.
# Initialize engine members that require Qt
self.__menu_generator = self._tk_alias.menu_generation.AliasMenuGenerator(self)
self.__data_validator = self._tk_alias.data_validator.AliasDataValidator(self)
self.__event_watcher = self.__init_alias_event_watcher()
# Build the Flow Production Tracking menu in Alias. It will be added to the Alias main menu bar.
# Run the start up commands
# Check if there is a file set to open on startup
path = os.environ.get("SGTK_FILE_TO_OPEN", None)
if path:
if self.__sio:
# Add a timer to delay opening the file for 5 seconds. This is a work around for
# Alias when running SG in the same process (<2024), which is not ready to open
# a file on engine startup. This is not a bullet proof solution, but it should
# work in most cases, and there is not a better alternative to support older
# versions of Alias.
QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(1000 * 5, lambda: self.open_file(path))
# Clear the env var after loading so that it doesn't get reopened on an engine restart.
del os.environ["SGTK_FILE_TO_OPEN"]
def save_context_for_stage(self, context=None):
Save the context associated to the current Alias stage.
We need to save and restore the context because of the different stages the user can use.
As the Stages can change their name, we need to store the context for both the stage name and the stage path.
:param context: We can specify a context to associate to the current stage. If no one is supplied, we will use
the current one.
if not context:
context = self.context
current_stage = self.alias_py.get_current_stage()
if not current_stage:
if current_stage.path:
self._contexts_by_path[current_stage.path] = context
self._contexts_by_stage_name[current_stage.name] = context
# File I/O
def save_file(self):
Convenience function to call the Alias Python API to save the file and ensure
the context is saved for the current stage.
status = self.alias_py.save_file()
if status == self.alias_py.AlStatusCode.Failure.value:
self.logger.error("Alias Python API save_file failed")
elif status != self.alias_py.AlStatusCode.Success.value:
"Alias Python API save_file returned non-success status code {}".format(
# Save context for the current stage that was updated
def save_file_as(self, path):
Convenience function to call the Alias Python API to save the file and ensure
the context is saved for the current stage.
:param path: the file path to save.
:type path: str
status = self.alias_py.save_file_as(path)
if status == self.alias_py.AlStatusCode.Failure.value:
self.logger.error("Alias Python API save_file_as failed")
elif status != self.alias_py.AlStatusCode.Success.value:
"Alias Python API save_file_as('{}') returned non-success status code {}".format(
path, status
# Save context for the current stage that was updated
def open_file(self, path):
Convenience function to call the Alias Python API to open a file and ensure
the context is saved for the current stage.
:param path: the file path to open.
:type path: str
status = self.alias_py.open_file(path)
if status == self.alias_py.AlStatusCode.Failure.value:
self.logger.error("Alias Python API open_file failed")
elif status != self.alias_py.AlStatusCode.Success.value:
"Alias Python API open_file('{}') returned non-success status code {}".format(
path, status
# Save context for the current stage that was updated
# AliasEventWatcher callbacks
def on_stage_active(self, result):
This is a callback that is triggered by Alias "StageCreated" events.
Update the Flow Production Tracking context according to the current stage (since it may have changed).
:param result: The result of the Alias stage created event.
:type result: alias_api.PythonCallbackMessageResult
current_stage = self.alias_py.get_current_stage()
# Do nothing if the current stage is invalid
if not current_stage or (not current_stage.name and not current_stage.path):
# Do nothing if there are no SG contexts saved for Alias stages yet
if not self._contexts_by_path and not self._contexts_by_stage_name:
# Attempt to get the saved SG context for the current Alias stage
context = None
if current_stage.path and current_stage.path in self._contexts_by_path:
# Found the context form the stage path
context = self._contexts_by_path[current_stage.path]
elif current_stage.name and current_stage.name in self._contexts_by_stage_name:
# Found the context form the stage name
context = self._contexts_by_stage_name[current_stage.name]
# Context not found, reset to the project context
context = self.sgtk.context_from_entity_dictionary(self.context.project)
# Only change the context if we found one and it is not the current context
if context and context != self.context:
# QT Utils
def open_save_as_dialog(self):
Try to open tk-multi-workfiles2 Save As... dialog if it exists otherwise
launch a Qt file browser for the Save As...
workfiles = self.apps.get("tk-multi-workfiles2", None)
if workfiles:
if hasattr(workfiles, "show_file_save_dlg"):
kwargs = {"use_modal_dialog": True}
# Alias doesn't appear to have a "save as" dialog accessible via
# python. so open our own Qt file dialog.
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtGui
file_dialog = QtGui.QFileDialog(
caption="Save As",
filter="Alias file (*.wire)",
file_dialog.setLabelText(QtGui.QFileDialog.Accept, "Save")
file_dialog.setLabelText(QtGui.QFileDialog.Reject, "Cancel")
if not file_dialog.exec_():
path = file_dialog.selectedFiles()[0]
if os.path.splitext(path)[-1] != ".wire":
path = "{0}.wire".format(path)
if path:
def open_delete_stages_dialog(self, new_file=False):
Launch a QT prompt dialog to ask the user if he wants to delete all the existing stages or keep them when
opening a new file.
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtGui
if new_file:
message = "DELETE all objects, shaders, views and actions in all existing Stage before Opening a New File?"
message = "DELETE all objects, shaders, views and actions in all existing Stage before Opening this File?"
message_type = (
QtGui.QMessageBox.Yes | QtGui.QMessageBox.No | QtGui.QMessageBox.Cancel
answer = QtGui.QMessageBox.question(
self._get_dialog_parent(), "Open", message, message_type
return answer
# Utils
def get_tk_from_project(self, project):
Get the tank instance given the project ID.
This is useful when you have to deal with files from library project.
This method performs the same operation as get_tk_from_project_id, except that it
provides a fallback code path to ensure the pipeline configuration is loaded.
:param project: The project you want to get the tank instance for.
:type project: dict
:return: An sgtk instance.
:rtype: :class`sgtk.Sgtk`
project_id = project["id"]
# first of all, we need to determine if the file we're trying to import lives in the current project or in
# another one
in_current_project = project_id == self.context.project["id"]
if in_current_project:
return self.sgtk
# if the file we're trying to import lives in another project, we need to access the configuration used by this
# project in order to get the right configuration settings
pc_local_path = self.__get_pipeline_configuration_local_path(project)
if not pc_local_path:
"Couldn't get tank instance for project {}.".format(project_id)
return None
return sgtk.sgtk_from_path(pc_local_path)
def get_tk_from_project_id(self, project_id):
Get the tank instance given the project ID.
This is useful when you have to deal with files from library project.
NOTE use get_tk_from_project for a more robust method to get the sgtk instance.
:param project_id: Id of the project you want to get the tank instance for
:return: An instance of :class`sgtk.Sgtk`
# first of all, we need to determine if the file we're trying to import lives in the current project or in
# another one
in_current_project = project_id == self.context.project["id"]
if in_current_project:
return self.sgtk
# if the file we're trying to import lives in another project, we need to access the configuration used by this
# project in order to get the right configuration settings
pc_local_path = self.__get_pipeline_configuration_local_path(project_id)
if not pc_local_path:
"Couldn't get tank instance for project {}.".format(project_id)
return None
return sgtk.sgtk_from_path(pc_local_path)
def get_reference_template(self, tk, sg_data):
Get the reference_template according to the given context
:param tk: Instance of :class`sgtk.Sgtk` for the project we want to get the reference template from
:param sg_data: Dictionary of Shotgun data containing some context information. This dictionary must contain
the 'task' field
:return: The reference template object
if "task" not in sg_data.keys():
self.logger.error("Couldn't find 'task' key in sg_data dictionary")
ctx = tk.context_from_entity_dictionary(sg_data["task"])
if not ctx:
self.logger.error("Couldn't find context from data: {}".format(sg_data))
env = sgtk.platform.engine.get_environment_from_context(tk, ctx)
if not env:
self.logger.error("Couldn't get environment from context")
engine_settings = env.get_engine_settings(self.name)
if not engine_settings:
self.logger.error("Couldn't get engine settings")
reference_template_name = engine_settings.get("reference_template")
if not reference_template_name:
self.logger.error("Couldn't get reference template from settings")
return tk.templates.get(reference_template_name)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Private methods
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __ensure_framework(self):
Ensure that tk-framework-alias is initialized.
When the engine is launched from FPT Desktop, the engine startup is
executed which initializes the framework. However, when the engine is
bootstrapped in a headless mode (OpenModel), the framework is not
guaranteed to be initialized. The engine depends on the framework, so
ensure that it is set up correctly in this case.
if self.__in_alias_process or not self.__is_open_model:
# The framework should have been initialized by startup.py
# prepare_launch.
return True
# Executing in headless mode (OpenModel), ensure the framework is
# initialized.
self.logger.info("Initializing tk-framework-alias for headless mode")
# Ensure the environment variables are set to import the Alias Python API module
os.environ["ALIAS_PLUGIN_CLIENT_ALIAS_VERSION"] = self.alias_version
os.environ["ALIAS_PLUGIN_CLIENT_ALIAS_EXECPATH"] = self.alias_execpath
# Get the framework location and add it to the python path. This is
# required since the framework uses absolute imports.
tk_alias_framework = self.frameworks.get("tk-framework-alias")
if not tk_alias_framework:
self.logger.error("Missing required tk-framework-alias framework.")
return False
framework_location = self.frameworks["tk-framework-alias"].disk_location
framework_python_path = os.path.join(framework_location, "python")
sys.path.insert(0, framework_python_path)
# Get the startup utils to help initialize the framework.
import tk_framework_alias_utils.startup as startup_utils
# Ensure the python c extension packages are installed in order to
# import the framework server module.
if not startup_utils.ensure_python_packages_installed(
python_version=(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor),
"Failed to install required python packages for tk-framework-alias."
return False
# Successfully initialized framework for headless mode.
return True
def __setup_sio(self, hostname, port, namespace):
Set up the socketio communication with Alias.
Create a socketio client to connect to the running Alias server.
:param hostname: The api server host name to connect to.
:type hostname: str
:param port: The api server port name to connect to.
:type port: int
:param namespace: The api server namespace to connect to.
:type namespace: str
:return: True if the socketio client was created and is connected to the server, False
:rtype: bool
# Create and connect to the server to communicate with Alias
self.__sio = self._tk_alias.ShotGridAliasSocketIoClient(
self, namespace, timeout=60 * 3
if not self.__sio:
raise Exception("Failed to create socketio client")
# Connect to the server to start communicating
self.__sio.start(hostname, port)
# Return the connection status
return self.__sio.connected
def __init_api(self, hostname=None, port=None, namespace=None, force=False):
Initialize the Alias Python api module to allow communication with Alias.
The api can be initialized for either OpenAlias (GUI) or OpenModel (headless/batch)
For OpenAlias, the hostname, port and namespace arguments must be provided. These are
required to connect to the running instance of Alias via a socketio server, which will
provide the Alias API access.
For OpenModel, none of the arguments are needed. Instead of connecting to a server to
access the Alias API, the Alias Python API module can be directly imported (since it
does not need to communicate with a running instance of Alias).
:param hostname: For OpenAlias, the server host name to connect to, to access the api.
:type hostname: str
:param port: For OpenAlias, the server port to connect to, to access the api.
:type port: int
:param namespace: For OpenAlias, the server namespace to connect to, to access the api.
:type namespace: str
:param force: Force the api to be initialized, even if it has already been initialized.
:type force: bool
if self.__alias_py and not force:
# Already initialized.
api_module = None
api_proxy_module = None
if self.__in_alias_process:
# Flow Production Tracking is running in the same process as Alias. This is the old way that the
# engine was set up for, and will not work with Alias versions that use Qt for its
# GUI (>=2024.0).
import alias_api
except Exception as api_import_error:
raise Exception(
f"Failed to import Alias Python API in same process as Alias.\n{api_import_error}"
api_module = alias_api
if self.__has_ui:
# When running Flow Production Tracking in the same process as Alias, the qt app needs to be
# created by the engine
# Flow Production Tracking is running in a separate process than Alias. This is the new way how
# the engine operates: the Alias plugin will bootstrap the engine in a separate
# process than Alias (to avoid Qt conflicts between QtQuick/QML and QWidgets).
if self.__is_open_model or None in (hostname, port, namespace):
# Run in OpenModel model (headless/batch), directly import the Alias Python API
# module for OpenModel, which should already be imported via importing the
# tk-framework-alias module (in python/tk_alias/framework_alias.py).
import alias_api_om
except Exception as api_import_error:
raise Exception(
f"Failed to import Alias Python API for OpenModel.\n{api_import_error}"
api_module = alias_api_om
# Initialize the universe to make the api ready for requests.
# Run in OpenAlias mode, an instance of Alias should be running with a server
# listening for client connections to communicate with. Using the socket
# communication, the api will be imported.
connected = self.__setup_sio(hostname, port, namespace)
if not connected:
raise Exception("Failed to connect to Alias api server")
# Get the server info and api module through the socket connection
api_proxy_module = self.__sio.get_alias_api_module_proxy()
api_module = api_proxy_module.get_or_create_module(self.__sio)
if not api_module:
raise Exception("Failed to get Alias Python API from proxy module.")
# Create the AliasPy object to wrap the api module. All Alias api requests can be made
# directly with the AliasPy object, it will route the request to the actual api module
self.__alias_py = self._tk_alias.AliasPy(api_module, api_proxy_module)
# Allow the AliasPy object to be imported. This is for backward compatibility with
# previous engine versions aceessing the alias_api.pyd module directly through import
sys_module_name = "alias_api"
sys.modules[sys_module_name] = self.__alias_py
# Sanity check that the module can be imported.
import alias_api
assert alias_api is self.__alias_py
except Exception as import_error:
raise Exception(
f"Failed to set up the Alias Python API module\n{import_error}"
def __init_alias_event_watcher(self):
Initialize the Alias event watcher.
Register any initial Alias message event callbacks, and start watching for events immediately.
NOTE: registering callback for event AlMessageType.DagNameModified causes a crash on startup.
This looks like a bug where Alias is not ready to handle events yet but we can register them.
:return: The Alias event watcher object.
:rtype: AliasEventWatcher
event_watcher = self._tk_alias.alias_event_watcher.AliasEventWatcher(self)
# Register event callbacks
# Now start watching the events. This should be called after registering events to
# ensure the event watcher starts listening.
return event_watcher
def __check_version_support(self):
Check that the Alias version is supported.
The Alias version must be set before calling this method.
The Qt application must be created before calling this method.
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtGui
if not self.alias_version:
self.logger.debug("Couldn't get Alias version. Skip version comparison")
return False
if int(self.alias_version[0:4]) > self.get_setting(
"compatibility_dialog_min_version", 2020
msg = (
"The Flow Production Tracking Toolkit has not yet been fully tested "
"with Alias %s. You can continue to use the Toolkit but you may "
"experience bugs or instability. Please report any issues you see "
"to %s" % (self.alias_version, sgtk.support_url)
if self.has_ui:
"Warning - Flow Production Tracking Toolkit!",
return False
elif int(self.alias_version[0:4]) < 2021 and self.get_setting(
msg = (
"The Flow Production Tracking Toolkit is not fully capable with "
"Alias %s. You should consider upgrading to a more recent version "
"of Alias. Please report any issues you see to %s"
% (self.alias_version, sgtk.support_url)
if self.has_ui:
"Warning - Flow Production Tracking Toolkit!",
return False
# Version successfully checked and is supported
return True
def __get_or_create_proxy_window(self):
Create a widget to parent all Flow Production Tracking windows to.
This widget itself will be parented to the Alias main window.
This method must be called after Qt and the Alias Python API has been initialized.
if not self.has_ui:
return None
# import alias_api
from sgtk.platform.qt import QtGui
if not self.__proxy_window:
if hasattr(self.alias_py, "set_parent_window"):
# The Alias API version >= 4.0.0 provides functions to manage the Alias main
# window (e.g. set as parent to Flow Production Tracking windows)
self.__proxy_window = QtGui.QWidget()
self.__proxy_window = (
self._tk_alias.DialogParent() if self.has_ui else None
if isinstance(self.__proxy_window, self._tk_alias.DialogParent):
window = self.__proxy_window.get_dialog_parent()
if window:
return window
return QtGui.QApplication.activeWindow()
# Adjust window to center of Alias main window (this will only take effect when using
# Alias Python API version >= 4.0.0
return self.__proxy_window
def __run_app_instance_commands(self):
Runs the series of app instance commands listed in the 'run_at_startup' setting
of the environment configuration yaml file.
# Build a dictionary mapping app instance names to dictionaries of commands they registered with the engine.
app_instance_commands = {}
for (command_name, value) in self.commands.items():
app_instance = value["properties"].get("app")
if app_instance:
# Add entry 'command name: command function' to the command dictionary of this app instance.
command_dict = app_instance_commands.setdefault(
app_instance.instance_name, {}
command_dict[command_name] = value["callback"]
commands_to_run = []
# Run the series of app instance commands listed in the 'run_at_startup' setting.
for app_setting_dict in self.get_setting("run_at_startup", []):
app_instance_name = app_setting_dict["app_instance"]
# Menu name of the command to run or '' to run all commands of the given app instance.
setting_command_name = app_setting_dict["name"]
# Retrieve the command dictionary of the given app instance.
command_dict = app_instance_commands.get(app_instance_name)
if command_dict is None:
"%s configuration setting 'run_at_startup' requests app '%s' that is not installed.",
if not setting_command_name:
# Run all commands of the given app instance.
for (command_name, command_function) in command_dict.items():
"%s startup running app '%s' command '%s'.",
# Run the command whose name is listed in the 'run_at_startup' setting.
command_function = command_dict.get(setting_command_name)
if command_function:
"%s startup running app '%s' command '%s'.",
known_commands = ", ".join(
"'%s'" % name for name in command_dict
"%s configuration setting 'run_at_startup' requests app '%s' unknown command '%s'. "
"Known commands: %s",
# no commands to run. just bail
if not commands_to_run:
# finally, run the commands
for command in commands_to_run:
# Pipeline config utils
def __get_pipeline_configuration_local_path(self, project):
Get the path to the local configuration (the one which stands in the Sgtk cache folder) in order to be able
to build a :class`sgtk.Sgtk` instance from this path
:param project: The project entity dict or id that we want to retrieve the config for.
The project entity dict is required to perform the fallback code to ensure the
pipeline config is loaded.
:type project: dict | int
:return: The local path to the config if we could determine which config to use, None otherwise.
:rtype: str
# For backward compatibility, allow passing the project id (instead of entity dict),
# though if only the id is given, then the fallback code to load the pipeline config
# will not be executed
if isinstance(project, dict):
project_id = project["id"]
project_id = project
project = None
plugin_id = "basic.desktop"
# first, start the toolkit manager to get all the pipeline configurations related to the distant project
# here, we are going to use the default plugin id "basic.*" to find the pipeline configurations
mgr = sgtk.bootstrap.ToolkitManager()
mgr.plugin_id = sgtk.commands.constants.DEFAULT_PLUGIN_ID
pipeline_configurations = mgr.get_pipeline_configurations(
{"type": "Project", "id": project_id}
if not pipeline_configurations:
"Couldn't retrieve any pipeline configuration linked to project {}".format(
if len(pipeline_configurations) == 1:
pipeline_config = pipeline_configurations[0]
# try to determine which configuration we want to use:
# 1- if one and only one pipeline configuration is restricted to this project, use it
# 2- if one pipeline configuration is named Primary and linked to this project, use it
# 3- reject all the other cases
pipeline_config = self.__get_project_pipeline_configuration(
pipeline_configurations, project_id
if not pipeline_config:
pipeline_config = self.__get_primary_pipeline_configuration(
pipeline_configurations, project_id
if not pipeline_config:
"Couldn't get the pipeline configuration linked to project {}: too many configurations".format(
return None
config_local_path = LocalFileStorageManager.get_configuration_root(
config_local_path = os.path.join(config_local_path, "cfg")
# If the config has not been loaded on on disk yet, force it to load before returning
# the path.
if project and not os.path.exists(config_local_path):
mgr = sgtk.bootstrap.ToolkitManager()
mgr.plugin_id = plugin_id
mgr.pipeline_configuration = pipeline_config["id"]
mgr.prepare_engine("tk-desktop", project)
return config_local_path
def __get_project_pipeline_configuration(self, pipeline_configurations, project_id):
Parse the pipeline configuration list in order to find if one of them is only used by this project.
:param pipeline_configurations: List of pipeline configurations to parse
:param project_id: Id of the project we want to get the pipeline configuration for
:returns: The pipeline configuration if only one config has been defined for this project, None otherwise.
pipeline_configuration = None
for pc in pipeline_configurations:
if not pc["project"]:
if pc["project"]["id"] == project_id:
if pipeline_configuration:
return None
pipeline_configuration = pc
return pipeline_configuration
def __get_primary_pipeline_configuration(self, pipeline_configurations, project_id):
Parse the pipeline configuration list in order to find if one of them has been defined as "Primary" for this
:param pipeline_configurations: List of pipeline configurations to parse
:param project_id: Id of the project we want to get the pipeline configuration for
:returns: The pipeline configuration if a "Primary" config has been found for this project, None otherwise.
for pc in pipeline_configurations:
if (
pc["project_id"] == project_id
and pc["name"]
== sgtk.commands.constants.PRIMARY_PIPELINE_CONFIG_NAME
return pc
except KeyError:
self.logger.warning("No project_id key for {}.".format(pc))
return None