Source code for context_fields_display

# Copyright (c) 2019 Shotgun Software Inc.
# This work is provided "AS IS" and subject to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit
# Source Code License included in this distribution package. See LICENSE.
# By accessing, using, copying or modifying this work you indicate your
# agreement to the Shotgun Pipeline Toolkit Source Code License. All rights
# not expressly granted therein are reserved by Shotgun Software Inc.
import sgtk

HookBaseClass = sgtk.get_hook_baseclass()

[docs]class ContextFieldsDisplay(HookBaseClass): """ Used to control the way the current context fields are displayed. """
[docs] def get_entity_fields(self, entity_type): """ Given a particular entity type for the current context, return a list of fields to query for display in the header. Note: the thumbnail ("image" field) query/display is handled by the engine and is not required to be returned by this method. :param entity_type: Shotgun entity type to return fields for :returns: ``list`` of Shotgun fields """ # supported by all normal fields base_fields = [ "id", "type", "tag_list", ] # supported by most entities std_fields = base_fields std_fields.extend(["code", "project", "sg_status_list", "description"]) # ---- fields for specific entity contexts if entity_type == "Project": fields = base_fields fields.extend(["name", "sg_status", "sg_description"]) elif entity_type == "Asset": fields = std_fields fields.extend(["sg_asset_type"]) elif entity_type == "Shot": fields = std_fields fields.extend( ["sg_cut_in", "sg_cut_out", "sg_head_in", "sg_tail_out", "sg_sequence"] ) elif entity_type == "Task": fields = base_fields fields.extend( [ "task_assignees", "due_date", "entity", "step", "sg_status_list", "project", "content", ] ) else: fields = std_fields return fields
[docs] def get_context_html(self, entity, sg_globals): """ Returns the html used to display the supplied context entity. This method is called once the engine has queried values for the fields returned from the ``get_entity_fields`` method. The supplied entity will be populated with the queried values for those fields. Note: The default implementation returns a table of field/value names that will display next to the entity's thumbnail. The thumbnail query, download, and display is handled by the engine, so the html returned here will be inserted to the right of that thumbnail. :param entity: Shotgun entity to display context fields for. :param sg_globals: A handle on the shotgun globals api provided via the shotgunutils framework. This is useful for querying display names for fields, statuses, etc. :returns: An html ``str`` that will be displayed in the panel. Here are some css classes that can be used to display text in various ways:: The name of a queried field such as: "Type", "Name", "Shot", "Asset", or some other text that doesn't hold a value from PTR or doesn't need emphasis: `sg_label` - grey label color `sg_label_td` - same as `sg_label` but includes alignment and other style for use in table data cells. The value of a queried field such as: "Character", "Shot01", "Bunny", or some other text that holds a value from PTR or needs emphasis: `sg_value` - brighter text `sg_value_td` - same as `sg_value` but includes alignment and other style for use in table data cells. See the default implementation for usage examples. """ if entity is None: # site context return self._get_site_html() # retrieve the html based on the entity type entity_type = entity.get("type") if entity_type == "Asset": html = self._get_asset_html(entity, sg_globals) elif entity_type == "Shot": html = self._get_shot_html(entity, sg_globals) elif entity_type == "Task": html = self._get_task_html(entity, sg_globals) else: # fallback for other entity types. html = self._get_entity_html(entity, sg_globals) return html
def _get_site_html(self): """Returns html for displaying a site context.""" site_url = self.parent.sgtk.shotgun_url site_display = site_url.split("//")[-1] site_link = self.parent.get_panel_link(site_url, site_display) return """ <table> <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>Site:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{name}</td> </tr> </table> """.format( name=site_link, ) def _get_asset_html(self, entity, sg_globals): """Returns html for displaying an asset context.""" asset_link = self._get_entity_sg_link(entity["code"], entity) status = sg_globals.get_status_display_name( entity["sg_status_list"], project_id=entity["project"]["id"] ) # always include name, type, and status html = """ <table> <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>Asset:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{name}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>Type:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{type}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>Status:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{status}</td> </tr> """.format( name=asset_link, type=entity["sg_asset_type"], status=status, ) # tags if there are any if entity["tag_list"]: tag_display = ", ".join(entity["tag_list"]) html += """ <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>Tags:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{tags}</td> </tr> """.format( tags=tag_display, ) # description if there is one if entity["description"]: html += """ <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>Desc:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{desc}</td> </tr> """.format( desc=entity["description"] ) # close up the table html += "</table>" return html def _get_shot_html(self, entity, sg_globals): """Returns html for displaying a shot context.""" shot_link = self._get_entity_sg_link(entity["code"], entity) status = sg_globals.get_status_display_name( entity["sg_status_list"], project_id=entity["project"]["id"] ) # by default show the shot url shot_display = shot_link # include seq name next to shot name if there is one. # display it as a field name to allow shot name to stand out seq = entity["sg_sequence"] if seq: seq_name = seq["name"] seq_link = self._get_entity_sg_link(seq_name, seq) shot_display = """ {name}&nbsp;<span class='sg_label'>({seq_name})</span> """.format( name=shot_link, seq_name=seq_link, ) # always include name, type, and status html = """ <table> <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>Shot:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{name}</td> </tr> <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>Status:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{status}</td> </tr> """.format( name=shot_display, status=status, ) # tags if there are any if entity["tag_list"]: tag_display = ", ".join(entity["tag_list"]) html += """ <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>Tags:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{tags}</td> </tr> """.format( tags=tag_display, ) # ---- show some cut info if available cut_display = None # cut in/out if entity["sg_cut_in"] is not None and entity["sg_cut_out"] is not None: cut_display = """ {cut_in} - {cut_out} """.format( cut_in=entity["sg_cut_in"], cut_out=entity["sg_cut_out"] ) # include head/tail if set if ( cut_display and entity["sg_head_in"] is not None and entity["sg_tail_out"] is not None ): cut_display = """ <small><span class='sg_label'>{head_in} | </span></small> {cut_display} <small><span class='sg_label'> | {tail_out}</span></small> """.format( head_in=entity["sg_head_in"], cut_display=cut_display, tail_out=entity["sg_tail_out"], ) if cut_display: html += """ <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>Cut:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{cut_display}</td> </tr> """.format( cut_display=cut_display, ) # description if there is one if entity["description"]: html += """ <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>Desc:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{desc}</td> </tr> """.format( desc=entity["description"] ) # close up the table html += "</table>" return html def _get_task_html(self, entity, sg_globals): """Returns html for displaying a task context.""" task_link = self._get_entity_sg_link(entity["content"], entity) status = sg_globals.get_status_display_name( entity["sg_status_list"], project_id=entity["project"]["id"] ) # by default show the shot url task_display = task_link # include step name next to shot name if not the same. # display it as a field name to allow shot name to stand out step = entity["step"] if step: step_name = step["name"] if step_name != entity["content"]: task_display = """ {name}&nbsp;<span class='sg_label'>({step_name})</span> """.format( name=task_display, step_name=step_name, ) # always include name html = """ <table> <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>Task:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{name}</td> </tr> """.format( name=task_display ) # entity if entity["entity"]: linked_entity = entity["entity"] if "name" in linked_entity: linked_entity_display = linked_entity["name"] else: linked_entity_display = linked_entity["code"] linked_entity_link = self._get_entity_sg_link( linked_entity_display, linked_entity ) html += """ <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>{entity_type}:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{name}</td> </tr> """.format( entity_type=linked_entity["type"], name=linked_entity_link, ) # always show the status html += """ <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>Status:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{status}</td> </tr> """.format( status=status ) # artist if entity["task_assignees"]: assignee_entities = entity["task_assignees"] assignee_links = [] for assignee_entity in assignee_entities: asignee_name = assignee_entity["name"] assignee_links.append( self._get_entity_sg_link(asignee_name, assignee_entity) ) assignee_display = ", ".join(assignee_links) assignee_label = "Artists" if len(assignee_entities) > 1 else "Artist" html += """ <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>{label}:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{name}</td> </tr> """.format( label=assignee_label, name=assignee_display, ) # due date if entity["due_date"]: html += """ <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>Due:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{date}</td> </tr> """.format( date=entity["due_date"], ) # close up the table html += "</table>" return html def _get_entity_html(self, entity, sg_globals): """Returns html for displaying a generic entity context.""" # default to name, fall back to code entity_display = entity.get("name", entity.get("code")) entity_link = self._get_entity_sg_link(entity_display, entity) entity_type = entity["type"] # always include type/name html = """ <table> <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>{entity_type}:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{name}</td> </tr> """.format( entity_type=entity_type, name=entity_link, ) # show a status if one can be determined status = None if "sg_status_list" in entity: status = sg_globals.get_status_display_name( entity["sg_status_list"], project_id=entity.get("project", {}).get("id") ) elif "sg_status" in entity: status = entity["sg_status"] if status: html += """ <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>Status:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{status}</td> </tr> """.format( status=status, ) # tags if there are any if entity["tag_list"]: tag_display = ", ".join(entity["tag_list"]) html += """ <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>Tags:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{tags}</td> </tr> """.format( tags=tag_display, ) # description if there is one desc = None if "description" in entity: desc = entity["description"] elif "sg_description" in entity: desc = entity["sg_description"] if desc: html += """ <tr> <td class='sg_label_td'>Desc:</td> <td class='sg_value_td'>{desc}</td> </tr> """.format( desc=desc ) # close up the table html += "</table>" return html def _get_entity_sg_link(self, text, entity): """ Given some text, return html formatted link to the given entity in PTR. """ url = "%s/detail/%s/%d" % ( self.parent.sgtk.shotgun_url, entity["type"], entity["id"], ) return self.parent.get_panel_link(url, text)