Flow Production Tracking Python API library

Release v3.8.1. (Installation)


Flow Production Tracking (FPTR) provides a simple Python-based API for accessing FPTR and integrating with other tools. The Flow Production Tracking API3, also known as “Python API”, allows users to integrate their tools with Flow Production Tracking very easily. Using this simple but powerful python module, you can quickly get your scripts integrated with Flow Production Tracking’s CRUD-based API.

Because the needs of every studio can prove to be very different, we don’t include a lot of “automation” or “smarts” in our API. We have kept it pretty low-level and leave most of those decisions to you. The API is powerful enough you can write your own “smarts” in a wrapper on top of the of the FPTR API3.

Overview Video of Setting Up Your Environment with the Python API

In addition to basic metadata, the API contains methods for managing media including thumbnails, filmstrip thumbnails, images, uploaded, and both locally and remotely linked media like Quicktimes, etc.


sg = shotgun_api3.Shotgun("https://my-site.shotgrid.autodesk.com",
sg.find("Shot", filters=[["sg_status_list", "is", "ip"]], fields=["code", "sg_status_list"])


[{'code': 'bunny_020_0170',
  'id': 896,
  'sg_sequence': {'id': 5, 'name': 'bunny_020', 'type': 'Sequence'},
  'sg_status_list': 'ip',
  'type': 'Shot'},
 {'code': 'bunny_020_0200',
  'id': 899,
  'sg_sequence': {'id': 5, 'name': 'bunny_020', 'type': 'Sequence'},
  'sg_status_list': 'ip',
  'type': 'Shot'},
 {'code': 'bunny_030_0080',
  'id': 907,
  'sg_sequence': {'id': 6, 'name': 'bunny_030', 'type': 'Sequence'},
  'sg_status_list': 'ip',
  'type': 'Shot'}]

User Guide

Indices and tables