ERROR 18:13:28.365:Hiero(34236): Error! Task type

Use case:

After updating to config_default2, nuke_studio does not initialize. Under Nuke 12.0 studio I get no errors in the script editor, but in Nuke 11.1v3 I get:

ERROR 18:13:28.365:Hiero(34236): Error! Task type tk_hiero_export.sg_shot_processor.ShotgunShotProcessor Not recognised

Without fail after a rollback, it still does not initialize the tk-nuke engine, and ShotGrid fails to load anything…

The community post includes a full log for further details.

What’s causing the error?

It’s not treating it as a NukeStudio launch, and is probably instead treating it as a standard Nuke launch.

The defined a Nuke Studio Software entity, with a path, and set the args to -studio. The arg needs to be --studio.

How to fix

The args on the software entity need to be set to -studio.

See the full thread in the community.

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