TankError: Cannot resolve template data for context

Use Case

When doing an advanced project setup on a new project and using the standalone Publisher app from ShotGrid Desktop to publish some images for a new asset task I’ve created, after selecting the context to validate the publish, the following error is presented:

creation for %s and try again!" % (self, self.shotgun_url))
TankError: Cannot resolve template data for context ‘concept, Asset door-01’ - this context does not have any associated folders created on disk yet and therefore no template data can be extracted. Please run the folder creation for and try again!

Running tank.bat Asset door-01 folders in a terminal resolved this. However, this has never happened on any previous projects.

How to fix

This may have happened due to this being the first time attempting to standalone publish for a new entity/task without going through a DCC first.

The reason it probably did not happened before is because you’ve started work on the asset in a Software prior to using the standalone publisher, so the folders have already been created/synced. Launching a Software (via Toolkit) will create the folders for the context you launch in, and the open app will create the folders for the context you start a new file in. So usually you don’t need to specifically create folders.

A common practice is that studios generally create folders manually after the shots/assets have been added in ShotGrid.

Keep in mind also that this is affected by your “folder schema”, which can cause weird issues if it doesn’t completely match the templates.

See the full thread in the community

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