Failed to change work area - Error during execution of MEL script

Use Case

When creating a new special pipeline configuration for freelancers who don’t have access to the network, we created a new root name and pointed it to another path. The production pipeline configuration has the roots paths pointed to our file server.

But when creating a new file with tk-multi-workfiles on Maya, the following error occurs:

Failed to change work area - Error during execution of MEL script: file: C:/Program files/Autodesk/Maya2019/scripts/others/setProject.mel line 332: New project location C:\VetorZero\work\Shotgun-workflow_completo\sequences\Seq_001\SH_010\ANIM\maya is not a valid directory, project not created.
Calling Procedure: setProject, in file “C:\Program Files\Shotgun\c” set project(“C:\Vetorzero\work\SHOTGUN-workflow_completo\sequences\Seq_001\SH_010\ANIM\maya”)

It created the folder, but it did not create the folder “maya”.

How to fix

Check to make sure the the folder “maya” was not deleted by mistake. This error has been presented in cases where it was.

See the full thread in the community

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