[ERROR] Attempted to communicate without completing encryption handshake

Use case:

Having trouble getting the browser integration of ShotGrid Desktop up and running.

Launching Shotgun Desktop tells me the webserver is running:

[    INFO] WebSocketServerFactory (TLS) starting on 9000
[    INFO] Starting factory 

…followed by loads of debug records which do not show any errors.

When logging into the ShotGrid site, I get:

[ INFO] Connection accepted.

Right-clicking on a project tells me that ShotGrid is retrieving actions and gives me the following log output:

[    INFO] Connection accepted.
[   ERROR] Attempted to communicate without completing encryption handshake.
[   ERROR] Attempted to communicate without completing encryption handshake.
[    INFO] Connection closed.
[   DEBUG] Reason received for connection loss: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): : Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion: Connection lost.

Opening a project in ShotGrid produces the following log output:

[    INFO] Connection accepted.
[   ERROR] Attempted to communicate without completing encryption handshake.
[   ERROR] Attempted to communicate without completing encryption handshake.
[   ERROR] Attempted to communicate without completing encryption handshake.
[   ERROR] Attempted to communicate without completing encryption handshake.
[ WARNING] dropping connection to peer tcp4: with abort=True: WebSocket closing handshake timeout (peer did not finish the opening handshake in time)
[    INFO] Connection closed.
[   DEBUG] Reason received for connection loss: [Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): : Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion: Connection lost.

How to fix:

Add shotgunlocalhost.com to the proxy bypass list.

Example of what’s causing this error:

Proxy configuration.

See the full thread in the community.

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